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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 1991

Boundaries of the Text: Epic Performances in South and Southeast Asia Volume 35 by
Paninian Studies: Professor S. D. Joshi Felicitation Volume Volume 37 by
Nourish the People: The State Civilian Granary System in China, 1650-1850 Volume 60 by Wong, R., Wong, R. Bin, Will, Pierre-Etienne
Black, White, and Southern: Race Relations and Southern Culture, 1940 to the Present by Goldfield, David
Politics and Economy in Jordan by
Gender and Stratification by
Masculinity and Power: Collaboration and Resistance 1940-1944 by Brittan, Arthur
Group Psychology Of The Japanese in Wartime by Iritani, Toshio
Politische Aspekte Des Exils by
Introducing Contemporary Feminist Thought by Evans, Mary
Redefining the Self by Markowe, Laura
Coming Out of Feminism? by
Statistical Handbook on U.S. Hispanics by
China Review 1991 by
China and Europe: Images and Influences in Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries by Lee, Thomas
The Dominion of Women: The Personal and the Political in Canadian Women's Literature by Fraser, Wayne
Rethinking Today's Minorities by Parrillo, Vincent
Early State Economics by
La Familia: Chicano Families in the Urban Southwest, 1848 to the Present by Griswold del Castillo, Richard
Heroic with Grace: Legendary Women of Japan by Irie Mulhern, Chieko
Heroic with Grace: Legendary Women of Japan by Irie Mulhern, Chieko
Voices of Freedom: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement from the 1950s Through the 1980s by Hampton, Henry, Fayer, Steve
Pilgrimage in Latin America by
Order Against Chaos: Business Culture and Labor Ideology in America, 1880-1915 by Watts, Sarah Lyons
Out of the Woodpile: Black Characters in Crime and Detective Fiction by Bailey, Frankie Y.
Justice in Our Time: The Japanese Canadian Redress Settlement by Kobayashi, Cassandra, Miki, Roy
The Slave's Narrative by
Tradition and Modernity in the African Short Story: An Introduction to a Literature in Search of Critics by Balogun, F. Odun, Balogun, Fidelis Odun
Switzerland in Perspective by Hilowitz, Janet E.
Sauna as Symbol: Society and Culture in Finland by Edelsward, Lisa-Marlene
Forging Freedom: The Formation of Philadelphia's Black Community, 1720-1840 by Nash, Gary B.
The Palestine Liberation Organization: From Armed Struggle to the Declaration of Independence by Nassar, Jamal R.
Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America by Fischer, David Hackett
The Superpowers and the Syrian-Israeli Conflict: Beyond Crisis Management? by Cobban, Helena
One Hundred Towers: An Italian Odyssey of Cultural Survival by Romanucci-Ross, Lola
The Star of Return: Judaism After the Holocaust by Marmur, Dow
Toward an Entangling Alliance: American Isolationism, Internationalism, and Europe, 1901-1950 by Powaski, Ronald E.
Soviet Policy Toward Israel Under Gorbachev by Freedman, Robert
The Reunification of China: PRC-Taiwan Relations in Flux by Lee, Lai To
Effective Sanctions on South Africa: The Cutting Edge of Economic Intervention by
Effective Reform in China: An Agenda by Woo, Henry K. H.
The Political Economy of Senegal Under Structural Adjustment by
Politics of Disillusionment: Chinese Communist Party Under Deng Xiaoping, 1978-89 by Chi, Hsi-Sheng
Managing Development: State, Society, and International Contexts by Staudt, Kathleen
Politics in the African-American Novel: James Weldon Johnson, W.E.B. Du Bois, Richard Wright, and Ralph Ellison by Kostelanetz, Richard
China Statistical Yearbook 1990 by State Statistical Bureau Peoples Republ, State Statistical Bureau Peoples Republi
Religion and Politics in Latin America: Liberation Theology and Christian Democracy by Lynch, Edward A.
Soviet Policy Toward Israel Under Gorbachev by Freedman, Robert
A Policy Calculated to Benefit China: The United States and the China Arms Embargo, 1919-1929 by Valone, Stephen J.
Railway Imperialism by Robinson, Ronald E.
Black Students and School Failure: Policies, Practices, and Prescriptions by Irvine, Jacqueline Jordan
Familia: Migration and Adaptation in Baja and Alta California, 1800-1975 by Alvarez, Robert R.
Science and Social Science Research in British India, 1780-1880: The Role of Anglo-Indian Associations and Government by Ellsworth, Edward W.
Handbook of French Popular Culture by
Disfigured Images: The Historical Assault on Afro-American Women by Morton, Patricia
A Guide to Cuban Collections in the United States by P. Rez, Louis, Perez, Louis A., Jr.
Soviet Nuclear Policy Under Gorbachev: A Policy of Disarmament by Calingaert, Daniel
Canada and the Crisis in Central America by Lemco, Jonathan
Journalists for Empire: The Imperial Debate in the Edwardian Stately Press, 1903-1913 by Startt, James D.
Cities and Caliphs: On the Genesis of Arab Muslim Urbanism by Alsayyad, Nezar
Arab Nationalism, Oil, and the Political Economy of Dependency by Alnasrawi, Abbas
The French Revolution in Culture and Society by Andrews, Norwood
Japan as (Anything but) Number One by Woronoff
The American Kaleidoscope: Race, Ethnicity, and the Civic Culture by Fuchs, Lawrence H.
Japan as (Anything but) Number One by Woronoff
Rice and Slaves: Ethnicity and the Slave Trade in Colonial South Carolina by Littlefield, Daniel C.
Cajun Country by Ancelet, Barry Jean
New Dimensions in African History by John Henrik, Clarke
The Iceman Inheritance: Prehistoric Sources of Western Man's Racism, Sexism and Aggression by Bradley, Michael
The Stratford Festival Story: A Catalogue-Index to the Stratford, Ontario, Festival 1953-1990 by Somerset, J. A. B., Lindroth, James
Self-Determination and the Social Education of Native Americans by Senese, Guy B.
Palestinians Between Israel and Jordan: Squaring the Triangle by Israeli, Raphael
Memory Offended: The Auschwitz Convent Controversy by
Memory Offended: The Auschwitz Convent Controversy by
Racial Change and Community Crisis: St. Augustine, Florida, 1877-1980 by Colburn, David R.
The State Offshore: Petroleum, Politics, and State Intervention on the British and Norwegian Continental Shelves by Nelsen, Brent F., Nelson, Brent
The Last Jew from Wegrow: The Memoirs of a Survivor of the Step-by-Step Genocide in Poland by Liebovich, Louis W.
Gorbachev's Retreat: The Third World by Goodman, Melvin a.
Reluctant Ally: United States Foreign Policy Toward the Jews from Wilson to Roosevelt by Brecher, Frank W.
Mortality of Hispanic Populations: Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans in the United States and in the Home Countries by
The Jews of Poland Between Two World Wars by
The Fractured Metropolis: Political Fragmentation and Metropolitan Segregation by Weiher, Gregory R.
Haiti: Guide to the Periodical Literature in English, 1800-1990 by
China's Strategic Demographic Initiative by Tien, H. Yuan
Foreign Aid and Economic Development in the Middle East: Egypt, Syria, and Jordan by Sheffer, Eliezer, Lavy, Victor
Dream and Reality: The Modern Black Struggle for Freedom and Equality by
Origins Peasant Servitude Cata by Freedman, Paul H.
Reform Through Community: Resocializing Offenders in the Kibbutz by Fischer, Michael, Geiger, Brenda
With Eyes Toward Zion - III: Western Societies and the Holy Land by
Worlds of Modern Chinese Fiction: Short Stories and Novellas from the People's Republic, Taiwan and Hong Kong by Duke, Michael S.
The Psychology of Personal Constructs: Volume Two: Clinical Diagnosis and Psychotherapy by Kelly, George
Understanding Everyday Racism: An Interdisciplinary Theory by Essed, Philomena
The Immigration History Research Center: A Guide to Collections by University of Minnesota
The Red Guards' Path to Violence: Political, Educational, and Psychological Factors by Lin, Jing
South Africa's Road to Change, 1987-1990: A Select and Annotated Bibliography by Kalley, Jacqueline A.
U.S. Intervention in Lebanon, 1958 and 1982: Presidential Decisionmaking by Gerges Korbani, Agnes, Korbani, Agnes G.
Racism and the Underclass: State Policy and Discrimination Against Minorities by
Semiotics of Cities, Selves, and Cultures by Singer, Milton
The Culture of English Antislavery, 1780-1860 by Turley, David
America and I: Short Stories by American Jewish Women Writers by
Hausa Women in the Twentieth Century by
Romania: The Entangled Revolution by Ratesh, Nestor
Invisible Victims: White Males and the Crisis of Affirmative Action by Lynch, Frederic
Historical Dictionary of European Imperialism by
Perspectives on Modern China: Four Anniversaries by Kallgren, Joyce, Macfarquhar, Roderick, Lieberthal, Kenneth
Perspectives on Modern China: Four Anniversaries by Lieberthal, Kenneth, Kallgren, Joyce, Macfarquhar, Roderick
Yin Jiaqi and China's Struggle for Democracy by Bachman, David M., Yang, Dali L.
Yin Jiaqi and China's Struggle for Democracy by Yang, Dali L., Bachman, David M.
The Pro-democracy Protests in China: Reports from the Provinces by Unger, J.
British Slave Emancipation: The Sugar Colonies and the Great Experiment, 1830-1865 by Green, William A.
Black Book Publishers in the United States: A Historical Dictionary of the Presses, 1817-1990 by Joyce, Donald Franklin
String Music of Black Composers: A Bibliography by Horne, Aaron
Parish-Fed Bastards: A History of the Politics of the Unemployed in Britain, 1884-1939 by Flanagan, Richard
The Soviet Union in Literature for Children and Young Adults: An Annotated Bibliography of English-Language Books by Povsic, Frances F.
Sikhs in North America: An Annotated Bibliography by Singh Tatla, Darshan, Tatla, Darshan Singh
Gamal Abdel Nasser: A Bibliography by Mikdadi, Faysal, Mikdadi, F. H.
Jews and French Quebecers: Two Hundred Years of Shared History by Rome, David, Langlais, Jacques
Latinos and Political Coalitions: Political Empowerment for the 1990s by
An Unillustrious Alliance: The African American and Jewish American Communities by Phillips, William
Historical Dictionary of Tudor England, 1485-1603 by Fritze, Ronald
China at the Brink: The Political Economy of Reform and Retrenchment in the Post-Mao Era by Lichtenstein, Peter M.
Latinos and Political Coalitions: Political Empowerment for the 1990s by
Changing Jewish Life: Service Delivery and Planning in the 1990s by Tobin, Gary a., Sternberg, Lawrence
The Bounds of Race: Perspectives on Hegemony and Resistance by
Further Reflections on Things at Hand: A Reader by Hsi, Chu, Wittenborn, Allen
The Modernization of Inner Asia by Endicott-West, Elizabeth, Black, Cyril E., Dupree, Louis
The Problem of Freedom: Race, Labor, and Politics in Jamaica and Britain, 1832-1938 by Holt, Thomas C.
The Eyes on the Prize Civil Rights Reader: Documents, Speeches, and Firsthand Accounts from the Black Freedom Struggle by
The Chosen Women in Korean Politics: An Anthropological Study by Soh, Chung-Hee
Vigilantism and the State in Modern Latin America: Essays on Extralegal Violence by
The Unfinished Road: Jewish Survivors of Latvia Look Back by
Racism and Justice by Ezorsky, Gertrude
Ethnography Unbound: Power and Resistance in the Modern Metropolis by Burawoy, Michael, Burton, Alice, Ferguson, Ann Arnett
Antonin Dvorak on Records by Yoell, John
Mental and Social Disorder in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Sierra Leone, 1787-1990 by Bell, Leland V.
Plans for Peace: Negotiation and the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Feste, Karen A.
The Politics of Anti-Japanese Sentiment in Korea: Japanese-South Korean Relations Under American Occupation, 1945-1952 by Cheong, Sung-Hwa, Chong, Song-Hwa
Peasantry and Society in France Since 1789 by Moulin, Annie
Peasantry and Society in France Since 1789 by Moulin, Annie, Annie, Moulin
Plans for Peace: Negotiation and the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Feste, Karen
Switzerland and the European Common Market by Schwok, Rene
Handbook of Social Services for Asian and Pacific Islanders by Mokuau, Noreen
Israeli Politics in the 1990s: Key Domestic and Foreign Policy Factors by
Salzburg Under Siege: U.S. Occupation, 1945-1955 by Whitnah, Donald Robert, Whitnah, Florentine E.
From Exclusion to Inclusion: The Long Struggle for African American Political Power by
Time and Tide Wait for No Man: The Changing European Geopolitical Landscape by Gucht, Karel de, de Gucht, Karel, Keukeleire, Stephan
Political Change on Taiwan: A Study of Ruling Party Adaptability by Moody, Peter
Handbook of Soviet and East European Films and Filmmakers by
Managing Development: State, Society, and International Contexts by Staudt, Kathleen A.
Law, Labour and Society in Japan: From Repression to Reluctant Recognition by Woodiwiss, Anthony
Inequality at Work: Hispanics in the U.S. Labor Force by DeFreitas, Gregory
Cultivating Workers: Peasants and Capitalism in a Sudanese Village by Bernal, Victoria
Colonial Education for Africans: George Stark's Policy in Zimbabwe by [Deceased], Dickson Mungazi
The Linchpin: French-German Relations, 1950-1990 by Friend, Julius
La Chicana and the Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender by Blea, Irene
La Chicana and the Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender by Blea, Irene I.
Pakistan's Security Under Zia by Ltd, Palgrave MacMillan
False Promises: The Shaping of American Working Class Consciousness by Aronowitz, Stanley
Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men by
The Forgotten Israelites: God's Chosen People by Porter, Shadrock
Elections and Voters in Israel by Diskin, Abraham
Reaching Out to Moscow: From Confrontation to Cooperation by Brement, Marshall, Lsi
The Structure of Portuguese Society: The Failure of Fascism by Ervin, William, Machado, Diamantino P., Dayton, Keith
The Linchpin: French-German Relations, 1950-1990 by Friend, Julius