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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 2019

Concept Invention: Foundations, Implementation, Social Aspects and Applications by
World Peace 2.0: Restoring Global Harmony by Lamuth, John
Lifestyle Mastery Personal Power: Eliminate Negative Emotions, Break the Cycle of Limiting Beliefs, and Reclaim Your Life! by Fitzgerald, Jacob
Anger Management: A Professional Guide for Group Therapy and Self-Help by Noblitt, Marc, Bruteyn, Jeffrey Charles
Right Brain Therapy: Theory and Practice by Mungadze, Jerry
Esquizofrenia y rehabilitación psicosocial by Mestre Luján, Francisco José
Informe sobre las características de la intervención sobre el VIH/SIDA by Madrigal Vilches, Amparo Yaosca, Bueno Abad, José Ramón, Mestre Luján, Francisco José
The Cambridge Handbook of Successful Aging by
Contemporary Studies on Relationships, Health, and Wellness by
Guide to Publishing in Psychology Journals by
Guide to Publishing in Psychology Journals by
New Handbook of Mathematical Psychology by
Advances in Psychology and Law: Volume 3 by
Back to Life, Back to Normality by
An Uncertain Safety: Integrative Health Care for the 21st Century Refugees by
Ageing and the Built Environment in Singapore by
A Clinician's Guide to Pathological Ambivalence: How to Be on Your Client's Side Without Taking a Side by Buchanan, Linda Paulk
Anti-Oppressive Counseling and Psychotherapy: Action for Personal and Social Change by Brown, Jason D.
Cases of Amnesia: Contributions to Understanding Memory and the Brain by
Researching Dreams: The Fundamentals by Schredl, Michael
Allegories for Psychotherapy, Teaching, and Supervision: Windows, Landscapes, and Questions for the Traveler by Kunkel, Mark A.
Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence 2017 by
Encountering, Experiencing and Shaping Careers: Thinking about Careers in the 21st Century by Brewer, Ann M.
Wahrnehmen, Urteilen und Entscheiden bei depressiver Bewusstseinslage by Rink, Klaus
Flip: The Four Levels of Influencing People by David, Tim
Book & Article Reviews Log For Therapists & Counsellors: List And Review Your Reading And Apply It To Your Client Work by Planners, Wise Mind
Telecommunication 4.0: Reinvention of the Communication Network by Li, Zhengmao
Ethical Problem-Solving and Decision-Making for Positive and Conclusive Outcomes by
Politically Divided: A How-To Healing Workbook for Families, Friends and Couples by del Monico, Mitch
Anreiz, Risiko, Ruin - Finanzpsychologie Für Jedermann! by Wienkamp, Heribert
Beneath the Surface: Uncovering the Treasure in Old Wounds by McGrath, Mary
Experiences of Adults Following an Autism Diagnosis by Hens, Kristien, Langenberg, Raymond
Quality of Life Among Cancer Survivors: Challenges and Strategies for Oncology Professionals and Researchers by
Pathways in Crime: An Introduction to Behaviour Sequence Analysis by Keatley, David
Consumer Psychology: A Life Span Developmental Approach by Young, Brian M.
Psychology of Retention: Theory, Research and Practice by
Psicanálise & Literatura: Seis Contos Da Era de Freud by Marzagao, Lucio Roberto, Ribeiro, Paulo Carvalho, Belo, Fabio R. R.
LA INTELIGENCIA y sus dimensiones operativas: Racional, Emocional, Espiritual: FERNANDO JIMÉNEZ H.-PINZÓN by Jiménez H. -Pinzón, Fernando
OS Ciúmes DOS Homens by Outros, E., Belo, Fabio
Lectures on Psychology: A Guide to Understanding Your Emotions by Packer Ph. D., Edith, Packer, Edith
Paternidades: Interpretações a Partir de LaPlanche E Winnicott by Belo, Fabio, Alii, Et
Critical Thinking: How to Develop Confidence and Self Awareness by West, Steven
Íon, de Eurípides: Interpretações Psicanalíticas by Alii, Et, Belo, Fabio
Close Relationships and Happiness Across Cultures by
12: Modelo Mental Integrativo by Donaire, Pablo Arnaldo
The Origins of Psychoanalysis in Israel: The Freudian Movement in Mandatory Palestine 1918-1948 by Liebermann, Guido
Anti-Oppressive Counseling and Psychotherapy: Action for Personal and Social Change by Brown, Jason D.
Motivierende Gesprächsführung: Eine Einführung by Weigl, Tobias, Mikutta, Johannes
Cases of Amnesia: Contributions to Understanding Memory and the Brain by
Back Yourself: Transform Challenge into Confidence by Gentleman, Tommy
Die Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung. Ein Fallbericht by Hamberger, Nina
Telefonische Beratung in Krisensituationen: Hintergründe Und Interventionen Für Psychologen, Berater Und Ehrenamtliche by Sötemann, Christian H.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques: How to Manage Anxiety and Depression Using CBT - Control Your Thinking, Emotions, and Behavior by Robinson, Erika
Living Intelligence Or The Art of Becoming! by Ray, Rimaletta
Conscious Connection: Reframing Mental Health to Create a Thriving Life by Wayt, Sarah
Brainsights: Use neuroscience to live, love and lead a better life. B/W Economy ed. by Winegar, David C.
Therianthropy: Transformation Into Animals by Derrig, John F.
Conscious Connection: Reframing Mental Health to Create a Thriving Life by Wayt, Sarah
Die Spieltheorie. Kooperation im Alltag by Lopez Cames, Catharina
45 Techniques Every Counselor Should Know by Erford, Bradley
Psychoanalysis, Neuroscience and Adolescent Development: Non-Linear Perspectives on the Regulation of the Self by Bendicsen, Harold K.
Being with the Dead: Burial, Ancestral Politics, and the Roots of Historical Consciousness by Ruin, Hans
Transformational Coaching to Lead Culturally Diverse Teams by Stout-Rostron, Sunny
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Beginners Guide to CBT with Simple Techniques for Retraining the Brain to Defeat Anxiety, Depression, and Low-Self E by Goleman, Seth, Wells, Travis
Revival: Nerves and Personal Power (1922): Some Principles of Psychology as Applied to Conduct and Personal Power by King, D. Macdougall
Personal Experiences of Psychological Therapy for Psychosis and Related Experiences by
A Casebook of Transformational and Transactional Leadership by Arenas, Fil J.
An Evidence-Based Critique of Contemporary Psychoanalysis: Research, Theory, and Clinical Practice by Paris, Joel
Thank You, Me by Oop, Ellie
Innovationsförderliche Gestaltung einer Organisationskultur und ihre Grenzen by Bessel-Zaubzer, Petra
Die Qual der Wahl bei der Entscheidungsfindung. Entscheidungstheoretische Konzepte und der Pfad des Erkenntnisgewinns: Entscheidungstheorien angewandt by Kral, Oliver
Biografiearbeit in der Arbeit mit demenzerkrankten Menschen: Wie kann man das Erinnerungsvermögen bei Alzheimer-Demenz möglichst lange aufrechterhalte by Mathes, Alicia
Accelerated Learning: Master Memory Improvement, Be Productive and Declutter Your Mind To Boost Your IQ Through Insane Focus, Unlimited Memo by Hunter, Adam
An Aba Primer with Application to Teaching Children with Autism by Reynolds C. Psych, Reg M.
Vielfalt Meditation: Ein Überblick Über Meditations- Und Achtsamkeitsübungen by Malinowski, Peter
The Magic of Mentoring: Developing Others and Yourself by Thompson, Carol
From the Eyes of a Child to the Soul of a Man: A Journey along the Highway of Life by Fuller Ph. D., Chuck
Self-Confidence 2.0: The Proven Formula to Escape from Self Imposed Limitations and Achieve Your Full Potential by Dume, Raphael
Rivalry Exposed: Why People Hate You by Valliant, Paul M.
Lois psychologiques de l'évolution des peuples by Le Bon, Gustave
The Courage to Think Differently: A Bold Investigation of Prejudice, Human Behavior, and the Power to Revolutionize the Ideas that Shape our World by Harlem, Steven H.
Oxford Handbook of Voice Perception by
The Courage to Think Differently: A Bold Investigation of Prejudice, Human Behavior, and the Power to Revolutionize the Ideas That Shape Our World by Harlem, Steven H.
Work Smart Business: Lessons Learned from HYPNOTIZING 250,000 People and Building a MILLION-DOLLAR Brand by Linett, Jason
Human Performance Optimization: The Science and Ethics of Enhancing Human Capabilities by
Remembering: What 50 Years of Research with Famous Amnesia Patient H.M. Can Teach Us about Memory and How It Works by MacKay, Donald G.
Single-Session 'One-At-A-Time' Therapy: A Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Approach by Dryden, Windy
Being with the Dead: Burial, Ancestral Politics, and the Roots of Historical Consciousness by Ruin, Hans
A Casebook of Transformational and Transactional Leadership by Arenas, Fil
Multicultural Psychology by Domenech Rodríguez, Melanie M., Mio, Jeffery Scott, Barker, Lori A.
Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps: How to Thrive in Complexity by Garvey Berger, Jennifer
Die negativen psychischen Auswirkungen des geschlossenen Strafvollzuges auf männliche Inhaftierte in Deutschland by Möller, Max
Basics of Planning and Management of Patients During Radiation Therapy: A Guide for Students and Practitioners by Mukherji, Ashutosh
A Comparison of Eastern and Western Parenting: Programmes, Policies and Approaches by Yiu Tsang Andrew, Low
Psychoanalytic Thinking on the Unhoused Mind by
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Secondary Schools: The Definitive Guide to Effective Implementation and Quality Control by Clark, Alison G., Dockweiler, Katherine A.
Digital Technology, Eating Behaviors, and Eating Disorders by Smahelová, Martina, Macháčková, Hana, Smahel, David
Today's Youth and Mental Health: Hope, Power, and Resilience by
Psychological Ownership and Consumer Behavior by
The Evolution of Suicide by Soper, C. A.
Shame Regulation Therapy for Families: A Systemic Mirroring Approach by Weinblatt, Uri
Criminal Justice and Mental Health: An Overview for Students by Khey, David, Hector, Jada
Sexualstraftäter stigmatisieren oder resozialisieren. Eine Erhebung der Meinung über und Wahrnehmung von Sexualstraftätern in der Gesellschaft by Oesterlein, Natalie
Wie effektiv ist Coaching? Zum Einfluss des regulatorischen Fokus auf Zielsetzung und Leistung by Salmen, Angelika T. H.
Gesellschaftliche Megatrends der Globalisierung. Herausforderungen von Urbanisierung, Konnektivität und Co. für Arbeit und Privatleben by Versteegen, Pedro
Behavioral Medicine and Integrated Care: Efficient Delivery of Effective Treatments by
Please Let It Be Enough by Kohl, Yeshil
Nlp: Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Techniques for Your Best Self: Hack Your Mind for Healthier Relationships, More Self-Con by Wright, Avery
Essentials of Trauma-Informed Assessment and Intervention in School and Community Settings by Wycoff, Kirby L., Franzese, Bettina
Complicated Grieving and Bereavement: Understanding and Treating People Experiencing Loss by
Jeugdige Delinquenten: Praktijk En Achtergrond by Van Dorp, Merel, Aytemur, Semra, Swart, Nienke
Women and Health: The Politics of Sex in Medicine by Fee, Elizabeth
Beyond Gender Differences: Adaptation to Aging in Life Course Perspective by Hatch, Laurie Russell
The Political Economy of AIDS by Singer, Merrill
Breaking the Silence by Prince, Laura
Minority Student Retention: The Best of the Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice by Seidman, Alan
Work Stress: Studies of the Context, Content and Outcomes of Stress: A Book of Readings by Peterson, Chris
Reflections on Death, Dying and Bereavement: A Manual for Clergy, Counsellors and Speakers by Smith, William A.
Absolute Clinical Radiation Oncology Review by
Revival: Outline of Clinical Psychoanalysis (1934) by Fenichel, Otto
Revival: Human Behavior (1921): In Relation to the Study of Educational, Social & Ethical Problems by Paton, Stewart
Revival: The Psychology of Reasoning (1923) by Rignano, Eugenio
Revival: An Outline of Psychology (1968) by McDougall, Willam
Revival: Principles of Abnormal Psychology (1928) by Conklin, Edmund Smith
Encouraging Pro-Environmental Behaviour: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why by Abrahamse, Wokje
Wisc-V: Clinical Use and Interpretation by Saklofske, Donald H., Holdnack, James A., Weiss, Lawrence G.
Forensic Psychotherapy by
Critical Leadership Theory: Integrating Transdisciplinary Perspectives by Chandler, Jennifer L. S., Kirsch, Robert E.
Asian Indigenous Psychologies in the Global Context by
The NEUROGES(R) Analysis System for Nonverbal Behavior and Gesture: The Complete Research Coding Manual including an Interactive Video Learning Tool a by Lausberg, Hedda
It's All about Relationships!: New Ways to Make Them Healthy and Fulfilling, at Home and at Work by Rancourt, Karen L.
Leadership Behavior Coaching: The Art of Asking Purposeful Questions by Davis, Hellen
Psychology of Human Behavior: 3 Manuscripts-Emotional Intelligence, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: The Best Guide to Un by Wright, Avery
The Art of Self-Supervision: Studying the link between self-reflection and self-care by Ponsford-Hill, Laurie
The Art of Self-Supervision: Studying the link between self-reflection and self-care by Ponsford-Hill, Laurie
The New Psychology of Love by
The Loving Self by Natterson, Joseph
Trauma and Primitive Mental States: An Object Relations Perspective by Eekhoff, Judy K.
Educational Foundations by Dotts, Brian W.
Case Formulation for Personality Disorders: Tailoring Psychotherapy to the Individual Client by
The New Psychology of Love by
Conceptions of Dreaming from Homer to 1800 by Pigman III, G. W.
Hooked by Prior, Markus
Revival: Textbook of Psychiatry (1924) by Bleuler, Eugen
Hooked: How Politics Captures People's Interest by Prior, Markus
Cult, A Love Story: Ten Years Inside a Canadian Cult and the Subsequent Long Road of Recovery by Amor, Alexandra
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity: Towards a Dynamic Theory of People and Place by
The Mascc Textbook of Cancer Supportive Care and Survivorship by
Principle-Based Stepped Care and Brief Psychotherapy for Integrated Care Settings by
Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy: Methods and Protocols by
Hypnosis: going deeper: A guide to hypnosis method and techniques, and the new Hypnocell(R) method by Coleman, Lucy
Applied Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences: 2nd Edition by Aberson, Christopher L.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Secondary Schools: The Definitive Guide to Effective Implementation and Quality Control by Clark, Alison G., Dockweiler, Katherine A.
Narrative Landscapes of Female Sexuality in Africa: Collective Stories of Trauma and Transition by Van Schalkwyk, Samantha
On Replacement: Cultural, Social and Psychological Representations by
The Semantics of Gradability, Vagueness, and Scale Structure: Experimental Perspectives by
An Introduction to the Zhou yi (Book of Changes) by Dajun, Liu
An Introduction to the Zhou yi (Book of Changes) by Dajun, Liu, Wenzhi, Zhang
Memories of a Vietnam Veteran: What I Have Remembered and What He Could Not Forget by Child, Barbara
Conflict: How Soldiers Make Impossible Decisions by Shortland
Younique: How Your Uniqueness Is Vital for Your Greatest Fulfillment by Wiberg, Lars-Erik
Bring Your Christian Worldview to Psychology Class: Make Psychology Christian Again by Rice, Timothy S.
Milton H. Erickson, MD, an American Healer [With DVD] by
How to Believe in Answered Prayers Growing Deeper Spiritual Roots by Holbrook, Georgie Anna
Pastoral and Spiritual Care in a Digital Age: The Future Is Now by Bingaman, Kirk A.
Addictions Counseling: A Competency-Based Approach by Faulkner, Cynthia A., Faulkner, Samuel
DSM-5 Insanely Simplified: Unlocking the Spectrums within DSM-5 and ICD-10 by Cruz, Leonard, Buser, Steven
DSM-5 Insanely Simplified: Unlocking the Spectrums within DSM-5 and ICD-10 [Hardcover] by Buser, Steven, Cruz, Leonard
Adolescents with Chronic Kidney Disease: From Diagnosis to End-Stage Disease by
Sexting: Motives and Risk in Online Sexual Self-Presentation by
Service-Learning for Youth Leadership: The Case of Hong Kong by
Together: Surprisingly Simple Secrets for Loving Your Wife Forever by McConnell, Bill
The Art of Reading People: How to Deal with Toxic People and Manipulation to Avoid (or End) an Abusive Relation by Tuhovsky, Ian
Nice to a Fault: Redefining Kindness in Marriage by Klassen, Carolyn
Melting Summer Ice by Reynolds, David K.
Handbook Of Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment by
The Psychoanalytic Study of Society, V. 11: Essays in Honor of Werner Muensterberger by
European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 18 by
European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 17 by
Cross-Cultural Responsiveness & Systemic Therapy: Personal & Clinical Narratives by
Advances in Psychiatry by
Computerspiele: Grundlagen, Psychologie Und Anwendungen by Kolibius, Luca D., Breiner, Tobias C.
The Performing Art of Therapy: Acting Insights and Techniques for Clinicians by O'Connell, Mark
Eye Guidance in Natural Scenes: A Special Issue of Visual Cognition by
Computational Modelling: A Special Issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology by
European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 15 by
Visual Social Cognition: A Special Issue of Visual Cognition by
Decision-Analytic Intelligent Systems: Automated Explanation and Knowledge Acquisition by Klein, David A.
Choice, Decision, and Measurement: Essays in Honor of R. Duncan Luce by
Basic and Applied Perspectives on Learning, Cognition, and Development: The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Volume 28 by
Sensitive Periods in Humans: The Influences of Emerging Attachment, Neural Plasticity, Socialization, and Affect Regulation by Cawthorpe, David
Applied Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences: 2nd Edition by Aberson, Christopher L.
Becoming an Industrial-Organizational Psychologist by Doverspike, Dennis, Flores, Catalina
The Ties of Later Life by Hendricks, Jon
How to Succeed in Sales and Business: Special Edition by Durden, Ryan
COMMENT Récupérer le Contrôle de Mes Sentiments: C'est parce que, comme la fin est imminente, le cercle se ferme et je me déplace de plus en plus vers by Kalantzi, Anastasie
Multidisziplinäre Betrachtung Des Vielschichtigen Phänomens Glücksspiel: Festschrift Zu Ehren Des 65. Geburtstags Von Prof. Dr. Tilman Becker by
Strong Couples: Basic Skills that Elicit Connection and Transform Relationships by Winther Murray, Kirsten
The Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalysis in the Social Sciences and Humanities by
Crew Resource Management by
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