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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 2014

Intuition: The Sixth Sense by Reade, Clara
Dr. Ron Speaks by Williamson, Rondrick
Diagnosis and the Dsm: A Critical Review by Vanheule, S.
Feeling Present in the Physical World and in Computer-Mediated Environments by Riva, G., Waterworth, J.
How to Be Critically Open-Minded: A Psychological and Historical Analysis by Lambie, J.
Ordinary Psychosis and the Body: A Contemporary Lacanian Approach by Redmond, J.
Father Time: The Social Clock and the Timing of Fatherhood by Goldberg, W.
Silence and Confessions: The Suspect as the Source of Evidence by Easton, S.
Language, Mind and Computation by Mondal, P.
Epistemic Entitlement: The Right to Believe by Matthiessen, H.
Fantasy and Social Movements by Ormrod, J.
Performance, Madness and Psychiatry: Isolated Acts by
Responding to Sexual Offending: Perceptions, Risk Management and Public Protection by
Wittgenstein and Psychotherapy: From Paradox to Wonder by Heaton, J.
Group Responsibility: A Narrative Account by Striblen, C.
Theatricality, Dark Tourism and Ethical Spectatorship: Absent Others by Willis, E.
The Psychopolitics of the Oriental Father: Between Omnipotence and Emasculation by Somay, B.
Capital Requirements, Disclosure, and Supervision in the European Insurance Industry: New Challenges Towards Solvency II by Starita, M., Malafronte, I.
Approaches to Language, Culture, and Cognition: The Intersection of Cognitive Linguistics and Linguistic Anthropology by
The Psychosocial and Organization Studies: Affect at Work by Fotaki, Marianna
Attachment Security and the Social World by Sochos, A.
Happiness: Understandings, Narratives and Discourses by Hyman, L.
After Mindfulness: New Perspectives on Psychology and Meditation by
Human Development, Language and the Future of Mankind: The Madness of Culture by Berger, L.
Problem Gambling: Cognition, Prevention and Treatment by
Distance Relationships: Intimacy and Emotions Amongst Academics and Their Partners in Dual-Locations by Holmes, Mary
Ordinary Relationships: A Sociological Study of Emotions, Reflexivity and Culture by Brownlie, J.
Creativity and Social Support in Mental Health: Service Users' Perspectives by McDonnell, R.
Media and the Inner World: Psycho-Cultural Approaches to Emotion, Media and Popular Culture by
Questionnaire Research: A Practical Guide by Patten, Mildred L.
Criminological Theory: A Genetic-Social Approach by Owen, T.
Nietzsche's Dynamic Metapsychology: This Uncanny Animal by Welshon, R.
The Seven Sins of Innovation: A Strategic Model for Entrepreneurship by Richards, D.
On Dreams by Freud, Sigmund
The Person in Narrative Therapy: A Post-Structural, Foucauldian Account by Guilfoyle, M.
Writing Empirical Research Reports: A Basic Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences by Galvan, Melisa C., Pyrczak, Fred
Neuroscience, Neurophilosophy and Pragmatism: Brains at Work with the World by
Job Stress Among Police Personnel by Naik, Kalpesh Dhirubhai &. Dangarwala
Embodied Theories by
Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Modelling: A Student's Introduction to Methods and Procedures by Anderson, Britt
EEG Methods for the Psychological Sciences by Dickter, Cheryl L., Kieffaber, Paul D.
Guided Mindfulness Meditation Series 2 by Kabat-Zinn, Jon
Hauntings - Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives by Hollis, James
The Emdr Revolution: Change Your Life One Memory at a Time (the Client's Guide) by Croitoru, Tal
Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness by Bergson, Henri
The Emdr Revolution: Change Your Life One Memory at a Time (the Client's Guide) by Croitoru, Tal
In The Eye Of Einstein: Accessing Your Higher Mind by Laurence Phd, Elliot
A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Person-Centred Therapy in Pakistan and Great Britain by Khan, Saeed Ahmed
In der Magie des Lebens und der Welt... Ein Plädoyer für die Existenz Gottes?: Alles Leben aus einer einzigen Urzelle! Ohne Naturkonstanten kein Leben by Rieger, Jolan
Romantic Relationships in Emerging Adulthood by
Konflikte Verstehen Und Steuern by Heigl, Norbert J.
Mindfulness-Based Sobriety: A Clinician's Treatment Guide for Addiction Recovery Using Relapse Prevention Therapy, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy by Welches, Phil, Conti, Sandra, Turner, Nick
A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Person-Centred Therapy in Pakistan and Great Britain by Khan, Saeed Ahmed
Diversity Ideologies in Organizations by
Human Growth and Development by Borms, Jan
The Stories We Are: An Essay on Self-Creation, Second Edition by Randall, William
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Consciousness and the Self by
Mediation unter Anwendung der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation: Neue Wege der Konfliktlösung?! by Splitek, Annika
Anxiety and Related Disorders Interview Schedule for Dsm-5(r) (Adis-5l) - Lifetime Version: Client Interview Schedule 5-Copy Set by Brown, Timothy A., Barlow, David H.
Anxiety and Related Disorders Interview Schedule for Dsm-5 (Adis-5)(R) - Adult Version: Client Interview Schedule 5-Copy Set by Barlow, David H., Brown, Timothy A.
Office Politics: How to Thrive in a World of Lying, Backstabbing and Dirty Tricks by James, Oliver
Anxiety and Related Disorders Interview Schedule for Dsm-5(r) (Adis-5) - Adult and Lifetime Version: Clinician Manual by Brown, Timothy A., Barlow, David H.
Explorando El Alma Eterna - Perspectivas de La Vida Entre Vidas by Tomlinson, Andy
Embodied Interaction: Language and Body in the Material World by
Motives in Children's Development by
Garfield High School, 1995, Life and Times by Selby, Dick
Der verschlossene Umschlag: Lebensgeschichten erzählen und entschlüsseln by Anderegg Somaini, Hilde
Community-Based Interventions: Philosophy and Action by Murphy, John W.
Behavioral Case Formulation by
Knowing, Thinking, and Believing: Festschrift for Professor David Krech by
Becoming Your True Self by Broughton, Vivian
Management Bites II: Lessons in Leadership by Sherr, Patricia Panero
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (Solis Classics) by Le Bon, Gustave
The Chaperon Workbook by Ferrara, Matthew L.
Using Mandalas & Art Symbols For Creative Block Healing: A Scientifically Proven Quantitative Study by Gruce M. S., Laura S.
When The Outside Meets The Inside by Rivers, Victoria
Sessions: Memoirs of a Psychotherapist by Foster, Kathryn
Creases In Culture: Essays Toward a Poetics of Depth by Slattery, Dennis Patrick
Henrik Ibsen: Poet, Playwright and Psychologist by Stone, Mark H., Wagner, Cheryl A.
Biosocial Bases of Violence by
Conversations with Bob Moore by Association, Moore Healing
Diagnostiek in de Bekkenfysiotherapie by Van Nierop, Petra
Retelling the Stories of Our Lives: Everyday Narrative Therapy to Draw Inspiration and Transform Experience by Denborough, David
Living Psyche: A Jungian Analysis in Pictures Psychotherapy by Edinger, Edward
Distant Love by Beck, Ulrich, Beck-Gernsheim, Elisabeth
Selbstbestimmung über Liebe, Partnerschaft und Sexualität im Alter(-sheim): Aktueller Forschungsstand und Empfehlungen für zukünftige Forschung by Rieperdinger, Heike
Extrembergsteigen: Versuch einer psychologisch orientierten Bestimmung by Binkele, Clemens
Left Brain, Right Stuff: How Leaders Make Winning Decisions by Rosenzweig, Phil
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology: Volume 49 by
Encouraging Sustainable Behavior: Psychology and the Environment by
30 Jahre Abwehrforschung: Ein Fallbericht zu psychoanalytischer Psychotherapieforschung by Gitzinger-Albrecht, Inez
Akzeptanz Und Wirkung Von Feedback in Potenzialanalysen: Eine Untersuchung Zur Auswahl Von Führungsnachwuchs by Gunkel, Laura
Intelligenzentwicklung im Alter: Erkenntnisse & Maßnahmen by Schmidt, Mareike
Pieces of Light: How the New Science of Memory Illuminates the Stories We Tell about Our Pasts by Fernyhough, Charles
The Brain Bible: How to Stay Vital, Productive, and Happy for a Lifetime by Arden, John
How to Be an Adult in Love: Letting Love in Safely and Showing It Recklessly by Richo, David
The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life by Trivers, Robert
Why Hypnotism Works!: Information about hypnosis you haven't been told, until now. by Aurillo Jr, Frank Q.
Das Optimistische Gehirn: Warum Wir Nicht Anders Können, ALS Positiv Zu Denken by Sharot, Tali
The Chimpanzees of Bossou and Nimba by
The Twin in the Transference by Lewin, Vivienne
Attention Disorders After Right Brain Damage: Living in Halved Worlds by Bartolomeo, Paolo
Das Geheimnis der Heimat: Heimat als Nostalgie, Leid und Erlösung by Deißler, Gebhard
Human Limits and Common Bonds: Personal and Interpersonal Realities, Illusions, and Myths by Dudick, Ron
Die Gestaltung eines innovativen Human Resource Managements unter Einbezug von Laufbahnkonzepten: Synergieeffekte aus der Verbindung von Laufbahnberat by Röser, Thomas
Being a Parent: An Experience to Remember by Sawant, Neena
Gestaltpsychologie Kompakt: Grundlinien Einer Psychologie Für Die PRAXIS by Fitzek, Herbert
Die Erfordernis einer charismatischen kulturellen Erneuerung by Deißler, Gebhard
The Psychology of Set / Eksperimental'nye Osnovy Psikhologii Ustanovki / Эксперимент by Uznadze, Dmitri N.
Psycho-Social Career Meta-Capacities: Dynamics of Contemporary Career Development by
Assistive Technologies for People with Diverse Abilities by
John Bowlby and Attachment Theory by Holmes, Jeremy
As I Discover My Child by Saraogi, Priti
Social Understanding and Social Lives: From Toddlerhood through to the Transition to School by Hughes, Claire
As I Discover My Child by Saraogi, Priti
The Cognitive Science of Science: Explanation, Discovery, and Conceptual Change by Thagard, Paul
A Quiet Strong Voice: A Voice of Hope Amidst Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts by Horbachewski, Lee
A Quiet Strong Voice: A Voice of Hope Amidst Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts by Horbachewski, Lee
How to Hypnotize People Easily and Effectively: Master Mind Control Hypnosis and Influence Basic to Advanced Techniques by J. Walker, Laura
Enaction: Toward a New Paradigm for Cognitive Science by
Empathy: From Bench to Bedside by
Overcoming Mobbing: A Recovery Guide for Workplace Aggression and Bullying by Duffy, Maureen, Sperry, Len
Practical Mysticism by Underhill, Evelyn
The POWER Plan - Master The Law of Attraction in Six Simple Steps by Dunlap Ccht, Lia R.
Life Through the Eye of Perception: Perception silently dictates the quality of life, successes, relationships, all that makes up your memories of lif by N, Marcus D.
The Essence of Multivariate Thinking: Basic Themes and Methods by Harlow, Lisa L.
Drug Use, Misuse and Abuse: Psychopharmacology in the 21st Century by Marczinski, Cecile A.
Personalidade Psicótica e Psicose by Dametto, Carmem
Tokens of Affection: Reclaiming Your Marriage After Postpartum Depression by Wenzel, Amy, Kleiman, Karen
La Fisioterapia Nella Paralisi Cerebrale Infantile: La Funzione Cammino by Neviani, Rita, Sghedoni, Alice, Borelli, Giulia
Indigenous Adolescent Development: Psychological, Social and Historical Contexts by Whitbeck, Les B., Walls, Melissa, Hartshorn, Kelley
More Than Nature Needs: Language, Mind, and Evolution by Bickerton, Derek
The Awakening of Consciousness: Adventures On The Spiritual Path by Wanderer, Frank M.
The Feminine Dimension of the Divine: A Study of Sophia and Feminine Images in Religion by Engelsman, Joan Chamberlain
Handbook of Women, Stress and Trauma by
Very Brief Psychotherapy by Gustafson, James P.
Historical Memories in Culture, Politics and the Future: The Making of History and the World to Come by Haghighat, Rahman
Infidelity: Exploding the Myths by Hartley Moore, Julia
The Secret Powers of Colorful Foods: Enhancing Trust, Sensuality, Self-Confidence, Love, Forgiveness, Intuition and Spirituality by Patricia Dennis, Charlotte Lyons, Dennis, Patricia
Oxford Handbook of Evidence-Based Management by
Oxford Handbook of Culture and Psychology by
Tokens of Affection: Reclaiming Your Marriage After Postpartum Depression by Kleiman, Karen, Wenzel, Amy
Der Aschenputtelvorteil: sich mit der Kraft innerer Bilder wahrnehmen, erkennen und annehmen by Stahl, Uwe
Coaching Im Aufwind: Professionelles Business-Coaching: Inhalte, Prozesse, Ergebnisse Und Trends by Schumann, Karin
Oxford Handbook of Health Psychology by
Focus Group Discussions by Hennink, Monique M.
Handbook of Forensic Psychology by Nagle, Y. K., Srivastava, K., Gupta, A.
Psychoanalytic Collisions by Slochower, Joyce
Taro I Psikhologiya. Psikhologiya I Taro. Teoriya, Praktika, Praktichnost' by Nevskiy, MR Dmitriy
Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking: Methods and Practices by Kolen, Michael J., Brennan, Robert L.
Pensar Rápido, Pensar Despacio / Thinking, Fast and Slow by Kahneman, Daniel
Oxford Handbook of Human Motivation by
Oxford Handbook of Personnel Assessment and Selection by
Applied Psychology: A Practical Guide: To The Humand Mind by Bell, Jonny
Die Natalogische Wende der Thanatoligischen Sozialethik by Deißler, Gebhard
Midnight-Sunrise: Grief: Loss of a Loved One Got to Know You . . . by Rodriguez, Paul a.
Cultivate a Creative Mind: A Guide to Regain Creative Confidence by Silva, Simon
Vergeben Ja, Vergessen Nie by Derbolowsky, Jakob
Midnight-Sunrise: Grief: Loss of a Loved One Got to Know You . . . by Rodriguez, Paul A.
Neuroscienze E Teoria Psicoanalitica: Verso Una Teoria Integrata del Funzionamento Mentale by
John Bowlby and Attachment Theory by Holmes, Jeremy
Psychoanalytic Collisions by Slochower, Joyce
Depression: What's A Christian To Do? by Sanders, Nancy I.
Leaving Loneliness: A Workbook: Building Relationships with Yourself and Others by Narang Ph. D., David S.
Psychology, Law, and the Wellbeing of Children by
Leben und Wirken im Fadenkreuz von Zeit und Ewigkeit: Der Weg zur integralen Souveränität by Deißler, Gebhard
My Enemy, Myself: Overcoming Your Self-Defeating Mind; The Psychology of Self-Change by Truan, C. Franklin
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by Hawkins, David R.
Mythos Snuff und Entmystifizierung by Schneider, Christian
Super Confidence: Simple Steps to Build Your Confidence by Lindenfield, Gael
The Kaleidoscopic Patterns of Life: Fascinating. Unique. Enchanting by Pamnani, Arjun Kumar
Assert Yourself: Simple Steps to Build Your Confidence by Lindenfield, Gael
Couples in Treatment: Techniques and Approaches for Effective Practice by Weeks, Gerald R., Fife, Stephen T.
Grief and the Expressive Arts: Practices for Creating Meaning by
Bereavement Care for Families by
Understanding World Jury Systems Through Social Psychological Research by
Counseling Theory: Guiding Reflective Practice by Parsons, Richard D., Zhang, Naijian
Vom Symptom zur Ressource by Peters, Gregor
Immersion in a Virtual World: Interactive Drama and Affective Sciences by Mayr, Simon
The Search for Domestic Bliss: Marriage and Family Counseling in 20th-Century America by Dowbiggin, Ian
Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Volume 60 by
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory: Encoding and Retrieval by
The Embodied Analyst: From Freud and Reich to relationality by Sletvold, Jon
Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy: Foundations of Theory and Practice by
The Toxic States of America: And How Spirituality Can Foster a National Nervous Breakthrough by Socha, Matt
Искусство Присутствия by Haven, Girard
The IRE Approach(TM) Past-Life Regression and Imagery Therapy by Harris, Christopher
Direct Care and Security Staff Trainers Manual: Limit and Lead Behavior Management Program by Ferrara Ph. D., Matthew L.
Grundkurs Psychoanalyse in der psychotherapeutischen Praxis by Rippe, Bernhard
My First Summer in the Sierra by Muir, John
Neurobiologically Informed Trauma Therapy with Children and Adolescents: Understanding Mechanisms of Change by Chapman, Linda
Experiencing Same-Sex Marriage: Individuals, Couples, and Social Networks by Lannutti, Pamela
History beyond trauma by Davoine, Francoise, Gaudilliere, Jean -. Max
Limitless: The Ultimate 5-Step System For Mastering The Law of Attraction, Success and Manifesting Your Goals...Every Time! by Dahdal, Patrick
Parenting Stress by Deater-Deckard, Kirby
The Embodied Analyst: From Freud and Reich to Relationality by Sletvold, Jon
Essential Assessment Skills for Couple and Family Therapists by Patterson, Joellen, Williams, Lee, Edwards, Todd M.
The as If Principle: The Radically New Approach to Changing Your Life by Wiseman, Richard
Reconcilable Differences: Rebuild Your Relationship by Rediscovering the Partner You Love--Without Losing Yourself by Christensen, Andrew, Doss, Brian D., Jacobson, Neil S.
Les Etats Superficiels de l'Hypnose by Rochas D'Aiglun, Albert De, De Rochas D'Aiglun, Albert
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