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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 2016

Italien von dem Alpen bis Neapel by Baedeker, Karl
Beiträge zur Völkerkunde aus Wort und Lied by Boltz, August
Die strukturalistische Mythenanalyse von Claude Lévi-Strauss. Der Ödipusmythos by Anonymous
Römische Ikonographie: Erster Teil by Bernoulli, Johann Jakob
Imagining the Public in Modern South Asia by
The Himalayas and India-China Relations by Panigrahi, Devendra Nath
Saudi Arabia in a Multipolar World: Changing Dynamics by Hussain, Zakir
Europäisches Bewusstsein und Identität. Die historische Entwicklung der europäischen Identität durch Abgrenzung zur arabisch-islamischen Welt by Egyptien, Ellen
Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration: Band IX by Koch, Alexander
Gender and Family in East Asia by
Japan's Household Registration System and Citizenship: Koseki, Identification and Documentation by
Römer und Romanen in den Donauländern by Jung, Julius
China: The New Imperialists & Neo- Colonialists in Africa? by Insaidoo, Kwame A.
Geschichte der Völkerwanderung by Wietersheim, Eduard Von
Engendering the Buddhist State: Territory, Sovereignty and Sexual Difference in the Inventions of Angkor by Thompson, Ashley
China: The New Imperialists & Neo- Colonialists in Africa? by Insaidoo, Kwame A.
Die alten Völker Oberitaliens by Von Czoernig, Carl
The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism by
The Dynamics of Language Obsolescence in a Divided Speech Community: The Case of the German Wischau / Vyskov Enclave (Czech Republic) by Nereo, Filippo
The Press and Slavery in America, 1791-1859: The Melancholy Effect of Popular Excitement by Gabrial, Brian
Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration: Band VII by Koch, Alexander
Authentizität Und Identität: Tradition Und Wandel Im Kreolischen Batuku Kap Verdes by Tavares, Elisa
Forschungen zur Schwäbischen Geschichte by Baumann, Franz Ludwig
Japan: A Documentary History: Vol 2: The Late Tokugawa Period to the Present: A Documentary History by Lu, David J.
Vital Subjects: Race and Biopolitics in Italy 1860-1920 by Welch, Rhiannon Noel
Bioinsecurities: Disease Interventions, Empire, and the Government of Species by Ahuja, Neel
Volkstümliches aus dem Königreich Sachsen: auf der Thomasschule gesammelt by Dähnhardt, Oskar
Volkstümliches aus dem Königreich Sachsen: Auf der Thomasschule gesammelt by Dähnhardt, Oskar
Bioinsecurities: Disease Interventions, Empire, and the Government of Species by Ahuja, Neel
The Reason Why... by Green, Doris Hughes
Zur Ethnographie der Republik Guatemala by Stoll, Otto
A Goodly Heritage by Ricard, Virginia B.
Anti-Veiling Campaigns in the Muslim World: Gender, Modernism and the Politics of Dress by
Women and Transformation in Russia by
Resisting Bondage in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia by
Korea and Globalization: Politics, Economics and Culture by
Japan And Things Japanese by Joya, Mock
Japan's Modern Theatre: A Century of Change and Continuity by Powell, Brian
Brezhnev and the Decline of the Soviet Union by Crump, Thomas
Peoples and Cultures on the Screen by Al-Shikh, Mamdouh
The Political Philosophy of Confucianism: An interpretation of the social and political ideas of Confucius, his forerunners, and his early disciples. by Hsü, Leonard Shihlien
History of Mitsubishi Corporation in London: 1915 to Present Day by Rudlin, Pernille
Disability in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: History, policy and everyday life by
Buddhist Precept & Practice by Gombrich
Changing Japanese Suburbia by Ben-Ari
Opposing the Slavers: The Royal Navy's Campaign Against the Atlantic Slave Trade by Grindal, Peter
The Marrow of Tradition by Chestnutt, Charles W.
Sprache Und Bild in Der Indischen Bildungstradition by Vogler, Petra
Gottessohn und Mutter Erde auf bronzezeitlichen Felsbildern: Herman Wirth und die voelkische Symbolforschung by Löw, Luitgard
Antiracism in Cuba: The Unfinished Revolution by Benson, Devyn Spence
Tales of the Metric System by Coovadia, Imraan
Tales of the Metric System by Coovadia, Imraan
De l'égalité des races humaines: Anthropologie positive by Firmin, Anténor
Handcuffed: What Holds Policing Back, and the Keys to Reform by Sparrow, Malcolm K.
The Abolition Crusade And Its Consequences: Four Periods Of American History by Herbert, Hilary Abner
Allgemeine Geschichte der Vereinigten Niederlande: Vierter Teil by Wagenaar, Jan
Migration - Ressourcen - Biographie: Eine Studie Über Zugewanderte Aus Der Ehemaligen Sowjetunion by Metz, Marina
Über die Mundarten und die Wanderungen der Zigeuner Europa's by Miklosich, Franz
Kulturgeschichtliches im ´´Roman de l'Escoufle´´ und im ´´Roman de la Rose ou de Guillaume de Dole´´ by Hinstorff, Carl August
Basque Nationhood: Towards a Democratic Scenario by
Die Verbreitung der Anthropophagie by Andree, Richard
Der Abfall der Niederlande: Erster Band by Holzwarth, Franz Joseph
Der Abfall der Niederlande: Zweiter Band ( Erste Abteilung ) by Holzwarth, Franz Joseph
Japan: Zweiter Band by Rein, J. J.
Der Grabpalast des Patuamenap in der Thebanischen Nekropolis by Dümichen, Johannes
Das japanische Geldwesen by Kussaka, Johannes Tsiosiro
Unsettled: Denial and Belonging Among White Kenyans Volume 10 by McIntosh, Janet
Facing South to Africa: Toward an Afrocentric Critical Orientation by Asante, Molefi Kete
Progressive Racism by Horowitz, David
The Devil That Never Dies: The Rise and Threat of Global Antisemitism by Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah
Beiträge zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungsgeschichte der vereinigten Niederlande: im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert by Pringsheim, Otto
Migration and Ethnicity in Coalfield History by
Unsettled: Denial and Belonging Among White Kenyans Volume 10 by McIntosh, Janet
Unfreedom: Slavery and Dependence in Eighteenth-Century Boston by Hardesty, Jared Ross
Die Aromunen: ethnographisch-philologisch-historische Untersuchungen. Erster Band by Weigand, Gustav
Der Teufel in Paris: Sitten und Gebräuche, Charactere und Portraite der Einwohner von Paris by Bruckbräu, Friedrich Wilhelm
Ich komme aus Syrien: Leben zwischen Orient und Okzident by Hijazi, Samaa
Tschechische Gänge: Böhmische Wanderungen by Andree, Richard
Creating Nationality in Central Europe, 1880-1950: Modernity, Violence and (Be) Longing in Upper Silesia by
The African Diaspora Population in Britain: Migrant Identities and Experiences by Chinouya, Martha J., Aspinall, Peter J.
Im Lande der Rätoromanen: kulturhistorisch-litterarische Studie by Carnot, Maurus
Slavery in the Late Roman World, AD 275-425 by Harper, Kyle
Anger and Racial Politics by Banks, Antoine J.
White Innocence: Paradoxes of Colonialism and Race by Wekker, Gloria
Die Heerstrasse von Belgrad nach Constantinopel und die Balkanpässe by Jireek, Josef Konstantin
Mexiko: Erinnerungen einer Deutschen by Trautz, Margarete
Spectacular Suffering: Witnessing Slavery in the Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic by Mallipeddi, Ramesh
Dalit Studies by
White Innocence: Paradoxes of Colonialism and Race by Wekker, Gloria
Dalit Studies by
K-12 Education: Better Use of Information Could Help Agencies Identify Disparities and Address Racial Discrimination by U. S. Government Accountability Office
Nekrolog auf das Jahr 1790 by Schlichtegroll, Friedrich
Mahabharata-Studien: Abhandlungen zur alt-indischen Literatur und Kulturkunde by Dahlmann, Joseph
Social Work in a Diverse Society: Transformative Practice with Black and Minority Ethnic Individuals and Communities by
Social Work in a Diverse Society: Transformative Practice with Black and Minority Ethnic Individuals and Communities by
The Legacies of a Hawaiian Generation: From Territorial Subject to American Citizen by Schachter, Judith
Are All the Women Still White?: Rethinking Race, Expanding Feminisms by
Lived Diversities: Space, Place and Identities in the Multi-Ethnic City by Husband, Charles, Alam, Yunis, Huettermann, Jorg
Heirat in Japan: Romantische Und Solidarische Beziehungswelten Im Wandel by Kottmann, Nora
Studien zur Charakteristik der deutschen Volkspoesie by Thimme, Adolf
The Miles Between Me by Nealie, Toni
We the Family: A Play by Walker, George F.
Häuser-Verzeichniss von Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen und Bornheim: Mit der in den Transscriptions- und Hypokthekenbüchern eingetragenen amtlichen Bezeichnu by Prager, Felix
Chinese American Masculinities: From Fu Manchu to Bruce Lee by Chan, Jachinson
Land und Leute: Thüringen by Scobel, Albert
The CODE: The Conspiracy To Criminalize The Black Male by Stafford, Cornelius
Über Indogermanen- und Semitentum: Eine Völkerpsychologische Studie by Röntsch, Johannes
Quellen und Darstellungen zur Geschichte Niedersachsens by
Die Anfänge der Kultur: Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung der Mythologie, Philosophie, Religion, Kunst und Sitte by Tylor, Edward B.
Prähistorische Ansiedelungen und Begräbnissstätten in Krain: Erster Bericht by Deschmann, Carl, Von Hochstetter, Ferdinand
Studien zur Geschichte des Rheinischen Landfriedensbundes von 1254 by Quidde, Ludwig
The Economic Consequences of the Atlantic Slave Trade by Solow, Barbara L.
The Migration of Peoples from the Caribbean to the Bahamas by Tinker, Keith L.
The Challenge of Racism in Therapeutic Practice: Engaging with Oppression in Practice and Supervision by McKenzie-Mavinga, Isha
Die Religion der alten Deutschen und ihr Fortbestand in Volkssagen, Aufzügen und Festbräuchen by Sepp, Johann Nepomuk
Studien zur Geschichte des Bauernkriegs by Cornelius, Carl Adolf
Die griechischen Sakralaltertümer: und das Bühnenwesen der Griechen und Römer by Oehmichen, Gustav, Stengel, Paul
Bavaria: Landes- und Volkskunde des Königreichs Bayern by Sighart, Joachim, A. Gelehrten, U.
Bavaria. Landes- und Volkskunde des Königreichs Bayern.: Zweiter Band by Gnembel, K. W., A. Gelehrten, U.
Environment and Pollution in Colonial India: Sewerage Technologies along the Sacred Ganges by Wilhelm, Janine
New Regional Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific: Drivers, Dynamics and Consequences by
Der Autoritätsbegriff des Milgram-Experiments vor dem Hintergrund von Max Horkheimers Autorität und Familie by Baldauf, Stanley
Zoroaster, sein Name und seine Zeit: Eine iranische Glosse by Cassel, Paulus
Weltgeschichte für das deutsche Volk by Schlosser, Friedrich Christoph
Tecumseh und die Revitalisierungsbewegung der amerikanischen Ureinwohner des östlichen Nordamerikas by Anonym
Framing Corruption in Malaysian Mainstream and Alternative Media by Anonymous
Feldforschung in Phrao/Thailand. Der Wandel lokaler Ernährungsgewohnheiten im globalen Zeitalter by Anonymous
Der italienische Futurismus und seine musikalische Seite als künstlerische Avantgarde by Baldauf, Stanley
The CODE Workbook: The Conspiracy to Criminalize the Black Male-Workbook by Stafford, Cornelius
Elsewhere in America: The Crisis of Belonging in Contemporary Culture by Trend, David
The Color of Redemption by Cornell, Lynn
Ethnicity and Racism in Cyprus: National Pride and Prejudice? by Stevens, P.
The Poetry of Truth by Sunstrum, Raymond
An Islandwide Struggle for Freedom: Revolution, Emancipation, and Reenslavement in Hispaniola, 1789-1809 by Nessler, Graham T.
Fachr ed-dîn der Drusenfürst und seine Zeitgenossen: die aufstände in Syrien und Anatolien gegen die Türken in der ersten Hälfte des xi. (xvii.) Jahrh by Wüstenfeld, Ferdinand
Crossroads of Freedom: Slaves and Freed People in Bahia, Brazil, 1870-1910 by Fraga, Walter
Crossroads of Freedom: Slaves and Freed People in Bahia, Brazil, 1870-1910 by Fraga, Walter
Das Seelenheil von ungetauft verstorbenen Kindern und die Topografie der Hölle by Brüggemann, Astrid
The 'R' Word by Barling, Kurt
Art and Protest in Putin's Russia by Jonson, Lena
Eastern Europe and the Challenges of Modernity, 1800-2000 by Bianchini, Stefano
Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber: Und Ihre Werke by Suter, Heinrich
Das bayerische Nationalmuseum: Mit Abbildungen und Plänen by Vorstand Des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums
Wien im Jahre 1880 by Verlag, A. Hartleben´s
Mediaeval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources: Fragments Towards the Knowledge of the Geography and History of Central and Western Asia from the 1 by Bretschneider, E.
Elsewhere in America: The Crisis of Belonging in Contemporary Culture by Trend, David
One God Two Voices: Life-Changing Lessons from the Classroom on the Issues Challenging Today's Families by Hester, Deidre, Whited, Sue
Paris und Umgebungen: Praktischer Führer by Hermann, Friedrich
The Kerner Report: The National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders by National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
The Future of White Men and Other Diversity Dilemmas by Steinau Lester, Joan
Undivided Rights: Women of Color Organizing for Reproductive Justice by Fried, Marlene Gerber, Ross, Loretta, Silliman, Jael
The American Irish: A History by Kenny, Kevin
Family Planning in the Legacy of Islam by
Studies In Shinto & Shrines by Ponsonby-Fane, R. A. B.
Bayerische Geschichte by Zitzisperger, Joseph
Geschichte des ungarischen Insurrectionskrieges in den Jahren 1848 und 1849: Erster Band by Rüstow, Wilhelm
Die Französische Armee im Jahre 1813: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Befreiungskriege by Anonymus
Race and the Black Male Subculture: The Lives of Toby Waller by Hoston, William T.
Russia's Relations with Kazakhstan: Rethinking Ex-Soviet Transitions in the Emerging World System by Zabortseva, Yelena Nikolayevna
Versuch einer Geschichte der Juden in Posen: Erster Teil by Sternberg, Hermann
Hanfpsychose: Vom psychotischen Umgang über die medizinische Anwendung zum legalen Genuss... by Dorn, Christian
Race, Class, and Gentrification in Brooklyn: A View from the Street by Krase, Jerome, DeSena, Judith N.
The Mughal Empire at War: Babur, Akbar and the Indian Military Revolution, 1500-1605 by de la Garza, Andrew
Uniting Blacks in a Raceless Nation: Blackness, Afro-Cuban Culture, and Mestizaje in the Prose and Poetry of Nicolás Guillén by Arnedo-Gómez, Miguel
Divided Fates: The State, Race, and Korean Immigrants' Adaptation in Japan and the United States by Suzuki, Kazuko
Ultras im Fußball. Die unterschiedliche Wahrnehmung der Fans von Gesellschaft und Experten by Möller, David
The International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen. Charlemagne as a suitable model for the European Unity? by Rüttger, Anna
Heimatverlangen und interkulturelle Netzwerke. Zur deutschen Diaspora in Mexiko by Blick, Ida
China's Changing Economy: Trends, Impacts and the Future by
Cultural Competence in Forensic Mental Health: A Guide for Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Attorneys by Elwyn, Todd S., Tseng, Wen-Shing, Matthews, Daryl
Intense Years: How Japanese Adolescents Balance School, Family and Friends by Fukuzawa, Rebecca Erwin, Letendre, Gerald K.
Making Homes in the West/Indies: Constructions of Subjectivity in the Writings of Michelle Cliff and Jamaica Kincaid by MacDonald-Smythe, Antonia
Public Lives, Private Virtues: Images of American Revolutionary War Heroes, 1782-1832 by Harris, Christopher
Die religiösen, politischen und sozialen Ideen der asiatischen Kulturvölker und der Ägypter in ihrer historischen Entwicklung by Lazarus, Moritz
Critical Ethnic Studies: A Reader by Critical Ethnic Studies Editorial Collec
Critical Ethnic Studies: A Reader by Critical Ethnic Studies Editorial Collec
Das arabische Papier by Karabacek, Joseph
Indische Alterthumskunde: Anhang zum 3. und 4. Bande Geschichte des Chinesischen und des Arabischen Wissens von Indien by Lassen, Christian
Bosnien und Hercegovina by Poppovic, L.
Slavery in the Caribbean Francophone World: Distant Voices, Forgotten Acts, Forged Identities by
Charleston Syllabus: Readings on Race, Racism, and Racial Violence by
Charleston Syllabus: Readings on Race, Racism, and Racial Violence by
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Douglass, Frederick
Revealing Gender Inequalities and Perceptions in South Asian Countries through Discourse Analysis by
Der Übergang des Herzogtums Bayern vom Geschlechte der Welfen an das Haus Wittelsbach: 1180 by Heigel, Carl Theodor
Narrative of the Life of J.D. Green, a Runaway Slave from Kentucky by Green, J. D.
The Reflexive Nature of Awareness: A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence by Williams, Paul
The Expert Maid-Servant by Herrick, Christine Terhune
Odori: Japanese Dance by Matida, Kasyo
Miscellaneous Papers Relating to Indo-China: Volume I by Rost, Reinhold
Democracy and Party Systems in Developing Countries: A comparative study of India and South Africa by Spiess, Clemens
Children In The Wind by Tsubota
Burning Dislike: Ethnic Violence in High Schools by Sanchez-Jankowski, Martin
Burning Dislike: Ethnic Violence in High Schools by Sanchez-Jankowski, Martin
The Kerner Report: The National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders by National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave by Bibb, Henry
The Mediterranean As Seen by Insiders and Outsiders by
Quellen zur Schweizer Geschichte: Thüring Frickarts by Allg Geschichtforsch Ges Der Schweiz
Quellen und Darstellungen zur Geschichte Niedersachsens: Die Politik des Hauses Braunschweig - Lüneburg in den Jahren 1640 - 1641 by Langenbeck, Wilhelm
Economic Products of India Exhibited in the Economic Court, Calcutta International Exhibition, L883-84, Part 7 by Watt, George
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