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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 1998

As We Are Now: Mixblood Essays on Race and Identity by
Melting Pot Soldiers: The Union Ethnic Regiments by Burton, William L.
Melting Pot Soldiers: The Union Ethnic Regiments by Burton, William L.
Latina Adolescent Childbearing in East Los Angeles by Erickson, Pamela I.
Legends of the Warring States: Persuasions, Romances, and Stories from Chan-Kuo Ts'e Volume 83 by Crump, J.
Temporary Workers or Future Citizens?: Japanese and U.S. Migration Policies by
Diasporic Citizenship: Haitian Americans in Transnational America by Laguerre, Michel S.
Scapegoats and Social Actors: The Exclusion and Integration of Minorities in Western and Eastern Europe by
Social Stratification and Power in America: A View from Below by Ewen, Lynda Ann
Changing Nomads in a Changing World by
Stigma and Sexual Orientation: Understanding Prejudice Against Lesbians, Gay Men and Bisexuals by
Slavery in Classical Greece by Fisher, N. R. E.
Chinese Foreign Policy by Barnouin, Barbara, Changgen, Yu
New Developments in Asian Studies by Van
Oasis Identities: Uyghur Nationalism Along China's Silk Road by Rudelson, Justin Jon
Oasis Identities: Uyghur Nationalism Along China's Silk Road by Rudelson, Justin Jon
Color-Blind by Cose, Ellis
The Origins of the Angolan Civil War: Foreign Intervention and Domestic Political Conflict, 1961-76 by Guimaraes, Fernando Andresen
The Human Face Of Industrial Conflict In Post-War Japan by Kawanishi, Hirosuke
Race and Ethnic Relations in the First Person by Unknown, Burayidi, Michael a., Kisubi, Alfred T.
Strengthen the Country and Enrich the People: The Reform Writings of Ma Jianzhong by Bailey, Paul
Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development by
The New Racism in Europe: A Sicilian Ethnography by Cole, Jeffrey, Jeffrey, Cole
Exil Und Widerstand by
Factory and Community in Stalin's Russia: The Making of an Industrial Working Class by Straus, Kenneth, Straus
The Kakure Kirishitan of Japan: A Study of Their Development, Beliefs and Rituals to the Present Day by Turnbull, Stephen
The Challenge of Interracial Unionism: Alabama Coal Miners, 1878-1921 by Letwin, Daniel L.
Ethnic Challenges Beyond Borders: Chinese and Russian Perspectives of the Central Asian Conundrum by
Women in the Footsteps of the Buddha: Struggle for Liberation in the Therigatha by Blackstone, Kathryn R.
International Law and Ethnic Conflict: The Series in English Fiction, 1850-1930 by
Marginalization and Social Welfare in China by Wong, Linda
Left Behind In Rosedale: Race Relations And The Collapse Of Community Institutions by Cummings, Scott
Afro-Brazilian Culture and Politics: Bahia, 1790s-1990s by Kraay, Hendrik
In Search of the True Gypsy: From Enlightenment to Final Solution by Willems, Wim
In Search of the True Gypsy: From Enlightenment to Final Solution by Willems, Wim
Afro-Brazilian Culture and Politics: Bahia, 1790s-1990s by Kraay, Hendrik
The Women by Als, Hilton, Shawn
The Meaning of Slavery in the North by
Increasing Multicultural Understanding: A Comprehensive Model by Locke, Don C.
Intimacy by Jamieson, Lynn
Immigration Reader by
Tales of Magistrate Bao and His Valiant Lieutenants: Selections from Sanxia Wuyi by
Embodying the Social: Constructions of Difference by
Speaking Truth To Power: Essays On Race, Resistance, And Radicalism by Marable, Manning
The Black Panther Party Reconsidered by
Psychosis in the Inner City by
Japanese Working Class Lives: An Ethnographic Study of Factory Workers by Roberson, James
The Netherlandic Presence in Ontario: Pillars, Class and Dutch Ethnicity by Schryer, Frans J.
Race and Nation: A Reader by
Who Killed John Clayton?: Political Violence and the Emergence of the New South, 1861-1893 by Barnes, Kenneth C.
Race Relations in Britain: A Developing Agenda by
Adorno on Music by Witkin, Robert W.
The Anatomy of Prejudices by Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth
Race Relations in Britain: A Developing Agenda by
Adorno on Music by Witkin, Robert W.
Middletown Jews: The Tenuous Survival of an American Jewish Community by
Race And British Electoral Politics by
From Black to Biracial: Transforming Racial Identity Among Americans by Korgen, Kathleen Odell
Crisis in the Israeli Kibbutz: Meeting the Challenge of Changing Times by
The House That Race Built: Original Essays by Toni Morrison, Angela Y. Davis, Cornel West, and Others on Black Americans and Politics in America by
Racial Attitudes in America: Trends and Interpretations, Revised Edition by Steeh, Charlotte, Bobo, Lawrence D., Schuman, Howard
Alcohol Use/Abuse Among Latinos: Issues and Examples of Culturally Competent Services by Delgado, Melvin
The Influence of Race and Racial Identity in Psychotherapy: Toward a Racially Inclusive Model by Carter, Robert T.
Cultural Diversity in the U.S. South: Anthropological Contributions to a Region and Transition by
Han Unbound: The Political Economy of South Korea by Lie, John
Deconstructing Images of the Turkish Woman by
Arab and Jewish Immigrants in Latin America: Images and Realities by
Sexuality and Gender in the English Renaissance by Davis, Lloyd
Population Dynamics of a Philippine Rain Forest People: The San Ildefonso Agta by Headland, Thomas N., Early, John D.
From Prejudice to Persecution: A History of Austrian Anti-Semitism by Pauley, Bruce F.
Social Gospel in Black and White by Luker, Ralph E.
The Origins of American Slavery: Freedom and Bondage in the English Colonies by Wood, Betty
What Is in a Rim?: Critical Perspectives on the Pacific Region Idea by Dirlik, Arif
Gypsies and Other Itinerant Groups: A Socio-Historical Approach by Willems, Wim, Cottaar, Anne-Marie, Lucassen, Leo
The Famine Ships: The Irish Exodus to America by Laxton, Edward
Cross-Cultural Counseling: The Arab-Palestinian Case by De Piano, Frank
My Turn to Weep: Salvadoran Refugee Women in Costa Rica by Quizar, Robin Ormes
A Historical Guide to World Slavery by
Insider/Outsider: American Jews and Multiculturalism by
Pilgrimage in Tibet by McKay, Alex
Africa's Second Wave of Freedom: Development, Democracy, and Rights, Vol. 11 by Thompson, Kenneth W., Graybill, Lyn
Guangdong: Preparing for the Wto Challenge by
Encyclopedia of Women and Sport in America by Ridley, Sheila
The Trouble with Friendship: Why Americans Can`t Think Straight about Race by Demott, Benjamin
Jazz in Black and White: Race, Culture, and Identity in the Jazz Community by Gerard, Charley
Demystifying Tibet: Unlocking the Secrets of the Land of the Snows by Feigon, Lee
Seeing a Color-Blind Future: The Paradox of Race by Williams, Patricia J.
The Spears of Twilight: Life and Death in the Amazon Jungle by Descola, Philippe
Whitewash: Racialized Politics and the Media by Gabriel, John
Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race by Mills, Charles W.
Blackness Visible by Mills, Charles W.
Just My Soul Responding: Rhythm And Blues, Black Consciousness And Race Relations by Ward, Brian
Ethnography at the Edge by
Japan, Race and Equality: The Racial Equality Proposal of 1919 by Shimazu, Naoko
Popular Buddhism in Japan: Buddhist Religion & Culture by Andreasen Esben, Andreasen, Esben, Andreasen, E.
Building Little Italy: Philadelphia's Italians Before Mass Migration by Juliani, Richard N.
Opposite Poles: Immigrants and Ethnics in Polish Chicago, 1976-1990 by Erdmans, Mary Patrice
Roots of Justice: Stories of Organizing in Communities of Color by Salomon, Larry R.
West Africans in Britain: 1900-1960 Nationalism, Pan Africanism and Communism by Adi, Hakim
The Canadian Sansei by Makabe, Tomoko
W. E. B. Du Bois, Race, and the City: The Philadelphia Negro and Its Legacy by
The Cuban Americans by Gonzalez-Pando, Miguel
Prejudice: The Target's Perspective by
Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake and Lowcountry by Morgan, Philip D.
Multiculturalism and American Democracy by
Racial Theories by Banton, Michael P.
The Tribal Basis of American Life: Racial, Religious, and Ethnic Groups in Conflict by
Interpreting Japanese Society: Anthropological Approaches by
Interpreting Japanese Society: Anthropological Approaches by
Slavery in the United States by Filler, Louis
Scapegoats and Social Actors: The Exclusion and Integration of Minorities in Western and Eastern Europe by
Popularizing the Nation: Audience, Representation, and the Production of Identity in "die Gartenlaube," 1853-1900 by Belgum, Kirsten
New Tribalisms: The Resurgence of Race and Ethnicity by
Asian American Family Life and Community by
Asian American Women and Gender: A Reader by Ng, Franklin
Gente Decente: A Borderlands Response to the Rhetoric of Dominance by Garza-Falcón, Leticia Magda
Race, Place, and the Law, 1836-1948 by Delaney, David
Freedoms Given, Freedoms Won: Afro-Brazilians in Post-Abolition São Paolo and Salvador by Butler, Kim D.
Cubana: Contemporary Fiction by Cuban Women by Behar, Ruth
Getting Beyond Race: The Changing American Culture by Payne, Richard J.
The Redneck Manifesto: How Hillbillies Hicks and White Trash Becames America's Scapegoats by Goad, Jim
Tibetan-English Dictionary by Jaschke, H. A.
Basil Hall Chamberlain: Portrait of a Japanologist by Ota, Yuzo
Hate Crimes: Criminal Law and Identity Politics by Potter, Kimberly, Jacobs, James B.
'Other Kinds of Dreams': Black Women's Organisations and the Politics of Transformation by Sudbury, Julia
'Other Kinds of Dreams': Black Women's Organisations and the Politics of Transformation by Sudbury, Julia
Racism and Child Protection by Jackson, Valerie
Disowning Slavery by Melish, Joanne Pope
East Asia 2000 and Beyond: Shaping Factors/Shaping Actors by Pape, Wolfgang
Diasporic Citizenship by Laguerre, M.
East Asia 2000 and Beyond: Shaping Factors/Shaping Actors by Pape, Wolfgang
Tibetan Lives: Three Himalayan Autobiographies by Richardus, P., Richardus Peter, Richardus, Peter
Racial Categorization of Multiracial Children in Schools by Chiong, Jane Ayers
La Comunidad Latina in the United States: Personal and Political Strategies for Transforming Culture by Abalos, David T.
The Taiwanese Americans by Ng, Franklin
Between Two Nations by Jones-Correa, Michael
Between Two Nations by Jones-Correa, Michael
The Dominican Americans by Torres-Saillant, Silvio, Hernandez, Ramona
La Comunidad Latina in the United States: Personal and Political Strategies for Transforming Culture by Abalos, David T.
Blackface, White Noise: Jewish Immigrants in the Hollywood Melting Pot by Rogin, Michael
A Model Development Plan: New Strategies and Perspectives by Mitchell, Craig, Lempert, David H., McCarty, Kim
Legendary Pioneers of Black Radio by Williams, Gilbert A.
A Portrait of the American Jewish Community by
Commission for Racial Equality: British Bureaucracy and the Multiethnic Society by
So Human an Animal: How We Are Shaped by Surroundings and Events by
Shades of Community and Conflict: Biracial Adults of African-American and Jewish-American Heritages by Segal, Josylyn C.
Chicano Professionals: Culture, Conflict, and Identity by Hoover Renteria, Tamis
The Object of Memory: Arab and Jew Narrate the Palestinian Village by Slyomovics, Susan
Bulgarian Fold Customs by Macdermott, Mercia
Communicating Effectively with the Chinese by Ting-Toomey, Stella, Kao, Ko, Gao, Ge
Pali Buddhist Texts: An Introductory Reader and Grammar by Johansson, Rune E. a.
Domesticating the Empire: Race, Gender, and Family Life in French and Dutch Colonialism by
National Identities and Ethnic Minorities in Eastern Europe: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsa by
Half and Half: Writers on Growing Up Biracial and Bicultural by O'Hearn, Claudine C.
Cultural Studies: A Research Annual by
The Psychoanalysis of Race by
The Psychoanalysis of Race by
Shades of Freedom: Racial Politics and Presumptions of the American Legal Process Race and the American Legal Process, Volume II by Higginbotham, A. Leon
African American Quotations by Newman, Richard
Colonial Fantasies: Towards a Feminist Reading of Orientalism by Yegenoglu, Meyda
Colonial Fantasies: Towards a Feminist Reading of Orientalism by Yegenoglu, Meyda
Identity in Formation: The Russian-Speaking Populations in the New Abroad by Laitin, David D.
Identity in Formation: The Russian-Speaking Populations in the New Abroad by Laitin, David D.
Fluid Ontologies: Myth, Ritual, and Philosophy in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea by Goldman, Laurence R.
Fluid Ontologies: Myth, Ritual, and Philosophy in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea by Goldman, Laurence R.
Women, Ethnicity and Nationalism: The Politics of Transition by
Cultural Studies - Vol 12.2 by
Salsa: A Taste of Hispanic Culture by Falcon, Rafael, Falcn, Rafael
FDI in China: An Asian Perspective by Huang, Yasheng
In Service and Servitude: Foreign Female Domestic Workers and the Malaysian "Modernity Project" by Chin, Christine
Caste, Class and Catholicism in India 1789-1914 by Ballhatchet, Kenneth
Environmental Challenges in South-East Asia by King, Victor T.
Revised Knight Templarism Illustrated by Blanchard, Charles
Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture by
White Flour, White Power by Rowse, Tim
The Korean Americans by Hurh, Won Moo
Race and Ethnicity in Comparative Perspective by
Arts Therapists, Refugees and Migrants: Reaching Across Borders by
Making Majorities: Constituting the Nation in Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, Fiji, Turkey, and the United States by
Blacks in the Jewish Mind: A Crisis of Liberalism by Forman, Seth
Common Denominators: Ethnicity, Nation-Building and Compromise in Mauritius by Eriksen, Thomas Hylland
Common Denominators: Ethnicity, Nation-Building and Compromise in Mauritius by Eriksen, Thomas Hylland
Tearing the Silence: On Being German in America by Hegi, Ursula
Just My Soul Responding: Rhythm and Blues, Black Consciousness, and Race Relations by Ward, Brian
Places Through the Body by
Places Through the Body by
Women and Slaves in Greco-Roman Culture: Differential Equations by
Small Family Business in Hong Kong: Accumulation and Accommodation by Chiu, Catherine
Zouping in Transition: The Process of Reform in Rural North China by
To Wake the Nations: Race in the Making of American Literature by Sundquist, Eric J.
A Price Below Rubies: Jewish Women as Rebels and Radicals by Shepherd, Naomi
Transforming Peasants: Society, State and the Peasantry, 1861-1930 by
National Identities and Ethnic Minorities in Eastern Europe: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsa by
The Resonance of Emptiness: A Buddhist Inspiration for Contemporary Psychotherapy by Watson, Gay
Who Was Who in British India by Riddick, John F.
Surviving on the Gold Mountain: A History of Chinese American Women and Their Lives by Ling, Huping
Religious Pluralism in Christian and Islamic Philosophy: The Thought of John Hick and Seyyed Hossein Nasr by Aslan, Adnan
Challenging Racism in the Arts: Case Studies of Controversy and Conflict by Tator, Carol, Mattis, Winston, Henry, Frances
Cyberghetto or Cybertopia? Race, Class, and Gender on the Internet by Ebo, Bosah
Ernest J. Gaines: A Critical Companion by Carmean, Karen
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