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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1984

Prévost: An Analytical Bibliography of Criticism to 1981 by Tremewan, Peter
Policy Research in Telecommunications: Proceedings from the Eleventh Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference by Mosco, Vincent, Unknown
The Mass Media Declaration of UNESCO by Unknown, Nordenstreng, Kaarle
Coherence in Spoken and Written Discourse by Tannen, Deborah
Coherence in Spoken and Written Discourse by Tannen, Deborah
Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume 4 by Dervin, Brenda, Unknown
Studies in Communication, Volume 1: Studies in Mass Communication and Technology by Unknown, Thomas, Sari
Conversational Style: Analyzing Talk Among Friends by Tannen, Deborah
Conversational Style: Analyzing Talk Among Friends by Tannen, Deborah
Emily Bronte Criticism, 1900-1982: An Annotated Check List by Barclay, Janet
Text Production: Toward a Science of Composition by De Beaugrande, Robert, de Beugrande, Robert
Zahlen Aus Primzahlen by Pieter, H.
Critical Communications Review: Volume 2: Changing Patterns of Communication Control by
The Secret Guide to Computers by Walter
Die Frauenklage: Studien Zur Elegischen Verserzählung in Der Englischen Literatur Des Spätmittelalters Und Der Renaissance by Schmitz, Götz
Modern Spoken Cambodian by Lambert, Chhom-Rak Thong, Huffman, Franklin E., Promchan, Charan
Die erdichtete Identität by Hoffmann, Ulrich
Margaret Harkness "A City Girl" by Kaspar, Beate
Information and Referral: Public Libraries by Childers, Thomas
When Telephones Reach the Village: The Role of Telecommunication in Rural Development by Hudson, Heather E.
Information and the Crisis Economy by Schiller, Herbert I.
Learning To Speak: A Manual for Parents by Kearsley, R. B., Ungerer, J. A., Zelazo, P. R.
Das buoch der tugenden, Band I, Einleitung und mittelhochdeutscher Text I by
Das buoch der tugenden, Band II, Lateinische Quellen by
Kommentarband by
Versuche an Mauerwerksscheiben Unter Normalkraft Und Querkraft by Ganz, Thürlimann
ALS Er Noch in Der Chaise Fuhr...: Aufzeichnungen Eines Alten Landarztes by Augustin
Atlas Wirtschaftslehre by Freier, Udo, Rauschhofer, Gisela
Maschinencode -- Routinen Für Den ZX Spectrum: Die 40 Besten Programme, Mit Einer Einführung Und Erklärungen by Hewson, Hardman
Ermüdungsversuche an Stahlbetonbalken Mit Und Ohne Schubbewehrung by Frey, Thürlimann
Gewährleistung Der Sicherheit Von Bauwerken--Ein Alle Bereiche Des Bauprozesses Erfassendes Konzept by Schneider, Matousek, M.
Explosive Spiele Für Ihren Vc20 by Renko, Edwards
Bürotechnik Und EDV Für Rechtsanwalts- Und Notargehilfen by Tiemeyer, Ernst
Analysis I by König
Speditionskaufmann: Speditionsbetriebslehre in Frage Und Antwort by Oelfke, Wolfgang
Abschlußprüfung Allgemeine Wirtschaftslehre: Prüfungsvorbereitung Für Alle Kaufmännischen Ausbildungsberufe by Tiedtke, Jürgen R.
Information Und Kommunikation: Brücke Zwischen Wissenschaft Und Gesellschaft by Vowe, Gerhard
Strukturalistische Handlungstheorie: Zum Verhältnis Von Soziologischer Theorie Und Empirischer Forschung Im Werk Talcott Parsons' by Miebach, Bernhard
Hu Shih and Intellectual Choice in Modern China by Chou, Min-Chih
Alstat 1 Algorithmen Der Statistik Für Kleinrechner by Kläy, Riedwyl
Der Zahlungsverkehr, Der Scheck Und Der Wechsel in Der Abschlußprüfung Des Bankkaufmanns by Fischer, Harald, Lippe, Gerhard, Rehder, Gert-Jürgen
Programmierübungen in Der Sekundarstufe: Algorithmen, Programme Und Beispiele Für Taschenrechner Und Mikrocomputer by Janzen, Franz, Schulz, Gerhard, Guder, Hermann
Rhetoric in Sociology by Edmondson, Ricca
Dampf-Strassenbahnen by Hefti
Zugversuche an Mauerwerkswänden Aus Backstein Und Kalksandstein Mit Murfor-Lagerfugenbewehrung by Guggisberg, R., Pralong, Thürlimann
Rhetorical Stance in Modern Literature: Allegories of Love and Death by Hunter, Lynette
Ökonomie Ohne Rätsel: Ein Wegweiser Im Wirtschaftslabyrinth by Levi
Spektakuläre Spiele Für Ihren ZX Spectrum by Renko, Edwards
Die Neue Astronomie by Henbest, Marten
Atari Spiele Programmieren: Schritt Für Schritt by Koch
Alstat 2 Algorithmen Der Statistik Für Hewlett-Packard Hp-41c by Kläy, Riedwl
Weitere Kniffe Und Programme Mit Dem ZX Spectrum by Jones, Stewart
Reise in Das Innerste Der Dinge: Vom Abenteuer Des Physikalischen Sehens by Trefil
Computer ABC: Für Alle Zum Verstehen Mitreden Anwenden by Köhler
Literature for Voice: An Index of Songs in Collections and Source Book for Teachers of Singing by Goleeke, Thomas
Oil Price Shocks, Market Response and Contingency Planning by Horwich, George
Canadian Literary Landmarks by Colombo, John Robert
Akers' Simple Library Cataloging by Varlejs, Jana, Curley, Arthur
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 15 by
Photochemistry: Volume 15 by
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 13 by
Electrochemistry: Volume 9 by
Environmental Chemistry: Volume 3 by
Mass Spectrometry: Volume 7 by
Aliteracy:: People Who Can Read But Won't by Thimmesch, Nick
HochschulBibliotheken by Linhardt, Achim, Höfler, Horst, Kandel, Lutz
NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Band 1, NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit (1933) by
Speech Acts in Argumentative Discussions: A Theoretical Model for the Analysis of Discussions Directed Towards Solving Conflicts of Opinion by Grootendorst, Rob, Eemeren, Frans H. Van
A Guide to Developing Braille and Talking Book Services by
Library Work for Children and Young Adults in the Developing Countries / Les Enfants, Les Jeunes Et Les Bibliothèques Dans Les Pays En Développement: by
Fachinformation und Bildschirmtext by
Die Quellen Zu Andreas Gryphius' Trauerspiel Carolus Stuardus: Studien Zur Entstehung Eines Historisch- Politischen Märtyrerdramas Der Barockzeit by Berghaus, Günter
Grammatik der chinesischen Umgangssprache by Sung, Chang-Lien
The Media in Britain by Tunstall, Jeremy
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 28 by
Jahrbuch Für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook. 1983, Teil 3 by
Jahrbuch Für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook. 1983, Teil 4 by
Jahresberichte Für Deutsche Geschichte. Neue Folge. 32./33. Jahrgang 1980/1981 by
Klio. Band 65, Heft 1 by
Klio. Band 65, Heft 2 by
Beiträge Zur Inkunabelkunde, Band 8 by
English Ayres: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography and Discography by Swanekamp, Joan
A Subject Bibliography of the History of American Higher Education by Beach, Mark
Amer. Writer V1 by Unknown
The History and Practice of Japanese Printmaking: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography of English Language Materials by Abrams, Leslie E.
Bibliography of Black Music, Volume 4: Theory, Education, and Related Studies by De Lerma, Dominique-Rene
Keats's Major Odes: An Annotated Bibliography of the Criticism by Rhodes, Jack Wright
Malcolm X: A Selected Bibliography by Davis, Lenwood G.
A Study of Daphnis and Chloe by Hunter, R. Lanny
Arabic Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period by
Samuel Beckett's Novel Watt: A Psychological Inquiry by Büttner, Gottfried
Communication and Social Order by Duncan, Hugh Dalziel
Der Mensch Und Sein Werk 1.Band Jehuda Halevi Fünfundneunzig Hymnen Und Gedichte Deutsch Und Hebräisch: Der Sechzig Hymnen Und Gedichte Dritte Ausgabe by Rosenzweig, Franz
Josephus and Modern Scholarship (1937-1980) by Feldman, Louis H.
Medieval Women Writers by
Writing in Focus by
On Literacy: The Politics of the Word from Homer to the Age of Rock by Pattison, Robert
Wittgenstein Rules and Private by Kripke
Teaching Listening Comprehension by Ur, Penny
The Analysis of Public Policy: A Bibliography of Dissertations, 1977-1982 by Robey, John S.
The English Gothic: A Bibliographic Guide to Writers from Horace Walpole to Mary Shelley by Spector, Robert Donald
Autobiography: A Reader for Writers. 2nd Edition by Lyons, Louis
The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism by Eccles, John C., Popper, Karl
Berlitz Chinese by Berlitz Guides
Oxygen Radicals in Chemistry and Biology: Proceedings, 3. Internat. Conference, Neuherberg, Federal Republic of Germany, July 10-15, 1983 by
Farm Tractors: The Case Guide to Tractor Selection, Operation, Economics and Servicing by Butterworth, Bill
Sign, System and Function: Papers of the First and Second Polish-American Semiotics Colloquia by
How to Write a Million Dollar Memo by Reimold, Cheryl
Index to Poetry in Popular Periodicals, 1955-1959 by Caskey, Jefferson D.
From Museums, Galleries, and Studios: A Guide to Artists on Film and Tape by Crosman, Chris, Besemer, Susan
The Romance Writers' Phrase Book by Kent, J.
D.M. Armstrong by
Flavins and Flavoproteins by
Lexeter '83: Proceedings: Papers from the International Conference on Lexicography at Exeter, 9-12 September 1983 by
Stacs 84: Symposium of Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Paris, April 11-13, 1984 by
International Law of the Sea and Marine Affairs: A Bibliography by Glassner, Martin Ira, Papadakis, Nikos
Reut - Rie by
Nev - Nor by
Run - Sali by
Pau - Peth by
Schim - Schl by
Peti - PH by
Pi - PN by
Po - Pou by
Rei - Reini by
Reink - Reus by
Rol - Ros by
Rot - Rum by
Salk - Sam by
San - Schaf by
Schem - Schil by
Uruk Zur Seleukidenzeit: Eine Untersuchung Zu Den Spätbabylonischen Pfründentexten ALS Quelle Für Die Erforschung Der Sozialökonomischen Entwic by Funck, Bernd
Muk - Mul by
Intonation, Accent and Rhythm: Studies in Discourse Phonology by
Raz - Reh by
Oo - Oz by
PS - RAF by
Rif - Rok by
Rag - Ray by
Schag - Schel by
Naq - Neu by
Mum - Nap by
Pov - PR by
Der Reinhart Fuchs des Elsässers Heinrich by
How to Speak Southern by Mitchell, Steve
How to Read a Poem by Raffel, Burton
Problem Solving Using Ucsd Pascal by Franklin, S. D., Volper, D. J., Bowles, K. L.
Black Access: A Bibliography of Afro-American Bibliographies by Newman, Richard
As Good as Any: Foreign Correspondence on American Radio, 1930-1940 by Hosley, David H.
Your Premature Baby: The Complete Guide to Premie Care During That Crucial First Year by Henig, Robin Marantz
The Ku Klux Klan: A Bibliography by Sims, Janet, Davis, Lenwood G.
The Art and History of Book Printing: A Topical Bibliography by Brenni, Vito Joseph, Unknown
Forbidden Books in American Public Libraries, 1876-1939: A Study in Cultural Change by Geller, Evelyn
Getting Up: Subway Graffiti in New York by Castleman, Craig
Seneca: Apocolocyntosis by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Seneca, Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
The Nature of Technological Knowledge. Are Models of Scientific Change Relevant? by
Evaluation of Research and Development: Methodologies for R&d Evaluation in the Community Member States, the United States of America and Japan by
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 16 by
Apparat by Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
Lead Pollution: Causes and Control by Harrison, Roger
Union List of Film Periodicals: Holdings of Selected American Collections by Brady, Anna
Bibliography of Mexican American History by Meier, Matt S.
Rodeo: An Anthropologist Looks at the Wild and the Tame by Lawrence, Elizabeth Atwood
Word Processors and the Writing Process: An Annotated Bibliography by Nancarrow, Paula Reed, Fritzler, Max, Bridwell, Lillian
The Spanish Picaresque Novel and the Point of View by Rico, Francisco
Semantics of Data Types: International Symposium Sophia-Antipolis, France, June 27-29, 1984. Proceedings by
Children's Periodicals of the United States by Unknown
American Judicial Proceedings First Printed Before 1801: An Analytical Bibliography by Ritz, Wilfred J.
The International Law of Human Rights by Sieghart, Paul
Illustrated Catalogue of the Slide Archive of Historical Medical Photographs at Stony Brook by Center for Photographic Images of Medici, Center
Theological and Religious Reference Materials: General Resources and Biblical Studies by Gorman, G. E., Gorman, Gary, Gorman, Lyn
The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge Volume 10 by Lyotard, Jean-Francois
Cadcam in Education and Training: Proceedings of the CAD Ed 83 Conference by Arthur, Paul
Industrial Robot Specifications by Ioannou, Adrian
Handbook of Reading Research by
The Thread of Discourse by Grimes, Joseph E.
Communication and Reference by Martinich, A. P.
Native American Periodicals and Newspapers, 1828-1982: Bibliography, Publishing Record, and Holdings by Unknown, Bowles, Ann
Effective Online Searching: A Basic Text by Borgman, Christine L., Moghdam, Dineh, Corbett, Patti K.
The Negro in the United States: A Research Guide by Unknown, Welsch, Erwin K.
Human Services in Postrevolutionary Cuba: An Annotated International Bibliography by Oberg, Larry R.
Interferenze Lessicali: Italiano-Inglese by Frescura, Marina Sassu
Programming Languages and Their Definition: Selected Papers by Bekic, H.
Scottish Nationalism and Cultural Identity in the Twentieth Century: An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Sources by Bryan, Gordon
Microcomputer Applications in Libraries: A Management Tool for the 1980s and Beyond by Jones, Clifton H., Kesner, Richard M.
Reason and the Search for Knowledge: Investigations in the Philosophy of Science by Shapere, D.
Analysis and Dialectic: Studies in the Logic of Foundation Problems by Russell, Joseph
Chemie des Wassers in Thermischen Kraftanlagen by Freier, Rolf K.
Grammars and Dictionaries of the Slavic Languages from the Middle Ages up to 1850 by Stankiewicz, Edward
Steroid Converting Enzymes and Diseases by
Cubans in the United States: A Bibliography for Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1960-1983 by Maccorkle, Lyn
Memorable Film Characters: An Index to Roles and Performers, 1915-1983 by Bornstein, Estelle, Lieberman, Susan
Psychosocial Research on American Indian and Alaska Native Youth: An Indexed Guide to Recent Dissertations by Dinges, Norman G., Grounds, Linda M., Manson, Spero M.
Theories of the Symbol: Understanding Politics in an Unfamiliar Culture by Todorov, Tzvetan
Women in China: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography by Wei, Karen
A Bibliography of Nineteenth-Century American Piano Music: With Location Sources and Composer Biography-Index by Gillespie, John, Gillespie, Anna
Women in Western European History: A Select Chronological, Geographical, and Topical Bibliography: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Frey, Linda
The Social Security and the Economic Crisis II Proceedings of the European Institute for Social Security / La Sécurité Sociale Et La Crise Économique by Loparo, Kenneth A.
American Furniture Craftsmen Working Prior to 1920: An Annotated Bibliography by Semowich, Charles
Black-Jewish Relations in the United States, 1752-1984: A Selected Bibliography by Davis, Lenwood G.
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