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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 1984

A Sanskrit Reader: Text and Vocabulary and Notes by Lanman, Charles Rockwell
Hu Shih and Intellectual Choice in Modern China by Chou, Min-Chih
Chinese Defence Policy by Tow, William T., Segal, Gerald
Das Ende Der Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland? by
Collective Decision Making in Rural Japan: Volume 11 by
Social Organization in South China, 1911-1949: The Case of Kuan Lineage in K'Ai-P'Ing County Volume 48 by Woon, Yuen-Fong
The American Automobile Industry: Rebirth or Requiem? by
The American and Japanese Auto Industries in Transition: Report of the Joint U.S.-Japan Automotive Study by
Peoples of the USSR: An Ethnographic Handbook by Wixman, Ronald
Die Sozialökonomischen Verhältnisse Der Bäuerlichen Bevölkerung in Der Republik Mali: Ergebnisse Einer Feldforschung Im Arrondissement Sanankoroba, Re by Löfwander, Torild
Arabische Kultur Der Gegenwart: Rückblicke, Bestandsaufnahme, Zukunftserwartungen by Bellmann, Dieter
Desegregation: The Illusion of Black Progress by Adair, Alvis V.
Malcolm X: A Selected Bibliography by Davis, Lenwood G.
Foreign Devils on the Silk Road: The Search for the Lost Cities and Treasures of Chinese Central Asia by Hopkirk, Peter
Haiti: Political Failures, Cultural Successes by Unknown
Languages of Class by Jones, Gareth Stedman, Stedman-Jones, Gareth
Becoming American: An Ethnic History by Archdeacon, Thomas J.
Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838-1839 by Kemble, Frances Anne
Geopolitics of the Caribbean: Ministates in a Wider World by Anderson, Thomas D.
Hitler, Germans, and the Jewish Question by Gordon, Sarah Ann
Three Who Dared: Prudence Crandall, Margaret Douglass, Myrtilla Miner--Champions of Antebellum Black Education by Pacheco, Josephine F., Foner, Philip Sheldon
Black Access: A Bibliography of Afro-American Bibliographies by Newman, Richard
The Musical Woman: An International Perspective Volume I: 1983 by Unknown
The Ku Klux Klan: A Bibliography by Sims, Janet, Davis, Lenwood G.
Egypt's Destiny: A Personal Statement by Mohammed Naguib by Unknown, Naguib, Mohammed
Medieval Islamic Medicine: Ibn Ridwan's Treatise on the Prevention of Bodily Ills in Egypt Volume 9 by
The United States and Israel: Influence in the Special Relationship by Rubinstein, Alvin Z.
Biographical Dictionary of Latin American Historians and Historiography by Thomas, Jack
American Beauty: William Carlos Williams and the Modernist Whitman by Tapscott, Stephen
The War Against Proslavery Religion by McKivigan, John R.
From Sicily to Elizabeth Street: Housing and Social Change Among Italian Immigrants, 1880-1930 by Gabaccia, Donna R.
Native American Periodicals and Newspapers, 1828-1982: Bibliography, Publishing Record, and Holdings by Unknown, Bowles, Ann
Chains of Fear: American Race Relations Since Reconstruction by Cassity, Michael J.
Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, 1526-1918: Volume 6 by Kann, Robert a., David, Zdenek
Women Shaping Art: Profiles in Power by Van Wagner, Judith
Broken Earth: The Rural Chinese by Mosher, Steven W.
Cubans in the United States: A Bibliography for Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1960-1983 by Maccorkle, Lyn
Justice Accused: Antislavery and the Judicial Process by Cover, Robert M.
Turkey, the Politics of Authority, Democracy, and Development. by Tachau, Frank
Heritage: Civilization and the Jews: Study Guide by Hallo, William W.
Heritage: Civilization and the Jews: Source Reader by Hallo, William W.
Women in China: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography by Wei, Karen
Cassandra's Daughters: The Women in Hemingway by Whitlow, Roger
Women in Western European History: A Select Chronological, Geographical, and Topical Bibliography: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Frey, Linda
Japanese Business Law and the Legal System by Hahn, Elliott J.
Black-Jewish Relations in the United States, 1752-1984: A Selected Bibliography by Davis, Lenwood G.
American Indian and Alaska Native Newspapers and Periodicals, 1826-1924 by Parins, James W., Littlefield, Daniel F., Jr.
Voices From Under: Black Narrative in Latin America and the Caribbean by Luis, William
Persian Literature - A Biobibliographical Survey: A. Lexicography. B. Grammar. C. Prosody and Poetics. (Volume III Part 1) by Storey, C. A.
Women in the World-System: The Impact on Status and Fertility by Ward, Katheryn
Ethnic Groups, Congress, and American Foreign Policy: The Politics of the Turkish Arms Embargo by Watanabe, Paul Y.
The Cinema of Ousmane Sembene, a Pioneer of African Film. by Pfaff, Francoise
Unequal Access: Women Lawyers in a Changing America by Chester, Ronald
Contemporary Public Policy Perspectives and Black Americans: Issues in an Era of Retrenchment Politics by
Bargaining for Reality: The Construction of Social Relations in a Muslim Community by Rosen, Lawrence
Student Culture and Activism in Black South African Universities: The Roots of Resistance by Nkomo, Mokubung O.
Demography of Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography with a Review Essay by Momeni, Jamshid a.
Südostasien: Völker Und Kulturen by Kubitscheck, Hans-Dieter