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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1982

Emile Zola: A Selective Analytical Bibliography by Nelson, Brian
Maurice Barrès: A Selective Critical Bibliography 1948-1979 by Field, Trevor
Nathalie Sarraute: A Bibliography by Bell, Sheila M.
Reading Lists by Economics, Union Radical
Judaea, Samaria and Gaza: Views on the Present and the Future by Elazar, Daniel Judah
Beyond Agenda Setting: Information Subsidies and Public Policy by Unknown, Gandy, Oscar H., Jr.
Spoken and Written Language: Exploring Orality and Literacy by Tannen, Deborah
Pushbutton Fantasies: Critical Perspectives on Videotext and Information Technology by Mosco, Vincent
Research Guide to People's Daily Editorials, 1949-1975 by
Life on Daytime Television: Tuning in American Serial Drama by Unknown, Cassata, Mary, Skill, Thomas
Politik: Lehrtexte Und Arbeitsmaterialien by Ebert, Karl
Prüfungsaufsatz Für Bürokaufleute: Ein Lehr- Und Übungsbuch Zur Vorbereitung Auf Die Kaufmännische Abschlußprüfung by Appel, Jo
"The Rebel Muse" by Löffler, Arno
Applied Probability-- Computer Science: The Interface by Ott, Teunis J., Disney, Ralph L.
Telematics and Government by Schiller, Dan
Movies and Money: Financing the American Film Industry by Wasko, Janet, Unknown
A Bibliography of Chinese Language Materials on the People's Communes: Volume 44 by Ma, Wei-Yi
A Case For A New Bible by Banana Prof, Canaan Sodindo
Forecasting the Telephone: A Retrospective Technology Assessment of the Telephone by De Sola Pool, Ithiel
Sämtliche Werke, Band 5, Anmutiger Weisheit Lustgarten. Erster Teil by
Die >Rechtssumme by Berthold Von Freiburg
Interpretation Von Leistungen: Dargestellt Aus Der Sicht Der Attribuierungstheorie by Mietzel, Gerd
Unelastisches Verhalten Zyklisch Verformter Stahlbetonbalken by Rossi, M.
Allgemeine Wirtschaftslehre by Sauter, Werner
Fischkochbuch Für Gourmets: Rezepte Der Basler Küche Und Aus Aller Welt by Albrecht
Ethologische Aussagen Zur Artgerechten Nutztierhaltung: Tagungsbericht Der Internationalen Gesellschaft Für Nutztierhaltung (Ign), Basel, 22./23. Janu by Sambraus, Leyhausen, Bogner
Mechanik 1: Grundlagen Und Statik by Sayir, Ziegler
Ernährungstherapie in Der PRAXIS by Wolfram, G., Schlierf, G.
Collected Papers Volume 1 1929-1955 by Ahlfors, Lars V.
Lectures on Lepton Nucleon Scattering and Quantum Chromodynamics by Bjorken, Brodsky, Atwood
Number Theory Related to Fermat's Last Theorem: Proceedings of the Conference Sponsored by the Vaughn Foundation by Koblitz
Strukturformen Und Funktionsleistungen Sozialer Systeme: Ein Soziologisches Paradigma by
Technikphilosophie in Der Diskussion: Ergebnisse Des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Symposiums in Bad Homburg (W. Reimers-Stiftung) 7.-11. April 1981 by
Collected Papers Vol 2: 1954-1979 by Ahlfors, Lars V.
Die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie M.I.T. Einführungskurs Physik: Lehrbuch Für Studenten Aller Naturwissenschaftlichen Und Technischen Fachrichtungen A by French, Anthony P.
Das Akademische Kunstmuseum Der Universität Bonn by Ehrhardt, Wolfgang
Wie Zuverlässig Ist Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis? by Ziman, John M.
Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1981 by Cinlar, Getoor, Chung
Empirische Theorien: Modelle -- Strukturen -- Beispiele: Die Grundzüge Der Modernen Wissenschaftstheorie by Balzer, Wolfgang
Die Bankgehilfenprüfung by Hüttner, Erich, Klink, Hans
Statistische Methoden II Varianzanalyse Und Regressionsrechnung by Linder, Berchtold
Pascal at Work and Play: An Introduction to Computer Programming in Pascal by Forsyth, Richard
Massnahmen Gegen Fehler Im Bauprozess by Matousek, M.
Zugversuche an Bewehrungs- Und Spannstahl Mit Erhöhter Dehngeschwindigkeit by Bachmann, Mühlematter, Ammann
Applied Probability-Computer Science: The Interface Volume 1 by Disney, Ralph L., Ott, Teunis J.
The Papers of Jefferson Davis: July 1846-December 1848 by Davis, Jefferson
Spoken and Written Language: Exploring Orality and Literacy by Tannen, Deborah
Photochemistry: Volume 12 by
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 13 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 13 by
Environmental Chemistry: Volume 2 by
Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 3 by
Terpenoids and Steroids: Volume 11 by
Alkaloids: Volume 11 by
Alkaloids: Volume 12 by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 5 by
International Monetary System: A Time of Turbulence by Haberler, Gottfried, Willett, Thomas D., Dreyer, Jacob S.
Medicaid Reimbursement of Nursing Home Care by Grimaldi, Paul L.
RAK-Anwendung in der Deutschen Bibliothek by
Gelehrtenrepublik und Fürstenstaat by Kühlmann, Wilhelm
International organizations, activities, structure, policies, documents control by Dimitrov
Einführung in die Gesprächsanalyse by Henne, Helmut, Rehbock, Helmut
North East Arabian Dialects: Monograph 3 by Ingham, Bruce
The English Novel, 1740-1850: A Catalogue Including Prose Romances, Short Stories, and Translations of Foreign Fiction by Block, Andrew
Analytiker-Taschenbuch. Band 2 by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 22 by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 24 by
Jahrbuch Des Museums Für Völkerkunde Zu Leipzig. Band 33 by
Klio. Band 63, Heft 1 by
Klio. Band 63, Heft 2 by
Quartärpaläontologie. Band 4 by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 23 by
Notes Used on Catalog Cards: A List of Examples by Unknown, Swain, Olive
Rare Book Collections: Some Theoretical and Practical Suggestions for Use by Librarians and Students by Unknown
On Irish Themes by Farrell, James T.
Swift at Moor Park by Jr.
Narration and Discourse in American Realistic Fiction by McKay, Janet Holmgren
The Papers of William Penn, Volume 2: 168-1684 by
Les Termes Pétroliers: Dictionnaire Anglais-Français. English-French Petroleum Dictionary by
Pattern Recognition Theory and Applications: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at St. Anne's College, Oxford, March 29-April 10, 1 by
Alternating Sequential-Parallel Processing by Wallach, Y.
Prosaabhandlungen: (Philosophischer Phoenix. Rettung Des Phoenix. Teutsche Hauptsprache. Adelicher Hausvatter) by
Epigramme by
Monthly Murders: A Checklist and Chronological Listing of Fiction in the Digest-Size Mystery Magazines in the United States and England by Cook, Michael L.
Author and Editor at Work: Making a Better Work by Stainton, Elsie Myers
Hebrew Bible Manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah Collections: Volume 1 by Davis, M. C.
Practical Guide to DBMS Selection by Peat, Lindsay R.
International Symposium on Programming: 5th Colloquium, Turin, April 6-8, 1982. Proceedings by
Programmiersprachen Und Programmentwicklung: 7. Fachtagung Veranstaltet Vom Fachausschuß 2 Der GI München, 9./10. März 1982 by
Handbook of Applied Psycholinguistics: Major Thrusts of Research and Theory by
Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions: Volume 3: Phoenician Inscriptions, Including Inscriptions in the Mixed Dialect of Arslan Tash by Gibson, John C. L.
Anthologies by and about Women: An Analytical Index by Cardinale, Susan
A Bibliography of Theatre Technology: Acoustics and Sound, Lighting, Properties, and Scenery by Howard, John
School Library Media Services to the Handicapped by Macon, Myra
Scientific Establishments and Hierarchies by
Asbestos: Directory of Unpublished Studies by
Scientific Establishments and Hierarchies by
Copyright and library materials for the handicapped by Hébert, Françoise, Noel, Wanda
Sämtliche Werke, Band 2, Dramen II: Tragoedia alia nova Mercator mit einer zeitgenössischen Übersetzung by Naogeorg, Thomas
Chirurgisches Forum'82 Für Experimentelle Und Klinische Forschung: 99. Kongreß Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Chirurgie, München, 14. Bis 17. April 19 by
An Introduction to the Pl/Cv2 Programming Logic by Constable, R. L., Johnson, S. D., Eichenlaub, C. D.
Politics and world affairs, periodicals, conferences, indexes by Dimitrov
Hah - Ham by
Hau - Hec by
Holt - Hor by
Jaho - Jai by
Wörterbuch der modernen Technik, Band 1, Englisch - Deutsch by Oppermann, Alfred
Wörterbuch der modernen Technik, Band 2, Deutsch - Englisch by Oppermann, Alfred
Proceedings of the Fourth Lectin Meeting: Copenhagen, June 1981 by
Glei - Gos by
Han - Hao by
Jf - Jok by
Gat - Gek by
Fum - Gas by
Gest - Gleh by
Got - Gram by
Gran - Groi by
Grok - Grus by
Grut - Gz by
Hap - Hat by
Hed - Hek by
Hel - Hep by
Hoff - Hols by
Huo - Jahn by
Jol - Juk by
Gel - Ger by
Deutsche Fernostbibliographie 1981: Deutschsprachige Veröffentlichungen Über Ost-, Zentral- Und Südostasien by
Library Interior Layout and Design: Proceedings of the Seminar, Held in Frederiksdal, Denmark, June 16-20, 1980 by
Schachtraining by Koblenz, Alexander
Proceedings of the Third USSR - Frg Symposium, Makhachkala (Ussr), October 2-6, 1980 by
The Research Universities & Their Patrons by Rosenzweig, Robert M., Turlington, Barbara
Reading Research and Librarianship: A History and Analysis by Karetzky, Stephen
Dyslexia: An Annotated Bibliography by Sparks, Martha
Homer: Iliad Book XXIV by Homer
Teaching and Learning Languages by Stevick, Earl W.
Semiotics 1980 by Lenhart, Margot D., Herzfeld, Michael
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 14 Part I by
Text by Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
Multi-Media Communications by Unknown
Marines War on Drugs by U S Marine Corps, Department of the Navy
Dickens and the Short Story by Thomas, Deborah A.
Evaluation of Research and Development: Methods for Evaluating the Results of European Community R&d Programmes by
The British Isles by Wells, John C.
Theories of the Symbol: Understanding Politics in an Unfamiliar Culture by Todorov, Tzvetan
A Miscellany of Literary Pieces from the Cambridge Genizah Collection by Hopkins, Simon
An Attribute Grammar for the Semantic Analysis of ADA by Drossopoulou, S., Uhl, J., Persch, G.
Recent biochemical and medical aspects by
Bibliography of Black Music, Volume 3: Geographical Studies by Dominique-Rene de Lerma
Modern Spoken Italian Part B by Baran, Elaine Vertucci
Mark Twain International: A Bibliography and Interpretation of His Worldwide Popularity by Rodney, Robert M.
Stratemeyer Pseudonyms and Series Books: An Annotated Checklist of Stratemeyer and Stratemeyer Syndicate Publications by Johnson, Deidre
Art Therapy and Group Work: An Annotated Bibliography by Hanes, Kathleen M., Mileski Hanes, Kathleen
Micropublishing: A History of Scholarly Micropublishing in America, 1938-1980 by Meckler, Alan M.
Research Guide for Psychology by McInnis, Raymond G.
Women in Western European History: A Select Chronological, Geographical, and Topical Bibliography from Antiquity to the French Revolution by Frey, Linda
Research Institutions and Learned Societies by Kiger, Joseph C.
An Annotated Bibliography of Eric Bibliographies, 1966-1980. by Drazen, Joseph, Drazan, Joseph Gerald
Proximity Levinas, Blanchot, Bataille and Communication by Libertson, Joseph
The Complete Reference Guide to United Nations Sales Publications, 1946-1978: Volume I: The Catalogue, Volume II: Indexes by
Medical Abstracts and Indices by Dalby, Andrew
Proceedings of the Symposium Lyon, France, April 22-25, 1981 by
How Do They Do That? by Sutton, Caroline
Instant Word Power: The Unique, Proven Program for Increasing Your Vocabulary--Your Vital Key to Social, Academic, and Career Success by Lewis, Norman
Etyma: An Introduction to Vocabulary Building from Latin and Greek by Luschnig, L. J., Luschnig, Cecelia Eaton
Trends in Information Transfer by Unknown
Chinese Dictionaries: An Extensive Bibliography of Dictionaries in Chinese and Other Languages by Unknown
Theoretical Foundations of Programming Methodology: Lecture Notes of an International Summer School, Directed by F. L. Bauer, E. W. Dijkstra and C. A. by
Automatic Speech Analysis and Recognition: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Bonas, France, June 29-July 10, 1981 by
Theoretical Foundations of Programming Methodology: Lecture Notes of an International Summer School, Directed by F. L. Bauer, E. W. Dijkstra and C. A. by
Gag: A Practical Compiler Generator by Kastens, U., Hutt, B., Zimmermann, E.
The Spanish of Argentina and Uruguay: An Annoted Bibliography for 1940-1978 by Davis, Jack E.
Nonverbal Communication Today by
Oxford American Dictionary by Flexner, Stuart Berg, Carruth, Gorton, Ehrlich, Eugene
Jungle Operations by Army, Department Of the
Black Journals of the United States by Daniel, Walter C.
Korean and Japanese Women: An Analytic Bibliographical Guide by Koh, Hesung Chun, Unknown
Augustinian Bibliography, 1970-1980: With Essays on the Fundamentals of Augustinian Scholarship by Miethe, Terry
Spanish in the United States: Sociolinguistic Aspects by
XI International Congress of Clinical Chemistry: Proceedings, Vienna, Austria, August 30-September 5, 1981 by
A Reader's Guide to Canadian History 1: Beginnings to Confederation by
Operating Systems Engineering: Proceedings of the 14th IBM Computer Science Symposium Amagi, Japan, October 1980 by
Modern Satire by Petro, Peter
The Principles of Insect Physiology by Wigglesworth, Vincent B.
Linguistics for Language Learners by Hartley, A. F.
Puerto Rican Literature: A Bibliography of Secondary Sources by Foster, David William
The Gladstone Diaries: Volume VII: January 1869-June 1871 by Gladstone, William Ewart
Sämtliche Werke, Band 4/2, Predigten. Meisterlieder. Krönung Matthiae by
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 11 by
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 12 by
Narratology by Prince, Gerald
Rechnernetze: Entwurf Und Realisierung by Schnupp, Peter
Writing: The Nature, Development, and Teaching of Written Communication by Whiteman, M. Farr
501 Ways to Use the Overhead Projector by Green, L.
Alcohol and Reproduction: A Bibliography by Abel, Ernest L.
Calculator Calculus by McCarty, G.
American Ceramics Before 1930: A Bibliography by Vidich, Arthur, Weidner, Ruth Irwin, Gerth, Nobuko
A Dictionary of Africanisms: Contributions of Sub-Saharan Africa to the English Language by Dalgish, Gerard M.
Symbolism & Interpretation CB by Todorov, Tzvetan
Teleologie, Funktionalanalyse Und Selbstregulation (Kybernetik) by Varga Von Kibéd, Matthias
Statistische Erklärungen Deduktiv-Nomologische Erklärungen in Präzisen Modellsprachen Offene Probleme by Varga Von Kibéd, Matthias
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