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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 2014

Black and Proud: The Story of an Iconic Afl Photo by Klugman, Matthew, Osmond, Gary
Security Sector Reform in Southeast Asia: From Policy to Practice by
Autobiographical Memory in an Aboriginal Australian Community: Culture, Place and Narrative by Monchamp, A.
White Migrations: Gender, Whiteness and Privilege in Transnational Migration by Lundström, C.
Recognition and the Media by Maia, R.
Homosexualities, Muslim Cultures and Modernity by Rahman, M.
Migration, Space and Transnational Identities: The British in South Africa by Conway, D., Leonard, P.
Making the British Muslim: Representations of the Rushdie Affair and Figures of the War-On-Terror Decade by Falkenhayner, N.
Understanding Lifestyle Migration: Theoretical Approaches to Migration and the Quest for a Better Way of Life by
Commonplace Diversity: Social Relations in a Super-Diverse Context by Wessendorf, Susanne
Love, Marriage and Intimacy Among Gujarati Indians: A Suitable Match by Twamley, Katherine
Disability, Public Space Performance and Spectatorship: Unconscious Performers by Hadley, B.
Governing Mobility Beyond the State: Centre, Periphery and the Eu's External Borders by Müller, A.
Mediterranean Racisms: Connections and Complexities in the Racialization of the Mediterranean Region by Law, I.
日本论 Theory of Japan by Dai Jitao
日本与日本人 Japan And Japanese by Hu Shanyuan
British Chinese Families: Parenting, Relationships and Childhoods by Lau-Clayton, C.
Strategies of Representation in Auto/Biography: Reconstructing and Remembering by
Race in Transnational and Transracial Adoption by Treitler, Vilna Bashi
Gauging and Engaging Deviance, 1600-2000 by Sitas, Ari, Keim, Wiebke, Damodaran, Sumangala
A Warring Nation: Honor, Race, and Humiliation in America and Abroad by Wyatt-Brown, Bertram
Dalit Households in Village Economies by
12 Years a Slave: (Illustrated Hardcover with Jacket) Now a Major Movie (Engage Books) by Northup, Solomon
Blood in the Streets - Racism, Riots and Murders in the Heartland of America by Baker, Daniel L., Nalls, Gwen
Ethnicity, Nationalism and the European Cold War by
Free at Last!: The Impact of Freed Slaves on the Roman Empire by
Africa, Asia, and the History of Philosophy: Racism in the Formation of the Philosophical Canon, 1780-1830 by Park, Peter K. J.
Going to Court to Change Japan: Social Movements and the Law in Contemporary Japan Volume 77 by
Almost Hereditary: A White Southerner's Journey Out of Racism: A Guide for Unlearning and Healing Prejudice by Drake, Bill
The Broken Compass: Parental Involvement with Children's Education by Robinson, Keith, Harris, Angel L.
Freedom National: The Destruction of Slavery in the United States, 1861-1865 by Oakes, James
The Nation and Its Peoples: Citizens, Denizens, Migrants by
Uncle Swami: South Asians in America Today by Prashad, Vijay
Closing the Book of Culture by Deissler, Gebhard
Das Tao der Kultur by Deissler, Gebhard
Das Management des Kulturbewusstseins - Kulturelle Bewusstseinsbildung und -management: The Management of Cultural Awareness - Intercultural Conscious by Deissler, Gebhard
Multicultural Challenges and Redefining Identity in East Asia by Kim, Nam-Kook
Anatomie und Psychophysiologie der Interkulturalität by Deißler, Gebhard
Aspekte einer geisteskulturellen Landkarte unserer Zeit: Evangelisierung versus Islamisierung im Kontext allgemeiner Relativierung: Die Zivilisationsk by Deissler, Gebhard
Cross-Cultural Leadership and Global Culture System Analysis by Deissler, Gebhard
Der Primat des Managements multidimensionaler Selbsterkenntnis - Eine deutsche und universelle Perspektive by Deissler, Gebhard
Der transkulturelle Profiler - Ein universelles Kultur Management Werkzeug by Deissler, Gebhard
Das τ der Kultur - Eine Physiologie des interkulturellen Managements: The τ of Culture - A Physiology of Intercultural Management by Deissler, Gebhard
Das τ-Modell der interkulturellen Management Entwicklung und der interkulturellen Management Praxis by Deissler, Gebhard
Indian Transnationalism Online: New Perspectives on Diaspora by Kruijf, Johannes G. De, Sahoo, Ajaya Kumar
The Politics of Coalition in Korea: Between Institutions and Culture by Kim, Youngmi
China and the Global Economy in the 21st Century by
An Empire of Others: Creating Ethnographic Knowledge in Imperial Russia and the USSR by
Twelve Years a Slave by Northup, Solomon
Reiz des Unterirdischen. Höhlenerkundungen in der Frühen Neuzeit by Völkel, Franziska
Twelve Years a Slave by Northup, Solomon
The Nation and Its Peoples: Citizens, Denizens, Migrants by
Islamic Art Collections: An International Survey by Adahl, Karin
Towards a European Nationality: Citizenship, Immigration and Nationality Law in the Eu by Na, Na, Weil, Patrick, Hansen, Randall
From Pax Ottomanica to Pax Europaea: The growth and decline of a Greek village's micro-economy by Konstadakopulos, Dimitrios
Professional Savages: Captive Lives and Western Spectacle by Poignant, Roslyn
Paid Servant by Braithwaite, E. R.
Bei Den Walsern Des Valsertales by Jörger, J.
Im Spannungsfeld nationalkultureller und supranationaler kultureller Kräfte: National Versus Supranational Cultural Forces by Deissler, Gebhard
Menschliche Interaktionen im globalen Zeitalter: Eine Anatomo-Psychophysiologie menschlicher Wechselwirkungen by Deißler, Gebhard
Strategische und philosophische Dimensionen der Zeit by Deißler, Gebhard
New Horizons Of Global Negotiations Management by Deissler, Gebhard
Die deutsche Kultur inbezug zur Universalzivilisation. Eine interkulturelle Standortbestimmung: On The Integration Of National And Universal Culture by Deissler, Gebhard
Chinatown, Europe: An Exploration of Overseas Chinese Identity in the 1990s by Christiansen, Flemming
Eine Psychologie der Heimat: Integrität durch Verortung im Hier-, Jetzt- und Sosein by Deißler, Gebhard
Schrippen versus Wecken: Ein innerdeutsches Dilemma by Deißler, Gebhard
Un-Möglicher Friede?: Im-Possible Peace? by Deißler, Gebhard
Geist und Kultur by Deissler, Gebhard
Third Millennium Axiology by Deissler, Gebhard
La question culturelle - est-elle mal posée? by Deissler, Gebhard
Die kulturelle Bedeutung der Religion by Deissler, Gebhard
Ein kurzer Abriss der interkulturellen Forschung by Deissler, Gebhard
Third Millennium Axiology, Awareness and Values by Deissler, Gebhard
Die transkulturelle Befreiung vom interkulturellen toten Winkel by Deissler, Gebhard
Interkulturelles Management verständlich gemacht by Deissler, Gebhard
Human Cultural Engineering: Cultural Reverse, Forward and Quantum Engineering by Deißler, Gebhard
Osterkultur - Temporale Aspekte einer Auferstehungs- und Heilskultur by Deissler, Gebhard
Kulturagenda Deutschland 2025 by Deißler, Gebhard
Die Revolution der Nächstenliebe als Management und Ausweg aus der Zivilisationskrise: Managing The Emergent Crisis Of Civilisation - An inner revolut by Deissler, Gebhard
Interkulturelle Bewusstheit, Wissen und Kompetenzen: Intercultural Awareness, Knowledge and Skills by Deissler, Gebhard
Trojanische Pferde und ihre Zähmung. Kultur und das trojanische Pferd-Motiv. Eine Herausforderung für das Management.: The Management Of The Cultural by Deissler, Gebhard
Mit Maschinengewehr und Heiligenschein: Hybrider Opfertod, Nationale Erinnerungskultur und Patriarchat im heutigen Kosovo by Gerold, Nikolaus
Allegories of Violence: Tracing the Writings of War in Late Twentieth-Century Fiction by Yuknavitch, Lidia
Democratization in China, Korea and Southeast Asia?: Local and National Perspectives by
Slavery's Exiles: The Story of the American Maroons by Diouf, Sylviane A.
Education Reform and Education Policy in East Asia by Mok, Ka-Ho
As A Condition of Your Freedom: A Guide to Self-Redemption From Societal Oppression by Redd, Perry
Racisms: From the Crusades to the Twentieth Century by Bethencourt, Francisco
Reproducing Racism: How Everyday Choices Lock in White Advantage by Roithmayr, Daria
With One Fool Left in the World, No One Is Stranded: Scenes from an Older Afghanistan by Connell, Frances Garrett
With One Fool Left in the World, No One Is Stranded: Scenes from an Older Afghanistan by Connell, Frances Garrett
An Everyday Life of the English Working Class by Steedman, Carolyn
An Everyday Life of the English Working Class by Steedman, Carolyn
Trail of Tears by Coates, Julia
Interkulturelle Freundschaften und ihre Entwicklung am Beispiel ehemaliger ERASMUS-Studierender by Gerling, Svenja
Blackness in the Andes: Ethnographic Vignettes of Cultural Politics in the Time of Multiculturalism by Rahier, J.
Blackness in the Andes: Ethnographic Vignettes of Cultural Politics in the Time of Multiculturalism by Rahier, J.
Japanese Tree Burial: Ecology, Kinship and the Culture of Death by Boret, Sébastien Penmellen
The Slave Trade and Culture in the Bight of Biafra by Nwokeji, G. Ugo
Genocide: A Reader by Meierhenrich, Jens
The Other Kuala Lumpur: Living in the Shadows of a Globalising Southeast Asian City by
Cornell '69: Liberalism and the Crisis of the American University by Downs, Donald A.
Better Britons: Reproduction, National Identity, and the Afterlife of Empire by Attewell, Nadine
The Willie Lynch Letter and the Making of a Slave by Lynch, Willie
Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity: Volume I: Conceptual Approaches by Various
Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity: Volume II: The Intellectual Environment by Various
Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity: Volume III: Global Antisemitism: Past and Present by Various
Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity: Volume IV: Islamism and the Arab World by Various
Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity: Volume V: Reflections by Various, Small, Charles Asher
Kino und Videofilm in Madagaskar, Ghana und Nigeria by Meise, Dominik
The Current Social Perspectives on the Vietnamese-American Community by Thomas, Solomon
Von Rangi und Papa zum Gott der Pakeha. Der religiöse Wandel bei den Maori Neuseelands by Bytner, Dorota
Der Indigenous Peoples Rights Act der Philippinen. Eine ethnologische Kritik by Mielke, Patrick
Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective by Grusky, David B.
Corporate Social Responsibilty in China: Beeinflussung durch Staatskapitalismus und Konfuzianismus? by Stocklassa, Klara
PISA trifft Bourdieu. Ein Blick auf die Chancengleichheit im (österreichischen) Bildungssystem by Kirchschläger, Eva
Christian, Saracen and Genre in Medieval French Literature by Ramey, Lynn Tarte
Gender and Family in East Asia by
Contemporary Social Issues in East Asian Societies: Examining the Spectrum of Public and Private Spheres by
The Hadrami Diaspora: Community-Building on the Indian Ocean Rim by Manger, Leif
De-Politicization of Ethnic Questions in China by
Italian Immigrant Radical Culture: The Idealism of the Sovversivi in the United States, 1890-1940 by Bencivenni, Marcella
John Brown Still Lives!: America's Long Reckoning with Violence, Equality, and Change by Gilpin, R. Blakeslee
Shifting Loyalties: The Union Occupation of Eastern North Carolina by Browning, Judkin
Defending White Democracy: The Making of a Segregationist Movement and the Remaking of Racial Politics, 1936-1965 by Ward, Jason Morgan
Race, Real Estate, and Uneven Development, Second Edition: The Kansas City Experience, 1900-2010 by Gotham, Kevin Fox
Slavery and Freedom in Savannah by
Bonds of Alliance: Indigenous and Atlantic Slaveries in New France by Rushforth, Brett
Benjamin Elijah Mays, Schoolmaster of the Movement: A Biography by Jelks, Randal Maurice
Das metaphorische Verhandeln der Welt: Konzept, Metapher, Begriff by Krieger, Michael
A Bridge Too Far or Seldom Crossed: The Value of Work Means Different Things to Different People, Spanning Cultural Disparity in a Globalising Labou by Welch, Ruby
Mafiose Organisationen in Italien: Entstehung und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung by Janke, Franziska
Italy and Australia: An Asymmetrical Relationship by
Insider Research on Migration and Mobility: International Perspectives on Researcher Positioning by Voloder, Lejla, Kirpitchenko, Liudmila
Give This Book to a Yankee!: A Southern Guide to the Civil War for Northerners by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Russia and East Asia: Informal and Gradual Integration by
India and the Republic of Korea: Engaged Democracies by Tayal, Skand R.
India's Middle Class: New Forms of Urban Leisure, Consumption and Prosperity by Brosius, Christiane
Hindi Dalit Literature and the Politics of Representation by Hunt, Sarah Beth
Women, Religion and Culture in Iran by Martin, Vanessa, Sarah Ansari
Homosexualities, Muslim Cultures and Modernity by Rahman, M.
Die Slawen in Deutschland by Tetzner, Franz
The Design of an Integrally Integrative Transcultural Management Framework - Das Design eines integral-integrativen transkulturellen Managementmodells by Deissler, Gebhard
3-D Intercultural Management - Art, Science And Technique of Intercultural Management: 3-D Interkulturelles Management - Kunst, Wissenschaft und Techn by Deissler, Gebhard
Die Wiedergewinnung der Transzendenz für das Management der kulturellen und interkulturellen Systemkrise by Deissler, Gebhard
Transcultural Management Dictionary: German-English & English-German: Transkulturelles Management Wörterbuch: Deutsch-Englisch & Englisch-Deutsch by Deissler, Gebhard
Eine Kosmobiologie der Kultur. Der entschlüsselte Kultur Code mit der kulturellen DNA by Deißler, Gebhard
Der interkulturelle τ-Manager by Deissler, Gebhard
Kultur Strategie by Deissler, Gebhard
Encountering India. Eine interkulturelle Begegnung mit Indien by Deißler, Gebhard
Kleines Asien Wörterbuch des interkulturellen Managers: Little Asia Dictionary of the Intercultural Manager by Deißler, Gebhard
Intercultural Management Research From An Intercultural And A Transcultural Perspective by Deissler, Gebhard
Hinduism and Environmental Ethics: Law, Literature, and Philosophy by Framarin, Christopher G.
The Cosmic Dimension of Global Diversity Management by Deissler, Gebhard
Grundlagen und Optimierung des interkulturellen Managements: Die Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte als Metapher und Erklärungsmodell des Inerkulturellen by Deissler, Gebhard
Vergangene, gegenwärtige und zukünftige Kulturtransformation by Deissler, Gebhard
Interkulturelles Management: Kultur verstehen, modellieren, managen, integrieren und transzendieren by Deissler, Gebhard
Die europäische Zukunft der Türkei by Hasberg, Ruth
Die Integration der dreifältigen Natur der ganzheitlichen Kultur des integralen Menschen: The Integration Of The Threefold Cultural Nature Of Integral by Deissler, Gebhard
Die Einheit der Schöpfung und des Menschen. Ihre kulturelle und interkulturelle Funktion: Cultural Implications Of the Unity Of Man and Creation by Deissler, Gebhard
Welt-Kulturen Management: Managing A Cultural Universe by Deissler, Gebhard
The German-Jewish Relationship Question In the Light Of Human Cultural Evolution by Deissler, Gebhard
The 'Subquantic-Supercosmic' Culture Continuum by Deissler, Gebhard
Virtual Community. Gruppe, Gemeinschaft oder Netzwerk? by Schulte-Frohlinde, Karoline
Meditation im Hina- und Mahayana-Buddhismus by Jentsch, Alexander
Race and Migration in Imperial Japan by Weiner, Michael
Ethical Fashion? Mode im Kontext Ethik.: Eine Arbeit zu den Verbindungen zeitgenössischer Mode, Ethik und Wirtschaft. by Buxbaum, Marie-Sophie
The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass by Douglass, Frederick
The Heroic Slave by Douglass, Frederick
The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism by
The Souls of Black Folk by Du Bois, W. E. B.
Mothering, Mixed Families and Racialised Boundaries by
The Book: Beautiful Sedition by O'Bannon, Rex
Gypsy Stigma and Exclusion in Turkey, 1970: Social Dynamics of Exclusionary Violence by Ozatesler, G.
Gypsy Stigma and Exclusion in Turkey, 1970: Social Dynamics of Exclusionary Violence by Ozatesler, G.
Asian Britain: A Photographic History by Nasta, Susheila
Slavery in the Islamic Middle East by Ayalon, David, Collins, Robert O., Hunwick, John
Black Theatre in the 1960s and 1970s: A Historical-Critical Analysis of the Movement by Williams, Mance
Seeing the Unseen: Responses to Fitz-James O'Brien's 'What Was It? a Mystery' by Hoyt Jouanne, Kristine, Masilo, Rethabile, Staunton, Mathew D.
The Dynamics of Japanese Organizations by
The Internment of Western Civilians under the Japanese 1941-1945: A patchwork of internment by Archer, Bernice
Life in a Japanese Women's College: Learning to be Ladylike by McVeigh, Brian J.
Peasantry Their Problem and Protest in Assam (1858-1894) by Pathak, Kamal Chandra
A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran: Comprising Sale's Translation and Preliminary Discourse: Volume III by Wherry, E. M.
The Shahnama of Firdausi: Volume II by Warner, Arthur George, Warner, Edmond
Scientific Gate To The Afterlife by Kimura, Tadataka
Von technisierten Menschen und vermenschlichter Technik. Zum Verhältnis von Gesellschaft und technologischer Entwicklung in STAR WARS by Preuer, Isabella
Der Tourismus und das Internet: Veränderungen im Bereich des Reisens durch couchsurfing.org und hospitalityclub.org by Cocalic, Faik
Complex Justice: The Case of Missouri V. Jenkins by Dunn, Joshua M.
Black Puerto Rican Identity and Religious Experience by Hernández Hiraldo, Samiri
Rhetoric, Religion, and the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1965: Volume 2 by
Intermedialität im Theater: Theater als intermediales Geschehen by Richmann, Anika
Möglichkeiten der Kundenbindung und Zuschauergewinnung von Theaterbetrieben durch Social Media by Pöhnert, Julius
My Journey with Prisoners: Perceptions, Observations & Opinions by Briney, Carol E.
12 Years a Slave by Northup, Solomon
Islamophobia in the West: Measuring and Explaining Individual Attitudes by
How to Thank Your Father: The Deeds of Your Parents and Your Lineages by Makuntima, Adolfo
How to Thank Your Father: The Deeds of Your Parents and Your Lineages by Makuntima, Adolfo
We Shall Not Be Moved: The Jackson Woolworth's Sit-In and the Movement It Inspired by O'Brien, M. J.
The Language of Inclusion and Exclusion in Immigration and Integration by
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