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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 2006

A Handbook for 1,000 Basic Chinese Characters by
Reservation Policy And Judicial Activism by Vijayan, Pp
Cross-Cultural Communication: Concepts, Cases and Challenges by
Race and Sport: The Struggle for Equality on and Off the Field by
Working in East Germany: Normality in a Socialist Dictatorship 1961-79 by Madarász, J.
Europe and the Politics of Language: Citizens, Migrants and Outsiders by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Asian Brand Strategy: How Asia Builds Strong Brands by Roll, M.
Sourcing in China: Strategies, Methods and Experiences by Nassimbeni, G., Sartor, M.
Public Policy and Ethnicity: The Politics of Ethnic Boundary Making by Openshaw, Roger
21st-Century Japanese Management: New Systems, Lasting Values by Abegglen, J.
Post-War Bosnia: Ethnicity, Inequality and Public Sector Governance by Bieber, F.
Gender Pay Differentials: Cross-National Evidence from Micro-Data by
Identity as Ideology: Understanding Ethnicity and Nationalism by Malesevic, S.
The Europeanization of French Foreign Policy: France and the EU in East Asia by Wong, R.
International Migration and the Social Sciences: Confronting National Experiences in Australia, France and Germany by Vasta, E., Vuddamalay, V.
Nasser at War: Arab Images of the Enemy by James, L.
Economic and Financial Developments in Latin America by
The Dutch Slave Trade, 1500-1850 by Emmer, Pieter C.
Orunla: Santeria and the Orisha of Divination Paperback by Cañizares, Raul
Arming Slaves: From Classical Times to the Modern Age by
White Metropolis: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion in Dallas, 1841-2001 by Phillips, Michael
African Voices of the Atlantic Slave Trade: Beyond the Silence and the Shame by Bailey, Anne
Voices from This Long Brown Land: Oral Recollections of Owens Valley Lives and Manzanar Pasts by Na, Na
Making Whole What Has Been Smashed: On Reparations Politics by Torpey, John
The Sounds of Silence: Nineteenth-Century Portugal and the Abolition of the Slave Trade by Marques, João Pedro
Yemaya Santeria and the Queen of the Seven Seas by Publications Original
Patterns of Culture by Benedict, Ruth
Far More Terrible for Women: Personal Accounts of Women in Slavery by
Osanyin by Publications Original
Though the Heavens May Fall: The Landmark Trial That Led to the End of Human Slavery by Wise, Steven M.
Civil Rights Crossroads: Nation, Community, and the Black Freedom Struggle by Lawson, Steven F.
Diaspora Politics: At Home Abroad by Sheffer, Gabriel
Bound for Canaan: The Epic Story of the Underground Railroad, America's First Civil Rights Movement by Bordewich, Fergus
The British Slave Trade and Public Memory by Wallace, Elizabeth
The British Slave Trade and Public Memory by Wallace, Elizabeth
Communication and Racial Disparities in Health Care by
Black, Brown, Yellow, and Left: Radical Activism in Los Angeles Volume 19 by Pulido, Laura
North Korea: A Guide to Economic and Political Developments by Jeffries, Ian
Antologia Del Albur by Hernandez, Victor
Japanese Telecommunications: Market and Policy in Transition by
Appeal in Favor of Africans: An Appeal in Favor of Americans Called Africans by Child, Lydia Marie
The Political Thought of Sayyid Qutb: The Theory of Jahiliyyah by Khatab, Sayed
Intra-Asian Trade and the World Market by
Inequality: Classic Readings in Race, Class, and Gender by Grusky, David, Szelenyi, Szonja
India - From Regional to World Power by Kapur, Ashok
Systemic Racism: A Theory of Oppression by Feagin, Joe
Poverty and Inequality by
Systematic Racism: A Theory of Oppression by Feagin, Joe
Poverty and Inequality by
From Slavery to Freetown: Black Loyalists After the American Revolution by Clifford, Mary Louise
The Miseducation of Nat Turner by Johnson, Anthony P.
Terry Moore Unmask: Sex, Race, and The American Way: The Truth About Black People, White People, and Interracial Relationships Told from B by Moore, Terry
Race, Culture and Psychotherapy: Critical Perspectives in Multicultural Practice by
Race, Culture and Psychotherapy: Critical Perspectives in Multicultural Practice by
East Asia, Globalization and the New Economy by Adams, F. Gerard
Slavery, Southern Culture, and Education in Little Dixie, Missouri, 1820-1860 by Stone, Jeffrey C.
Professional Identity Crisis: Race, Class, Gender, and Success at Professional Schools by Costello, Carrie Yang
Age Discrimination: An Historical and Contemporary Analysis by MacNicol, John
Civility in the City: Blacks, Jews, and Koreans in Urban America by Lee, Jennifer
Diversity in America: Keeping Government at a Safe Distance by Schuck, Peter H.
A Stronger Kinship: One Town's Extraordinary Story of Hope and Faith by Cox, Anna-Lisa
Making the Irish American: History and Heritage of the Irish in the United States by
Test Tubes and Dragon Scales by Basil, George P.
New Studies in the History of American Slavery by
No Man's Yoke on My Shoulders by
German Scholars and Ethnic Cleansing, 1919-1945 by
Postethnic America: Beyond Multiculturalism by Hollinger, David A.
Racism Explained to My Daughter by Ben Jelloun, Tahar
The Affirmative Action Dilemma by Anglin, Kirklin R.
Chinese Cyberspaces: Technological Changes and Political Effects by
Cosmopolitanism and Solidarity: Studies in Ethnoracial, Religious, and Professional Affiliation in the United States by Hollinger, David A.
Canadian Cultural Poesis: Essays on Canadian Culture by
The Minds of Marginalized Black Men: Making Sense of Mobility, Opportunity, and Future Life Chances by Young, Alford A.
Atlas of Slavery and Civil Rights: An Annotated Chronicle of the Passage from Slavery and Segregation to Civil Rights and Equality under the Law by Santoro, Nicholas J.
Companion to Afr Amer Studies by
Beyond Racial Gridlock: Embracing Mutual Responsibility by Yancey, George
Buddhist Meditation: An Anthology of Texts from the Pali Canon by Shaw, Sarah
Forms of Exclusion: Racism and Community Policing in Canada by Baker, David
Mennonites, Politics, and Peoplehood: 1525 to 1980 by Urry, James
Jewish Slavery in Antiquity by Hezser, Catherine
Slavery and the Making of America by Horton, Lois E., Horton, James Oliver
US-China Relations in the 21st Century: Power Transition and Peace by Zhu, Zhiqun
Sharing the Dream: White Males in a Multicultural America by Pulera, Dominic J.
State Making in Asia by
Medicine and International Relations in the Caribbean: Some Historical Variants by Fernos, Rodrigo
Age Discrimination: An Historical and Contemporary Analysis by MacNicol, John
Identity Politics Reconsidered by
In Search of the Promised Land: A Slave Family in the Old South by Schweninger, Loren, Franklin, John Hope
Dark Side of the Light: Slavery and the French Enlightenment by Sala-Molins, Louis
Muslim Girls and the Other France: Race, Identity Politics, and Social Exclusion by Keaton, Trica Danielle
The Rise and Fall of the Caucasian Race: A Political History of Racial Identity by Baum, Bruce
Fromajadas and Indigo:: The Minorcan Colony in Florida by Beeson Jr, Kenneth H.
Returning to the Teachings: Exploring Aboriginal Justice by Ross, Rupert
The Italian Americans by Iorizzo, Luciano J., Mondello, Salvatore
Can The Black Man Rule Himself? by Insaidoo, Kwame A.
Circumpolar Lives and Livelihood: A Comparative Ethnoarchaeology of Gender and Subsistence by
Landscape and Race in the United States by
Landscape and Race in the United States by
An Alliance of Women: Immigration and the Politics of Race by Merrill, Heather
Linked Histories: Postcolonial Studies in a Globalized World by
Muslim Cultures Today: A Reference Guide by Coughlin, Kathryn
From Wiseguys to Wise Men: The Gangster and Italian American Masculinities by Gardaphe, Fred
Nubian Ceremonial Life: Studies in Islamic Syncretism and Cultural Change by
Race Relations in America: A Reference Guide with Primary Documents by Davis, Thomas J.
Anti-Arab Racism In The USA: Where It Comes From And What It Means For Politics Today by Salaita, Steven
Tales from the Expat Harem: Foreign Women in Modern Turkey by
The Life & Legacy of Baroness Betty de Rothschild by Schor, Laura S.
Chinese Nationalism in the Global Era by Hughes, Christopher R.
Publikum und Museen in der Schweiz: Emblematische Vorstellungen und soziales Ritual = Publikum Und Museen in Der Schweiz by Mottaz Baran, Arlette
The Changing Japanese Family by
From Wiseguys to Wise Men: The Gangster and Italian American Masculinities by Gardaphe, Fred
Innovations in Educational Ethnography: Theories, Methods, and Results by Spindler, George, Hammond, Lorie
The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity by Isaac, Benjamin
Japanese-German Relations, 1895-1945: War, Diplomacy and Public Opinion by
Sufism in the West by
Sufism in the West by
The Magic of Indian Cricket: Cricket and Society in India by Bose, Mihir
Images of Color, Images of Crime: Readings by
The Telengits of Southern Siberia: Landscape, Religion and Knowledge in Motion by Halemba, Agnieszka
Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility by Elmer, Duane
Chinese Nationalism in the Global Era by Hughes, Christopher R.
Japan's Relations with China: Facing a Rising Power by
Buddhism in Canada by
Stas and Stella's Mostly Traditional Polish Wedding by Urbanczyk, Ronald
Nature, Ritual, and Society in Japan's Ryukyu Islands by Røkkum, Arne
21st-Century Japanese Management: New Systems, Lasting Values by Abegglen, J.
Fit to Be Citizens?: Public Health and Race in Los Angeles, 1879-1939 Volume 20 by Molina, Natalia
Poverty and Inequality Among Chinese Minorities by Bhalla, Ajit S., Qiu, Shufang
Indigenous Resurgence in the Contemporary Caribbean: Amerindian Survival and Revival by
Theravada Buddhism and the British Encounter: Religious, Missionary and Colonial Experience in Nineteenth Century Sri Lanka by Harris, Elizabeth
Arab Representations of the Occident: East-West Encounters in Arabic Fiction by El-Enany, Rasheed
After "Brown": The Rise and Retreat of School Desegregation by Clotfelter, Charles T.
Rituals in Parliaments: Political, Anthropological and Historical Perspectives on Europe and the United States by
Are We So Different?: The Hierarchy of Races, Socrates' Lie by Exama, Aroll
Collective Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Identity-Based Movement of Plain Indigenous in Taiwan by Hsieh, Jolan
Subverting the Power of Prejudice: Resources for Individual and Social Change by Barnes, Sandra L.
The New Countryside?: Ethnicity, Nation and Exclusion in Contemporary Rural Britain by
Immigrant Youth in Cultural Transition: Acculturation, Identity, and Adaptation Across National Contexts by
Disunited Brotherhoods: ...Race, Racketeering and the Fall of the New York Construction Unions by Butler, Gregory A.
Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents by Ponterotto, Joseph G., Utsey, Shawn O., Pedersen, Paul B.
Revealing Whiteness: The Unconscious Habits of Racial Privilege by Sullivan, Shannon
The Political Theory of Tyranny in Singapore and Burma: Aristotle and the Rhetoric of Benevolent Despotism by McCarthy, Stephen
Early Mystics in Turkish Literature by Koprulu, Mehmed Fuad
Haitians in New York City: Transnationalism and Hometown Associations by Pierre-Louis, Francois
The Ku Klux Klan: A Study of the American Mind by Mecklin, John Moffat
Talking the Walk: A Communications Guide for Racial Justice by Powell, John A.
Black Founders: The Unknown Story of Australia's First Black Settlers by Pybus, Cassandra
Many Faces, One Church: A Manual for Cross-Racial and Cross-Cultural Ministry by Dharmaraj, Jacob S., Dharmaraj, Glory E., Lyght, Ernest S.
White Lives: The Interplay of 'Race', Class and Gender in Everyday Life by Byrne, Bridget
White Lives: The Interplay of 'Race', Class and Gender in Everyday Life by Byrne, Bridget
Claims to Memory: Beyond Slavery and Emancipation in the French Caribbean by Reinhardt, Catherine
Prejudice in Politics: Group Position, Public Opinion, and the Wisconsin Treaty Rights Dispute by Bobo, Lawrence D., Tuan, Mia
Buried Indians: Digging Up the Past in a Midwestern Town by McMillin, Laurie Hovell
Challenging the Boundaries of Slavery by Davis, David Brion
China by Menpes, Mortimer, Blake, Henry Arthur
The Sounds of Slavery: Discovering African American History through Songs, Sermons, and Speech by White, Graham, White, Shane
Slavery and Public History: The Tough Stuff of American Memory by
Civil Society and Democracy in Latin America by Waisman, C., Zamosc, L., Feinberg, R.
Slave Ship Sailors and Their Captive Cargoes, 1730-1807 by Christopher, Emma
Slave Ship Sailors Cargo 1730-1807 by Christopher, Emma
Political Communications in Greater China: The Construction and Reflection of Identity by
The Caspian: Politics, Energy and Security by
Grassroots Pacifism in Post-War Japan: The Rebirth of a Nation by Yamamoto, Mari
Exchange Rate Regimes in East Asia by
Diasporas and Interculturalism in Asian Performing Arts: Translating Traditions by
Nationalism and Internationalism in Imperial Japan: Autonomy, Asian Brotherhood, or World Citizenship? by Stegewerns, Dick
The Chinese Journalist: Mediating Information in the World's Most Populous Country by de Burgh, Hugo
Bush and Asia: America's Evolving Relations with East Asia by
Japanese Religions at Home and Abroad: Anthropological Perspectives by Nakamaki, Hirochika
Applying Anthropology to the Situation of the Roma: An Ethnography of NET, a Project Addressing the Situation of the Roma of Central and Eastern Europ by Deiringer, Sabine A.
Ending the Vietnam War: The Vietnamese Communists' Perspective by Ang Cheng Guan
Muslims in India Since 1947: Islamic Perspectives on Inter-Faith Relations by Yoginder Sikand
China Along the Yellow River: Reflections on Rural Society by Jinqing, Cao
Directors of Urban Change in Asia by
The Political Thought of Joseph Stalin: A Study in Twentieth Century Revolutionary Patriotism by Ree, Erik Van
Japanese Army Stragglers and Memories of the War in Japan, 1950-75 by Trefalt, Beatrice
Japanese Capitals in Historical Perspective: Place, Power and Memory in Kyoto, EDO and Tokyo by
Energy, Wealth and Governance in the Caucasus and Central Asia: Lessons Not Learned by
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Written by Himself, Second Edition by Na, Na
Colonial Cambodia's 'Bad Frenchmen': The Rise of French Rule and the Life of Thomas Caraman, 1840-87 by Muller, Gregor
Not Working: Latina Immigrants, Low-Wage Jobs, and the Failure of Welfare Reform by Marchevsky, Alejandra, Theoharis, Jeanne
Not Working: Latina Immigrants, Low-Wage Jobs, and the Failure of Welfare Reform by Marchevsky, Alejandra, Theoharis, Jeanne
Achieving Blackness: Race, Black Nationalism, and Afrocentrism in the Twentieth Century by Austin, Algernon
Achieving Blackness: Race, Black Nationalism, and Afrocentrism in the Twentieth Century by Austin, Algernon
China's Ethnic Minorities and Globalisation by Mackerras, Colin
Chinese Women-Living and Working by McLaren, Anne
Islam in Post-Soviet Russia by
Culturally Relevant Ethical Decision-Making in Counseling by Wilczenski, Felicia L., Houser, Rick A., Ham, Maryanna
Iraqi Arab Nationalism: Authoritarian, Totalitarian and Pro-Fascist Inclinations, 1932-1941 by Wien, Peter
Medieval Arabic Historiography: Authors as Actors by Hirschler, Konrad
Cultural Psychotherapy: Working with Culture in the Clinical Encounter by Seeley, Karen M.
The House I Live in: Race in the American Century by Norrell, Robert J.
Conspiracy to Murder: The Rwandan Genocide by Melvern, Linda
Perception, Politics and Security in South Asia: The Compound Crisis of 1990 by Cheema, Pervias Iqbal, Cohen, Stephen Philip, Chari, P. R.
Ethnic Inequalities and Public Sector Governance by
Japanese Diasporas: Unsung Pasts, Conflicting Presents and Uncertain Futures by
From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics and Racism in Germany by Weikart, R.
Culturally Relevant Ethical Decision-Making in Counseling by Wilczenski, Felicia L., Houser, Rick A., Ham, Maryanna
Migration, Citizenship, Ethnos by
Voices from the Bench: The Narratives of Lesser Folk in Medieval Trials by
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