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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 2007

Naukratis - Eine griechische Handelsstadt im Alten Ägypten by Müller, Rebecca
"Hol dir den Kick!" - Kulturelles Event-Marketing am Beispiel der FIFA WM 2006 in Deutschland by Bitzer, Lisa
The Journey to Recovery from Prostitution by Prince, Lola Marie
Ireland's New Worlds: Immigrants, Politics, and Society in the United States and Australia, 1815a 1922 by Campbell, Malcolm
Was ist Kultur?: Über die Kontroverse um ein wissenschaftliches Konzept, und ob dessen Aufgabe möglich ist by Stadler, Silke
Don Juan im Film: Intermediale Aspekte by Arzt, Bettina
Exotik im Tango Argentino am Beispiel der Tangoszene in Hamburg by Beutler, Anna
Institutional Racism: A Primer on Theory and Strategies for Social Change by Better, Shirley
Bleeding for Allah: Why Islam Will Conquer the Free World. What Americans Need to Know. by Aurelius, Markus
Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa by
Die Entwicklung der Amerikanisierung in Deutschland by Maul, Kristina
Ist Technik die Zukunft der menschlichen Natur? by Felden, Thorsten
Zu: J.K. Rowling, HARRY POTTER: Die Vorschriften und der Erziehungsstil in Hogwarts und die besondere Bedeutung von Regelbrüchen in den Bänden 1-4 by Arzt, Bettina
Interkultur als Konzept: Kulturpolitische Herausforderungen der Integration und Migration by Rauser, Helena
The Final Empire: The Collapse of Civilization and the Seed of the Future by Ktke, Wm H.
Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung in Afrika by Scharff, Johannes
Räume der Obdachlosigkeit by Leemhuis, Rieke
The Final Empire: The Collapse of Civilization and the Seed of the Future by Ktke, Wm H.
Zur Ästhetik der Auslassungen bei Marguerite Duras: Am Beispiel von "Le ravissement de Lol V. Stein" und "India Song" by Arzt, Bettina
Die Forderungen der Lega Nord - Der Aufschrei Norditaliens zur Neuordnung des Zentralstaates oder nur ein Deckmantel für faschistische Propaganda? by Weißflog, Anita
Resistance - Formen des indianischen Widerstandes by Hirsch, Anne-Christin
Historische Metaphorologie als Methode der historischen Anthropologie am Beispiel von "Possessing Albany" von Donna Mer by Bruncz, Dariusz
Vergangenheit und Identität: Anfänge und Gegenwart kollektiver Erinnerung in Deutschland by Töpfer, Birk
Ein Kommentar zum Buch "La Colmena" von Camilo José Cela by Arzt, Bettina
Slaves Without Masters: The Free Negro in the Antebellum South by Berlin, Ira
Revelation and Reason in Islam by Arberry, A. J.
Victor Turners symboltheoretischer Ansatz als Beitrag zur Ritualanalyse by Breuer, Christian
Die Höflichkeit in den arabischen Ländern: Ein Vergleich mit Deutschland by Taghzouti, Youssef
Expressing Identities in the Basque Arena by Macclancy, Jeremy
Claims to Memory: Beyond Slavery and Emancipation in the French Caribbean by Reinhardt, Catherine
From Arrival to Incorporation: Migrants to the U.S. in a Global Era by
Chinese in Eastern Europe and Russia: A Middleman Minority in a Transnational Era by Nyiri, Pál
Peopling the Russian Periphery: Borderland Colonization in Eurasian History by
Remembering Victoria: A Tragic Nahuat Love Story by Taggart, James M.
The Arc of Japan's Economic Development by Alexander, Arthur
The Arc of Japan's Economic Development by Alexander, Arthur
Post-Conflict Heritage, Postcolonial Tourism: Tourism, Politics and Development at Angkor by Winter, Tim
Women and Labour Organizing in Asia: Diversity, Autonomy and Activism by
Islamist Militancy in Bangladesh: A Complex Web by Riaz, Ali
The Web: Social Control in a Lesbian Community by Robinson, Christine M.
The Web: Social Control in a Lesbian Community by Robinson, Christine M.
The Circle of Empowerment: Twenty-Five Years of the Un Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women by Annan, Kofi
Slavery in Colonial Georgia, 1730-1775 by Wood, Betty
Political Mobilisation and Democracy in India: States of Emergency by Hewitt, Vernon
Race, Ethnicity, and Nation: Perspectives from Kinship and Genetics by
Beyond Intifada: Narratives of Freedom Fighters in the Gaza Strip by Gordon, Rivca, Shriteh, Taher, Gordon, Haim
Transcultural Japan: At the Borderlands of Race, Gender and Identity by
Hannah Arendt and the Uses of History: Imperialism, Nation, Race, and Genocide by
Cultural Diversity and the Empowerment of Minorities: Perspectives from Israel and Germany by
Public Health in Asia and the Pacific: Historical and Comparative Perspectives by
Management in South-East Asia: Business Culture, Enterprises and Human Resources by
Contraception: A History by Jütte, Robert
Why Immigrants Come to America: Braceros, Indocumentados, and the Migra by Stout, Robert
The Romani Movement: Minority Politics and Ethnic Mobilization in Contemporary Central Europe by Vermeersch, Peter
Going to School in Latin America by
Ethno-Nationalism, Islam and the State in the Caucasus: Post-Soviet Disorder by
Parsis in India and the Diaspora by
A Loving Home by Butler, Lee H.
From Arrival to Incorporation: Migrants to the U.S. in a Global Era by
China's Embedded Activism: Opportunities and Constraints of a Social Movement by
The Rebuilding of Greater Russia: Putin's Foreign Policy Towards the Cis Countries by Nygren, Bertil
The Sacred Door and Other Stories: Cameroon Folktales of the Beba Volume 86 by Makuchi
Agrarian Bengal: Economy, Social Structure and Politics, 1919-1947 by Bose, Sugata
Das Burning Man Projekt: Religiosität und Spiritualität in Black Rock City?: Eine ethnologische Perspektive by Bönner, Bertine
Identity Trouble: Critical Discourse and Contested Identities by
Competition and Efficiency in the Arab World by
When Culture Goes to Market: Space, Place, and Identity in an Urban Marketplace by Shepherd, Robert J.
Gibt es ein spezielles Körperverständnis der Moderne? by Horn, Katharina
Beschneidung im Kontext des Islam im Sudan am Beispiel der Berti by Hoffmann, Karola
Die Ernährungsweise und -situation in der DDR und die Veränderung nach der Wiedervereinigung am Beispiel Thüringens by Eulenstein, Deike
Iraqi Arab Nationalism: Authoritarian, Totalitarian and Pro-Fascist Inclinations, 1932-1941 by Wien, Peter
Why They Just Can't Get Over It: A Spiritual And Psychological Approach To Overcoming Racism in America by Skelton, Kenneth
Why They Just Can't Get Over It: A Spiritual And Psychological Approach To Overcoming Racism in America by Skelton, Kenneth
A Foundation In Nepali Grammar by Manders, Christopher Jay
A Foundation in Nepali Grammar by Manders, Christopher Jauy
Von Räumen und Menschen - Eine Vorstellung der Forschungsmethode 'Mental Maps' by Krueger, Juliane
The Native African American Cultural Development Guide by Georgette, Georgette
Beyond Black: Biracial Identity in America by Rockquemore, Kerry Ann, Brunsma, David L.
Ostalgie - a part of a new East German identity? by Polzin, Christine
Culture and economy - a distinct relationship: Elaboration on the presentation of Bruno Frey 'Economist open up to the world around standard economics by Krueger, Juliane
Stigmatization, Tolerance and Repair by Koomen, Willem, Dijker, Anton J. M.
Der Wohnraum der Fulbe mit wissenschaftlichem Blick by Agha-Mohamad-Beigui, Schirin
Understanding Interventions That Encourage Minorities to Pursue Research Careers: Summary of a Workshop by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Life Sciences
The Quest for Gentility in China: Negotiations Beyond Gender and Class by
Congo: A Journey to Our Deepest Roots by Daems, Hugo
Strategy and Entrepreneurship in Arab Countries by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Beyond Black: Biracial Identity in America by Rockquemore, Kerry Ann, Brunsma, David L.
Seeking Higher Ground: The Hurricane Katrina Crisis, Race, and Public Policy Reader by
Unequal Chances: Ethnic Minorities in Western Labour Markets by
The Liberal Archipelago: A Theory of Diversity and Freedom by Kukathas, Chandran
Process and Pattern in Culture: Essays in Honor of Julian H. Steward by
Suicide in India in a religious, political and social context by Zimmermann, Marion
Zum Problem der Hierarchie der Sinne: Historische und neuzeitliche Sinnesdefinitionen, -hierarchien und Versuch einer eigenen Hierarchisierung by Pape, Benjamin
An Afrocentric Manifesto: Toward an African Renaissance by Asante, Molefi Kete
Chosen World by Ishmael, John ''Ish''
The Chinese in Britain, 1800-Present: Economy, Transnationalism, Identity by Benton, G., Gomez, E.
Das Foto als identitätsstiftendes Medium in Christopher Nolans Film "Memento" by Monagas, Alexander
Die Sehnsucht nach dem Paradies - am Beispiel der Backpacker by Broer, Johan-Till
Naturtourismus am Vulkan Merapi by Buchmann, Dominque
Die wissenschaftliche Kontroverse um den Tod des Captain Cook - Sahlins vs. Obeyesekere by Buchmann, Dominque
Entstehung, Entwicklung und Struktur ethnologischer Filmfestivals mit besonderem Fokus auf das 'Freiburger Film Forum' by Buchmann, Dominque
Schule in Südtirol in der Zeit bis zum Ende des II. Weltkriegs: Bildung und Identität by Buchmann, Dominque
Die UNESCO - Ein potenzielles Berufsfeld für Volkskundler by Buchmann, Dominque
Indonesien - Geschichtliche Entwicklung Indonesiens seit der Verkündung der Unabhängigkeit (1945) by Buchmann, Dominque
Is the U.S. Ready for a Minority President? by
Eugenics and the Nature-Nurture Debate in the Twentieth Century by Gillette, A.
The Theology of Martin Luther King, JR. and Desmond Mpilo Tutu by Hill, J.
Digitizing Race: Visual Cultures of the Internet Volume 23 by Nakamura, Lisa
The Theology of Martin Luther King, JR. and Desmond Mpilo Tutu by Hill, J.
Eugenics and the Nature-Nurture Debate in the Twentieth Century by Gillette, A.
The Many Lives of a Rajput Queen: Heroic Pasts in India, C. 1500-1900 by Sreenivasan, Ramya
Racism in Harper Lee's to Kill a Mockingbird by
Comrades: A Local History of the Black Panther Party by
Class Conflict in F. Scott Fitzgerald's the Great Gatsby by
Shout Out: Women of Color Respond to Violence by
The Politics of Empowerment of Banyarwanda Refugees in Uganda 1959-2001 by Mushemeza, Elijah Dickens
Ships of Slaves (Revised Edition by Hansen, Thorkild
Race Relations in the United States, 1960-1980 by Upchurch, Thomas Adams
Daily Life in Immigrant America, 1820-1870 by Bergquist, James M.
Spirals of Contention: Why India Was Partitioned in 1947 by Saberwal, Satish