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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1978

Anorganische Chemie by Hofmann, Karl A.
Photochemische Energieübertragung in Mizellaren Lösungen by Bünau
Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Vorträge - N 277 by Liebau, Friedrich
Übersetzung, Paraphrase Und Plagiat: Untersuchungen Zum Schicksal Englischer >Character- Books by Brauch, Erich
Lessing: Vernunft und Geschichte by Bollacher, Martin
A Guide to the Campus of the University of Michigan by MacInnes, Margo
Isländisch: Eine Übersicht über die moderne isländische Sprache mit einem kurzen Abriss der Geschichte und Literatur Islands by Pétursson, Magnús
Sämtliche Werke, Band 3/2, Tierdichtungen by
Schubversuche an Stahlbeton-Platten by Thürlimann, Marti, Pralong
The Ethology and Ethics of Farm Animal Production: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting by Fölsch
Unkonventionelle Bergbahnen by Hefti
Die Sauerstoffversorgung Der Warmblüterorgane Unter Normalen Und Pathologischen Bedingungen. Die Echoortung Der Fledermäuse: 239.Sitzung Am 7.Januar 1 by Lübbers, Dietrich W.
Interferometrie Mit Röntgen- Und Neutronenstrahlen. Flüssige Kristalle: Strukturen, Eigenschaften Und Bedeutung: 250. Sitzung Am 2. März 1977 in Düsse by Bonse, Ulrich
Versuche Über Die Rotationsfähigkeit Von Backsteinmauerwerk by Thürlimann, Furler
Biegeverhalten Von Platten Mit Vorspannung Ohne Verbund by Ritz, P.
Physik Im Experiment by Portis, Alan M.
Untersuchung Von Röntgenstrahlung Nach Anregung Durch Schwere Ionen by Cleff, Bernd
Paramagnetische Elektronenresonanz (Epr)-Untersuchungen Bei Hohen Temperaturen an Polykristallinen Graphiten Und Alkali-Graphitverbindungen by Franke, Friedrich Hermann
Schmelzdispergierung Von Polyurethanionomeren by
Pearl: Process and Experiment Automation Realtime Language by Werum, Wulf
Die Scheinwelt Des Paradoxons: Eine Kommentierte Anthologie in Wort Und Bild by Hughes, Patrick, Brecht, Georges
Physikalisches Taschenbuch by
Bildungsplanung in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: System Und Grundlagen by Bormann, Manfred
Offensives Denken: Philosophie Und Politik by Willms, Bernard
Zufallsschwingungen Mechanischer Systeme by Heinrich, Winfried
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 1 by
Modelltheoretische Berechnung Der Tektonischen Spannungen Im Tiefen Ruhrkarbon Nach Der Methode Der Finiten Elemente by Kratzsch, Helmut
Quantitative Bestimmung Der Sekundärionenausbeuten Sauerstoffbedeckter Metalle by Benninghoven, Alfred
Zeitkontinuierliches Meßsystem Zur Charakterisierung Von Aerosolen by Kraus, Franz Josef
Zellgenetik by Theile, Michael
Messung Dielektrischer Stoffeigenschaften by Rost, Albrecht
Quantenmechanik Und Philosophie by Röseberg, Ulrich
Methoden Zur Bestimmung Von Standorten Und Einzugsbereichen Zentraler Einrichtungen by Bach
Plastische Berechnung Von Stahlbetonscheiben Und -Balken by Müller, P.
Bank-Lexikon: Handwörterbuch Für Das Bank- Und Sparkassenwesen by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Akustische Ethogramme Von Hühnern: Die Auswirkung Unterschiedlicher Haltungssysteme by Huber, Fölsch
Maschinenkonstruktionslehre: Heft 7: Spezielle Gestaltungslehre 5. Teil by Leyer, A.
Drehen Und Gewindeschneiden by Widmer, E.
Sportbiologie: Lehrbuch Für Sportlehrer Und Trainer by Albonico, Schönholzer, Weiss
Spezielle Relativitätstheorie by Herlt, Eduard
Significant Decisions of the Supreme Court 1976-77 by Fein, Bruce E.
Electrochemistry: Volume 6 by
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 9 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 9 by
Chemical Thermodynamics: Volume 2 by
Saturated Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 5 by
Theoretical Chemistry: Volume 3 by
Gas Kinetics and Energy Transfer: Volume 3 by
Chemical Physics of Solids and Their Surfaces: Volume 7 by
Inorganic Chemistry of the Main-Group Elements: Volume 5 by
Terpenoids and Steroids: Volume 8 by
Alkaloids: Volume 8 by
Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Chemistry: Volume 6 by
Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Elements: Volume 6 by
Molecular Structure by Diffraction Methods: Volume 6 by
"Das Land, von welchem niemand wiederkehrt" by Haug, Walter
Textbuch Zur Mystik Des Deutschen Mittelalters: Meister Eckhart - Johannes Tauler - Heinrich Seuse by Quint, Josef
Double Jeopardy: A Critique of Seven Yüan Courtroom Dramas by Perng, Ching-Hsi
Television as an Instrument of Terror by Berger, Arthur Asa
Klio. Band 59, Heft 2 by
Jahresberichte Für Deutsche Geschichte. Neue Folge. Band 26/27, Jahrgang 1974/1975 by
Archäologische Beiträge by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 17 by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 16 by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 15 by
Philologus. Band 121, Heft 1 by
Chickago Gourmet by Fish, Connie, Kupcinet, Sue
Language in Indian Philosophy and Religion by
Photochemistry: Volume 9 by
Lectures in Pattern Theory: Volume 2: Pattern Analysis by Grenander, U.
The General Theory of Alternating Current Machines: Application to Practical Problems by Adkins, B.
Der Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co.: Skizzen Aus Der Geschichte Der Seinen Aufbau Bildenden Ehemaligen Firmen, Nebst Einem Lebensabriss Dr. Walter de G by Lüdtke, Gerhard
World resources - Energy, metals, minerals by Alexandersson, Gunnar, Klevebring, Björn-Ivar
To Know a Library: Essays and Annual Reports, 1970-1976 by Gore, Daniel
Acquisitions--Where, What, and How: A Guide to Orientation and Procedure for Students in Librarianship, Librarians, and Academic Faculty by Grieder, Theodore
Die Elektronische Redaktion: Publizistische Folgen Der Neuen Technik by Weischenberg, Siegfried
Kleinste Schachaufgaben: Drei- Und Viersteiner by Speckmann, W.
Der Ruf, unabhängige Blätter der jungen Generation (1945-1949) by Vaillant, Jérôme
Journalismus in Der Udssr: Eine Untersuchung Über Aufgaben Und Funktionen Sowjetischer Journalisten Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Struktu by Kunze, Christine
La France contemporaine by
Stilanalyse by Zimmer, Rudolf
Library service to children by
Biochemistry of wounded plant tissues by
Letters for the International Exchange of Publications: A Guide to Their Composition in English, French, German, Russian and Spanish by Allardyce, Alex
Physik für Mediziner, Biologen, Pharmazeuten by Kreibig, Uwe, Oberhausen, Erich, Trautwein, Alfred
Collector's Bach by Broder, Nathan
Modern Prose Style by Dobree, Bonamy, Unknown
Chamber and Solo Instrument Music by Unknown, Schonberg, Harold C.
Gramophone Record Catalogue by Suffolk East Eng County Library, Unknown, East Suffolk County Library
Orchestral Music by Kolodin, Irving
Index to Jazz: Jazz Recordings, 1917-1944 by Unknown, Blackstone, Orin
Black Higher Education in the United States: A Selected Bibliography on Negro Higher Education and Historically Black Colleges and Universities by Unknown, Chambers, Fredrick
Water in Plants Bibliography, Volume 2 1976: References No. 980 - 2479 / ABA -- Zve by
The Vienna Development Method: The Meta-Language by
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 6 by
On Minerals and Mineral Products: Chapters on Minerals from His "Kreutterbuch" by Rösslin, Eucharius
Science and the Shabby Cruate of Poetry: Essays about the Two Cultures by Green, Martin Burgess, Unknown
Biofeedback: A Survey of the Literature by Butler, Francine
The Dynamics of Science and Technology: Social Values, Technical Norms and Scientific Criteria in the Development of Knowledge by
The Dynamics of Science and Technology: Social Values, Technical Norms and Scientific Criteria in the Development of Knowledge by
Ueber die Ehe by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Ueber Die Bürgerliche Verbesserung Der Weiber by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Kleinere Schriften by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Kleinere Schriften by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Kleinere Schriften by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Hippel's Leben by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Hippel's Briefe by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Hippel's Briefe by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
E. M. Forster by Gardner, Philip
Natural Language Communication with Computers by
Latin for People / Latina Pro Populo by Humez, Nicholas, Humez, Alexander
The Mass Media: Aspen Institute Guide to Communication Industry Trends by Sterling, Christopher H., Haight, Timothy R.
The Mass Media: Aspen Institute Guide to Communication Industry Trends by Sterling, Christopher H.
Introduction to Dutch: A Practical Grammar by Shetter, William Z.
Biographical Dictionary of American Educators V1 by Ohles, John F.
Biographical Dictionary of American Educators V2 by Ohles, John F.
Freethought in the United States: A Descriptive Bibliography by Stein, Gordon, Unknown, Brown, Marshall G.
Program Modification by Warnier, J. D.
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 10 by
Words and Deeds: Problems in the Theory of Speech Acts by Holdcroft, David
Charles Evans Hughes: And American Democratic Statesmanship by Perkins, Dexter
Ethiopian Perspectives: A Bibliographical Guide to the History of Ethiopia by Brown, Clifton F., Unknown
Child Abuse and Neglect: An Annotated Bibliography by Kalisch, Beatrice J., Unknown
Ibss: Anthropology: 1975 Vol 21 by International Committee for Social Scien
Japanese Economics: A Guide to Japanese Reference and Research Materials by Kawai, Saburo, Remer, C. F., Remer, Charles Frederick
The New Hamburg Pottery: New Hamburg, Ontario 1854-1916 by Newlands, David
That Was the Life: The Upstairs Downstairs Story of America's Favorite Magazine by Hamblin, Dora Jane
Criminological Bibliographies: Uniform Citations to Bibliographies, Indexes, and Review Articles of the Literature of Crime Study in the United State by Unknown
Management Education and Development: An Annotated Resource Book by Yost, Edward B., Unknown, Herbert, Theodore T.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: A Selective Bibliography of Criticism, 1935-1977 by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Unknown, Caskey, Jefferson D.
Opening and Closing by Klapp, Orrin E., Klapp
Thought and Choice in Chess by Groot, Adriaan D. De
Alicyclic Chemistry: Volume 6 by
Dermatoglyphics: An International Perspective by
Heinrich von Kleists "Amphitryon" by Wittkowski, Wolfgang
Existenziale Themen bei Max Frisch by Kiernan, Doris
Sources in British Political History, 1900-1951: Volume 5: A Guide to the Private Papers of Selected Writers, Intellectuals and Publicists by Cook, Chris, Weeks, Jeffrey
The Economic Conditions of East and Southeast Asia: A Bibliography of English-Language Materials, 1965-1977 by Chen, Virginia
Heidelberger Jahrbücher by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Problems in Applied Educational Sociolinguistics by
Literature of the Low Countries: A Short History of Dutch Literature in the Netherlands and Belgium by Meijer, Reinder
Introduction to Factor Analysis: What It Is and How to Do It by Mueller, Charles W., Kim, Jae-On
The Eighth Mental Measurements Yearbook (2 Volumes): 2 Volumes by Buros Center
Psychic and Religious Phenomena Limited: A Bibliographical Index by King, Clyde S.
Georg Forsters Werke, BAND 13, Briefe bis 1783 by
Mittelalter: Byzanz, Bulgarien, Serbien, Albaner, Slowenen, Ungarn, Kroatien, Ragusa, Bosnien, Rumänien. Teilband 1 by
Discourse and Inference in Cognitive Anthropology: An Approach to Psychic Unity and Enculturation by
Lateinische Ordensdramen des XVI. Jahrhunderts mit deutschen Übersetzungen by
Briefe 1738-1750 by
Aufbau Und Eigenschaften Der Materie Im Mikro- Und Makrokosmos by Klages, Friedrich
Micrographics Handbook by Smith, Charles
Discographies of Commercial Recordings of the Cleveland Orchestra: 1924$1977) and the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (1917$1977) by Fellers, Frederick P., Meyers, Betty
Life Cycles: An Evolutionary Approach to the Physiology of Reproduction, Development and Ageing by Calow, P.
The Implied Reader: Patterns of Communication in Prose Fiction from Bunyan to Beckett by Iser, Wolfgang
A Public Library Service for Ethnic Minorities in Great Britain. by Unknown, Clough, Eric A., Quarmby, Jacqueline
Untersuchungen zur Sprache im Fremdenverkehr: Durchgefuehrt an den Ferienkatalogen einiger deutscher Touristikunternehmen by Putschögl-Wild, Anna Monika