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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 2003

Psychology and Folklore by Marett, R. R.
Losing Weight Feeling Great with Self Hypnosis by Elizabeth, Catherine
Great Psychological Crime by Richardson, J. E.
Yoga and Western Psychology: A Comparison by Coster, Geraldine
Leven Met Een Ontwijkende Persoonlijkheidsstoornis by Korrelboom, C. W., Berretty, E. W., Swaen, S. J.
Handbook of Eating Disorders by
The Therapist's Notebook for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients: Homework, Handouts, and Activities for Use in Psychotherapy by Whitman, Joy S., Boyd, Cynthia J.
Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought by
The Primal Wound by Verrier, Nancy N.
From Goals to Data and Back Again: Adding Backbone to Developmental Intervention for Children with Autism by Lehman, Jill Fain, Klaw, Rebecca
Essentials of PAI Assessment by Morey, Leslie C.
Schamanismus Und Schizophrenie by Dehnhardt, René
From This Day Forward by Fisher, Patricia a.
Supervising and Being Supervised: A Practice in Search of a Theory by Wiener, Jan, Mizen, Richard, Duckham, Jenny
Weiterbildung in Systemaufstellungen: Grundzüge und Details der Aufstellungsarbeit Bert Hellingers auf verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten by Rauscher, Karl-Heinz
Counselling for Anxiety Problems by Sanders, Diana J., Wills, Frank
Functional and Neural Mechanisms of Interval Timing by
Reporting in Counselling and Psychotherapy: A Trainee's Guide to Preparing Case Studies and Reports by Cross, Malcolm, Bor, Robert, Papadopoulos, Linda
20/20 Thinking: 1,000 Powerful Strategies to Sharpen Your Mind, Brighten Your Mood, and Boost Your Memory by Greenwood-Robinson, Maggie
Von der Balintgruppe zur Interaktionelle Fallarbeit (IFA) by Serge K. D., Sulz
The Good, the Bad & the Difference: How to Tell the Right From Wrong in Everyday Situations by Cohen, Randy
Veränderung von EEG-Kohärenzen nach Stimulusdarbietungen in Abhängigkeit von zerebralen Aktivierungsasymmetrien by Wunder, Martin
Cognitive Dimensions of Social Science: The Way We Think about Politics, Economics, Law, and Society by Turner, Mark
Teaching Freud by
Keeping America Sane: Psychiatry and Eugenics in the United States and Canada, 1880 1940 by Dowbiggin, Ian Robert
Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event Occurrence by Singer, Judith D., Willett, John B.
International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2003, Volume 18 by
Schema Therapy: A Practitioner's Guide by Weishaar, Marjorie E., Klosko, Janet S., Young, Jeffrey E.
Visual Information Processing by Murata-Soraci, Kimiyo
Cultural Guidance in the Development of the Human Mind by Toomela, Aaro
Cultural Guidance in the Development of the Human Mind by Toomela, Aaro
Progress in Asian Social Psychology: Conceptual and Empirical Contributions by Yang, Kuo-Shu, Hwang, Kwang-Kuo, Pedersen, Paul
Truth About Spiritism and Hypnotism by Peterson, E. H.
Hypnotism by Sextus, Carl
Temperament: Infancy Through Adolescence the Fullerton Longitudinal Study by Guerin, Diana Wright, Oliver, Pamella H., Gottfried, Allen W.
Superminds: People Harness Hypercomputation, and More by Bringsjord, Selmer, Zenzen, M.
Superminds: People Harness Hypercomputation, and More by Zenzen, M., Bringsjord, Selmer
Damnation and Deviance: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Failure by Rotenberg, Mordechai
Psychoanalysis the Key to Your Success by Dukette, Eugene R.
Freud, der Wunsch, der Mord, die Wissenschaft und die Psychoanalyse by Schneider, Peter
Mothering, Breast Cancer and Selfhood by Walker, Lynette
Key Concepts in Psychoanalysis by Frosh, Stephen
Counselling Skills for Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors by Freshwater
Levine's Guide to SPSS for Analysis of Variance by MacKinnon, David P., Braver, Sanford L., Page, Melanie
Williams Syndrome: An International Journal of Life-Span Issues in Neuropsychology by
Mental Health Care of Deaf People: A Culturally Affirmative Approach by
Gambling: Who Wins? Who Loses? by
Unformulated Experience: From Dissociation to Imagination in Psychoanalysis by Stern, Donnel B.
Group Creativity: Music, Theater, Collaboration by Sawyer, R. Keith
Madri Pervasive e Figli Dominanti by Accati, Luisa
Managing Intense Emotions and Overcoming Self-Destructive Habits: A Self-Help Manual by Bell, Lorraine
Psychology of Hope: You Can Get Here from There by Snyder, C. R.
Key Concepts in Psychoanalysis by Frosh, Stephen
User's Manual for the Brain, Volume II: Mastering Systemic Nlp by Bodenhamer, Bob G., Hall, L. Michael
The Demon and the Angel: Searching for the Source of Artistic Inspiration by Hirsch, Edward
Group Creativity: Music, Theater, Collaboration by Sawyer, R. Keith
Individual Assessment: As Practiced in Industry and Consulting by Prien, Kristin O., Schippmann, Jeffery S.
Individual Assessment: As Practiced in Industry and Consulting by Schippmann, Jeffery S., Prien, Kristin O.
Depression Fallout: The Impact of Depression on Couples and What You Can Do to Preserve the Bond by Sheffield, Anne
Groups in Music: Strategies from Music Therapy by Pavlicevic, Mercedes
Social Construction: A Reader by
Sigmund Freud by Jacobs, Michael
Trauma, the Body and Transformation: A Narrative Inquiry by
Machinery of the Mind by Firth, Violet M.
Hypnotism by de Laurence, L. W.
Geometrical Psychology by Cook, Louisa S.
Executive Coaching: Exploding the Myths by Chapman, T., Best, B., Casteren, P. Van
Essentials of Education by Steiner, Rudolf
Freud's Answer: The Social Origins of Our Psychoanalytic Century by Wain, Martin
The Contemporary American Family: A Dialectical Perspective on Communication and Relationships by
The Contemporary American Family: A Dialectical Perspective on Communication and Relationships by
Substance Use and Abuse: Cultural and Historical Perspectives by Durrant, Russil, Thakker, Jo
Erinnerungsinduzierte Vergessensphänomene by Mammen, Tanja
Combined Modality Therapy of Central Nervous System Tumors by
Im Zug Der Zeit: Verkürzter Aufenthalt in Der Gegenwart by Lübbe, Hermann
Substance Use and Abuse: Cultural and Historical Perspectives by Thakker, Jo, Durrant, Russil
The Psychology of Economic Decisions: Volume 1: Rationality and Well-Being by
The Psychology of Economic Decisions: Volume 1: Rationality and Well-Being by
Words That Touch: A Psychoanalyst Learns to Speak by Quinodoz, Danielle
Visuo-Spatial Working Memory and Individual Differences by Cornoldi, Cesare, Vecchi, Tomaso
Health and Safety in Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective by
Cults in Our Midst: The Continuing Fight Against Their Hidden Menace by Singer, Margaret Thaler
Handeln Und Unterlassen: Ethik Und Recht in Den Grenzbereichen Von Medizin Und Psychologie by
Traumatic Experience in the Unconscious Life of Groups: The Fourth Basic Assumption: Incohesion: Aggregation/Massification or (Ba) I: A/M by Hopper, Earl
Erste Hilfe Für Die Psyche by Hansch, Dietmar
Behavioral Science and Human Survival by Schwebel, Milton
Archetype, Attachment, Analysis: Jungian Psychology and the Emergent Mind by Knox, Jean
Aspects of the Masculine by Jung, C. G.
Aspects of the Feminine by Jung, C. G.
The Language of Children by Gillen, Julia
Opening the Inner Eye: Explorations on the Practical Application of Intuition in Daily Life and Work by Kautz, William H.
Winning the Mind Game: Using Hypnosis in Sport Psychology by Edgette, John H., Rowan, Tim
Social Research: Theory, Methods and Techniques by Corbetta, Piergiorgio
Quality of Life Research: A Critical Introduction by Rapley, Mark
International Review of Research in Mental Retardation: Volume 26 by
Attachment and Intersubjectivity by Diamond, Nicola, Marrone, Mario
Dark Continents: Psychoanalysis and Colonialism by Khanna, Ranjana
Art Therapy and Eating Disorders: The Self as Significant Form by Rabin, Mury
Art Therapy and Eating Disorders: The Self as Significant Form by Rabin, Mury
Man for Himself: An Inquiry Into the Psychology of Ethics by Fromm, Erich
Coming Home Again: A Family-Of-Origin Consultation by Framo, James L., Weber, Timothy T., Levine, Felise B.
Advances in the Study of Behavior: Volume 32 by
Therapist's Guide to Substance Abuse Intervention by Johnson, Sharon L.
Lsd, Spirituality, and the Creative Process: Based on the Groundbreaking Research of Oscar Janiger, M.D. by Janiger, Oscar, de Rios, Marlene Dobkin
Child Lore by Herbert, S.
Eigennamen Referieren - Referieren Mit Eigennamen: Zur Kontextinvarianz Der Namentlichen Bezugnahme by Hörnig, Robin
Disability: A Life Course Approach by Priestley, Mark
Being Homeless: Textual and Narrative Constructions by Marvasti, Amir B.
I Thought We'd Never Speak Again: The Road from Estrangement to Reconciliation by Davis, Laura
Ancient Religious Wisdom, Spirituality and Psychoanalysis by Marcus, Paul
Intimate Relationships and How to Improve Them: Integrating Theoretical Models with Preventive and Psychotherapeutic Applications by Degiacomo, Piero, L'Abate, Luciano
Regression: A Universal Experience by Doyle, Averil
Scientific Research Effectiveness: The Organisational Dimension by
The Neurological Basis of Learning, Development and Discovery: Implications for Science and Mathematics Instruction by Lawson, Anton E.
No Best Way: An Evolutionary Perspective on Human Resource Management by Colarelli, Stephen
Situating Sadness: Women and Depression in Social Context by
Lifting the Veil of Mental Illness: An Approach to Anthroposophical Psychology by Bento, William
The Microanalysis of Political Communication: Claptrap and Ambiguity by Bull, Peter
Körperbilder by
Cultures of the Death Drive: Melanie Klein and Modernist Melancholia by Sánchez-Pardo, Esther
Paradox of Organizational Change: Engineering Organizations with Behavioral Systems Analysis by Malott, Maria
Pointing: Where Language, Culture, and Cognition Meet by
Festschrift for Howard E. Gruber: A Special Issue of the creativity Research Journal by
European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 13 by
Situating Sadness: Women and Depression in Social Context by
Talk of Love: How Culture Matters by Swidler, Ann
Building Trust: In Business, Politics, Relationships, and Life by Solomon, Robert C.
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by Gray, John
Clinical Klein by Hinshelwood, R. D., Hinshelwood, Robert D.
Models of Collaboration: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals Working with Health Care Practitioners by
The Sibling Bond by Kahn, Michael, Bank, Stephen P.
The Shared Experience of Illness by
Ears of the Angels by Spear, Deena Zalkind
Positive Outlook From Therapy: From the Other Side of the Fence by Stewart, James
The Power of Physical Intelligence: 10 Ways to Tap Into Your Physical Genius by Buzan, Tony
Clinician's Guide to Cultural Psychiatry by Tseng, Wen-Shing
Reading Through Colour: How Coloured Filters Can Reduce Reading Difficulty, Eye Strain, and Headaches by Wilkins, Arnold
Analysis of Survey Data by
Terrorists, Victims and Society: Psychological Perspectives on Terrorism and Its Consequences by
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Older People by Gallagher-Thompson, Dolores, Laidlaw, Ken, Thompson, Larry W.
Clinical Interpretation of the Wais-III and Wms-III by Saklofske, Donald H., Tulsky, David S., Chelune, Gordon J.
The Word as a Physiological and Therapeutic Factor: The Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy According to I. P. Pavlov by Platonov, K. I.
Rival Truths: Common Sense and Social Psychological Explanations in Health and Illness by Claire, Lindsay St
Encountering Buddhism: Western Psychology and Buddhist Teachings by
The Secret Life of Men: A Practical Guide to Helping Men Discover Health, Happiness and Deeper Personal Relationships by Biddulph, Steve
School Mobbing and Emotional Abuse: See It, Stop It, Prevent It, with Dignity and Respect by Elliott, Gail Pursell
The Almighty Dollar: A Psychiatrist Looks at Money by Lowenkopf, Eugene L.
The Almighty Dollar: A Psychiatrist Looks at Money by Lowenkopf, Eugene L.
Family Romance, Family Secrets: Case Notes from an American Psychoanalysis, 1912 by Lunbeck, Elizabeth, Simon, Bennett
Ecology of Ungulates: A Handbook of Species in Eastern Europe and Northern and Central Asia by Danell, Kjell, Baskin, Leonid
The Don't Sweat Guide for Newlyweds: Finding What Matters Most in the First Year by Carlson, Richard
Coping and Complaining: Attachment and the Language of Disease by Wilkinson, Simon R.
Psychoanalysis and the Paranormal: Lands of Darkness by Totton, Nick
An Ecological Approach to Perceptual Learning and Development by Gibson, Eleanor J., Pick, Anne D.
Culturally Diverse Mental Health: The Challenges of Research and Resistance by Iwamasa, Gayle y., Mio, Jeffery Scott
The Roots of Nazi Psychology: Hitler's Utopian Barbarism by Gonen, Jay Y.
NLP Made Easy by Harris, Carol
Mind and Success by Williams, W. Ellis
Spiritual Therapeutics Or Divine Science by Colville, W. J., Kingsford, Anna Bonus
Pscyho Therapeutics Or Treatment By Hypnotism and Suggestion by Tuckey, C. Lloyd
Practical Psychoanalysis by Hunt, H. Ernest
Wj III Clinical Use and Interpretation: Scientist-Practitioner Perspectives by
Discovering Your Personality Type: The Essential Introduction to the Enneagram by Hudson, Russ, Riso, Don Richard
On Our Mind: Salience, Context, and Figurative Language by Giora, Rachel
Schizotypische Persönlichkeitsstörung: Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung, Soziale Phobie by Weshavel, Kurt-Heinrich
The Big W And A Dog Named Dylan by Zimmerman, Napoleon
Eldercare for Dummies by Zukerman, Rachelle
The Couch and the Silver Screen: Psychoanalytic Reflections on European Cinema by
Science and the Soul: Christian Faith and Psychological Research by
Culture and Children's Intelligence: Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Wisc-III by
Psychology, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, and the Politics of Human Relationships by Simon, Laurence
Migration: Immigration and Emigration in International Perspective by
Essential Biological Psychology by Martin, G. Neil
Culturally Diverse Mental Health: The Challenges of Research and Resistance by Mio, Jeffery Scott, Iwamasa, Gayle y.
Why Do Men Barbecue?: Recipes for Cultural Psychology by Shweder, Richard a.
A Theory of Immediate Awareness: Self-Organization and Adaptation in Natural Intelligence by Estep, M.
September 11: Trauma and Human Bonds by
Multimind: A New Way of Looking at Human Behavior by Ornstein, Robert
Facing the World with Soul by Sardello, Robert
The Analyst's Analyst Within by Tessman, Lora H.
Self-Made Men: Identity and Embodiment Among Transsexual Men by Rubin, Henry
Mind, Brain, and Language: Multidisciplinary Perspectives by
Self-Made Men: Identity and Embodiment Among Transsexual Men by Rubin, Henry
Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty! by Batmanghelidj, F.
Healing Lost Souls: Releasing Unwanted Spirits from Your Energy Body by Baldwin, William J.
Future of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy by King, Lucy, Randall, Rosemary
Psychology, Religion and Spirituality by Fontana, David
Psychology, Religion and Spirituality by Fontana, David
Understanding Human Nature by Adler, Alfred
Next Steps with SPSS by Einspruch, Eric L.
Mental Science: A Compendium of Psychology and the History of Philosophy by Bain, Alexander
The Pathways to Peace Anger Management Workbook by Fleeman, William
The Pathways to Peace Anger Management Workbook by Fleeman, William
Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Volume 43 by
The Psychology of Problem Solving by
The Psychology of Problem Solving by
Attachment Processes in Couple and Family Therapy by
Boys Who Have Abused: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Victim/Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse by Woods, John
Experiential Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: A Manual by Osimo, Ferruccio
Self-Stabilizing Systems: 6th International Symposium, SSS 2003, San Francisco, Ca, Usa, June 24-25, 2003, Proceedings by
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