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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 2019

A Person of Pakistani Origins by Sardar, Ziauddin
Living in This Skin: Black British Poetry by Rumble, Martin
Canada In Decay: Mass Immigration, Diversity, and the Ethnocide of Euro-Canadians by Duchesne, Ricardo
Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging by Hirsch, Afua
A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None by Yusoff, Kathryn
The Little Book of Racial Healing: Coming to the Table for Truth-Telling, Liberation, and Transformation by Dewolf, Thomas Norman, Geddes, Jodie
Another Mind-Body Problem: A History of Racial Non-Being by Harfouch, John
The Trade in the Living: The Formation of Brazil in the South Atlantic, Sixteenth to Seventeenth Centuries by de Alencastro, Luiz Felipe
Imagining the Public in Modern South Asia by
Conflict in India and China's Contested Borderlands: A Comparative Study by Mukherjee, Kunal
Diasporas and Transnationalisms: The Journey of the Komagata Maru by
Happiness and the Good Life in Japan by
Governing the Commons in China by Zhang, Yan
The Erasure of Arab Political Identity: Colonialism and Violence by Hawa, Salam
Women, Work and Care in the Asia-Pacific by
An East Asian Challenge to Western Neoliberalism: Critical Perspectives on the 'China Model' by Lim, Kean Fan, Horesh, Niv
From Analogue to Digital Radio: Competition and Cooperation in the UK Radio Industry by Devlin, Jp
Human Rights, Social Movements and Activism in Contemporary Latin American Cinema by
Putin's Olympics: The Sochi Games and the Evolution of Twenty-First Century Russia by Orttung, Robert W., Zhemukhov, Sufian N.
Catholics and Everyday Life in Macau: Changing Meanings of Religiosity, Morality and Civility by Hon-Fai, Chen
Contemporary African Mediations of Affect and Access by
Norm Dilemmas in Humanitarian Intervention: How Bosnia Changed NATO by Abe, Yuki
Progressive New World: How Settler Colonialism and Transpacific Exchange Shaped American Reform by Lake, Marilyn
Chinese Scholars and Foreign Policy: Debating International Relations by
Pretends to Be Free: Runaway Slave Advertisements from Colonial and Revolutionary New York and New Jersey by
Utopia and Dissent in West Germany: The Resurgence of the Politics of Everyday Life in the Long 1960s by Lee, Mia
The Worldview, the Trope, and the Critic: Critical Discourses on Miron Bialoszewski by Sobolczyk, Piotr
Tribes of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast: Western Africa Part V by Manoukian, Madeline
Peoples of the Plateau Area of Northern Nigeria: Western Africa Part VII by Gunn, Harold D.
The Tiv of Central Nigeria: Western Africa Part VIII by Bohannan, Laura, Bohannan, Paul
Coastal Bantu of the Cameroons: Western Africa Part XI by Ardener, Edwin
The Benin Kingdom and the Edo-Speaking Peoples of South-Western Nigeria: Western Africa Part XIII by Bradbury, R. E.
Peoples of the Middle Niger Region Northern Nigeria: Western Africa Part XV by Conant, F. P., Gunn, Harold
Les Bira et les Peuplades Limitrophes: Central Africa Belgian Congo Part II by Van Geluwe, H.
Peasants and Lords in Modern Germany: Recent Studies in Agricultural History by
Peoples of the Lake Nyasa Region: East Central Africa Part I by Tew, Mary
The Coastal Tribes of the North-Eastern Bantu (Pokomo, Nyika, Teita): East Central Africa Part III by Prins, A. H. J.
The Nilotes of the Sudan and Uganda: East Central Africa Part IV by Butt, Audrey
The Kikuyu and Kamba of Kenya: East Central Africa Part V by Middleton, John, Kershaw, Greet
The Northern Nilo-Hamites: East Central Africa Part VI by Huntingford, G. W. B.
The Central Nilo-Hamites: East Central Africa Part VII by Gulliver, P. H., Gulliver, Pamela
The Southern Nilo-Hamites: East Central Africa Part VIII by Huntingford, G. W. B.
The Azande and Related Peoples of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and Belgian Congo: East Central Africa Part IX by Baxter, P. T. W., Butt, Audrey
The Gisu of Uganda: East Central Africa Part X by La Fontaine, J. S.
The Eastern Lacustrine Bantu (Ganda, Soga): East Central Africa Part XI by Fallers, Margaret Chave
The Western Lacustrine Bantu (Nyoro, Toro, Nyankore, Kiga, Haya and Zinza with Sections on the Amba and Konjo): East Central Africa Part XIII by Taylor, Brian K.
Les Anciens Royaumes de la Zone Interlacustre Meriodionale (Rwanda, Burundi, Buha): East Central Africa Part XIV by Scherer, J., D'Hertefelt, M., Trouwborst, A.
The Fipa and Related Peoples of South-West Tanzania and North-East Zambia: East Central Africa Part XV by Willis, Roy G.
The Matrilineal Peoples of Eastern Tanzania (Zaramo, Luguru, Kaguru, Ngulu): East Central Africa Part XVI by Beidelman, T. O.
The Peoples of Greater Unyamwezi, Tanzania (Nyamwezi, Sukuma, Sumbwa, Kimbu, Konongo): East Central Africa Part XVII by Abrahams, R. G.
The Chagga and Meru of Tanzania: East Central Africa Part XVIII by Moore, Sally Falk, Puritt, Paul
The Galla of Ethiopia; The Kingdoms of Kafa and Janjero: North Eastern Africa Part II by Huntingford, G. W. B.
Peoples of South-West Ethiopia and Its Borderland: North Eastern Africa Part III by Cerulli, Ernesta
The Central Ethiopians, Amhara, Tigriňa and Related Peoples: North Eastern Africa Part IV by Shack, William A.
The Swazi: Southern Africa Part I by Kuper, Hilda
Pagan Peoples of the Central Area of Northern Nigeria: Western Africa Part XII by Gunn, Harold
The Southern Sotho: Southern Africa Part II by Sheddick, V. G. J.
The Shona and Ndebele of Southern Rhodesia: Southern Africa Part IV by Van Velsen, J., Kuper, Hilda, Hughes, A. J. B.
The Southern Lunda and Related Peoples (Northern Rhodesia, Belgian Congo, Angola): West Central Africa Part I by McCulloch, Merran
The Ovimbundu of Angola: West Central Africa Part II by McCulloch, Merran
The Lozi Peoples of North-Western Rhodesia: West Central Africa Part III by Turner, V. W.
The Ila-Tonga Peoples of North-Western Rhodesia: West Central Africa Part IV by Jaspan, M. A.
Akan and Ga-Adangme Peoples: Western Africa Part I by Manoukian, Madeline
Peoples of Sierra Leone: Western Africa Part II by McCulloch, Merran
The Ibo and Ibibio-Speaking Peoples of South-Eastern Nigeria: Western Africa Part III by Jones, G. I., Forde, Daryll
China's New Public Health Insurance: Challenges to Health Reforms and the New Rural Co-operative Medical System by Müller, Armin
The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling by
Nappy-Headed Negro Syndrome: A Handbook to Social Etiquette in the Racially Charged 21st Century by Jackson, Oneita
Friendship and Diversity: Class, Ethnicity and Social Relationships in the City by Neal, Sarah, Iqbal, Humera, Vincent, Carol
Japanese Popular Culture and Contents Tourism by
Peoples of the Niger-Benue Confluence (The Nupe. The Igbira. The Igala. The Idioma-speaking Peoples): Western Africa Part X by Forde, Daryll
Peoples of the Horn of Africa (Somali, Afar and Saho): North Eastern Africa Part I by Lewis, I. M.
Peoples of the Central Cameroons (Tikar. Bamum and Bamileke. Banen, Bafia and Balom): Western Africa Part IX by Littlewood, Margaret, Dugast, I., McCulloch, Merran
It Was All a Dream: A New Generation Confronts the Broken Promise to Black America by Allen, Reniqua
Race Is about Politics: Lessons from History by Schaub, Jean-Frédéric
Healing Racial Divides: Finding Strength in Our Diversity by Carter, Terrell
The Make-Or-Break Year: Solving the Dropout Crisis One Ninth Grader at a Time by Krone Phillips, Emily
International Migrants in China's Global City: The New Shanghailanders by Farrer, James
St. Louis School Desegregation: Patterns of Progress and Peril by Rias, Hope C.
Youth in Saudi Arabia by Roberts, Ken, Fadaak, Talha H.
China's Changing Economy: Trends, Impacts and the Future by
State Propaganda in China's Entertainment Industry by Cai, Shenshen
Housing in Postwar Japan - A Social History by Waswo, Ann
Intellectual Discourse in Reform Era China: The Debate on the Spirit of the Humanities in the 1990s by Strafella, Giorgio
Slavery: Antiquity and Its Legacy by DuBois, Page
Slavery: Antiquity and Its Legacy by DuBois, Page
The Real and the Unreal: Hyper Narratives of Indigenous Athletes and the Changing Significance of Race by Coram, Stella
Race: Antiquity and Its Legacy by McCoskey, Denise Eileen
We Out. How to End Our Abusive Relationship with AmeriKKKa by Freedom, J.
Let's Stop Calling it an Achievement Gap: How Public Education in the United States Maintains Disparate Educational Experiences for Students of Color by Arnett, Autumn A.
Let's Stop Calling it an Achievement Gap: How Public Education in the United States Maintains Disparate Educational Experiences for Students of Color by Arnett, Autumn A.
Ethnic Identity, Social Mobility and the Role of Soulmates by Slootman, Marieke
Celebrity and Youth: Mediated Audiences, Fame Aspirations, and Identity Formation by
Informal Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Future Research Paradigms for Creating Innovative Business Activity by
The ANC and the Liberation Struggle in South Africa: Essential writings by
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: Special Bicentennial Edition by Douglass, Frederick
Marginality in the Urban Center: The Costs and Challenges of Continued Whiteness in the Americas and Beyond by
Media Reforms and Democratization in Emerging Democracies of Sub-Saharan Africa by Akpojivi, Ufuoma
Muslimische Frauen Und Männer in Deutschland: Eine Empirische Studie Zu Geschlechtsspezifischen Diskriminierungserfahrungen by Talhout, Lisa Joana
The Evolution of Multinationals from Japan and the Asia Pacific: Comparing International Business Japan, Korean, China, India by
Megacity Seoul: Urbanization and the Development of Modern South Korea by Joo, Yu-Min
Saints in the Struggle: Church of God in Christ Activists in the Memphis Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968 by Chism, Jonathan Langston
Taming Cannibals: Race and the Victorians by Brantlinger, Patrick
Unveiling the French Republic: National Identity, Secularism, and Islam in Contemporary France by Nilsson, Per-Erik
Celebrity and Youth: Mediated Audiences, Fame Aspirations, and Identity Formation by
This Bridge We Call Communication: Anzaldúan Approaches to Theory, Method, and Praxis by
The Palgrave Handbook of Media and Communication Research in Africa by
Relating Worlds of Racism: Dehumanisation, Belonging, and the Normativity of European Whiteness by
The Border and the Line: Race, Literature, and Los Angeles by Franco, Dean J.
The Dream Revisited: Contemporary Debates about Housing, Segregation, and Opportunity by
The Border and the Line: Race, Literature, and Los Angeles by Franco, Dean J.
Duppies by Marriott, D. S.
The Dream Revisited: Contemporary Debates about Housing, Segregation, and Opportunity by
Of Colonial Bungalows and Piano Lessons: An Indian Woman's Memoirs by
What Went Wrong, or Was It Right?: The New American Way by Phillips, Jackson, III
What Went Wrong, or Was It Right?: The New American Way by Phillips, Jackson, III
180° Wenn die Gesellschaft zum Richter wird: Eine Sozialbiografie nach wahren Begebenheiten by Spengler, Thomas
Trade and Capital Flow among Asian Economies: Issues and Developments in Business and Management' by
The Chinese and Indian Corporate Economies: A Comparative History of their Search for Economic Renaissance and Globalization by Brown, Raj
Chongqing's Red Culture Campaign: Simulation and its Social Implications by Mei, Xiao
Economic Development in China's Northwest: Entrepreneurship and identity along China's multi-ethnic borderlands by Bird, Joshua
Faces of Homelessness in the Asia Pacific by
Transitions to Modernity in Taiwan: The Spirit of 1895 and the Cession of Formosa to Japan by Alsford, Niki
Development and Social Policy: The Win-Win Strategies of Developmental Social Policy by
Civilising Citizens in Post-Mao China: Understanding the Rhetoric of Suzhi by Lin, Delia
Popular Politics and the Quest for Justice in Contemporary China by
China's Rise and the Chinese Overseas by
Anti-Black Racism in Early Modern English Drama: The Other "Other" by Chapman, Matthieu
Antike Kampfsportarten als Vorbild für den Film "Fight Club" von David Fincher: Die Darstellung von Gewalt innerhalb einer zivilisierten Gesellschaft by Armbrust, Ulli
China's Soviet Dream: Propaganda, Culture, and Popular Imagination by Li, Yan
Civil Society in China and Taiwan: Agency, Class and Boundaries by Salmenkari, Taru
Development and Gender Capital in India: Change, Continuity and Conflict in Kerala by Arun, Shoba
Governing HIV in China: Commercial Sex, Homosexuality and Rural-to-Urban Migration by Jeffreys, Elaine, Su, Gang
The Politics of Memory in Sinophone Cinemas and Image Culture: Altering Archives by
Urban Spaces and Lifestyles in Central Asia and Beyond by
Peeking Through Blind Justice: One Person's Fight Against Workplace Discrimination by Rich, Marcy
Public Security and Governance in Contemporary China by
Japan & Corea by Loti
Trauma, Dissociation and Re-Enactment in Japanese Literature and Film by Stahl, David
The Politics of Protestant Churches and the Party-State in China: God Above Party? by Vala, Carsten
The Abe Administration and the Rise of the Prime Ministerial Executive by George Mulgan, Aurelia
Afropolitanism: Reboot by
Written Under the Skin: Blood and Intergenerational Memory in South Africa by Coetzee, Carli
The Core of It All Ii: Self-Actualization a Component of Principle by McKenzie, M. a.
The Core of It All Ii: Self-Actualization a Component of Principle by McKenzie, M. a.
Russian Mafia in America: Immigration, Culture and Crimes by Finckenauer, James O., Waring, Elin J.
Discourses from Latin America and the Caribbean: Current Concepts and Challenges by
Perpetual Suspects: A Critical Race Theory of Black and Mixed-Race Experiences of Policing by Long, Lisa J.
Divercities: Understanding Super-Diversity in Deprived and Mixed Neighbourhoods by
Race and Riots in Thatcher's Britain by Peplow, Simon
The Plural Practice of Adoption in Pacific Island States by
The Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi by
Immigration and Health by
Stem-Professional Women's Exclusion in the Canadian Space Industry: Anchor Points and Intersectionality at the Margins of Space by Ruel, Stefanie
Heroes of the Underground Railroad Around Washington, D.C. by Masur, Jenny
Shackled Sentiments: Slaves, Spirits, and Memories in the African Diaspora by
Heroes of the Underground Railroad Around Washington, D.C. by Masur, Jenny
Plantations, Slavery and Freedom on Maryland's Eastern Shore by Hedberg, Jacqueline Simmons
Sexuality and Gender in the English Renaissance: An Annotated Edition of Contemporary Documents by Davis, Lloyd
Uncle Tom's Journey from Maryland to Canada: The Life of Josiah Henson by Troiano, Edna M.
Uncle Tom's Journey from Maryland to Canada: The Life of Josiah Henson by Troiano, Edna M.
Plantations, Slavery and Freedom on Maryland's Eastern Shore by Hedberg, Jacqueline Simmons
Solidarity and Defiant Spirituality: Africana Lessons on Religion, Racism, and Ending Gender Violence by West, Traci C.
Harmonism as an Alternative by Wang, Keping
Les Tribus Ba-Kuba et les Peuplades Apparentées: Central Africa Belgian Congo Part I by Vansina, Jan
Mamvu-Mangutu et Balese-Mvuba: Central Africa Belgian Congo Part III by Van Geluwe, H.
Les Bali et les Peuplades Apparentées (Ndaka-Mbo-Beke-Lika-Budu-Nyari): Central Africa Belgian Congo Part V by Van Geluwe, H.
Les Peuplades de L'Entre Congo-Ubangi (Ngbandi, Ngbaka, Mbandja, Ngombe et Gens D'Eau): Central Africa Belgian Congo Part IV by Burssens, H.
What is Economic Development?: A Comparative Performance of Indian States by Agarwal, Manmohan, Parameswaran, M., Ray, Amit S.
Understanding Human Ecology: Knowledge, Ethics and Politics by Devi T. V., Geetha
Understanding Human Ecology: Knowledge, Ethics and Politics by Devi T. V., Geetha
Historical Injustice and Democratic Transition in Eastern Asia and Northern Europe: Ghosts at the Table of Democracy by
Solidarity and Defiant Spirituality: Africana Lessons on Religion, Racism, and Ending Gender Violence by West, Traci C.
Womanish: A Grown Black Woman Speaks on Love and Life by McLarin, Kim
Die Gamification des Liebesmarktes durch Datingapps by Junge, Maleen
Liebe in Zeiten des Kapitalismus am Beispiel von Online-Dating Portalen by Junge, Maleen
Iran's Foreign Policy in the South Caucasus: Relations with Azerbaijan and Armenia by Kouhi-Esfahani, Marzieh
Ego-Dokumente und Nachlässe. Zur Problematik von Persönlichkeitsrechten by Kazmaier, Miriam
Nation Failure, Ethnic Elites, and Balance of Power: The International Administration of Kosova by Rama, Shinasi A.
Method, Substance, and the Future of African Philosophy by
Surveillance, Race, Culture by
Exploring the Toxicity of Lateral Violence and Microaggressions: Poison in the Water Cooler by
British and American Representations of 9/11: Literature, Politics and the Media by Gheorghiu, Oana-Celia
Jamaican Folklore and the Influence on Jamaican Culture by Hansen, Emily
The 2018 yearbook of We the Italians by Mucci, Umberto
Deutschland und die Deutschen in Forschung und Lehre: Studien zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Landeskunde by Pszczólkowski, Tomasz G.
Corwin Genealogy: Curwin, Curwen, Corwine in the United States by Corwin, Edward Tanjore
Imagined Societies by Schinkel, Willem
Revival: The Jews of Asia (1920): Especially in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Mendelssohn, Sidney
Revival: The Future of Taiwan (1980) by Li, Victor C.
Rural Employment & manpower problems in China by Ullerich, Curtis
Revival: Sakya or Buddhist Origins (1931) by Caroline, Rhys Davids
Revival: A Constitutional History of India (1936): 1600-1935 by Keith, Arthur Berriedale
China and Its National Minorities: Autonomy or Assimilation by Heberer, Thomas
Revival: The People's Liberation Army and China's Nation-Building (1973) by Kau, Ying-Mao
Smart Wellness(R) Workbook: Cultural Wisdom Meets Modern Brain Science by Peoples, Reba
The Divided City and the Grassroots: The (Un)Making of Ethnic Divisions in Mostar by Carabelli, Giulia
Challenging Beijing's Mandate of Heaven: Taiwan's Sunflower Movement and Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement by Ho, Ming-Sho
Revival: The Quest for God in China (1925) by O'Neill, F. W. S.
Revival: The Cambodian Agony (1990) by Ablin, David A., Hood, M.
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