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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 2018

Candala: Untouchability and Caste in Early India by Jha, Vivekanand
A Fast Walk Through a Long History: A Summary of the American Civil Rights Struggle from 1619 in Jamestown to 1965 in Selma by Williams, Horace Randall
The Underground Railroad by Whitehead, Colson
Capoeira and Candomblé: Conformity and Resistance through Afro-Brazilian Experience by Merrell, Floyd
Arts and Cultural Leadership in Asia by
The Micro-politics of Microcredit: Gender and Neoliberal Development in Bangladesh by Uddin, Mohammad Jasim
Business Leadership Development in China by Zhu, Ying, Ren, Shuang, Wood, Robert
Communicating Climate Change in Russia: State and Propaganda by Poberezhskaya, Marianna
The Haze Problem in Southeast Asia: Palm Oil and Patronage by Varkkey, Helena
Boundaries of Utopia - Imagining Communism from Plato to Stalin by Van Ree, Erik
Chinese Environmental Aesthetics: Wangheng Chen, Wuhan University, China, translated by Feng Su, Hunan Normal University, China by
Monasticism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Republics by
Urbanization in Vietnam by Bousquet, Gisele
Revival: Hindu Mysticism (1934): According to the Upanisads by Sircar, Mahendranath
The Post-war Roots of Japanese Political Malaise by Gatu, Dagfinn
The Emerging Middle East-East Asia Nexus by
Trafficking Women in Korea: Filipina Migrant Entertainers by Yea, Sallie
Women and Sharia Law in Northern Indonesia: Local Women's NGOs and the Reform of Islamic Law in Aceh by Afrianty, Dina
Revival: A German Scholar in the East (1914): Travel Scenes and Reflections by Hackmann, Heinrich
Revival: Reconstruction and Education in Rural India (1932) by Lal, Prem Chand
Revival: Suttee (1928): A Historical and Philosophical Enquiry Into the Hindu Rite of Widow-Burning by Thompson, Edward John
Revival: Southern India (1936): Its Political and Economic Problems by Slater, Gilbert
Revival: Sakya or Buddhist Origins (1931) by Caroline, Rhys Davids
I Dont Get Down Like That And other Essays by Stephens, Torrance T.
Between Water and Fire: Aspects in the History of the Parathavar Community (Collected Articles) by Rajesh, Vinod Vincent
Racism, Policy and Politics by Murji, Karim
Singapore Ethnic Mosaic, The: Many Cultures, One People by
Emotionsarbeit jenseits des Dienstleistungssektors. Definition und Konzept nach Hochschild by Horst, Laura
Racism, Policy and Politics by Murji, Karim
Documents of the Chicano Movement by Bruns, Roger
The Global Education Movement: Narratives of Distinguished Global Scholars by
The Global Education Movement: Narratives of Distinguished Global Scholars (hc) by
The Burden & Blessing of Being Black: The Journey by Watkins, Lorraine
Black Woman Working: Beyond the Myths by Kelly Ph. D., J.
Revival: A Constitutional History of India (1936): 1600-1935 by Keith, Arthur Berriedale
Revival: Caste (1950): A Comparative Study by Hocart, Arthur Maurice
Diskriminierung in bayerischen und hessischen Schützenvereinen by Kalina, Antje
Die soziale Konstruktion vom Geschlecht. Gleichbehandlung und Geschlechterklischees in der Schule by Osterhaus, Lisa-Marie
...But I'm Not Racist!: Tools for Well Meaning Whites by Obear, Kathy
Religion, Regulation, Consumption: Globalising Kosher and Halal Markets by Lever, John, Fischer, Johan
Microaggressions and Traumatic Stress: Theory, Research, and Clinical Treatment by Nadal, Kevin Leo Yabut
Reading Postcolonial Theory: Key Texts in Context by Choudhury, Bibhash
Migrations in Medieval and Early Colonial India by
Finding a Voice: Asian Women in Britain (New and Expanded Edition) by Wilson, Amrit
Die Nigga Die (A Black Man's Commentary) by Brady, Glen D.
Terra incognita. Ukraine, Ukrainer und Ukrainisch: Eine enzyklopädische Sammlung by Kostretska, Antonia
Rhetoric and the Decolonization and Recolonization of East Timor by Hicks, David
Lifestyle Media in Asia: Consumption, Aspiration and Identity by
Young Muslim Women in India: Bollywood, Identity and Changing Youth Culture by Chakraborty, Kabita
Inside Xinjiang: Space, Place and Power in China's Muslim Far Northwest by
Deliberating Environmental Policy in India: Participation and the Role of Advocacy by Ganguly, Sunayana
Street Performers and Society in Urban Japan, 1600-1900: The Beggar's Gift by Groemer, Gerald
International Competition in China, 1899-1991: The Rise, Fall, and Restoration of the Open Door Policy by Elleman, Bruce A.
Democracy, Civic Culture and Small Business in Russia's Regions: Social Processes in Comparative Historical Perspective by O'Neal, Molly
Thailand in the Cold War by Phillips, Matthew
Sustainability in Contemporary Rural Japan: Challenges and Opportunities by
Brunei - History, Islam, Society and Contemporary Issues by
Islamism and Globalisation in Jordan: The Muslim Brotherhood's Quest for Hegemony by Atzori, Daniel
Managing Famine, Flood and Earthquake in China: Tianjin, 1958-85 by Paltemaa, Lauri
China's Social Policy: Transformation and Challenges by
Digital Culture and Religion in Asia by Han, Sam, Nasir, Kamaludeen Mohamed
China-Taiwan Rapprochement: The Political Economy of Cross-Straits Relations by Chiang, Min-Hua
China's Transition from Communism - New Perspectives by
The Internet and New Social Formation in China: Fandom Publics in the Making by Zhang, Weiyu
The Russian Liberals and the Revolution of 1905 by Enticott, Peter
Rethinking Social Capital and Entrepreneurship in Greater China: Is Guanxi Still Important? by
Religion, Law and Intolerance in Indonesia by
The EU's Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability by
Corporate Strategy in Post-Communist Russia by Glazunov, Mikhail
Cosmopolitan Asia: Littoral Epistemologies of the Global South by
National Minorities in Putin's Russia: Diversity and Assimilation by Prina, Federica
Early Modern Southeast Asia, 1350-1800 by
The Radical Right in Late Imperial Russia: Dreams of a True Fatherland? by Gilbert, George
Georgia after Stalin: Nationalism and Soviet power by
The Social History of Post-Communist Russia by
Constitutional Interpretation in Singapore: Theory and Practice by
The Fisher Folk of Late Imperial and Modern China: An Historical Anthropology of Boat-and-Shed Living by
China's Socialist Rule of Law Reforms Under XI Jinping by
New Life Courses, Social Risks and Social Policy in East Asia by
The Development of Russian Environmental Thought: Scientific and Geographical Perspectives on the Natural Environment by Oldfield, Jonathan, Shaw, Denis J. B.
Objects of Worship in South Asian Religions: Forms, Practices and Meanings by
Ecological Risks and Disasters - New Experiences in China and Europe by
Asian Worlds in Latin America by Paladini, Stefania
The First American School of Sociology: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Atlanta Sociological Laboratory by Wright II, Earl
Die Luxemburger Mundart by Gredt, N.
L'Esclavage aux États-Unis by de Corcelle, Francisque
We The Blacks by Tate, Zach
Dritte Generation Ostdeutschland. Die Position der Wende(erfahrung) im Narrativ des Nationalen by Zeutschel, Anja
Unheeded Hinterland: Identity and sovereignty in Northeast India by
Encyclopedia of Chinese Traditional Furniture, Vol. 1: General Introduction by
Diversity in the Power Elite: Ironies and Unfulfilled Promises by Zweigenhaft, Richard L., Domhoff, G. William
Diversity in the Power Elite: Ironies and Unfulfilled Promises by Zweigenhaft, Richard L., Domhoff, G. William
So You Want to Talk about Race by Oluo, Ijeoma
To Belong in Buenos Aires: Germans, Argentines, and the Rise of a Pluralist Society by Bryce, Benjamin
Lives of Muslims in India: Politics, Exclusion and Violence by
Lives of Muslims in India: Politics, Exclusion and Violence by
Reporting Bad News: Negotiating the Boundaries Between Intrusion and Fair Representation in Media Coverage of Death by Newton, Jackie, Duncan, Sallyanne
Ursachen der Benachteiligung von Migrantenkindern im deutschen Schulsystem by Cetin, Büsra
Mediated Girlhoods: New Explorations of Girls' Media Culture, Volume 2 by
On Socialist Democracy and the Chinese Legal System: The Li Yizhe Debates by
Lu Hsün and his Predecessors by Semanov, V. I.
Population Theory in China by
Musical Modernism and German Cinema from 1913 to 1933 by Finocchiaro, Francesco
A Research Guide to Central Party and Government Meetings in China: 1949-1975 by Lieberthal, Kenneth
Revolutionary Education in China: Documents and Commentary by Seybolt, Peter J.
Japan's Response to Crisis and Change in the World Economy by
Party and Professionals: The Political Role of Teachers in Contemporary China by White, Gordon
Slavery's Metropolis by Johnson, Rashauna
The Indian Caribbean: Migration and Identity in the Diaspora by Roopnarine, Lomarsh
Stick Together and Come Back Home: Racial Sorting and the Spillover of Carceral Identity by Lopez-Aguado, Patrick
Stick Together and Come Back Home: Racial Sorting and the Spillover of Carceral Identity by Lopez-Aguado, Patrick
Neighborhood Change and Neighborhood Action: The Struggle to Create Neighborhoods that Serve Human Needs by
Creed & Grievance: Muslim-Christian Relations & Conflict Resolution in Northern Nigeria by
Quellenaufarbeitung zu einem "Regulativ-Rescript" von Friedrich dem Großen by Koch, Josephine
#MeToo Schlüsseldienst by Bübl, Michael
There's a Bully in the White House by Hopkins, Colby
Fierce Feminine Divinities of Eurasia and Latin America: Baba Yaga, Kālī, Pombagira, and Santa Muerte by Oleszkiewicz-Peralba, Malgorzata
Die Questione meridionale als gesamteuropäisches Phänomen. Ökonomische Parallelen zwischen Italien und Europa by Stroh, Cynthia
Media Consumption in Malaysia: A Hermeneutics of Human Behaviour by Wilson, Tony
Textual Authority in Classical Indian Thought: Ramanuja and the Vishnu Purana by Adluri, Sucharita
Suicide in Sri Lanka: The Anthropology of an Epidemic by Widger, Tom
Disease, Religion and Healing in Asia: Collaborations and Collisions by
Informal Labour in Urban India: Three Cities, Three Journeys by Barnes, Tom
Development, Poverty and Power in Pakistan: The impact of state and donor interventions on farmers by Ali, Syed Mohammad
Bhakti and Embodiment: Fashioning Divine Bodies and Devotional Bodies in Krsna Bhakti by Holdrege, Barbara A.
Identity and Memory in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Uzbekistan's Soviet Past by Dadabaev, Timur
Islam and Nationalism in India: South Indian contexts by Ansari, M. T.
China's Exchange Rate Regime by Research Foundation, China Development
Chinese Migrants in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe by
China's WTO Accession Reassessed by
Japanese Adult Videos in Taiwan by Wong, Heung-Wah, Yau, Hoi-Yan
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform - Collected Works of Guo Shuqing by Shuqing, Guo
Yoga in Jainism by
Vegetarianism and Animal Ethics in Contemporary Buddhism by Stewart, James
Tibetan Buddhism in Diaspora: Cultural re-signification in practice and institutions by Lopes, Ana
Poverty and Governance in South Asia by Parnini, Syeda
Philippine Politics: Possibilities and Problems in a Localist Democracy by White, Lynn, III
China-Malaysia Relations and Foreign Policy by Abdullah, Razak
Mobilizing Religion and Gender in India: The Role of Activism by Deo, Nandini
The Decline of Regionalism in Putin's Russia: Boundary Issues by Goode, J. Paul
Early Asceticism in India: Ājīvikism and Jainism by Balcerowicz, Piotr
Russia's Regional Identities: The Power of the Provinces by
Ambedkar und die Frauen. Konversion als Emanzipation? Zu Ambedkars Schriften "The Rise and Fall of the Hindu Woman" und "The Buddha and his Dhamma" by Reb, Evelyn
Routledge Handbook of the Environment in Southeast Asia by
Laughing at Political Correctness: How many lightbulbs does it take to change a liberal? by Cook, David
Left Radicalism in India by Chakrabarty, Bidyut
Reshaping City Governance: London, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad by Rao, Nirmala
Language, Education and Uyghur Identity in Urban Xinjiang by
China Steps Out: Beijing's Major Power Engagement with the Developing World by
Hidden Sexualities of South African Teachers: Black Male Educators and Same-sex Desire by Msibi, Thabo
Critical Perspectives on Agrarian Transition: India in the Global Debate by
Indian Agriculture: Performance, growth and challenges. Essays in honour of Ramesh Kumar Sharma by
The Language Loss of the Indigenous by
Women and the Politics of Representation in Southeast Asia: Engendering discourse in Singapore and Malaysia by Koh, Adeline, Balasingamchow, Yu-Mei
Local Governance in Timor-Leste: Lessons in postcolonial state-building by Cummins, Deborah
Right Turn: William Bradford Reynolds, the Reagan Administration, and Black Civil Rights by Wolters, Raymond
Financial Management Practices in India by Goel, Sandeep
Encyclopedia of Chinese Traditional Furniture, Vol. 2: Ethnical Minorities by Zhang, Fuchang
Encyclopedia of Chinese Traditional Furniture, Vol. 3: Regional Characteristics by Zhang, Fuchang
Encyclopedia of Chinese Traditional Furniture, Vol. 4: Diversified Scenarios by Zhang, Fuchang
China's Generation Gap by Sun, Jiaming, Cheng, Dongmei
Constructions of Migrant Integration in British Public Discourse: Becoming British by Bennett, Sam
Charismatic Christianity in Finland, Norway, and Sweden: Case Studies in Historical and Contemporary Developments by
The Captive's Quest for Freedom by Blackett, R. J. M.
The Captive's Quest for Freedom: Fugitive Slaves, the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law, and the Politics of Slavery by Blackett, R. J. M.
Gesammelte Schriften von Friedrich Gerstäcker: Band I und II by Gerstäcker, Friedrich
Special Issue: Cultural Expert Witnessing by
Commission for Racial Equality: British Bureaucracy and the Multiethnic Society by
Mediated Girlhoods: New Explorations of Girls' Media Culture, Volume 2 by
The Changing Racial Regime by Holden, Matthew
Conjectures and Confrontations: Science, Evolution, Social Concern by Wireman, Peggy, Fox, Robin
Chink: Thinking Beyond the Stereotype by Kong, Henry Woongjae
Delinquent Youth in a Transforming China: A Generation of Strain by Bao, Wan-Ning
Chink: Thinking Beyond the Stereotype by Kong, Henry Woongjae
The Lessons of Ubuntu: How an African Philosophy Can Inspire Racial Healing in America by Mathabane, Mark
Racism and the Olympics by Weisbord, Robert G.
Framing Asian Studies: Geopolitics and Institutions by
Racism: What Is It? by Johnson, Ben Wood
China Steps Out: Beijing's Major Power Engagement with the Developing World by
Parallel Lives Revisited: Mediterranean Guest Workers and Their Families at Work and in the Neighbourhood, 1960-1980 by Bock, Jozefien de
The Army and the Indonesian Genocide: Mechanics of Mass Murder by Melvin, Jess
People of Africa by How, Edith A.
Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education and Societal Contexts: International and Interdisciplinary Approaches by
The Politics of War Memory in Japan: Progressive Civil Society Groups and Contestation of Memory of the Asia-Pacific War by Szczepanska, Kamila
Politics of the 'Other' in India and China: Western Concepts in Non-Western Contexts by
Twists of Fate: Multiracial Coalitions and Minority Representation in the US House of Representatives by Tyson, Vanessa C.
Re-Imagining Contested Communities: Connecting Rotherham Through Research by
Re-Imagining Contested Communities: Connecting Rotherham Through Research by
From Liberty to Magnolia: In Search of the American Dream by Ellis, Janice S.
Mothers of Massive Resistance: White Women and the Politics of White Supremacy by McRae, Elizabeth Gillespie
Drinking Bomb and Shooting Meth: Alcohol and Drug Use in Japan by Alexander, Jeffrey W.
From Liberty to Magnolia: In Search of the American Dream by Ellis, Janice S.
Reading History with the Tamil Jainas: A Study on Identity, Memory and Marginalisation by Umamaheshwari, R.
The Shawshank Experience: Tracking the History of the World's Favorite Movie by Grady, Maura, Magistrale, Tony
Das Pashtunwali zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Eine Studie zur zweiten Generation der Paschtunen in Deutschland by Haqiqat, Muska
Prejudice Bones in My Body: Essays on Muslim Racism, Bigotry and Spiritual Abuse by Zakiyyah, Umm
Multiperspektivität als Zugang für interkulturelle Lernprozesse. Die Kreuzzüge im Geschichtsunterricht by Anonym
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Jacobs, Harriet
Twelve Years a Slave by Northup, Solomon
Soziale Ungleichheiten. Lebenswelten türkischer MigrantInnen in Österreich by Özcan, Burcu
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