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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 2011

Foundations of Cognitive Psychology by Chassy, Philippe, Gobet, Fernand
David Bowie - Station to Station by Jacke, Andreas
Skills of Clinical Supervision for Nurses: A Practical Guide for Supervisees, Clinical Supervisors and Managers by Holland Stevie, Bond, Meg, Bond Meg
Paradigm Shift: The Palin Matrix: The Progressive Left Strikes Back! by Orr, Floyd M.
Jugendbewegung - Jugendforschung by Bernfeld, Siegfried
Shopping for a Shrink /Finding the Right Psychotherapist for You or Your Child /Sound Advice and Stories to Change Your Life by Goldstein, Stanley
Psychoanalytic Mythologies by Parker, Ian
Embodiment, Emotion, and Cognition by Maiese, Michelle
Crime Prevention, Security and Community Safety Using the 5is Framework by Ekblom, P.
Total Institutions and Reinvented Identities by Scott, S.
Marx and Alienation: Essays on Hegelian Themes by Sayers, Sean
Constructions of Remembering and Metacognition: Essays in Honour of Bruce Whittlesea by
Jungian and Dialogical Self Perspectives by
Lacanian Ethics and the Assumption of Subjectivity by Neill, C.
The Moral Dimensions of Empathy: Limits and Applications in Ethical Theory and Practice by Oxley, J.
Cognitive Ecologies and the History of Remembering: Religion, Education and Memory in Early Modern England by Keene, N., Tribble, E.
Kommunikationstrainings für Paare: EPL & KEK: Interventionen auf Familien- und institutioneller Ebene by Fuchs, Stefanie
Emotion and Art by Ruskan, John
Nationalizing the Body: The Medical Market, Print and Daktari Medicine by Mukharji, Projit Bihari
Outliers: The Story of Success by Gladwell, Malcolm
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief Approaches to a Science of Life by Powers, William T., Runkel, Philip J.
Soul Reunion: The Return Home from Separation by Shier, Susann Taylor
Parts Psychology: A Trauma-Based, Self-State Therapy for Emotional Healing by Noricks, Jay
Warrior's Guide to Psychology and Performance: What You Should Know about Yourself and Others by Tepe, Victoria, Mastroianni, George, Palmer, Barbara
Where Do Ideas Come From?: The Hidden Dimension of Creative Thinking by Bar Yona, Itzhak
Theory and Practice of International Mediation: Selected Essays by Bercovitch, Jacob
How to Be a Mentalist: Master the Secrets Behind the Hit TV Show by Winthrop, Simon
Your Kids Are Your Own Fault: A Fix-the-Way-You-Parent Guide for Raising Responsible, Productive Adults by Winget, Larry
Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error by Schulz, Kathryn
You Say More Than You Think: Use the New Body Language to Get What You Want!, the 7-Day Plan by Driver, Janine, Van Aalst, Mariska
Maidens in the Red Tent by McCrystal, Mary
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Murphy, Joseph
Culture and Neural Frames of Cognition and Communication by
The Best of Yourself / Le Meilleur de soi-même: Empathie, attachement et personnalité by Gourion, David, Lôo, Henri
Our Unconscious Mind And How To Use It: Mind by Pierce, Frederick
Adolescent Rationality and Development: Cognition, Morality, and Identity by Moshman, David
Panorama of Psychology by Vardanyan, Vilen
Close Relationships by Regan, Pamela
Lacan and Klein, Creation and Discovery: An Essay of Reintroduction by Rosen-Carole, Adam
From Classical to Contemporary Psychoanalysis: A Critique and Integration by Eagle, Morris N.
Handling Children's Aggression Constructively: Toward Taming Human Destructiveness by Parens, Henri
Imind: The Art of Change and Self-Therapy by Arnold, David S.
Imind: The Art of Change and Self-Therapy by Arnold, David S.
Integrative Assessment in Clinical Psychology by
Close Relationships by Regan, Pamela
Towards an Understanding of Language Learner Self-Concept by Mercer, Sarah
The Human Show: Through the Eyes of Just One Man by Findlay, Sean S.
What is Creativity?: Originality, Art & Invention by King, John
Creating Balance?: International Perspectives on the Work-Life Integration of Professionals by
The People of the Eye: Deaf Ethnicity and Ancestry by Lane, Harlan
"Ich bin nicht du und weiß dich nicht." Der Paar-Dialog als therapeutische Intervention in der Integrativen Therapie. by Cubasch, Cornelia
Gender Stereotyping: Transnational Legal Perspectives by Cusack, Simone, Cook, Rebecca J.
Psychopathology of Everyday Life: Introduction by A. A. Brill by Freud, Sigmund
Der Partner als Komponente des Selbstkonzepts by Dittmar, Jasmin
The Human Show: Through the Eyes of Just One Man by Findlay, Sean S.
Patterns of Destruction: Counseling for Victims of Family Violence by Dekoven, Stan
Die Liebesbeziehung als Ressource zur Kompensation von Unsicherheit by Dittmar, Jasmin
Dovegate: A Therapeutic Community in a Private Prison and Developments in Therapeutic Work with Personality Disordered Offenders by MacKenzie, Judith, Cullen, Eric
The Freudian Slip: Psychoanalysis and Textual Criticism by Timpanaro, Sebastiano
Markets on Trial: The Economic Sociology of the U.S. Financial Crisis by
Basic Mental Concepts - Their Clinical and Theoretical Value by Glover, Edward
The Unknown Murderer by Reik, Theodor
The Secret Self - Psychoanalytic Experiences in Life and Literature by Reik, Theodor
Ritual Psycho-Analytic Studies by Reik, Theodor
Free To Be You by Chkoreff, Larry
Creative Imagination - Studies in the Psychology of Literature by Downey, June E.
Gemeinsam einsam fernsehen: Eine Untersuchung zum Einfluss sozialer Hinweisreize auf die Filmrezeption by Blicker-Dielmann, Alexander
Our Moment of Choice: Walking the Crucible of Our Creation by Blackburn, Bryon DeMille
Competency-Based Assessments in Mental Health Practice: Cases and Practical Applications by Gray, Susan W.
The Positive Psychology of Personal Transformation: Leveraging Resilience for Life Change by Garbarino, James
Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education, Volume 1 by
Jung's Personality Theory Quantified by Wilde, Douglass J.
A Psychologist Looks at Love by Reik, Theodor
What Your Dreams Mean by Hespro, Herbert
Behavioral Neurobiology of Eating Disorders by
Zum Zusammenhang von psychopathologischer Auffälligkeit, Aggressivität und Delinquenz mit Regelverletzendem Verhalten von Frauen in Haft by Gudd, Jonny
Personal Branding im Spannungsfeld postmoderner Identitätsbildung by Jeske, Birgit
Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives -- How Your Friends' Friends' Friends Affect by Christakis, Nicholas A., Fowler, James H.
I, Mammal: How to Make Peace With the Animal Urge for Social Power by Breuning, Loretta Graziano
Resilienzförderung Mit Kindern: Kinderpsychodrama Band 2 by Aichinger, Alfons
Berufsvorbereitung Aus Entwicklungspsychologischer Perspektive: Theorie, Empirie Und PRAXIS by Casper-Kroll, Thomas
Jugendliche Intensivtäter: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven by
Organisation Und Entscheidung by Luhmann, Niklas
Mothers in Capital Letters / Mères majuscules by Brun, Danièle
New Interpretation of Dreams / La Nouvelle Interprétation des rêves by Nathan, Tobie
Tales from the Therapy Room: Shrink-Wrapped by Lapworth, Phil
Ocd Treatment Through Storytelling: A Strategy for Successful Therapy by Weg, Allen Howard
Handbook of Ethics in Quantitative Methodology by
Die Bedeutung des Schlafes für die Gedächtniskonsolidierung by Graber, Tina
Vorgesetztenbeurteilung im Rahmen eines 360° Feedback by Lippert, Claudia
Sex, Love, and Mental Illness: A Couple's Guide to Staying Connected by Buehler, Stephanie
Rapid Relief from Emotional Distress II: Blame Thinking Is Bad for Your Mental Health by Campbell, James E.
Rapid Relief from Emotional Distress II: Blame Thinking Is Bad for Your Mental Health by Campbell, James E.
The Journey Home by Goddard, Horace I.
Psychology and the Soul by Rank, Otto
Kilmanns Organizational Belief Survey by Kilmann, Ralph H.
Kilmanns Time-Gap Survey by Kilmann, Ralph H.
Kilmann-Covin Organizational Influence Survey by Covin, Teresa Joyce, Kilmann, Ralph H.
Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap(R) Survey by Saxton, Mary J., Kilmann, Ralph H.
Work Sheets for Identifying and Closing Team-Gaps by Kilmann, Ralph H.
Organizational Courage Assessment by O'Hara, Linda A., Strauss, Judy P., Kilmann, Ralph H.
Work Sheets for Identifying and Closing Culture-Gaps by Kilmann, Ralph H.
Kilmanns Team-Gap Survey by Kilmann, Ralph H.
Gendered Situations, Gendered Selves: A Gender Lens on Social Psychology by Renfrow, Daniel G., Howard, Judith A., Hollander, Jocelyn A.
The Signs of a Savant by Smith, Neil, Tsimpli, Ianthi, Morgan, Gary
The Signs of a Savant by Smith, Neil, Tsimpli, Ianthi, Morgan, Gary
Exploring Therapy, Spirituality and Healing by West, William N.
Rationality and the Pursuit of by Bernard, Michael E.
Angeber Haben Mehr Vom Leben by Uhl, Matthias, Voland, Eckart
How Methamphetamine Abuse Affects Spousal Relationships: An Independent Research Project Explored in the Greater Boston Area of Massachusetts by Moore, Tracy S.
Counselling for Alcohol Problems by Velleman, Richard D. B.
Assessment-Based Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders: A by Horowitz M. D., Mardi
Counselling in a Nutshell by Dryden, Windy
Looking In From the Outside: Creating Your Own Window by Seidl, Troy H.
Comunica a un altro Livello. Manuale di Comunicazione Ipnotica by Attanasi, Gilberto
Decentring Work: Critical Perspectives on Leisure, Social Policy, and Human Development by
Human Abilities in Cultural Context by
Mesmeric Experiences by Hall, Spencer Timothy
Handbook of Ethics in Quantitative Methodology by
Letters on Mesmerism by Martineau, Harriet
Burnout in der Luxushotellerie: Die Leiden des jungen Rezeptionisten by Giesen, Heinz
Adding the most significant chord to the song: The role of the disease paradox and the health dilemma in the rehabilitation process by Jagsch, Reinhold
Gatekeeper by Clifford, S. Miriam
Nouveaux propos sur le bonheur by Botet Pradeilles, Georges
The Promiscuity Papers by Regovec, Matjaz
The Harmonic Mind, Volume 2: From Neural Computation to Optimality-Theoretic Grammar Volume II: Linguistic and Philosophical Implications by Legendre, Geraldine, Smolensky, Paul
A History of Modern Experimental Psychology: From James and Wundt to Cognitive Science by Mandler, George
What Black Women HideFor The Sake Of A Black Man's Pride: The Ultimate Workbook For African American Women by Walker, Jeffery L., Harper, Hallie R.
Trends and Prospects in Motivation Research by
Family and School Capital: Towards a Context Theory of Students' School Outcomes by Marjoribanks, K.
An Outline of Psycho-Analysis by Freud, Sigmund
Civilization and Its Discontents by Freud, Sigmund
Quantum Organizations by Kilmann, Ralph H.
Die Idee der Persönlichkeit und der individuellen Fortdauer by Fichte, Immanuel Hermann
Reaching In, Reaching Out: Reflections on Reciprocal Mentoring by Kossak, Susan
Reaching In, Reaching Out: Reflections on Reciprocal Mentoring by Kossak, Susan
Kommunikationsstile und Wertequadrate: Kommunikation - Miteinander Reden by Hahn, Constanze
Poe and Psychoanalysis by Rusak, Justyna
Quiet Horizon: Releasing Ideology and Embracing Self-Knowledge by Jemsek, Greg
Quiet Horizon: Releasing Ideology and Embracing Self-Knowledge by Jemsek, Greg
Essentials of WMS-IV Assessment by Drozdick, Lisa W., Holdnack, James A., Hilsabeck, Robin C.
Animus Aeternus by McNeely, Deldon Anne
The Aptitude Test Workbook: Discover Your Potential and Improve Your Career Options with Practice Psychometric Tests by Barrett, Jim
IQ and Psychometric Test Workbook: Essential Preparation for Verbal Numerical and Spatial Aptitude Tests and Personality Tests by Carter, Philip
Psychological Wellness and Holistic Health Care by Frazer, Ricardo A.
Mechanism of Consciousness During Life, Dream and After-Death by Choi, Dukkyu
Careful What You Wish for by Nkp
From an Art to a Science of Psychoanalysis: The Metapsychological Formulation Method by Anderson D. Psych Frcp, Harry M.
Gatekeeper by Clifford, S. Miriam
Ageing and Older Adult Mental Health: Issues and Implications for Practice by
Fahrerintentionserkennung Für Autonome Notbremssysteme by Kobiela, Fanny
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions 2 Volume Paperback Set by MacKay, Charles
Corporate Social Irresponsibility / Soziale Unverantwortlichkeit von Unternehmen - Validierung des CSIR-Inventars von Wagner, Bicen und Hall (2008) in by Stich, Alexander
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions - Volume 1 by MacKay, Charles
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions - Volume 2 by MacKay, Charles
Psychologie. Eine Einführung in die Psychologie für interessierte Leser by Hoskovec, Jiri
Ageing and Older Adult Mental Health: Issues and Implications for Practice by
Sketches of the Philosophy of Apparitions by Hibbert, Samuel
Beyond Ethics to Post-Ethics: A Preface to a New Theory of Morality and Immorality by Baofu, Peter Ph. D.
Beyond Ethics to Post-Ethics: A Preface to a New Theory of Morality and Immorality (Hc) by Baofu, Peter Ph. D.
Be a Happier Parent with Nlp (Teach Yourself - General) by Bartkowiak, Judy
On Becoming a Psychotherapist: The Personal and Professional Journey by
Inside Man: The Discipline of Modeling Human Ways of Being by Moldoveanu, Mihnea
Sozialer Wandel durch Minderheiten: Chronologie eines Zivilaufstands am Beispiel Martin Luther King Jr.´s Bürgerrechtsbewegung by Castillo, Omar
You, Your Relationship & Your ADD: A Workbook by Bell, Michael T.
Psychological Aspects of Infertility by Sultan, Sarwat
Airport Citys - die Städte an den Runways: Entwicklung und Bedeutung als Konsumort für die umliegende Bevölkerung anhand des Beispiels Flughafen Frank by Bräuer, Alexander
The New Paradigm in Consciousness and Psychology: 53 Bestselling Books Reviewed by Walter, Pierre F.
Reden und Aufsätze by Wundt, Wilhelm
Leadership in Everyday Life: It Really Is All about You by Raymer, Lmsw Acsw, Gardia, Med Lcsw
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Advances in Theory and Practice by Dryden, Windy, Neenan, Michael
The Benchmarks Sourcebook: Three Decades of Related Research by Leslie, Jean Brittain, Peterson, Michael John
U.S. Social Welfare Reform: Policy Transitions from 1981 to the Present by Caputo, Richard K.
Designing Positive Psychology: Taking Stock and Moving Forward by
The Educated Brain: Essays in Neuroeducation by
The SAGE Handbook of Developmental Disorders by
The Guide to Catching Sexual Cheaters by Archer, M. J.
Intersubjective Processes and the Unconscious: An Integration of Freudian, Kleinian and Bionian Perspectives by Brown, Lawrence J.
Intersubjective Processes and the Unconscious: An Integration of Freudian, Kleinian and Bionian Perspectives by Brown, Lawrence J.
The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis by Guattari, Felix
Counselling for Alcohol Problems by Velleman, Richard D. B.
Encyclopedia of Power by Dowding, Keith
Surviving a Shark Attack (On Land) LP (Large Print Edition) by Schlessinger, Laura C.
Inside-Out Healing by Moss, Richard
Gods and Diseases by Tacey, David
Applied Psychology, Psychology and Achievement by Hilton, Warren
Obamas and a (Post) Racial America? by
Innovative Intelligence: The Art and Practice of Leading Sustainable Innovation in Your Organization by Legrand, Claude, Weiss, David S.
Initial Psychotherapy Interview: A Gay Man Seeks Treatment by
Best Practices for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning: Connecting to Psychology and the Social Sciences by
The Mind of a Murderer: Privileged Access to the Demons that Drive Extreme Violence by Ramsland, Katherine
Understanding, Assessing, and Rehabilitating Juvenile Sexual Offenders by Rich, Phil
Klinische Psychologie Im Krankenhaus by
Why We Lie: The Source of our Disasters by Rowe, Dorothy
What Men Say, What Women Hear: Bridging the Communication Gap One Conversation at a Time by Papadopoulos, Linda
Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection: Social, Emotional, and Educational Contexts by
Unseen Influence: Exposing the Occult by Thomas, Vince
Haptic Weight Perception in Virtual Reality by Ezra, Nurit
God's Grace in the Midst of the Storms: A Family Journey in the World of Schizophrenia by Covington, Barbara A.
God's Grace in the Midst of the Storms: A Family Journey in the World of Schizophrenia by Covington, Barbara A.
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