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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 1986

A Cent a Story!: The Best from Ten Detective Aces by Roberts, Garyn G.
Island Of Bali by Covarrubias, Miguel
Historische Ethnographie Der Länder Indochinas by Tschesnow, Jan W.
Gebiet Königstein Sächsische Schweiz: Ergebnisse Der Heimatkundlichen Bestandsaufnahme Im Gebiet Von Königstein Und Hohnstein by Vogel, Richard
Vassouras: A Brazilian Coffee County, 1850-1900. the Roles of Planter and Slave in a Plantation Society by Stein, Stanley J.
The Afro-American Short Story: A Comprehensive, Annotated Index with Selected Commentaries by Yancy, Preston M.
Wole Soyinka: A Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources by Gates, Henry L., Katrak, Ketu, Gibbs, James
Rise from Want by Davis, James C.
Policy Conflicts in Post-Mao China: A Documentary Survey with Analysis: A Documentary Survey with Analysis by Rosen, Stanley, Burns, John P.
Going to America, Going to School: The Jewish Immigrant Public School Encounter in Turn-Of-The-Century New York City by Brumberg, Stephan F.
Africa and the West: The Legacies of Empire by
Hydropathic Highway to Health: Women and Water-Cure in Antebellum America by Donegan, Jane B.
Chicano Poetry: A Critical Introduction by Candelaria, Cordelia
The Great American Housewife: From Helpmate to Wage Earner, 1776-1986 by Ogden, Annegret S.
Women's Work: Development and the Division of Labor by Gender by Safa, Helen I., Leacock, Eleanor
Class, State, and Democracy in Jamaica. by Unknown
Alain Locke and Philosophy: A Quest for Cultural Pluralism by Washington, Johnny
From Servitude to Freedom: Manumission in the Sénonais in the Thirteenth Century by Jordan, William Chester
Pathways in the Workplace: The Effects of Gender and Race on Access to Organizational Resources by Miller, Jon
Appalachia on Our Mind: The Southern Mountains and Mountaineers in the American Consciousness, 1870-1920 by Shapiro, Henry D.
The Latin American Military Institution by Board of Trustees, X.
Leading the Way: Amy Morris Homans and the Beginnings of Professional Education for Women by Spears, Betty Mary
Confrontation, Class Consciousness, and the Labor Process: Studies in Proletarian Class Formation by
The Ottoman Lady: A Social History from 1718 to 1918 by Davis, Fanny, Esch, Mary E., Gurun, Sema
The Arab States and the Palestine Question: Between Ideology and Self-Interest by Miller, Aaron David
Black Labor in America, 1865-1983: A Selected Annotated Bibliography by Wilson, Joseph
The Arab States and the Palestine Question: Between Ideology and Self-Interest by Miller, Aaron David
A Rage for Order: Black-White Relations in the American South Since Emancipation by Williamson, Joel
Out of the House of Bondage: Runaways, Resistance and Marronage in Africa and the New World by
The Pornography of Representation by Kappeler, Susanne
Martin Luther King, Jr.: An Annotated Bibliography by Pyatt, Sherman E.
Hibernia America: The Irish and Regional Cultures by Clark, Dennis, Unknown
Blacks in the Humanities, 1750-1984: A Selected Annotated Bibliography by Joyce, Donald F., Unknown
Jewish Serials of the World: A Research Bibliography of Secondary Sources by Singerman, Robert
A Black Elite: A Profile of Graduates of Uncf Colleges by Thompson, Daniel C.
The White Press and Black America by Martindale, Carolyn
New World, New Roles.: A Documentary History of Women in Pre-Industrial America by Frey, Sylvia R., Morton, Marian J.
Gender, Ideology, and Action: Historical Perspectives on Women's Public Lives by
The Shadow War: German Espionage and United States Counterespionage in Latin America during World War II by Bratzel, John
The Marginal World of Oe Kenzaburo: A Study of Themes and Techniques: A Study of Themes and Techniques by Wilson, Michiko N.
The Arab and the African by Pruen, S. Tristram
The Labouring Classes in Early Industrial England, 1750-1850 by Rule, John
Canada and Collective Security: Odd Man Out by Unknown
Strategies for Survival: American Indians in the Eastern United States by Porter, Frank
Black and White in Southern Zambia: The Tonga Plateau Economy and British Imperialism, 1890-1939 by Vickery, Kenneth Powers
Israeli War Widows: Beyond the Glory of Heroism by Shamgar Handelman, Lea
Women Remembered: A Guide to Landmarks of Women's History in the United States by Tinling, Marion
With Eyes Toward Zion--II: Themes and Sources in the Archives of the United States, Great Britain, Turkey and Israel by
Wilson Harris and the Modern Tradition: A New Architecture of the World by Drake, Sandra E.
A Portrait of the Israeli Soldier by Gal, Reuven, Gal, Reuvan
From Paddy to Studs: Irish American Communities in the Turn of the Century Era, 1880 to 1920 by
Modern Jewish Morality: A Bibliographical Survey by Breslauer, S. Daniel
American Indian and Alaska Native Newspapers and Periodicals, 1971-1985. by Parins, James W., Unknown, Littlefield
The Civil Rights Movement in America by
Oil, Turmoil, and Islam in the Middle East by Ali, Nazma
American Women and Political Participation: The Impacts of Work, Generation, and Feminism by Beckwith, Karen
Jewish-Polish Coexistence, 1772-1939: A Topical Bibliography by Lerski, Jerzy J., Lerski, Halina, Lerski, George J.
The American Victorian Woman: The Myth and the Reality by Donnelly, Mabel Collins
Between Class and Nation: The Formation of the Jewish Working Class in the Period Before Israel's Statehood by Ben-Porat, Amir
The Antislavery Rank and File: A Social Profile of the Abolitionists' Constituency by Unknown, Magdol, Edward
Israel Faces the Future by Unknown
Race and Manifest Destiny: The Origins of American Racial Anglo-Saxonism by Horsman, Reginald
Race, Politics, and Culture: Critical Essays on the Radicalism of the 1960s by Reed, Adolph
Index to Poetry by Black American Women by Chapman, Dorothy Hilton
de Lawd: Richard B. Harrison and the Green Pastures by Unknown, Daniel, Walter C.
Black American Families, 1965-1984: A Classified, Selectively Annotated Bibliography by Allen, Walter Recharde
Jewish American Voluntary Organizations by
Because They Were Jews: A History of Antisemitism by Weinberg, Meyer
Women's Work: Development and the Division of Labor by Gender by Leacock, Eleanor
White Talk Black Talk: Inter-Racial Friendship and Communication Amongst Adolescents by Hewitt, Roger
Russia Gathers Her Jews: The Origins of the Jewish Question in Russia, 1772-1825 by Klier, John Doyle
Troubles on the East Bank: Challenges to the Domestic Stability of Jordan by Satloff, Robert B., Unknown
Race, Ethnicity, and Minority Housing in the United States by Momeni, Jamshid a.
Economic Reform and Stabilization in Latin America by Connolly, Michael, Gonzalez Vega, Claudio
The Politics of Colombia. by Unknown
The Struggle for Equality: Urban Women Workers in Prestate Israeli Society by Bernstein, Deborah
The Central American Refugees by Ferris, Elizabeth
Women in Western European History, First Supplement: A Select Chronological, Geographical, and Topical Bibliography by Frey, Linda
The Mexican Ruling Party: Stability and Authority by Unknown
Working-Class Formation: Ninteenth-Century Patterns in Western Europe and the United States by
Early Victorian New Zealand: A Study of Racial Tensions and Social Attitudes 1839-1852 by Miller, John
Slaves and Slavery in Africa: Volume Two: The Servile Estate by Willis, John Ralph
Slaves and Slavery in Africa: Volume One: Islam and the Ideology of Enslavement by Willis, John Ralph