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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 2017

Resources for Teaching Mindfulness: An International Handbook by
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: Wellness Perspectives on Behaviors, Symptoms, and Diagnosis by Wester, Kelly L., Trepal, Heather C.
Emerging Research in Play Therapy, Child Counseling, and Consultation by
Evil Reigns: A Philosophy of Mind by Iosue, Albert M.
Evil Reigns: A Philosophy of Mind by Iosue, Albert M.
Psychologische Erste Hilfe für Helfer des nichtpolizeilichen Bevölkerungsschutzes im Land Brandenburg: Eine Bestandsaufnahme by Meister, Michael
Terapia Existencial: Teoria y Practica Relacional para un Mundo Post-Cartesiano by Martinez Robles, Yaqui Andres
Existential Therapy: Relational Theory and Practice for a Post-Cartesian World by Martinez Robles, Yaqui Andres
Child Care in Context: Cross-Cultural Perspectives by
Muslime in Alltag Und Beruf: Integration Von Flüchtlingen by Hecht-El Minshawi, Béatrice
The Pursuit of Human Well-Being: The Untold Global History by
The Theory and Practice of Democratic Therapeutic Community Treatment by Haigh, Rex, Pearce, Steve
Moral Inferences by
Loneliness, Stress and Well-Being: A Helper's Guide by Kupshik, G. a., Murphy, P. M.
Creativity and the Performing Artist: Behind the Mask by Thomson, Paula, Jaque, Victoria S.
Group Therapy with Children: Psychodrama with Children by Aichinger, Alfons, Holl, Walter
Mindfulness-Informed Relational Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis: Inquiring Deeply by Schuman, Marjorie
Moral Inferences by
Questions of Consciousness by
Rethinking Creativity: Contributions from social and cultural psychology by
Cognitive Therapy in Clinical Practice by
People and Profits?: The Search for A Link Between A Company's Social and Financial Performance by Margolis, Joshua Daniel, Walsh, James P.
Meeting the needs of children with autistic spectrum disorders by Jordan, Rita, Jones, Glenys
Resilienzförderung durch Biografiearbeit: Definitionen - Zielgruppen - Methoden - Praxisübungen - Gesprächsführung by Kellner-Fichtl, Martina
Coming Back by Raymond Moody, MD: A Psychiatrist Explores Past-Life Journeys by Perry, Paul, Moody, Raymond A.
Psychological Approaches to Understanding and Treating Auditory Hallucinations: From Theory to Therapy by
Coding and Documentation Compliance for the ICD and DSM: A Comprehensive Guide for Clinicians by Tobias, S. M., Hickman, Angela, Wright, Lisette
Das Geheimnis der Emotionen: Soul-work, Konzentration ist eine Liebesbeziehung by Sonnberger, Thomas
Encyclopedia of Geropsychology by
Besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen Narzissmus und Berufserfolg?: Eine empirische Untersuchung by Stegink, Tina
Searching for an Autoethnographic Ethic by Andrew, Stephen
How To Master Adverbial Clause Patterns So You Can Hypnotize People Conversationally by Westra, Bryan
Die Zukunft einer Illusion by Freud, Sigmund
The development, pilot and randomised controlled trial of a psychosexual rehabilitation information booklet for women undergoing pelvic radiation ther by Lubotzky, Franchelle P.
Talking Cure: Mind and Method of the Tavistock Clinic by Taylor, David
Adaptable Interventions for Counseling Concerns: A Step-By-Step Clinical Workbook by Woolnough, Freeman, Chilcote, Autumn Marie
Lectures on Technique by Melanie Klein: Edited with Critical Review by John Steiner by Klein, Melanie
Relational Family Therapy: The Systemic, Interpersonal, and Intrapsychic Experience by Gostečnik, Christian
Enhancing The Affect-Effect In Hypnotherapy by Westra, Bryan
NLP For Beginners: How to Create the Life You Want (NLP-Program Your Mind, NLP Techniques, NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Self Master by Waite, Hester
Peaceful Conversations - Preventing Conflict in Communication: Across cultures, In the workplace, Among family & friends by Robinson, Gail Nemetz
Peaceful Conversations - Preventing Conflict in Communication: Across cultures, In the workplace, Among family & friends by Robinson, Gail Nemetz
How To Create Agreement Structure Reorientation Patterns In Hypnotherapy by Westra, Bryan
How To Apply Age Regression Hypnosis by Westra, Bryan
Engagement and Disengagement at Work: Drivers and Organizational Practices to Sustain Employee Passion and Performance by Imperatori, Barbara
How To Hypnotize People With Alliteration by Westra, Bryan
How To Hypnotize People With Positivity by Westra, Bryan
La Physiologie cérébrale et la psychologie by Egger, Victor
Atemtechniken/-trainings zur Verbesserung von Lebensqualität und physiologischer Funktion bei Asthmapatienten: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit a by Sommer, Marcus
Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Volume 66 by
Ancient Egypt and Modern Psychotherapy: Sacred Science and the Search for Soul by Hayen, Todd
Relational Family Therapy: The Systemic, Interpersonal, and Intrapsychic Experience by Gostečnik, Christian
Integrative Psychotherapy: Toward a Comprehensive Christian Approach by Campbell, Clark D., McMinn, Mark R.
Team Play: Was Counter Strike-Spielern Bei Virtueller Teamarbeit Gelingt Und Was Nicht by Mackrodt, Boris
Jugendliche Im Stress: Was Eltern Wissen Sollten by Domsch, Holger, Lohaus, Arnold, Fridrici, Mirko
Handbook of Traumatic Loss: A Guide to Theory and Practice by
Persönlichkeit, Burnout Und Work Engagement: Eine Einführung Für Psychotherapeuten Und Angehörige Gefährdeter Berufsgruppen by Sisolefsky, Franziska, Rana, Madiha, Herzberg, Philipp Yorck
Coaching an Der Hochschule: Grundlagen Und Impulse Für Coaches Und Hochschulangehörige by Fahr, Uwe
Sprache der Handschrift: Einführung in die Schriftpsychologie by Seibt, Angelika
From 1989, or European Music and the Modernist Unconscious by Brodsky, Seth
Auswahl Und Onboarding Von Führungspersönlichkeiten: Diagnose, Assessment Und Integration by
HypnoSale: 25 Hacks from NLP and Hypnosis to increase your Sales-Success by Dittrich, Stefan F. M.
Kreativitätstechniken. Kreativität im Prozess der Problemlösung by Gregori, Leon
How to Analyze People: Reading People, Body Language, Recognizing Emotions & Facial Expressions by Fairbanks, Bradley
Handbook of Traumatic Loss: A Guide to Theory and Practice by
Coding and Documentation Compliance for the ICD and Dsm: A Comprehensive Guide for Clinicians by Tobias, S. M., Hickman, Angela, Wright, Lisette
The Oxford Handbook of Numerical Cognition by
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality: The 1905 Edition by Freud, Sigmund
Getting to Yes and: The Art of Business Improv by Kulhan, Bob
Evolution of the Cerebellar Sense of Self by Montgomery, John, Bodznick, David
Se Acabó El Promedio: Cómo Tener Éxito En Un Mundo Que Valora La Uniformidad by Rose, Todd
When There Are No Words: Repairing Early Trauma and Neglect From the Attachment Period With EMDR Therapy by Paulsen Ph. D., Sandra L.
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: Wellness Perspectives on Behaviors, Symptoms, and Diagnosis by Wester, Kelly L., Trepal, Heather C.
Mind Gardening with Mak and Mik: Lets Play Within! by Kamalani, Keti
Introduction à la psychologie expérimentale by Binet, Alfred
Emociones, actitudes y sentimientos.: La base de una vida saludable by Guevara-Ramos, Emeterio
Routine Outcome Monitoring in Couple and Family Therapy: The Empirically Informed Therapist by
Innocence Destroyed: A Study of Child Sexual Abuse by Renvoize, Jean
Sexual Inversion by Ellis, Havelock
Searching for an Autoethnographic Ethic by Andrew, Stephen
Bullying: Applying Handwriting Analysis to Detect Potential Danger Signs and Effects by DeWitt Cga, David J.
Vergleichende Studien über das Seelenleben der Ameisen und der höheren Tiere by Wasmann, Erich
Catching Up with Aristotle: A Journey in Quest of General Psychology by Engelsted, Niels
Interview Und Dokumentarische Methode: Anleitungen Für Die Forschungspraxis by Nohl, Arnd-Michael
Organisationale Resilienz: Kernressource Moderner Organisationen by Hoffmann, Gregor Paul
Independent Advocacy and Spiritual Care: Insights from Service Users, Advocates, Health Care Professionals and Chaplains by Morgan, Geoff
Be Positive Be Bold: Be Strong Be Happy by Bhatia, Baldev
How To Facilitate Hypnosis by Westra, Bryan
Outplacement: Wie Persönlichkeitsfaktoren Die Psychische Gesundheit Beeinflussen by Berth, Hendrik, Wind, Uwe
Gehirn und Seele: Rede, gehalten am 31. Oktober 1894 in der Universitätskirche zu Leipzig by Flechsig, Paul
Body Language: Attract, Influence and Understand How to Communicate with People Around Non-Verbal by Blake, Jon
Maritime Psychology: Research in Organizational & Health Behavior at Sea by
Die Hypnose und die damit verwandten normalen Zustände: Vorlesungen gehalten an der Universität Kopenhagen im Herbste 1889 by Lehmann, Alfred
Working Relationally In and Across Practices by
Occupational Health Psychology by Schonfeld, Irvin Sam, Chang, Chu-Hsiang
The Etiology and Prevention of Drug Abuse Among Minority Youth by Botvin, Gilbert J., Schinke, Steven
Intrapersonal Communication: Different Voices, Different Minds by
Between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Lacan's Reconstruction of Freud by Samuels, Robert
From the Radical Center: The Heart of Gestalt Therapy by Polster, Erving, Polster, Miriam
After the Invisible Brain Injury: What It Is and Different Modalities to Heal by Gallo Psyd, Sheryl, Billy Bs Chht Ob, Elaine
How To Hypnotize People With Ambiguity Patterns by Westra, Bryan
Developmental Aspects of Health Compliance Behavior by
Integrating Emergency Management and Disaster Behavioral Health: One Picture Through Two Lenses by
Behavioral Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease by
Aspects of Confused Speech: A Study of Verbal Interaction Between Confused and Normal Speakers by Shakespeare, Pamela
The Alchemical Mercurius: Esoteric symbol of Jung's life and works by Mather, Mathew
Psychic Experience and Problems of Technique by Stewart, Harold
Suggestopedic Methods and Applications by Schiffler, Ludger
Sexuality in Close Relationships by
Transforming Social Work: Social Constructionist Reflections on Contemporary and Enduring Issues by Witkin, Stanley
The Art of Holding in Therapy: An Essential Intervention for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety by Kleiman, Karen
The Riddle of Freud: Jewish Influences on His Theory of Female Sexuality by Roith, Estelle
Meanings and Situations (RLE Social Theory) by Brittan, Arthur
Understanding Collective Pride and Group Identity: New Directions in Emotion Theory, Research and Practice by
Development Learning: Conflict or Congruence? by
Pediatric Disorders of Regulation in Affect and Behavior: A Therapist's Guide to Assessment and Treatment by Degangi, Georgia A.
Living in an Asymmetrical World: How Writing Direction Affects Thought and Action by Maass, Anne, Suitner, Caterina, Deconchy, Jean-Pierre
A Family Genogram Workbook: An Exciting Tool for Understanding Your Family and How it Works! by Galindo, Israel, Boomer, Elaine, Reagan, Don
Sociedad en el diván: Una década en los medios: Reflexiones y revelaciones sobre la cultura contemporanea by López, Ariel Orama
Sociedad en el diván: Una década en los medios: Reflexiones y revelaciones sobre la cultura contemporanea by López, Ariel Orama
The Interpretation of Dreams (Translated by A. A. Brill) by Freud, Sigmund
Social Anxiety: Guide to Overcome Shyness, Shame, Social Phobia and to Understand How to Help Yourself to Achieve Social Freedom by Blake, Jon
Someone's Done Something Wrong: Revenge, Hatred and Humility by Waterston, John E.
Neuroscience of Mind Empowerment: Epigenetics, Neuroplasticity, Meditation, and Music Therapy by Akhtar, Anees, Khan, Nasim
Caregiving to Muslims: A guide for chaplains, counselors, healthcare and soc by
Virtual Reality Hypnosis: Adventures in the Multiverse by Woods, Kelley T., Gibbons, Don E.
Comment influencer secrètement les autres et obtenir tout ce que vous désirez: L'art d'influencer les autres va vous permettre de réussir by Honla, Jean-Pièrre
The New Spirit by Ellis, Havelock
Artcoaching Workbook: Created Life System in 12 Easy Monthly Steps by Bandura, Nadia
Wirkfaktoren Pferdegestützer Psychotherapie. Hinweise auf die Wirkung und Möglichkeiten pferdegestützter Psychotherapie unter besonderer Berücksichtig by Herrmann, Elina
Grundzüge einer Geschichte der deutschen Psychologie und Ästhetik: von Wolff-Baumgarten bis Kant-Schiller by Sommer, Robert
Freud's Russia: National Identity in the Evolution of Psychoanalysis by Rice, James L.
Neuroscience of Mind Empowerment: Epigenetics, Neuroplasticity, Meditation, and Music Therapy by Khan, Nasim, Akhtar, Anees
How To Do Ambiguous Tasking: An Ericksonian Approach To Hypnotic Counselling by Westra, Bryan
How To Hypnotize With Ambiguous Deletion Patterns by Westra, Bryan
The Art of Holding in Therapy: An Essential Intervention for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety by Kleiman, Karen
The Interpretation of Dreams: Dream Psychology by Freud, Sigmund
Using Sources Effectively: Strengthening Your Writing and Avoiding Plagiarism by Harris, Robert
The Wiley Handbook of Evolutionary Neuroscience by
Ariadne's Thread: Case Studies in the Therapeutic Relationship by Cowan Psy D., Eric W.
The Ecology of Attention by Citton, Yves
Untersuchung des Response-Kodierungs-Ansatzes im Rahmen des Social-Simon-Effects. Einfluss horizontaler und vertikaler Reiz-Reaktions-Kodierung by Simon, Katrin
The Clinic of Disability: Psychoanalytical Approaches by
Faces Inside and Outside the Clinic: A Foucauldian Perspective on Cosmetic Facial Modification by McHugh, Tony
Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Conflict by
The Subjectified and Subjectifying Mind by
The Subjectified and Subjectifying Mind (hc) by
F*ck Love: One Shrink's Sensible Advice for Finding a Lasting Relationship by Bennett MD, Michael, Bennett, Sarah
Psychology in the Light of the East by Borden, Margot Esther
Immigrants and Refugees: Trauma, Perennial Mourning, Prejudice, and Border Psychology by Volkan, Vamik D.
Presenting Magically PB by Shephard, David, James, Tad
Hope & Resiliency: Understanding the Psychotherapeutic Strategies of Milton H. Erickson by Erickson, Betty Alice, Short, Dan, Erickson Klien, Roxanna
Wellbeing, Recovery and Mental Health by
Beyond Recovery: The Quest for Serenity by Griffin, George E.
An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision by Berkeley, George
Animal Intelligence by Thorndike, Edward L.
Gefühle Im Prozess Der Migration: Transkulturelle Narrationen Zwischen Zugehörigkeit Und Distanzierung by Albrecht, Yvonne
Licht Führt!?: Konzeption Und Evaluation Von Fahrmanöverunterstützung Durch Lichtbasierte Fahrerassistenzsysteme by Krahnstöver, Anna Zoé
Free Will, Neuroethics, Psychology and Theology by Dodson, Geran F.
Beyond Recovery: The Quest for Serenity by Griffin, George E.
Alchemy: The Art of Transformation by Ramsay, Jay
Locus of Control: Current Trends in Theory & Research by
Self and Social Identity in Educational Contexts by
Poems for and about Elders by Greening, Tom
Expressive Therapy with Traumatized Children by Klorer, P. Gussie
Expressive Therapy with Traumatized Children by Klorer, P. Gussie
Gruppenunterricht und kooperatives Lernen. Methoden, praktische Beispiele by Wegner, Jörg
How To Hypnotize People To Forget: The Art of Inducing Hypnotic Amnesia by Westra, Bryan
The Psychoanalysis of Career Choice, Job Performance, and Satisfaction: How to Flourish in the Workplace by Marcus, Paul
Twin Mythconceptions: False Beliefs, Fables, and Facts about Twins by Segal, Nancy L.
Gradability in Natural Language: Logical and Grammatical Foundations by Burnett, Heather
Gradability in Natural Language: Logical and Grammatical Foundations by Burnett, Heather
Toxic Cocktail: How Chemical Pollution Is Poisoning Our Brains by Demeneix, Barbara
Astrological Psychology: The Huber Method by
Ageing: A Very Short Introduction by Pachana, Nancy A.
How Darwinism corrodes morality: Darwinism, immorality, abortion and the sexual revolution by Bergman, Jerry
Trauma, Ptsd, Grief & Loss: The 10 Core Competencies for Evidence-Based Treatment by Gentry, J. Eric, Dubi, Mike, Powell, Patrick
Foundations of Neural Development by Breedlove, S. Marc
Psychological Mechanisms in Animal Communication by
Essential Personality by Pennington, Donald
The Interpretation of Dreams: Die Traumdeutung by Freud, Sigmund
Die Psychologie des Willens bei Sokrates, Platon und Aristoteles: I. Teil: Sokrates Lehre vom Willen by Wildauer, Tobias
Talking the Talk: Language, Psychology and Science by Harley, Trevor A.
La picardía del venezolano o el triunfo de Tío Conejo by Capriles M., Axel
Dreams by Bergson, Henri
Veränderte Anforderungen an Bildung und Schulunterricht. Welche Kompetenzen verlangt der Arbeitsmarkt? by Wegner, Jörg
Physiologie der Seele: Die seelischen Erscheinungen by Spamer, Karl
New Handbook of Mathematical Psychology: Volume 1, Foundations and Methodology by
Der Mensch in der Geschichte: Zur Begründung einer psychologischen Weltanschauung by Bastian, Adolf
Soziale Paradigmen in Alltagssituationen. Adrenalin in der Achterbahn by Schubert, Maike
Sense of Community and Environmental Commitment. The Power of Environmental Organisations: An empirical Study by Hobohm, Uta
Handbook of Psychophysiology by
Behavioral, Humanistic-Existential, and Psychodynamic Approaches to Couples Counseling by
Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Cancer Patients: Re-Visioning the CBT Paradigm by Temple, Scott
101 Stories for Enhancing Happiness and Well-Being: Using Metaphors in Positive Psychology and Therapy by Burns, George W.
Becoming Fluent: How Cognitive Science Can Help Adults Learn a Foreign Language by Kreuz, Roger, Roberts, Richard
Exploring the Life of the Soul by Riker, John Hanwell
Tales of Awakening by Taylor, Heidi
Das Beständige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer Veränderlichkeit by Bastian, Adolf
Die Chirogrammatomantie: Die Lehre den Charakter, die Neigungen, die Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten des Menschen aus der Handschrift zu erkennen by Henze, Adolf
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