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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 2015

Internet Addiction in Psychotherapy by Kuss, D., Griffiths, M.
The Manipulation of Online Self-Presentation: Create, Edit, Re-Edit and Present by Attrill, A.
How the Internet Shapes Collective Actions by Schumann, S.
Rethinking Evolutionary Psychology by Goldfinch, A.
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of Childhood Brain Injury: A Practical Guide by
Creativity and Mental Illness: The Mad Genius in Question by Kyaga, S.
Everyday Friendships: Intimacy as Freedom in a Complex World by Blatterer, H.
Social Relations in Human and Societal Development by
Marked Identities: Narrating Lives Between Social Labels and Individual Biographies by
Governing Risk: Care and Control in Contemporary Social Work by Hardy, M.
Identity Discourses and Communities in International Events, Festivals and Spectacles by Merkel, Udo
Critical Discursive Psychology by Parker, I.
Intermarriage and Mixed Parenting, Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing: Crossover Love by Singla, R.
Psychology and the Soldier by Bartlett, F. C.
Spiritual Pluralism and Recent Philosophy by Richardson, C. a.
Kinetic Landscapes by
The Psychology of Social Networking Vol.2 by Riva, Giuseppe, Wiederhold, Brenda K., Cipresso, Pietro
Metrosexual Masculinities by Hall, M.
The Psychology of Violence in Adolescent Romantic Relationships by Bowen, Erica, Walker, K.
Therapy, Culture and Spirituality: Developing Therapeutic Practice by
Narcissism and the Self: Dynamics of Self-Preservation in Social Interaction, Personality Structure, Subjective Experience, and Psychopathology by Behrendt, R.
Building Resistance to Stress and Aging: The Toughness Model by Dienstbier, R.
Critical Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling: Implications for Practice by
Psychological Well-Being in the Gulf States: The New Arabia Felix by Thomas, Justin
The Social Psychology of Nonverbal Communication by
Narcissism and Its Discontents by Walsh, J.
Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology and Disability by
Constructive Clinical Supervision in Counseling and Psychotherapy by Guiffrida, Douglas A.
Discourse Dynamics: Critical Analysis for Social and Individual Psychology by Parker, Ian
The Evolution of Ethics: Human Sociality and the Emergence of Ethical Mindedness by Fowers, B.
Archaeology of Psychotherapy in Korea: A Study of Korean Therapeutic Work and Professional Growth by Jeong, Haeyoung
الطريق إلى السعادة by أحمد عكاش&#1
Formulation in Action by Dawson, David, Moghaddam, Nima
An Enquiry into Prognosis in the Neurosis by Ross, T. A.
Therapy After Terror by Seeley, Karen M.
How Students Come to Be, Know, and Do by Mertl, Véronique, Herrenkohl, Leslie Rupert
Bundle: Theory and Practice of Group Counseling + Student Manual by Corey, Gerald
77 Things Mindful People Do Differently by Peters, Karma
Small Resolutions, BIG RESULTS by Peters, Karma
Body, Brain, Love: A Therapist's Workbook for Affect Regulation and Somatic Attachment by Rachels, Karen
Group Counseling: Strategies and Skills by Masson, Robert L., Schimmel, Christine, Jacobs, Ed
Research Methods: The Essential Knowledge Base by Kanika, Arora, Trochim, Donnelly
Mental Health Issues of Child Maltreatment by Seedat, Soraya, Gibbings, Elisabeth N., Clements, Paul Thomas
Living Skills Recovery Workbook by Precin, Pat
I Just Look Like This by Williams, Anthony Kirk
Storia della Psicologia: Manuale di Scienze della Mente by Perussia, Felice
Break The Habit: A Laymans Guide to Curing Phobias Using NLP & Hypnosis by Brown, Darren
Alienation Among Students by Rizvi, Fazli Muneer
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind by Le Bon, Gustave
The Psychology of Revolution by Le Bon, Gustave
Freedom through Psychotherapy: For Self Analysis & How to Transform Others by Morris, Dix Lela Gescheidle, Morris, Frank Reinhardt
Hypnotic Language Learnings: Learn How To Hypnotize Anyone Covertly And Indirectly By Simply Talking To Them: The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Conve by Westra, Bryan
Between Seduction and Inspiration: Man by LaPlanche, Jean
Psychopharmacology for Mental Health Professionals: An Integrative Approach by Ingersoll, R. Elliott, Rak, Carl
Fundamentals of Case Management Practice: Skills for the Human Services by Summers, Nancy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training with Adolescents: A Practical Workbook for Therapists, Teens & Parents by Eich, Jean
Monsters and Magical Sticks: Heal the Past to Transform the Present (Revised) (Revised) (Revised) (Revised) by Heller, Steven
Theory and Treatment Planning in Family Therapy: A Competency-Based Approach by Gehart, Diane
Neurosculpting: A Whole-Brain Approach to Heal Trauma, Rewrite Limiting Beliefs, and Find Wholeness by Wimberger, Lisa
Voll doof tot zu sein, wenn alle traurig sind by
How to Get What You Want: A Short Primer for Ambitious People by Shen, Jason
A Person-Centered Approach and the Rogerian Tradition: A Handbook by Quinn, Adam
Principles of Psychology by Breedlove, Marc
Stay Awhile: Poetic Narratives about Multiculturalism and Diversity by
Shame and Guilt: A Psychoanalytic and a Cultural Study by Piers, Gerhart, Singer, Milton B.
Psychology of The Heart: A Workbook for Living A Heart-Centered Life by Rubenstein, Ed
Hypnotic Language Learnings: Learn How To Hypnotize Anyone Covertly And Indirectly By Simply Talking To Them: The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Conve by Westra, Bryan
Sparky Can Fly by Stream, Sandy
Sparky's Mama by Stream, Sandy
The River by Stream, Sandy
Roots by Stream, Sandy
Flex by Stream, Sandy
Sparky Can Fly - Coloring Book by Stream, Sandy
Eap Critical Incident Response: A Multi-Systemic Resiliency Approach by Intveld, Lcsw Ceap Robert D.
Clinical Videoconferencing in Telehealth: Program Development and Practice by
Knowing Mothers: Researching Maternal Identity Change by Hollway, W.
Knowing Mothers: Researching Maternal Identity Change by Hollway, W.
Creative Aging: Stories from the Pages of the Journal Sage-Ing with Creative Spirit, Grace and Gratitude by
Micro-Trauma: A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Cumulative Psychic Injury by Crastnopol, Margaret
Krankheitsbild Demenz. Symptome, Therapiemöglichkeiten, Rehabilitiation, Umgang mit Familie und Prognose by Raithel, Julia
Stanley Krippner: A Life of Dreams, Myths and Visions by
Historias de Vidas de mujeres emprendedoras en la localidad Las Achupallas, Viña del Mar by Soto Comené, Marcela Clara Laura
Auf dem Boden der Tatsachen: 7 erfolgreiche Methoden systemischer Boden-Arbeit zur beruflichen Orientierung by Schwemmle, Kristin
Groundwork for a Philosophy of Peace: How the World Could Have a Minute of Silence. by Kabasele, Leon
Groundwork for a Philosophy of Peace: How the World Could Have a Minute of Silence. by Kabasele, Leon
Greek Models of Mind and Self by Long, A. A.
Differentiation of Self: Bowen Family Systems Theory Perspectives by
Cognitive Behavioral Approaches for Counselors by Shea, Diane
The Psychology of Language: An Integrated Approach by Ludden, David
Psychology of Citizenship and Civic Engagement by Pancer, S. Mark
Person-Centered Approaches for Counselors by Cornelius-White, Jeffrey H. D.
What More Can I Say?: Why Communication Fails and What to Do About It by Booher, Dianna
Introverts in Love: The Quiet Way to Happily Ever After by Dembling, Sophia
Redirect: Changing the Stories We Live by by Wilson, Timothy D.
Human development: a psychological and spiritual journey by Sherwood, Patricia
Hypnotic Language Learnings: Learn How To Hypnotize Anyone Covertly And Indirectly By Simply Talking To Them: The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Conve by Westra, Bryan
The Soul Fallacy: What Science Shows We Gain from Letting Go of Our Soul Beliefs by Musolino, Julien
Mindwise: Why We Misunderstand What Others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want by Epley, Nicholas
Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Approach to Using Tarot for Personal Growth by Wen, Benebell
Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research by Brown, Timothy A.
How to Deal with Difficult People: Smart Tactics for Overcoming the Problem People in Your Life by Hasson, Gill
Ti racconto una storia by Ciccia, Giuseppe
Der Einfluss von Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen auf die Leistung einer Gruppe by Rich, Frida
Grundzüge der Persönlichkeit by Strobel, Tanja
The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, with Dsm-5 Updates by Berghuis, David J., O'Leary, K. Daniel, Heyman, Richard E.
Practical Human Factors for Pilots by Moriarty, Capt David
Cognitive Enhancement: Pharmacologic, Environmental and Genetic Factors by
Narcissism Problem Solution: What to Do if Your Partner, Parent, Friend or Work Colleague is a Narcissist? by Delano, Eva
Bases of Adult Attachment: Linking Brain, Mind and Behavior by
Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research by Brown, Timothy A.
Developing Nuclear Ideas: Relational Group Psychotherapy by M. Billow, Richard
The Ethics of Remembering and the Consequences of Forgetting: Essays on Trauma, History, and Memory by
Sozialpsychologie - Quellen Zu Ihrer Entstehung Und Entwicklung by Eckardt, Georg
Career Vectors System Basic Version: Self-Assessment by Newman, Hope Lovell, Lustig, Barry
Partner for livet: Sådan fastholder I kærligheden by Hoffmann, Mikael
Explorer's Mind: A Map To Freedom by Eberle, Carolyn Bucey
The Pauline Spirit World in Eph 3: 10 in the Context of Igbo World View: A Psychological-Hermeneutical Appraisal by Madubuko, John C.
Understanding Person-Centred Counselling: A Personal Journey by Brown, Christine
Reinforcement and Punishment: Vignettes for Practice in Applied Behavior Analysis by Strayhorn, Joseph Mallory
Understanding Person-Centred Counselling: A Personal Journey by Brown, Christine
The Book of Eulogies by Theroux, Phyllis
Hypnotic Language Learnings: Learn How To Hypnotize Anyone Covertly And Indirectly By Simply Talking To Them: The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Conve by Westra, Bryan
Psychology Handbook: Volume I by
Psychology Handbook: Volume II by
Psychology Handbook: Volume III by
Psychology Handbook: Volume IV by
Psychology Handbook: Volume V by
Psychology Handbook: Volume VI by
Psychology Handbook: Volume VII by
Psychology Handbook: Volume VIII by
Charles Manson Confidential: My Charles Manson Prison Interviews & Manson's Psychological Diagnosis by Dawson, Paul
Reincarnation and the Law of Karma by Atkinson, William Walker
Elfriede H La Femme aux épingles: De la névrose obsessionnelle à la mélancolie by Fiori, Rene
Mind Control: Learn How to Change People's Beliefs and Behaviors by Unlocking and Mastering the Mystery of Human Psychology and Pers by McCoy, Aiden
Partnerschaftsqualität Und Kindliche Entwicklung: Ein Überblick Für Therapeuten, Pädagogen Und Pädiater by Zemp, Martina, Bodenmann, Guy
Virtuous Violence by Fiske, Alan Page, Rai, Tage Shakti
Subconscious Decoded: The Ultimate Guidebook to Social Influence, Personal Power and Manifestation Mastery by Kirton, Steve
The Empowered Empath: Owning, Embracing, and Managing Your Special Gifts by Rosetree, Rose
Sublimierung bei Freud und Scheler by Wöbcke, Kai
The Essential Ericksonian Hypnosis Primer: How-To Master Hypnotic Persuasion, And Covert, Indirect, Conversational Hypnosis; So You Can Change Minds A by Westra, Bryan
Cognitive And Dialectical Behavior Therapy Unleashed: How To Regulate Your Emotions, Control Your Mood And Change Your Behavior Through Mindfulness Aw by Ashley, James
Schizophrenie und Kriminalität: "Wer so krank ist muss doch gefährlich sein?" by Lorenz, Philipp
Realityfernsehen und Fremdschämen: Eine fMRT-Studie by Buss, Maria Pauline
Sind kulturelle Unterschiede in Arbeitsanforderungen und Arbeitsressourcen zu erwarten? Eine Untersuchung des Job Demands-Resources Model: Are there c by Pötschke, Elisabeth
Scheidung und ihre Folgen für die Kinder. Maßnahmen und Beratungsmöglichkeiten für Scheidungsfamilien by Von Düsterlohe, Ludwig
The Magic Power of Self-Image Psychology by Maltz, Maxwell
Mental Health in the War on Terror: Culture, Science, and Statecraft by Aggarwal, Neil Krishan
Oxford Guide to the Treatment of Mental Contamination by Coughtrey, Anna, Radomsky, Adam, Rachman, Stanley
Treatment Planning from a Reality Therapy Perspective by Michael H. Fulkerson, Lpcc
Zigarettenkonsum bei Jugendlichen: Erklärungsansätze und primäre Prävention by Ott, Nadja
Aproximación a la problemática de la depresión by Cantarero Pere
Counseling Across Cultures by Draguns, Juris G., Pedersen, Paul B.
Working with Risk in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Reeves, Andrew
The Therapeutic Relationship in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Knox, Rosanne, Cooper, Mick
Pyramidenbauer, Bergsteiger und andere seltsame Wesen by Lehmann, J. V.
Selbsterfahrung Mann: Therapeutische Zugangswege Zur Männerseele by Schick, Andreas
Psychotherapy Research: Foundations, Process, and Outcome by
Stressmanagement Für Teams: In Service, Gewerbe Und Produktion - Ein Ressourcenorientiertes Trainingsmanual by Roscher, Susanne, Ducki, Antje, Busch, Christine
Aggression Und Gewalt Bei Kindern Und Jugendlichen: Formen Und Ursachen by Koglin, Ute, Petermann, Franz
The Sound of Water: A Psychology of the Soul by Linden, Joshua
Crazy Wisdom by Thresher, Tom
A handbook of SCHOOL BULLYING: Dealing with the problem of bullying at school by Ndlovu Lutango, Mathamsanqa
Multicultural Family Art Therapy by
L'imaginaire familial: Tests projectifs en famille by Loonis, Eric
Lernstrategien und Metakognition: Implikationen für Forschung und Praxis by
The Phenomenological Study of the Lost Generation of Sudan by Gamboriko, Aj Ph. D. Elias Rinaldo
Answering a Question with a Question: Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Jewish Thought (Vol. II). a Tradition of Inquiry by Henik, Libby, Aron, Lewis
Einführung in Die Hotel- Und Barpsychologie by Lampert, Claus
Therapist Effects on Attrition in Psychotherapy Outpatients by Zimmermann, Dirk
Intelligence in Ape and Man by Premack, David
Freud au cas par cas: Lectures philosophiques des cas freudiens by Ribault, Gilles
Management in Komplexität Und Unsicherheit: Für Agile Manager by Vieweg, Wolfgang
Effects of Peripheral Vision on Eye Movements: A Virtual Reality Study on Gaze Allocation in Naturalistic Tasks by Hitzel, Elena
An Orphan's Odyssey: Sacred Journeys to Renewal by Rothenberg, Rose-Emily
Einfluss von Persönlichkeitsstrukturen auf die Verhandlungsführung by Anonymous
An Orphan's Odyssey: Sacred Journeys to Renewal by Rothenberg, Rose-Emily
Celibacy and Soul: Exploring the Depths of Chastity by Pollard, Susan J.
Then They Were "ONE" Fusion Without Abreaction: Via The "AS IF" Technique In 60 Seconds Or Less An Innovative Approach To The Diagnosis Of Dissociativ by Flora Psyd, Earl W.
Der Modeling-Prozess in der psychologischen Beratung: Eine Interventionstechnik aus der Neuro-linguistischen Programmierung im systemischen Kontext by Passweg, Daniel
Selbstpsychologie und Intersubjektivität in der zeitgenössischen Psychoanalyse: Heinz Kohut und Robert Stolorow et al.: Ein Vergleich aus behandlungst by Müller, Knuth
A Psycho-Theological Exploration of New Testament Concepts by Jackson, E. Basil
Insecurity by Patel, Sandipkumar N.
Gruppenberatung Und Gruppendynamik by Brocher, Tobias
Social Perception from Individuals to Groups by
Strengthening Family Coping Resources: Intervention for Families Impacted by Trauma by Kiser, Laurel
Social Perception from Individuals to Groups by
Strengthening Family Coping Resources: Intervention for Families Impacted by Trauma by Kiser, Laurel
Matryoshkas in Therapy: Creative ways to use Russian dolls with clients by Day, Roger, Day, Christine
The Joy of Missing Out: Finding Balance in a Wired World by Crook, Christina
Identities in Transition: The Growth and Development of a Multicultural Therapist by Nayar-Akhtar, Monisha
Soziale Phobie: Die Krähe und der Papagei: Die Geschichte einer sozialen Angststörung aus Sicht eines Betroffenen - Mit viel Hilfe zur by Angsthase, Mutiger
El abandono de una Madre.: Lo mejor esta por llegar by Rodriguez, Alexis
Shape of Thought: How Mental Adaptations Evolve by Barrett, H. Clark
Hearts in Transcendence: Human Consciousness Liberated by De Foe, Alexander
Making Our Ideas Clear: Pragmatism in Psychoanalysis by
Making Our Ideas Clear: Pragmatism in Psychoanalysis (HC) by
Differentiation of Self: Bowen Family Systems Theory Perspectives by
Einführung in Das Psychodrama: Für Psychotherapeuten, Berater, Pädagogen, Soziale Berufe by Kramer, Josef, Ameln, Falko
Die Psychologie des Gesundheitsverhaltens. Selbstregulationsfähigkeit und Selbstwirksamkeit by Krausewitz, Mai-Larissa
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology by Weiskopf, Daniel, Adams, Fred
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