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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1981

Italy at the Polls by Penniman, Howard Rae
Who Knows: Information in the Age of the Fortune 500 by Schiller, Herbert, Unknown
Narrative, Literacy and Face in Interethnic Communication by Scollon, Suzanne B. K., Scollon, Ronald
Television Coverage of the Middle East by Adams, William C., Unknown
Narrative, Literacy and Face in Interethnic Communication by Scollon, Ronald, Scollon, Suzann
Dependency Road: Communications, Capitalism, Consciousness, and Canada by Smythe, Dallas
Mikrocomputerfibel: Vom 8-Bit-Chip Zum Grundsystem by Schnell, Gerhard, Hoyer, Konrad
The Second Workshop on Grand Unification: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor April 24-26, 1981 by Sulak, Unger, Leveille
Präsentations- Und Kreativitätstechniken by Musiol, Achim
Vier altfranzösische Lais by
Sämtliche Werke, Band 15, Schriften aus den Jahren von 1803 bis 1804 by
Die anglo-indische Short Story by Stilz, Gerhard
Latino Language and Communicative Behavior by
Latino Language and Communicative Behavior by
Twentieth-Century Popular Culture in Museums and Libraries by Schroeder, Fred E. H.
Modelle Für Das Dämpfungsverhalten Von Schwingenden Stahlbetonträgern Im Ungerissenen Und Gerissenen Zustand by Dieterle, R.
Versuche Über Das Verhalten Von Stahlbeton-Balken Bei Wiederholter Belastung by Rossi, Thürlimann
Minute-Books of the Spalding Gentlemen's Society, 1712-1755 by
Das Verhalten Von Hühnern / The Behaviour of Fowl: Das Normalverhalten Und Die Auswirkung Verschiedener Haltungssysteme Und Aufzuchtmethoden / The Nor by Vestergaard, Fölsch
Farbvorstellung Blinder Menschen by Burkhard
Man in Competition with the Spruce Budworm: An Application of Differential Equations by Tuchinsky, P. M.
Kinetik Der Ein- Und Mehrphasenreaktoren, Speziell Der Blasensäulenreaktoren by Langemann, Horst
Graphische Darstellung Mit Dem Taschenrechner: Ti-58/58c Und Ti-59 by Kahlig, Peter
Farbzentren in Mineralen Und Synthetischen Kristallen by Lehmann, Gerhard
Allgemeine Versicherungslehre by Müller-Lutz, Heinz Leo
Georg Forsters Werke, BAND 15, Briefe Juli 1787-1789 by
Kristallchemie, Strukturen Und Phasenumwandlungen Von Silikaten, Germanaten Und Boraten by Hahn, Theo
Selektive Dns- Vermehrung Während Der Frühembryonalen Differenzierung Des Teichmolchs Triturus Vulgaris: Ein Beitrag Zur Frage Der Genom-Konstanz by Lohmann, Klaus
Relativistische Thermodynamik by Neugebauer, Gernot
Fluide Mischungen Bei Hohen Drücken. Direktbeobachtung Und Analyse Von Kristallwachstumsvorgängen Im Hochauflösenden Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskop by Schneider, Gerhard M.
English for Cross-Cultural Communication by
Das Gebäude Der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (Plöck 107-109) by Mittler, Elmar
Operating Systems: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at Rocquencourt, April 23-25, 1974 by
Der Hübsche Fuss by Tramer
Tragverhalten Von Mauerwerkswänden Unter Druck Und Biegung by Furler, R.
Zugversuche an Stahlbetonscheiben by Menn, Fellmann
Tragwiderstand Von Hochhäusern by Zimmerli, B.
Umap Modules 1980: Tools for Teaching by
Slang and Euphemism: A Dictionary of Oaths, Curses, Insults, Sexual Slang and Metaphor, Racial Slurs, Drug Talk, Homosexual Lingo, and Rela by Spears, Richard A.
British Political Finance 1830-1980 by Pinto-Duschinsky, Michael
The Extraordinary Decade: Literary Memoirs by Mendel, Arther, Annenkov, P. V.
The Choice-Of-Law Process by Cavers, David
Photochemistry: Volume 11 by
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 12 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 12 by
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 11 by
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 12 by
Organic Compounds of Sulphur, Selenium, and Tellurium: Volume 6 by
Mass Spectrometry: Volume 6 by
Theoretical Chemistry: Volume 4 by
Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms: Volume 7 by
Gas Kinetics and Energy Transfer: Volume 4 by
Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 2 by
Terpenoids and Steroids: Volume 10 by
Alkaloids: Volume 10 by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 4 by
Foreign Compound Metabolism in Mammals: Volume 6 by
The Gateway:: United States Immigration Issues and Policies by Chiswick, Barry R.
Canada at the Polls, 1979 and 1980:: A Study of the General Elections by Penniman, Howard R.
Libri I - X by Gellius, Aulus
Libri XI - XX by Gellius, Aulus
"Kommunikation" als Problem der Sprachdidaktik by Portmann, Paul R.
The Origins of American Academic Librarianship by Shiflett, Orvin Lee, Unknown
Invertebrate Biology: A Functional Approach by Calow, P.
Conceptions of Inquiry by Brown, Stuart
Der Vordere Orient in Den Hochschulschriften Deutschlands, Österreichs Und Der Schweiz: Eine Bibliographie Von Diss. U. Habil.-Schr. (1885 - 1978) by Schwarz, Klaus
A - E by
Katalog Akademie Verlag Berlin, 1979-1980: Gesamtverzeichnis in Alphabetischer Folge Nach Dem Namen Des Autors, Des Herausgebers, Der Schriftenreihe U by
Beiträge Zur Ethnographischen Wirtschafts Und Sozialforschung: Ergebnisse Einer Tagung Aus Anlaß Des 80. Geburtstages by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 21 by
1980 by
Techniques of the Selling Writer by Swain, Dwight V.
Hume-Arg Philosophers by Stroud, Barry
Chinese Dialectology: A Selected and Classified Bibliography by Yang, Paul Fu
The Papers of William Penn, Volume 1: 1644-1679 by
Hebrew Bible Manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah Collections: Volume 2 by Davis, M. C.
Comedias Sueltas in Cambridge University Library: A Descriptive Catalogue by Bainton, A. J. C.
The Library of Sir Thomas Knyvett of Ashwellthorpe C.1539-1618 by McKitterick, D. J.
Pascal for Programmers by Eisenbach, S., Sadler, C.
Die zeitgenössischen Drucke von Klopstocks Werken by Schmidt, Rainer, Boghardt, Christiane, Boghardt, Martin
Marian Anderson: An Annotated Bibliography and Discography by Sims, Janet, Sims-Wood, Janet L., Anderson, Marian
Proceedings. Fifth International Conference Berlin (West), July 7-11, 1980 by
Die zeitgenössischen Drucke von Klopstocks Werken by Boghardt, Martin, Schmidt, Rainer, Boghardt, Christiane
Nachträge. Handschriftenverzeichnis. Bibliographie by
Forms of Talk by Goffman, Erving
Communicative Syllabus Design: A Sociolinguistic Model for Designing the Content of Purpose-Specific Language Programmes by Munby, John, John, Munby, Munby, J.
Rhetor by Menander
Doris Lessing: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism by Seligman, Dee, Lessing, Doris May
Economics of Information by
Goldene Schachzeiten: Erinnerungen by Vidmar, Milan
Formalization of Programming Concepts: International Colloquium, Peniscola, Spain, April 19-25, 1981. Proceedings by
Bertrand Russell: A Bibliography of His Writings / Eine Bibliographie Seine Schriften; 1895-1976 by Martin, Werner
A Bibliography of British Military History: From the Roman Invasions to the Restoration, 1660 by Bruce, Anthony
Frie - Ful by
Corp - Cz by
Elt - Epi by
Foro - Frar by
Dei - Diem by
Don - Dz by
Epk - Er by
F - Feh by
Meister Gegen Meister by Euwe, Max, Meiden, Walter
Fei - Fes by
Fit - Forn by
Fras - Frid by
Co - Coro by
Dien - DOM by
Proceedings of the Third Lectin Meeting: Copenhagen, June 1980 by
Fet - Fis by
Studies in the International Exchange of Publications by
Public Library Policy: Proceedings of the Ifla/UNESCO Pre-Session Seminar, Lund, Sweden, August 20-24, 1979 by
Analysis of Non-Metals in Metals by
13. Spektrometertagung by
Aufbau Der Materie by
Aufbau der Materie by
Woods Injurious to Human Health: A Manual by Hausen, Björn M.
Das 1 X 1 Des Endspiels: Ein Lehr- Und Lesebuch Der Endspielkunst by Milescu, Milu, Staudte, Hans-Hilmar
Electrophoresis '81: Advanced Methods, Biochemical and Clinical Applications. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Electrophoresis, Ch by
The Mexican-American War: An Annotated Bibliography by Totorow, Norman E., Tutorow, Norman E.
Librarians and Labor Relations: Employment Under Union Contracts by O'Reilly, Robert C., O'Reilly, Marjorie I.
A Dialogue of Religions by Unknown
Sun Power: A Bibliography of United States Government Documents on Solar Energy by McAninch, Sandra
Puppetry Library: An Annotated Bibliography Based on the Batchelder-McPharlin Collection at the University of New Mexico by University of New Mexico, Miller, George B., Jr., New Mexico
Bibliography of Black Music, Volume 1: Reference Materials by De Lerma, Dominique-Rene
Teaching Foreign Language Skills: Second Edition by Rivers, Wilga M.
Linear Programming: Algorithms and Applications by Vajda, S.
Studying Visual Communication by Worth, Sol
The Presence of Ford Madox Ford by
The University Library in the United States: Its Origins and Development by Hamlin, Arthur
Corporate Authorship: Its Role in Library Cataloging by Carpenter, Michael A.
Macht und Geist im Werk Heinrich Manns by Emrich, Elke
Clu: Reference Manual by Atkinson, R., Bloom, T., Liskov, B.
Aliphatic and Related Natural Product Chemistry: Volume 2 by
Nonverbal Communication, Interaction, and Gesture by
International Seaweed Symposium (Xth) by
Human Food Uses: A Cross-Cultural, Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography by Freedman, Robert L.
Religious Bibliographies in Serial Literature: A Guide by Walsh, Michael J., Unknown
How to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertation by Sternberg, David
Freethought in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth: A Descriptive Bibliography by Stein, Gordon, Unknown
Words in Everyday Life by Brook, G. L.
Intermediate Statistical Methods by
Solutions to Exercises in Intermediate Statistical Methods by Wetherill, G. Barrie
Work Experience Log: Apprenticeship Program for MOS of Air Traffic Control Radar Technicians by U S Marine Corps, Department of the Navy
Health Education by Chafetz, Marion C., Chafetz
Seneca the Elder by Fairweather, Janet
Biologische Strahlenschäden und ihre Reparatur by Laskowski, Wolfgang
Japanese Scientific and Technical Literature: A Subject Guide by Gibson, Robert W., Kunkel, Barbara K.
Work Experience Log: Apprenticeship Program for MOS of Air Traffic Control Communications Technicians by Department of the Navy, U S Marine Corps
The Education of the Poor and Minority Children: A World Bibliography Vol. 2 by Unknown, Weinberg, Meyer
An Introduction to Old Norse by Gordon, E. V., Gordon, Eric V.
English for Cross-Cultural Communication by
Sciences and Cultures: Anthropological and Historical Studies of the Sciences by
Sciences and Cultures: Anthropological and Historical Studies of the Sciences by
Biomagnetism by
Gwai-81: German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Bad Honnef, January 26-31, 1981 by
Carrefours de signes by Krysinski, Wladimir
Victor Hugo's Drama: An Annotated Bibliography, 1900-1980 by Pflieger, Pat, Doyle, Ruth Lestha
Melodiya: A Soviet Russian L.P. Discography by Bennett, John, Rust, Brian
Sämtliche Werke, Band 4/1, Anbind- oder Fangbriefe. Gelegenheitsdichtungen. Beschreibung des Glückhafens by
Keyboard Music by Women Composers: A Catalog and Bibliography by Meggett, Joan M.
Philosophy, Policies, and Programs for Early Adolescent Education: An Annotated Bibliography by Blyth, Aaron, Blyth, Heather, Blyth, Dale A.
An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants by Cronquist, Arthur
Teaching Library Use: A Guide for Library Instruction by Rice, James
Sources for English Local History by Stephens, W. B., W. B., Stephens
Computational Statistics: Wolfgang Wetzel Zur Vollendung Seines 60. Lebensjahres by
Das literarische Kinderbuch by Pape, Walter
The Hyperkinetic Child: An Annotated Bibliography, 1974-1979 by Unknown, Winchell, Carol Ann
State Publications and Depository Libraries: A Reference Handbook by Lane, Margaret T.
Marian Anderson by
The Chinese Insomniacs: New Poems by Jacobsen, Josephine
New Concepts in Multi-User Communication by Skwirzynski, J. K.
Heidelberger Jahrbücher by Schipperges, H.
Learning Algorithms Theory and Applications: Theory and Applications by Lakshmivarahan, S.
Annual Index to Motion Picture Credits 1980 by Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Scien
Rigor & Imagination: Essays from the Legacy of Gregory Bateson by Wilder, C., Weakland, John
Microcomputer System Design: An Advanced Course by
Bibliography of Black Music, Volume 2: Afro-American Idioms by De Lerma, Dominique-Rene
Women's Education, a World View: Annotated Bibliography of Books and Reports by Parker, Franklin
Black Athletes in the United States: A Bibliography of Books, Articles, Autobiographies, and Biographies on Black Professional Athletes in the United by Daniels, Belinda, Davis, Lenwood
The Public Librarian as Adult Learners' Advisor: An Innovation in Human Services by Reilly, Jane A.
Illustrative Computer Programming for Libraries: Selected Examples for Information Specialists by Davis, Charles Hargis, Lundeen, Gerald W.
A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada Supplement 1981 / Bibliographie de l'Enseignement Supérieur Au Canada Supplément 1981 by Harris, Robin, de Grandpre, Marcel, Roberts, Hazel
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts/Académie Royale Des Arts Du Canada: Exhibitions and Members, 1880-1979 by McMann, Evelyn de R.
Finding the Source: A Thesaurus-Index to the Reference Collection by Shearer, Benjamin, Shearer, Barbara
Folk Literature and Children: An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Materials by Shannon, George
Modern Ireland: A Bibliography on Politics, Planning, Research, and Development by Shannon, Michael Owen
Animation: A Reference Guide by Hoffer, Thomas W.
Peruvian Literature: A Bibliography of Secondary Sources by Foster, David William
International Handbook of Contemporary Developments in Librarianship by
Vollständiger Offizieller Fragenkatalog (1). Offizieller Lösungskatalog Zum Gk 4: Prüfungen: Herbst 1977. Frühjahr 1978. Herbst 1978. Frühjahr 1979 by
1981 by
Kommunikation Und Sprachvariation by
D - Deh by
E - Eh by
Es - EZ by
Ei - Els by