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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1980

Flannery O'Connor Her Life, Library, and Book Reviews by Getz, Lorine M.
Das Allgemeine im Aufbau der geisteswissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis by Litt, Theodor
Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume 2 by Unknown
Elektronik Epoche by Antebi
Roboter Kommen by Aleksander
Fragen Der Forschungspolitik: 239. Sitzung Am 18. April 1979 in Düsseldorf by Pöggeler, Otto
Der Bank- Und Sparkassenkaufmann: Betriebswirtschaftliches Und Rechtliches Repetitorium in Fragen Und Antworten by Grill, Wolfgang
Bürowirtschaft: Ein Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch Mit Praktischen Fällen Für Die Ausbildung in Büroberufen by Appel, Jo
Großhandelskaufmann: Repetitorium in Frage Und Antwort by Hüttner, Erich
Grants for the Arts by White, Virginia P.
Gesammelte Schriften, Band VI, Grundlagen der Geisteswissenschaften by Spranger, Eduard
Life on Television: Content Analyses of U.S. TV Drama by Greenberg, Bradley S.
Life on Television: Content Analyses of U.S. TV Drama by Greenberg, Bradley S.
Die >Rechtssumme by Berthold Von Freiburg
The Annotated Bibliography of Canada's Major Authors: Leonard Cohen, Margaret Atwood (Poetry), Archibald Lampman, E.J. Pratt, and Al Purdy by
Versuche Über Die Rotationsfähigkeit Von Kalksandsteinmauerwerk by Furler, Thürlimann
The Use of Formal Specification of Software: June 25-27, 1979, Berlin by
Rechnungswesen Für Industriekaufleute by
Erdbebenbeanspruchung Von Beton- Und Leichtbetonbauwerken Nach Verschiedenen Normen Und Berechnungsverfahren by Ziegler, A.
Schiffahrtskaufmann: Repetitorium in Frage Und Antwort by Malchow, Günther
Punktkartenflora Von Duisburg Und Umgebung: Nebst Angabe Der Standortansprüche, Herkunft, Einbürgerungsweise Und Gefährdung Für Alle Im Weiteren Raum by Düll, Ruprecht
Rechtslehre by Dittmer, Wilhelm G.
Florengeschichte Im Spiegel Blütenökologischer Erkenntnisse by Vogel, Stefan
Rutherford-Rückstreu-Analysen Mit Protonen by
Politik by Harting, Norbert
Die Organisation Der Wissenschaftlichen Arbeit by Spandl, Oskar Peter
Spurenelementanalyse Von Umweltchemikalien Durch Ioneninduzierte Röntgenstrahlung by
Dynamical Systems: Lectures Given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.), Held in Bressanone (Bolza by Moser, Newhouse, Guckenheimer
Numerische Methoden Der Approximationstheorie / Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory: Vortragsauszüge Der Tagung Über Numerische Methoden Der App by Meinardus, Werner, Collatz
Bifurcation Problems and Their Numerical Solution: Workshop on Bifurcation Problems and Their Numerical Solution Dortmund, January 15-17, 1980 by Weber, H., Mittelmann, H. D.
Zur Plastischen Berechnung Von Stahlbeton by Marti, P.
Periodische Enzymaktivierung ALS Kontrollfaktor Multizellulärer Entwicklung. Neuere Ergebnisse Zum Räumlichen Hören: 259. Sitzung Am 1. März 1978 in D by Gerisch, Günther
Untersuchung Zum Sozialverhalten Des Rindes: Eine Zweijährige Beobachtung an Einer Halb-Wilden Rinderherde (Bos Indicus) by Reinhardt
Vo Liebi, Laid Und Larve: Drei Fasnachtsgeschichten Aus Basel by Graber, Pee, Räber
Das Handbuch by Muschter, Preisig, Kaspar
Trukese-English Dictionary: Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 141) by
Furnishing the Library Interior by Pierce
Schnellnachweis Von Mikroorganismen in Flüssigen Lebensmitteln Durch Bestimmung Von Adenosintriphosphat Mit Einem Biolumineszenz-Verfahren by Baumgart, Jürgen
Bureaucrats, Policy Analysts, Statesmen: Who Leads? by Goldwin, Robert A.
The Pear Stories: Cognitive, Cultural and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative Production by Chafe, Wallace L., Unknown
Thinking about Morality by Frankena, William K.
Electrochemistry: Volume 7 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 11 by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 3 by
Chemical Physics of Solids and Their Surfaces: Volume 8 by
Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 1 by
Biosynthesis: Volume 6 by
Perspectives on Postal Service Issues: A Conference Sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute by Sherman, Roger
Significant Decisions of the Supreme Court, 1978-1979 Term by Fein, Bruce E.
Clemens Brentano: Beiträge Des Kolloquiums Im Freien Deutschen Hochstift, 1978 by
Utopie und Ideologie in der expressionistischen Lyrik by Hucke, Karl-Heinz
Fernsehen im Urteil der Zuschauer by Nestmann, Frank
Rhetorische Logik: Prämissen Der Deutschen Lyrik Im Übergang Vom 17. Zum 18. Jahrhundert by Beetz, Manfred
Russian Formalism: History - Doctrine by Erlich, Victor
Intermediate Spoken Vietnamese by Huffman, Franklin E., Hai, Tran Trong
Henry James: Book. 1 by Tanner, Tony
Menarini Ser Immunopath 02, Second Symposium June'78 by Miescher
Hochschulschriften Zu Schwarzafrika 1960-1978: Deutschland-Österreich-Schweiz by Maurer, Barbara, Schwarz, Klaus
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte Des Feudalismus. Band 3 by
Die Schwenke-Sammlung Gotischer Stempel- Und Einbanddurchreibungen Nach Motiven Geordnet Und Nach Werkstätten Bestimmt Und Beschrieben, I: Einzelstemp by Schunke, Ilse
Klio. Band 61, Heft 1 by
Klio. Band 61, Heft 2 by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 20 by
Analytiker-Taschenbuch. Band 1 by
Index to Anthologies on Postsecondary Education, 1960$1978. by Quay, Richard H.
T'An Ssu-t'Ung: An Annotated Bibliography by Chan, Sin-Wai
Creative Imitation Latin Liter by
Business Communications: An Annotated Bibliography by Walsh, Ruth M.
The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Response by Iser, Wolfgang
Gifts and Exchange Manual by Lane, Alfred H.
The Savoy Label: A Discography by Ruppli, Michel
The Prestige Label: A Discography by Permut, Steven
Basic Electronic Circuits by Hoskyns, A. H.
A Bibliography of the Work of Carl Van Vechten by Kellner, Bruce, King, Frank
Plato: Symposium by Plato
International Symposium on Programming: Proceedings of the Fourth Colloque International Sur La Programmation Paris, 22-24 April 1980 by
Language, Ethnicity, and Education in Wales by Khleif, Bud B.
Endosymbiosis and Cell Biology: A Synthesis of Recent Research. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Endosymbiosis and Cell Research, Tübing by
The Impact of New Technologies on Publishing: Proceedings of the Symposium by
Automatisierte Juristische Informationssysteme: Gegenwärtiger Stand Ihrer Entwicklung Und Ihre Bedeutung Für Die Bibliothekarische PRAXIS by Nagelsmeier-Linke, Marlene
Terminological Data Banks: Proceedings of the 1. International Conference [On Terminological Data Banks], Vienna, 2 and 3 April, 1979, Convened b by
Blat - Boc by
Boro - Brau by
Cf - Cn by
Ben - Berh by
Beri - Bern by
Bero - Bibi by
Bibl - Bieli by
Brav - Bruc by
Brud - Buk by
Bul - Bz by
Bielk - Blas by
Bei - Bem by
Electrophoresis '79: Advanced Methods, Biochemical and Clinical Applications. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electrophoresis, M by
Aus Dem Akademischen Leben Der Technischen Universität Wien (2) by
Logic Matters by Geach, P. T.
A Relational Theory of Computing by Sanderson, John G.
Black Artists in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography of Books, Articles, and Dissertations on Black Artists, 1779-1979 by Davis, Lenwood G., Sims, Janet L.
Organization Development for Academic Libraries: An Evaluation of the Management Review and Analysis Program by Mann, Stuart H., Johnson, Edward R.
A Diary from Dixie by Chesnut, Mary Boykin
The Progress of Afro-American Women: A Selected Bibliography and Resource Guide by Sims, Janet
Center for Korean Studies, Uc Berkeley by
The New International Economic Order: A Bibliography by Nawaz, Tawfique, Lsi
Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Comprehensive Bibliography by Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Lapointe, Francois, Lapointe, F.
Arabic Grammar: A First Workbook by Wickens, G. M.
Mostly in the Line of Duty: Thirty Years with Books by Liebaers, H.
Do It Yourself Hebrew and Greek: A Guide to Biblical Language Tools by Goodrick, Edward W.
A Theory of Discourse by Kinneavy, James L.
Passages by Norman, Eric
Sämtliche Werke, Band 2, Trauerspiele II: Sophia. Catharina. Liberata by Hallmann, Johann Ch
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 10/Tl 1, Ausgaben deutscher Literatur des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts Band 10/Teil 1 by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Teufelbücher in Auswahl, Band 5, Matthäus Friedrich: Saufteufel. Eustachius Schildo: Spielteufel. Cyriacus Spangenberg: Jagdteufel by Spangenberg, Cariacus, Schildo, Eustachius, Friederich, Matthäus
Men: A Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth-Century Sources by
A Common Spring: Crime Novel and Classic by Aisenberg, Nadya
Test Lessons in Primary Reading, Lesson Booklet by McCall, William a., Dunigan, Mary L.
Intermediate Mathematical Statistics by Beaumont, G. P.
Contact Problems in the Classical Theory of Elasticity by Gladwell, G. M. L.
Sämtliche Werke. Bd 1: Lyrik I. Bd 1/Tl 1 by Zesen, Philipp Von
101 Word Games by McCallum, George P.
Sämtliche Werke, Band 4, Prosa-Schriften I by Czepko, Daniel
Programmierübungen in FORTRAN by
The Status of the Arab Woman: A Select Bibliography by Meghdessian, Samira Rafidi, Unknown
Information for Academic Library Decision Making: The Case for Organizational Information Management by McClure, Charles R.
Soviet Education: An Annotated Bibliography and Readers' Guide to Works in English, 1893-1978 by Yoo, Yushin
A Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies: Primary Access to Observations of UFOs, Ghosts, and Other Mysterious Phenomena by Eberhart, George M.
A Selection of Papers from Info II, the Second International Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, University of Patras, Greece, July 9-14, by
Advances in Communications: Volume I of a Selection of Papers from Info II, the Second International Conference on Information Sciences and System by
Wilhelm Dilthey: A Hermeneutic Approach to the Study of History and Culture by Bulhof, I. N.
Digital Pattern Recognition by
The Relationship of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication by Key, Mary R.
The Calvinist Temper in English Poetry by Boulger, James D.
Shakespeare: Seven Tragedies by Honigmann, E.
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: A Comprehensive Historical and Legal Bibliography, 1963-1979 by Guth, Delloyd J.
Management for Librarians: Fundamentals and Issues by Rizzo, John R.
Justice, Law, and Argument: Essays on Moral and Legal Reasoning by Perelman, Ch
Heliand, Genesis und das Altenglische by Zanni, Roland
Phytochemical Methods: A Guide to Modern Techniques of Plant Analysis by Harborne, Jeffrey B.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez: An Annotated Bibliography, 1947-1979 by Garcia Marquez, Gabriel, Unknown, Fau, Margaret Eustella
Marcus Garvey: An Annotated Bibliography by Sims, Janet, Davis, Lenwood G., Garvey, Marcus
Soren Kierkegaard and His Critics: An International Bibliography of Criticism by Lapointe, F., Kierkegaard, Soren, Lapointe, Francois
Isoenzymes by Rider, C. C.
Metals in Biochemistry by Harrison, P.
Statistics for Biologists by Finny, D. J.
Heidelberger Jahrbücher by Loparo, Kenneth A.
An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals and Noise by Pierce, John R.
Novantiqua: Rhetorics as a Contemporary Theory by Valesio, Paolo
Reading Greek: Greek Vocabulary by Joint Association of Classical Teachers
Orthotypographia, by Hieronymus Hornschuch: A Facsimile with a Parallel Translation of the Earliest Printers Manual, First Published at Leipzig in 160 by Gaskell, Philip, Bradford, Patricia
Georg Forsters Werke, BAND 16, Briefe 1790-1791 by
Mittelalter: Byzanz, Bulgarien, Serbien, Albaner, Slowenen, Ungarn, Kroatien, Ragusa, Bosnien, Rumänien. Teilband 2 by
Entwicklungstendenzen Wissenschaftlicher Rechenzentren: Kolloquium, Göttingen, 19.-20. Juni 1980 by
Handbook of Geographical Nicknames by Sharp, Harold S.
Le concept de sous-développement by
Conversational Routine: Explorations in Standardized Communication Situations and Prepatterned Speech by
Brian Rust's Guide to Discography by Rust, Brian
Dutch Studies: Volume 4 Studies in Dutch Phonology by Geerts, G., Gerritsen, W. P., Schultink, H.
The Problem of Style by Murry, J. Middleton
Defending Intellectual Freedom: The Library and the Censor by Unknown
A Guide to Irish Bibliographical Material: A Bibliography of Irish Bibliographies and Sources of Information by Eager, Alan R., Lsi
Film: A Reference Guide by Armour, Robert A.
Key Papers in Information Science by Griffith, Belver C.
Canadian Books for Young People/Livres Canadiens Pour La Jeunesse, 3e by
Analysis of Categorical Data: Dual Scaling and Its Applications by Nishisato, Shizuhiko
Canadian Selection: Filmstrips by de F. Rothwell, Helene
Crime, Detective, Espionage, Mystery, and Thriller Fiction and Film: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Critical Writing Through 1979 by Skene Melvin, David
The Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature by
Book Illustration and Decoration: A Guide to Research by Brenni, Vito Joseph
Thomistic Bibliography, 1940-1978. by Miethe, Terry L.
Perspectives on Functional Grammar by
Advances in Source Coding by Berger, Toby, Davisson, Lee D.
Topics in Artificial Intelligence by
Stochastic Processes with Learning Properties by Csibi, Sandor
News and the Human Interest Story by
Water-In-Plants Bibliography, Volume 5 1979 by
C - CE by