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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1986

Practice of State and Regional Planning by McDowell, Bruce D.
Studies in Communication, Volume 3: Culture and Communication: Methodology, Behavior, Artifacts, and Institutions by Thomas, Sari, Unknown
Languages in the International Perspective by Unknown, Schweda-Nicholson, Nancy
Value-Added Processes in Information Systems by Taylor, Robert S.
Discourse and Institutional Authority: Medicine, Education, and Law by Fisher, Sue, Todd, Alexandra Dundas
State Library Services and Issues: Facing Future Challenges by Ablex, Unknown, McClure, Charles R.
Imperialism, Media and the Good Neighbor: New Deal Foreign Policy and United States Shortwave Broadcasting to Latin America by Unknown, Fejes, Fred
Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume 7 by Unknown
World Broadcasting in the Age of the Satellite: Comparative Systems, Policies and Issues in Mass Telecommunication by Howell, W. J., Unknown
Information Technology: A Luddite Analysis by Ribons, Kevin, Unknown, Webster, Frank
The Real-World Linguist: Linguistic Applications in the 1980s by Bjarkman, Peter C., Raskin, Victor, Unknown
Discourse and Institutional Authority: Medicine, Education, and Law by Todd, Alexandra Dundas, Fisher, Sue, Unknown
Linking the U.S. National Technical Information Service with Academic and Public Libraries by Hernon, Peter, Purcell, Gary R., McClure, Charles R.
The Acquisition of Literacy: Ethnographic Perspectives by Schieffelin, Bambi, Gilmore, Perry, Unknown
Emergent Literacy: Writing and Reading by Teale, William H.
Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume 8 by Unknown
Walker Percy: A Bibliography by Wright, Stuart
Complete Manager by Harwell, Edward M.
Current Research in Film: Audiences, Economics, and Law; Volume 2 by Austin, Bruce a., Unknown
Mathematik Für Chemiker by Amann, H.
Das Kreditgeschäft in Der Abschlußprüfung Des Bankkaufmanns by Henke, Ernst-Joachim
Die Beinflussung des Lesers by Platz, Norbert H.
'Poetic Justice': Theorie Und Geschichte Einer Literarischen Doktrin. Begriff - Idee - Komödienkonzeption by Zach, Wolfgang
Familiengeschichten und Heilsmythologie by Schmid, Elisabeth
Children Reading and Writing: Structures and Strategies by Langer, Judith A.
Hölderlins Empedokles by Prignitz, Christoph
Jiddisches Wörterbuch: Wortschatz des deutschen Grundbestandes der jiddischen (jüdischdeutschen) Sprache mit Leseproben by Wolf, Siegmund a.
Wunder Universum: Die Entwicklung Des Kosmos Und Die Zukunft Der Menschen by Reeves, H.
Briefwechsel Mit Cantor, Dedekind, Helmholtz, Kronecker, Weierstrass Und Anderen by Lipschitz, Rudolf
Prüfungsaufsatz Für Bürokaufleute: Ein Lehr- Und Übungsbuch Zur Vorbereitung Auf Die Kaufmännische Abschlußprüfung by Appel, Jo
Kammerphysikalische Kostbarkeiten by
World Directory of Map Collections by
Libri XLI-XLV by Titus Livius
Parteien-Handbuch: Die Parteien Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945-1980 by Stöss, Richard
The Geneva Conference of 1954 on Indochina by Cable, James
Wechselwirkungen: Der Wissenschaftliche Verlag ALS Mittler 175 Jahre B.G. Teubner 1811-1986 by Merkelbach, Reinhold
Computer-Streifzüge: Eine Einführung in Zahlentheorie Und Kombinatorik Aus Algorithmischer Sicht by Jeger, Prof Dr Max
Auf Dem Weg Zum Künstlichen Leben: Retortenkinder -- Leihmütter -- Programmierte Gene... by Hirsch, G., Eberbach
Trio Training: Ein Gesundheits-Training Nach Maß by Eberlein, G.
Schweinemast Im Offenfront-Tiefstreustall: Eine Beurteilung Aus Ethologischer, Veterinärmedizinischer, Ökonomischer Und Verfahrenstechnischer Sicht by Etter-Kjelsaas
Herz Und Kreislauf ABC: Motor Des Lebens by Sesto, F.
Bürokaufmann: Betriebswirtschaft in Frage Und Antwort by Ullmer-Schulz, Edith
Die Rote Grenze: Auf Der Suche Nach Dem Rand Des Universums by Ferris
Computermathematik: Lösungen Der Aufgaben Mit Turbo Pascal-Programmen by Gander, W.
The Division and Methods of the Sciences by Aquinas, Thomas
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 16 by
Amino Acids and Peptides: Volume 17 by
Photochemistry: Volume 17 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 17 by
Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 5 by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 8 by
Automation Technology and Industrial Renewal:: Adjustment Dynamics in the Metalworking Sector by Hicks, Donald A.
Essays in Contemporary Economic Problems, 1986: Impact of the Reagan Administration by Somensatto, Eduardo, Cagan, Phillip
Geistliche und Weltliche Poemata by
Pressekommunikation: Grundstrukturen Einer Öffentlichen Form Der Kommunikation Aus Linguistischer Sicht by Bucher, Hans-Jürgen
Comics and Visual Culture by
Das volkssprachliche Naturbuch im späten Mittelalter by Nischik, Traude-Marie
Homocystinuria: A Risk Factor of Premature Vascular Disease by Boers, G. H. J.
A - Airports by
Fiction in French - Fiction in Soviet by
Die deutschen und niederländischen Legendare des Mittelalters by Williams-Krapp, Werner
Hermann Brochs Geschichtliche Stellung: Studien Zum Philosophischen Frühwerk Und Zur Romantrilogie >Die Schlafwandler by Vollhardt, Friedrich
Automatische Klassifikation und Information Retrieval by Panyr, Jiri
Die Metaphorik Des Schönen: Eine Kritische Lektüre Der Versöhnung in Schillers »Über Die Ästhetische Erziehung Des Menschen in Einer Reihe Von Bri by Riecke-Niklewski, Rose
Der Literarische Raum: Eine Untersuchung Am Beispiel Von Dorothy M. Richardsons Romanzyklus Pilgrimage by Bronfen, Elisabeth
Atlas of Finite Groups: Maximal Subgroups and Ordinary Characters for Simple Groups by Conway, John Horton
Teil 2. Register by
Klio. Band 67, Heft 2 by
Teil 1 by
Katalog Chinesischer Buddhistischer Textfragmente, Band 2 by
Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origins, and Use by Chomsky, Noam
Mudluscious: Stories and Activities Featuring Food for Preschool Children by Irving, Jan, Currie, Roberta
The Afro-American Short Story: A Comprehensive, Annotated Index with Selected Commentaries by Yancy, Preston M.
Will Herberg: A Bio-Bibliography by Ausmus, Harry J.
Wole Soyinka: A Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources by Katrak, Ketu, Gibbs, James, Gates, Henry L.
Agricultural and Animal Sciences Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Lamb, Connie, Jensen, Richard, Smith, Nathan
Immigrants from Great Britain and Ireland: A Guide to Archival and Manuscript Sources in North America by Lester, Doris, Weaver, Jack W.
Serial Bibliographies and Abstracts in History: An Annotated Guide by Henige, David P.
Writing Prose: Techniques and Purposes, 6th Edition by
Campaign for President: The Managers Look at '84 by Unknown
Structural variants and interactions by
invariance and Variability in Speech Processes by
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 18 by
The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction by
J.R.R. Tolkien: Six Decades of Criticism by Johnson, Judith
Symbolism and Interpretation by Todorov, Tzvetan
Chronometric Explorations of Mind by Posner, Michael
Screwball Comedy: A Genre of Madcap Romance by Gehring, Wes D.
Television and the Performing Arts: A Handbook and Reference Guide to American Cultural Programming by Rose, Brian Geoffrey
Foreign Students in American Library Education: Impact on Home Countries by Rochester, Maxine K.
Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education by
Nietzsche as Affirmative Thinker: Papers Presented at the Fifth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter, April 1983 by
Genuine Articles by Walter, Catherine
Allgemeine Geologie by Richter, Dieter
Fibrin formation and Fibrinolysis by
Die Verwandlung by Kafka, Franz
On the Origin of Language by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Herder, Johann Gottfried
Economics Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Sichel, Werner, Sichel, Beatrice
Thank You Music Lovers: A Bio-Discography of Spike Jones and His City Slickers, 1941-1965 by Mirtle, Jack
Planning & Ecology by
The Politics of an Emerging Profession: The American Library Association, 1876-1917 by Wiegand, Wayne A., Unknown
Teacher Evaluation and Merit Pay: An Annotated Bibliography by Karnes, Elizabeth Lueder, Black, Donald
Magazines of the American South by Riley, Sam G.
An Annotated Bibliography of the Holy Roman Empire by Zophy, Jonathan
Criminal Justice Research in Libraries: Strategies and Resources by Ferrall, Eleanor, Ferrall, J. E., Lutzker, Marilyn
Index to Southern Periodicals. by Riley, Sam
Fifty Caribbean Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook by Dance, Daryl
Cybernetics and Systems '86: Proceedings of the Eighth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Organized by the Austrian Society for by
Hector-Neri Castañeda by
Experimental Design: Sample Size Determination and Block Designs by Rasch, Dieter, Herrendörfer, Günter
Los Inicios de la Lexicografía del Español del Uruguay: El Vocabulario Rioplatense Razonado Por Daniel Granada (1889-1890) by Kühl de Mones, Ursula
Das Bibliothekswesen der Volksrepublik China by Lux, Claudia
Zeitschriftenerwerbung und Lieferantenwahl in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Schmüser, Eike
Verp - Voir by
Wapf - Weim by
Wes - Wilk by
Un - Uz by
Vois - VOR by
Wein - Wer by
Vos - Wape by
Die sahidischen Handschriften der Evangelien by
Kampf der Schachideen by Saidy, Anthony
Das Prosagedicht im Wien der Jahrhundertwende. Altenberg - Hofmannsthal - Polgar by Nienhaus, Stefan
Information and Behavior: Systems of Influence by Winett, Richard a.
Users Manual (UM) for the On-Line Diary System (OLDS) by U S Marine Corps
Origins of the English Language by Williams, Joseph M.
A Resource Guide to Themes in Contemporary American Song Lyrics, 1950-1985 by Cooper, B. Lee
Press Law and Press Freedom for High School Publications: Court Cases and Related Decisions Discussing Free Expression Guarantees and Limitations for by Ingelhart, Louis E.
Academic Librarians and Cataloging Networks: Visibility, Quality Control, and Professional Status by Hafter, Ruth
Index to International Public Opinion, 1984-1985 by Lsi
Pacific Island Studies: A Survey of the Literature by Jackson, Miles
Women in Southern Literature: An Index by Sweeney, Patricia
Musical Settings of American Poetry: A Bibliography by Hovland, Michael A.
China and the Third World: Champion or Challenger? by
Roderick M. Chisholm by
Confronting Nature: T́he Sociology of Solar-Neutrino Detection by
Protein C - Klinische Bedeutung und Bestimmungsmethoden by
The End of Art Theory by Burgin, Victor
Theological and Religious Reference Materials: Practical Theology by Gorman, Gary, Gorman, Lyn, Gorman, G. E.
Women Writers of Spain: An Annotated Bio-Bibliographical Guide by
Essential Student Algebra: Volume Two: Matrices and Vector Spaces by Blyth, T.
The New Republic: A Voice of Modern Liberalism by Seideman, David
Black Labor in America, 1865-1983: A Selected Annotated Bibliography by Wilson, Joseph
The Green Revolution: An International Bibliography by Karim, M. Bazlul
Basic Electromagnetism and Its Applications by
Environmental Virology by Rao, V. Chalapati
An Ontology of Consciousness by Ellis, R.
Proceedings of the Fifth USSR-FRG Symposium on Chemistry of Peptides and Proteins, Odessa, USSR, May 16-20, 1985 by
Risikoverhalten Und Gesundheitsbewußtsein Bei Jugendlichen: Der Stellenwert Von Rauchen Und Alkoholkonsum Im Alltag Von 15- Bis 20jährigen by Franzkowiak, Peter
Marine Science Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Barnett, Judith B.
Black Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: An Annotated Bibliography by Wright, Roosevlt, Watts, Thomas
Religious Periodicals of the United States: Academic and Scholarly Journals by Lippy, Charles H.
Financial Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide to Accounting, Banking, Finance, Insurance, and Investment Periodicals by Fisher, William Harvey
Martin Luther King, Jr.: An Annotated Bibliography by Pyatt, Sherman E.
Blacks in the Humanities, 1750-1984: A Selected Annotated Bibliography by Joyce, Donald F., Unknown
Jewish Serials of the World: A Research Bibliography of Secondary Sources by Singerman, Robert
Frontiers in Semiotics by
Grant Proposal Writing: A Handbook for School Library Media Specialists by Woolls, Blanche
Dictionary of Modern French Literature: From the Age of Reason Through Realism by Dolbow, Sandra W.
Heinrich Schutz: A Bibliography of the Collected Works and Performing Editions by Highsmith, Anne, Miller, D. Douglas
Carry on Understudies: Theatre and Sexual Politics by Wandor, Michelene
Mining Latin America / Minería Latinoamericana by Smale
Saying What You Mean: A Commonsense Guide to American Usage by Claiborne, Robert
Sämtliche Werke, Teil 2, Lustspiele III by Weise, Christian
Sämtliche Werke, Band 15, Schauspiele II by Weise, Christian
How to Publish, Promote, and Sell Your Own Book by Holt, Robert
The Federal Theatre Project: A Catalog-Calendar of Productions by Unknown
History Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Fyfe, Janet
Telecommunication Economics and International Regulatory Policy: An Annotated Bibliography by Jussawalla, Meheroo, Snow, Marcellus S., Snow, M. S.
Information for International Marketing: An Annotated Guide to Sources by Weekly, James K., Cary, Mary
Eastern Europe in Children's Literature: An Annotated Bibliography of English-Language Books by Povsic, Frances F.
USMC User's Guide to Counseling by Department of the Navy, U S Marine Corps
Free Flow of Information: A New Paradigm by Mehra, Achal
Developing Learning Skills through Children's Literature: An Idea Book for K-5 Classrooms and Libraries by Watt, Letty, Krueger, Barbara, Warren, Debra
Power, Autonomy, Utopia: New Approaches Toward Complex Systems by
The Knowledge Society: The Growing Impact of Scientific Knowledge on Social Relations by
Spinoza and the Sciences by
The Knowledge Society: The Growing Impact of Scientific Knowledge on Social Relations by
Interpretation of Historic Sites by Alderson, William, Low, Shirley Payne
LISP: Eine Einführung in Die Programmierung by Görz, Günter, Stoyan, Herbert
Organizing Nonprint Materials by Daily, Jay E.
Hawaiian Music: An Annotated Bibliography by Stoneburner, Bryan C.
With Eyes Toward Zion--II: Themes and Sources in the Archives of the United States, Great Britain, Turkey and Israel by
Virgil Thomson: A Bio-Bibliography by Meckna, Michael
The Symphonies of Gustav Mahler: A Critical Discography by Smoley, Lewis M.
Presidential Communication: Description and Analysis by Hahn, Dan F., Denton, Robert E., Jr.
Effective Reading Teacher's Book: Reading Skills for Advanced Students by Greenall, Simon, Swan, Michael
The New Roget's Thesaurus in Dictionary Form by American Heritage
Modern Jewish Morality: A Bibliographical Survey by Breslauer, S. Daniel
Best Encyclopedias: A Guide to General and Specialized Encyclopedias by Unknown, Kister, Kenneth F.
Ibss: Political Science: 1983 Volume 32 by International Committee for Social Scien
Bibliography of Publications by the Faculty, Staff and Students of the University of California, 1876-1980, on Grapes, Wines and Related Subjects by
I Think I Am a Verb: More Contributions to the Doctrine of Signs by Sebeok, Thomas A.
The Ever-Present Origin: Part One: Foundations Of The Aperspectival World by Gebser, Jean
A Guide to Statistical Methods and to the Pertinent Literature / Literatur Zur Angewandten Statistik by Sachs, Lothar
English Words Instructor's Manual by Cherry, R. L.
Röntgen-Strahler by Maßwig, Ingrid
Survey Questions: Handcrafting the Standardized Questionnaire by Converse, Presser, Stanley, Converse, Jean M.
Textual Power: Literary Theory and the Teaching of English by Scholes, Robert
Jewish-Polish Coexistence, 1772-1939: A Topical Bibliography by Lerski, Halina, Lerski, George J., Lerski, Jerzy J.
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