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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1985

Constructive Methods for the Practical Treatment of Integral Equations: Proceedings of the Conference at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwol by Hämmerlin, G., Hoffmann, K. H.
Telling Writing by Macrorie, Ken
The Media Revolution in America and in Western Europe: Volume II in the Paris-Stanford Series by Rogers, Everett M.
Modeling as Negotiating: The Political Dynamics of Computer Models in the Policy Process by Unknown, Dutton, William H., Kraemer, Kenneth L.
Critical Communication Review: Volume 3: Popular Culture and Media Events by Wasko, Janet, Unknown
Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume 6 by Unknown
Perspectives on Silence by Tannen, Deborah, Saville-Troike, Muriel
Assessing Writers' Knowledge and Processes of Composing by Faigley, Lester
Continuity and Change in Communication Systems: An Asian Perspective by Dissanayake, Wimal, Unknown, Wang, Georgett
Assessing Writers' Knowledge and Processes of Composing by Faigley, Lester, Cherry, Roger, Jolliffe, David
Current Research in Film: Audiences, Economics, and Law; Volume 1 by Unknown
Messen Steuern Regeln by Kaspers, Walter
Der Skeptiker im Gespräch mit dem Leser by Gier, Albert
Literatur zur deutschsprachigen Presse, Band 1, [1-13132] by Hagelweide, Gert
Newspaper Use and Community Ties: Towards a Dynamic Theory by Stamm, Keith R.
Systemic Perspectives on Discourse, Volume 1: Seleced Theoretical Papers from the Ninth International Systemic Workshop by
The Electronic Scholar: A Guide to Academic Microcomputing by Lawrence, John Shelton
The Acquisition of Written Language: Response and Revision by
Soziogramm Mit Dem Commodore 64: Ermittlung Zentraler Soziometrischer Daten by Braun, Klaus
Le créole de Breaux Bridge, Louisiane by Neumann, Ingrid
Grundlegende Elemente Des Programmierens: Eine Einführung in Pascal Und in Die Logische Analyse Von Programmen by Kaiser
Erdbebenverhalten Schwimmend Gelagerter Balkenbrücken Bei Berücksichtigung Der Boden -- Struktur -- Interaktion Und Der Horizontal Wandernden Wellen by Somaini, D. R.
Atari Player-Missile-Grafik by Görgens
Arbeitsmarktpolitik Für Behinderte: Betriebliche Barrieren Und Ansätze Zu Ihrer Überwindung by Schmid, Semlinger, K.
Versuche Zum Dynamischen Verhalten Teilweise Vorgespannter Leichtbeton- Und Betonbalken by Gisin, Bachmann
Chemotaxonomie Der Pflanzen: Eine Übersicht Über Die Verbreitung Und Die Systematische Bedeutung Der Pflanzenstoffe by Hegnauer, R.
First Book on Unixtm for Executives by Shirota, Yukari, Kunii, Tosiyasu L.
Rhyme and Reason in Reading and Spelling by Bradley, Lynette
M. Iuniani Iustini epitoma Historiarum Philippicarum Pompei Trogi by Iustinus, Marcus Iunianus
Die Analyse Sozialer Ungleichheit: Kontinuität, Erneuerung, Innovation by
Beispiele Und Aufgaben Zur Technischen Strömungslehre by Böswirth, Leopold
Die Kommunikative Revolution: Strategien Zur Bewältigung Der Krise Der Moderne by Wersig, Gernot
Perspectives on Silence by Saville-Troike, Muriel, Tannen, Deborah
Epistemische Bedeutung by Doherty, Monika
Lehrbuch der ukrainischen Sprache by Amir-Babenko, Svetlana
Archives in Appalachia: A Directory by
Nordirland: Geschichte Und Gegenwart by Tieger
Wirtschaftslehre Für Rechtsanwalts- Und Notargehilfen by Hau, Werner
Fritz John: Collected Papers Volume 1 by
The Directory of Museums & Living Displays by
Kinder, Computer Und Neues Lernen by Papert
Ausgebrütet -- Argumente Zur Brutreaktorpolitik by Ueberhorst, Meyer-Abich
Packende Spiele Für Ihren Commodore 64 by Renko, Edwards
Atari Basic-Trickkiste by Görgens, Koch
Durchstanzversuche an Flachdecken Mit Aussparungen by Müller, Muttoni, Thürlimann
Bruchversuche an Stahlbetonscheiben by Maier, Thürlimann
Intensivhaltung Von Nutztieren Aus Ethischer, Ethologischer Und Rechtlicher Sicht by Nabholz, Fölsch
English for Life? Teaching English as a Second Language in Sub-Saharan Africa with Reference to Uganda by McGregor, G. P., McGregor, Gordan P.
Gesellschaft, Natur, Technik: Zur Lebensphilosophischen Und Ökologischen Kritik Von Technik Und Gesellschaft by Kluge, Thomas
The Hard-Boiled Explicator: A Guide to the Study of Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler and Ross Macdonald by Skinner, Robert E.
A Survey of Documentary Sources for Property Holding in London Before the Great Fire by Harding, Vanessa, Keene, Derek J.
Significant Decisions of the Supreme Court, 1980-1981 Term by Stephan, Paul B.
Structures and Procedures of Implicit Knowledge by Clark, Leslie F., Unknown, Graesser, Arthur C.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Bibliography by Scharnhorst, Gary
Electrochemistry: Volume 10 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 15 by
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 16 by
Photochemistry: Volume 16 by
Mass Spectrometry: Volume 8 by
Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 4 by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 7 by
Before Nomination: Our Primary Problems by Grassmuck, George
Democracy in the Islands:: Micronesian Plebiscites of 1983 by Ranney, Austin
Gesprächsforschung im Vergleich by
Die Unglückselige Liebes- Und Lebens-Geschichte Des Don Francesco Und Angelica by Fortunatus
Alphabetischer Teil by Sanders, Daniel
NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Band 2, NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit (1934) by
Bibliothekswesen in England: Eine Einführung by Simon, Elisabeth
The Portrayal of the Child in Children's Literature: Bordeaux, Univ. of Gascony (Bordeaux III), 15 - 18 September, 1983 by
La repetition by Frédéric, Madeleine
World guide to terminological activities by Krommer-Benz, Magdalena
Graphische Elemente der geschriebenen Sprache by Gallmann, Peter
Biographisches Erzählen - zwischen individuellem Erlebnis und kollektiver Geschichtentradition by Michel, Gabriele
Studien Zum Summarium Heinrici. Die Darmstädter Handschrift 6: Werkentstehung, Textüberlieferung, Edition Des Darmstädter Textzeugen by Wegstein, Werner
Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Prosaforschung by
Gotthelf im Zeitgeflecht by Holl, Hanns Peter
Das Gedicht als Sühne by Kleefeld, Gunther
University Libraries in Developing Countries: Structure and Function in Regard to Information Transfer for Science and Technology. Proceedings of the by
Eudised: Polyglōssos Thēsauros Gia Tēn Epexergasia Tēs Plērophorias Stēn Ekpaideusē by
Thematische Karten, Atlanten, kartenverwandte Darstellungen, Kartenredaktion und Kartentechnik, rechnergestützte Kartenherstellung, Kartenauswertung, by Heissler, Viktor
A Survival Acre by Runyon, Linda
Language Development From Birth To Three by Anisfeld, Moshe
Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice: A Critical Edition by Newsom, Carol
Information, Ideology and Communication: The New Nations' Perspectives on an Intellectual Revolution by Gibbons, Arnold
Verkehrs- Und Nationalsprachen in Afrika by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 29 by
Klio. Band 66, Heft 1 by
Klio. Band 66, Heft 2 by
Krishnamurthy: Introduct Theory, of Computer Science by Krishnamurthy
Revolution in Poetic Language by Kristeva, Julia
Free Trade and Sailors' Rights: A Bibliography of the War of 1812 by Fredriksen, John C.
Black Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography by Center for Afroamerican and African Stud, Unknown
Lead and Reproduction: A Comprehensive Bibliography by Anom, Abel, Ernest L.
Research on Suicide: A Bibliography by McIntosh, John L.
Joseph Alois Schumpeter: A Bibliography, 1905-1984 by Stevenson, Michael I.
Virgil's Iliad: An Essay on Epic Narrative by Gransden, K. W.
Callimachus: Hymn to Demeter by Callimachus
Value, Language and Life by Goldthwait, John T.
Grundzüge Der Pflanzenzüchtung by Kobabe, Gerd, Wenzel, Gerhard, Kuckuck, Hermann
Home Book of Taxidermy and Tanning: The Amateur's Primer on Mounting Fish, Birds, Animals, Trophies by Grantz, Gerald J.
Library and Information Science Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Bowman, Mary Ann
Salman Et Al: Forth Rpt by Salman
Cuba, Cubans and Cuban-Americans by Dossick, Jesse J.
The World's Greatest Left-Handers: Why Left-Handers are Just Plain Better Than Everybody Else by Huffaker, Sandy, de Kay, James Tertius
Hixkaryana and Linguistic Typology by Derbyshire, Desmond C.
Political Risk Assessment: An Annotated Bibliography by Jodice, David A.
Apple Macintosh Encyclopedia by Phillips, Gary
Modern Cellular Automata: Theory and Applications by Duff, Michael J. B., Preston Jr, Kendall
Texts in Context: Revisionist Methods for Studying the History of Ideas by Boucher, David
The Critical Difference: Essays in the Contemporary Rhetoric of Reading by Johnson, Barbara
Mathematical Foundations of Software Development. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development (Ta by
Formal Methods and Software Development. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development (Tapsoft), B by
Semiotics Unfolding: Proceedings of the Second Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies Vienna, July 1979 by
The Brookings Institution, 1916-1952 by Critchlow, Donald
Catherine the Great and the Expansion of Russia. by Unknown
Demography, Urbanization, and Spatial Planning in Kenya: A Bibliographical Survey by Obudho, Robert A.
Diplomacy at the Un by
University Science and Engineering Libraries: Second Edition by Mount, Ellis
Cahiers Du Cinema: Volume I: The 1950s. Neo-Realism, Hollywood, New Wave. by
Halley's Comet, 1755-1984: A Bibliography by Morton, Bruce
Monthly Terrors: An Index to the Weird Fantasy Magazines Published in the United States and Great Britain by Ashley, Mike, Parnell, Frank H.
Blacks in the American Armed Forces, 1776-1983: A Bibliography by Davis, Lenwood G.
The Iliad: A Commentary: Volume 1, Books 1-4 by Kirk, G. S., Homer
Schm - Schmid by
Schw - sed by
Semiotic PRAXIS: Studies in Pertinence and in the Means of Expression and Communication by Mounin, Georges
Geschichtsbewußtsein in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters by
The Infant Sphinx: Collected Letters of Mary E. Wilkins Freeman by
The Dhimmi: Jews & Christians Under Islam by Yeor, Bat
1984 by
Frame-Theorie in der Lexikographie by Wegner, Immo
Das Drama und seine Inszenierung by
Schrim - Schult by
Physical optics of dynamic phenomena and processes in macromolecular systems by
Schmie - Schom by
Schon - Schril by
Schulu - Schv by
Sep - Sik by
Sod - Spau by
Spav - Sr by
SS - Stau by
Stot - Stuc by
SW - Tar by
Thau - Tid by
Stav - Ster by
Stud - Sv by
Tie - Tref by
Sil - Soc by
Tas - That by
See - SEO by
Stes - Stos by
Briefe 1751-1752 by
Modern Methods for the Determination of Non-Metals in Non-Ferrous Metals: Applications to Particular Systems of Metallurgical Importance by
Thirty Days to Better English by Lewis, Norman
Human Rights: An International and Comparative Law Bibliography by
The Johnny Cash Discography by Smith, John
The Resource Book of Jewish Music: A Bibliographical and Topical Guide to the Book and Journal Literature and Program Materials by Unknown, Heskes, Irene
Rockin' the Classics and Classicizin' the Rock: A Selectively Annotated Discography by Duxbury, Janell R.
Finding the Source of Medical Information: A Thesaurus-Index to the Reference Collection by Shearer, Barbara Smith, Bush, Geneva
Le Berry à l'âge du Fer HaC - La Tène II: précédé du Catalogue des collections de l'âge du Fer du Musée de Bourges by Willaume, Martine
Lehrbuch Der Anorganischen Chemie by Holleman, A. F.
Electrochemical Synthesis of Inorganic Compounds by
A Survey of Verification Techniques for Parallel Programs by Barringer, Howard
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 17 by
1946-1962: From the End of World War II to the Various Stations of the Cold War by
Verbal Art, Verbal Sign, Verbal Time by Jakobson, Roman
Aaron Copland: A Bio-Bibliography by Skowronski, JoAnn
The Native American in American Literature: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography by Rock, Roger O.
Sociology of Poverty in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography by Chalfant, Lois M., Chalfant, H. Paul
Philosophy Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Ruben, Douglas H.
The Rudy Vallee Discography by Kiner, Larry F.
Green and Burning Tree: On the Writing and Enjoyment of Children's Books by Cameron, Eleanor
Callimachus: The Fifth Hymn: The Bath of Pallas by Callimachus
Structures of Social Action by
Mentality and Machines by Gunderson, Keith
Logics of Programs: Brooklyn, June 17-19, 1985 by
Produktivitätslücken Nach Wirtschaftszweigen Im Internationalen Vergleich: Beschreibung Und Ökonometrische Ursachenanalyse Für Die Usa, Japan Und Die by Conrad, Klaus
1800-1805 by
Smart Robots: A Handbook of Intelligent Robotic Systems by Hunt, V.
American Vocal Chamber Music, 1945-1980: An Annotated Bibliography by Lust, Patricia
Sex Segregation in Librarianship: Demographic and Career Patterns of Academic Library Administrators by Irvine, Betty Jo
Federal Aid and State Library Agencies: Federal Policy Implementation by Shavit, David
Semiotics: An Introductory Anthology by
A Reference Guide to United States Department of State Special Files by Haines, Gerald K.
Samuel Barber: A Bio-Bibliography by Hennessee, Don A.
Freedom for the College Student Press: Court Cases and Related Decisions Defining the Campus Fourth Estate Boundaries by Ingelhart, Louis E.
Healing Faith: An Annotated Bibliography of Christian Self-Help Books by Chase, Elise, Dennis, Elise
The Elfreth Book of Letters by
Expository Science: Forms and Functions of Popularisation by
Cadcam: Training and Education Through the '80s: Proceedings of the CAD Ed '84 Conference by
Perceptual Organization and Visual Recognition by Lowe, D.
Expository Science: Forms and Functions of Popularisation by
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 17: The Annals of St Neots with Vita Prima Sancti Neoti by
Deutsche Satzsemantik by Polenz, Peter Von
Language Is Sermonic: Richard M. Weaver on the Nature of Rhetoric by
How to Win Arguments by Rusher, William A.
The Straw Manual: A Practical Guide to Cost-Effective Straw Utilization and Disposal by
Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue by Friedman, Edwin H.
Environmental Information in Developing Nations: Politics and Policies by Da Soledada Vieira, Anna
International Film, Radio, and Television Journals by Slide, Anthony
See More