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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1987

Die niederländische Sprache by Brachin, Pierre
Grosses Wörterbuch der Zigeunersprache (romani tsiw) / Großes Wörterbuch der Zigeunersprache (romani tsiw): Wortschatz deutscher und anderer europäisc by Wolf, Siegmund a.
Briefwechsel Deutschsprachiger Philosophen 1750-1850: Band 1: Register, Verfasser/Adressaten, Adressaten/Verfasser - Band 2: Nachweise, Briefe, Briefs by
Die Deutschen Literatur-Zeitschriften 1850-1880: Bibliographien - Programme by Estermann, Alfred
Human Communication and Its Disorders, Volume 1 by Winitz, Harris
Communication, Gender and Sex Roles in Diverse Interaction Contexts by Steart, Lea P., Ting-Tommey, Stella
News Cameras in the Courtroom: A Free Press--Fair Trail Debate by Barber, Susanna
American Communication in a Global Society by Fisher, Glen
Becoming Literate in English as a Second Language by Goldman, Susan R., Trueba, Henry T.
Independence, Liberation, Revolution: An Approach to the Understanding of the Third World by Dinh, Tran Van, Unknown, Tran, Van Dinh
Text and Epistemology by Frawley, William
Dynamics of Information Management: Concepts and Issues by Mishra, Vic, Singh, Indu B.
General Inequalities 5: 5th International Conference on General Inequalities, Oberwolfach, May 4-10, 1986 by Walter
Numerical Treatment of Eigenvalue Problems Vol.4 / Numerische Behandlung Von Eigenwertaufgaben Band 4: Workshop in Oberwolfach, Nov. 30 - Dec. 6,1986 by Albrecht, Collatz
Finite Difference Methods on Irregular Networks by Heinrich
Data Structures and Network Algorithms by Tarjan, Robert Endre
Linguistic Action: Some Empirical-Conceptual Studies by
Cognitive and Linguistic: Analyses of Test Performance by Duran, Richard P., Unknown, Freedle, Roy
Federal Information Policies in the 1980's: Conflicts and Issues by McClure, Charles, Hernon, Peter
Competing Visions, Complex Realities: Social Aspects of the Information Society by Schement, Jorge Reina, Lievrouw, Leah
Writing in Real Time: Modeling Production Processes by Matsuhashi, Ann
Global Political Fallout: The VCR's First Decade by Ganley, Gladys D., Ganley, Oswald H., Bate, Barbara
The Ideology of the Information Age by Fejes, Fred
Current Research in Film: Audiences, Economics, and Law; Volume 3 by Unknown
The Training and Hiring of Journalists by Caudill, Susan L., Becker, Lee B.
Lectures on the Logic of Computer Programming by Manna, Zohar
Rechtsgrundlagen Für Rechtsanwalts- Und Notargehilfen: Zum Schnellen Nachschlagen in Schule Und PRAXIS by
Sprachnormen: Theorie Und PRAXIS: Studienausgabe by Bartsch, Renate
Sentimentalismus und Postsentimentalismus by Herrlinger, Wolfgang
Political Communication Research, Volume 1 by Paletz, David L.
Economics, Management of Economic Enterprises by Mills, Jack, Broughton, Vanda
Die Wissenschaften Und Ihre Kulturellen Folgen: Über Die Zukunft Des Common Sense by Lübbe, Hermann
Preußische Kulturpolitik Im Spiegel Von Hegels Ästhetik: 263. Sitzung Am 20. Januar 1982 in Düsseldorf by Pöggeler, Otto
Marx Oder Weber?: Zur Aktualisierung Einer Kontroverse by
Selected Papers on Algebra and Topology by Garrett Birkhoff by
Georg Lukács: Kultur -- Politik -- Ontologie by
Buchführung Für Den Bankkaufmann: Mit Kosten- Und Leistungsrechnung by Werner, Sauter
Canadian Writers and Their Works -- Poetry Series, Volume III: W.W.E. Ross, Raymond Knister, Dorothy Livesay, and E.J. Pratt by
Die Familie: Risiken Und Chancen: Eine Therapeutische Orientierung by Ritschl, D., Luban-Plozza
System Ohne Psyche: Zur Kritik Der Pragmatischen Kommunikationstheorie Und Ihrer Anwendungen by Meister, Karl J.
Das Rechnungswesen in Der Abschlußprüfung Des Bankkaufmanns: Buchführung, Rechnen, Datenverarbeitung, Betriebsorganisation by Fischer, Harald
Bürokaufmann: Betriebswirtschaft in Frage Und Antwort by Ullmer-Schulz, Edith
Alstat PC: Algorithmen Der Statistik Für IBM PC Und Kompatible by Kläy, Maibach, Metz
Die Gefühle: Ein Ausgesprochen Emotionales Lehr- & Lesebuch by Rost, W.
Krampfadern Und Andere Venenerkrankungen: Ein Ratgeber by Vanscheidt, W.
Das Rauchen: Genuß Und Risiko by Troschke, J. Von
Marketing and Public Relations for Libraries by Kies, Cosette
Nineteenth-Century American Choral Music: An Annotated Guide by Devenney, David P.
Lucretius: de Rerum Natura IV by Godwin, John
Íslensk Beygingafræði - Isländische Formenlehre - Icelandic Inflections by Thomson, Colin D.
Amino Acids and Peptides: Volume 18 by
Photochemistry: Volume 18 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 18 by
Amino Acids and Peptides: Volume 19 by
Cambodian System of Writing and Beginning Reader by Huffman, Franklin E.
Mass Spectrometry: Volume 9 by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 9 by
Perspectives and Approaches by
Analysis and Practices by
Across the Lines of Disciplines by
Historisch-politische Schauspiele by
International Reporting 1928-1985: From the Activities of the League of Nations to Present-Day Global Problems by
NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Band 3/I-II, NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit (1935) by
Raumakustik, Schallquellen, Schallwahrnehmung, Schallwandler, Beschallungstechnik, Aufnahmetechnik, Klanggestaltung by
Kommunikation und Kooperation by
NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Band 3/II, NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit (1935) by
Literarische Technik-Bilder: Studien Zum Verhältnis Von Technik- Und Literaturgeschichte Im 19. Und Frühen 20. Jahrhundert by Segeberg, Harro
Kulturelle Erneuerung Und Gesellschaftlicher Auftrag: Zur Bestandspolitik Der Öffentlichen Bibliotheken Und Betriebsbüchereien in Der Sbz Und DDR 1945 by Winckler, Lutz
Aufklärung und Geheimnis by Voges, Michael
Die "cronaca calcistica" by Schweickard, Wolfgang
International Bibliography of Art Librarianship: An Annotated Compilation by Baxter, Paula A.
Unconjugated Pterins and Related Biogenic Amines by
Reading On The Run, Continuum Reading Concepts by Clinton, J. Robert
Holley Carburetor Handbook, Models 4150 & 4160: Selection, Tuning & Repair by Urich, Mike
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Claremont Libraries by
Toxic and Hazardous Materials: A Sourcebook and Guide to Information Sources by Webster, Carol, Webster, James K.
Bibliography of the Little Golden Books by Jones, Dolores Blythe, Wolcott, Roger
Das Jüdische Exil Und Andere Themen by
Jahresberichte Für Deutsche Geschichte. Neue Folge. Band 36, Jahrgang 1984 by
Klio. Band 68, Heft 2 by
Government Information: Education and Research, 1928-1986 by Cochran, Larry, Richardson, John
Cross Index Title Guide to Classical Music by Pallay, Steven G.
Alcohol and the Family: A Comprehensive Bibliography by Barnes, Grace M.
The Denotational Description of Programming Languages: An Introduction by Gordon, M. J. C.
The Implications of Literacy: Written Language and Models of Interpretation in the 11th and 12th Centuries by Stock, Brian
Language Education in Hong Kong by Cheng, N. L. Helen
Techniques in Molecular Biology: Volume 2 by Walker, John M., Gaastra, Wim
American Literature and the Academy by Vanderbilt, Kermit
Performing Texts by
The Papers of William Penn, Volume 3: 1685-17 by
Motor and Sensory Processes of Language by
The Science of Programming by Gries, David
1756-1759 by Gellert, Christian F.
Central European Economic History from Waterloo to OPEC, 1815-1975: A Bibliography by Hacken, Richard D.
Internationalizing Library and Information Science Education: A Handbook of Policies and Procedures in Administration and Curriculum by
Language Socialization Across Cultures by
Ethik in Der Medizin: Tagung Der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum Vom 13. Bis 15. Dezember 1985 by
Communicating Racism: Ethnic Prejudice in Thought and Talk by Dijk, Teun a. Van
Constructive Destruction: Kafka's Aphorisms: Literary Tradition and Literary Transformation by Gray, Richard T.
Finding the Source in Sociology and Anthropology: A Thesaurus-Index to the Reference Collection by Brown, Samuel R.
The Rhetorics of Popular Culture: Advertising, Advocacy, and Entertainment by Root, Robert
Esther Williamson Ballou: A Bio-Bibliography by Heintze, James R.
Presidential Libraries and Collections by Veit, Fritz
Human Longevity from Antiquity to the Modern Lab: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography by Bailey, William G.
S.J. Perelman: A Critical Study by Gale, Steven H.
Philosophy and the Nature of Language by Unknown, Cooper, David Edward
Circulation Policy in Academic, Public, and School Libraries by Intner, Sheila S.
Libraries in Prisons: A Blending of Institutions by Coyle, William J.
The Library of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1584 1637 by Rasmussen, Carl J., Bush, Sargent, Jr.
Classics of Semiotics by
Pierre Gassendi: From Aristotelianism to a New Natural Philosophy by Brundell, B.
Statistisches Jahrbuch 1987 Für Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
Library Automation in North America: A Reassessment of the Impact of New Technologies on Networking by Hildreth, Charles R.
The dictionary and the language learner by
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 19 by
Die Zeitungswissenschaft in Westfalen 1914-45: Das Institut Für Zeitungswissenschaften in Münster Und Die Zeitungsforschung in Dortmund by Maoro, Bettina
Proceedings of the 4. International Workshop, Neuherberg, F. R. G., April 1986 by
Will - Wok by
Wol - Wz by
Zek - ZZ by
Schach Lebenslänglich: Erinnerungen Eines Erfolgstrainers by Koblenz, Aleksander
Speech Perception By Ear and Eye: A Paradigm for Psychological Inquiry by Massaro, Dominic W.
Communication: Strategic Action in Context by Haslett, Beth Bonniwell
Writing Lives: Principia Biographica by Edel, Leon
Housing and Racial/Ethnic Minority Status in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography with a Review Essay by Momeni, Jamshid a.
Color Me Beautiful: Discover Your Natural Beauty Through the Colors That Make You Look Great and Feel Fabulous by Jackson, Carole
Ann Allen Shockley: An Annotated Primary and Secondary Bibliography by Dandridge, Rita B.
Criminal Justice Documents: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography of U.S. Government Publications Since 1975 by Berens, John F.
Childbearing Among Hispanics in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography by Fennelly, Katherin, Darabi, Katherine F.
Marketing Megaworks: The Top 150 Books and Articles by Adler, Roy D., Robinson, Larry M.
The Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1945-51 by Milward, Alan S.
Shared Vulnerability: The Media and American Perceptions of the Bhopal Disaster by Wilkins, Lee, Black Wilkins, Lillian
Satire and the Transformation of Genre by Guilhamet, Leon
A History of Women Philosophers: Ancient Women Philosophers 600 B.C. -- 500 A.D. by
A History of Women Philosophers: Ancient Women Philosophers 600 B.C. -- 500 A.D. by
Second Language Acquisition in Childhood: Volume 1: Preschool Children by
Research #11 Pranks! by Vale, V.
Porto Carras, Chalkidiki, Greece, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1986 by
A Guide to Simulation by Bratley, Paul, Fox, Bennet L., Schrage, Linus E.
Children's Museums, Zoos, and Discovery Rooms: An International Reference Guide by Zucker, Barbara F.
Management Theory and Library Education. by Rehman, Sajjad Ur
Gunther Schuller: A Bio-Bibliography by Carnovale, Norbert, Unknown
Primary Sources in European Diplomacy, 1914-1945: A Bibliography of Published Memoirs and Diaries by Messick, Frederic M.
Semiotic Theory of Language by Shaumyan, Sebastian
Soil Plant Relationships: An Ecological Approach by
Testing Spoken Language: A Handbook of Oral Testing Techniques by Nic, Underhill, Underhill, Nic, Underhill, Nicholas
The Teaching of English: From the Sixteenth Century to 1870 by Michael, Ian
The Social Direction of the Public Sciences: Causes and Consequences of Co-Operation Between Scientists and Non-Scientific Groups by
The Social Direction of the Public Sciences: Causes and Consequences of Co-Operation Between Scientists and Non-Scientific Groups by
Barnacle Biology by
Dimensions of a Creole Continuum: History, Texts, and Linguistic Analysis of Guyanese Creole by Rickford, John R.
A Guide to the World's Languages: Volume I, Classification by Ruhlen, Merritt
Sämtliche Werke. Bd 15: Historische Schriften. Bd 15/Tl 2 by Zesen, Philipp Von
Sämtliche Werke. Bd 15: Historische Schriften. Bd 15/Tl 1 by Zesen, Philipp Von
Magic: A Reference Guide by Coleman, Earle Jerome
Happenings: Developing Successful Programs for School Libraries by Wilson, Patricia J., Unknown
Signifying Nothing: The Semiotics of Zero by Rotman, B.
As the Black School Sings: Black Music Collections at Black Universities and Colleges with a Union List of Book Holdings by Spencer, Jon Michael
An Annotated Bibliography of the Napoleonic Era: Recent Publications, 1945-1985 by Meyer, Jack Allen
Church and State in Postwar Eastern Europe: A Bibliographical Survey by Mojzes, Paul
Homicide: A Bibliography by Abel, Ernest L.
Youth Information Resources: An Annotated Guide for Parents, Professionals, Students, Researchers, and Concerned Citizens by Richardson, Donna, Woodbury, Marda
Cliff Edwards Discography by Kiner, Larry F.
Effective Writing by Withrow, Jean
Ambulante Versorgung: Nachfrage Und Steuerung by
Competitiveness: The United States in World Trade by Arndt, Sven W.
The Psychophysics of Speech Perception by
Ergonomie in Dokumenten-Retrievalsystemen by Freiburg, Dietmar
Design Your Own Coat of Arms: An Introduction to Heraldry by Chorzempa, Rosemary A.
Ibss: Political Science: 1984 Volume 33 by International Committee for Social Scien
The Immigrant Labor Press in North America, 1840s-1970s: An Annotated Bibliography: Volume 1: Migrants from Northern Europe by Hoerder, Dirk
Composition and Literature: Bridging the Gap by
Talk and Social Organisation by
Cultural Studies by
Mediavisions: The Art and Industry of Mass Communication by Stanley, Robert
The Marx Brothers: A Bio-Bibliography by Gehring, Wes D.
Thoreau's Alternative History by Burbick, Joan
Effective Writing Teacher's Manual: Writing Skills for Intermediate Students of American English by Withrow, Jean
National Literacy Campaigns: Historical and Comparative Perspectives by Arnove, R. F., Graff, H. J.
Thomas Bernhards frühe Prosakunst by Gößling, Andreas
Women Writers of Spanish America: An Annotated Bio-Bibliographical Guide by
Church and State in America: A Bibliographical Guide: The Civil War to the Present Day by
Strengthening the United Nations: A Bibliography on U.N. Reform and World Federalism by Baratta, Joseph Preston
The Papers of William Penn, Volume 4: 1701-1718 by
Electronic Mass Media in Europe. Prospects and Developments: A Report from the Fast Programme of the Commission of the European Communities by
Melville's Sources by Bercaw, Mary
Index to Biographies of Contemporary Composers by Bull, Storm
Intergrammar: Toward an Integrative Model of Verbal, Prosodic and Kinesic Choices in Speech by Arndt, Horst, Janney, Richard W.
Broadway on Record: A Directory of New York Cast Recordings of Musical Shows, 1931-1986 by Lynch, Richard Chigley
Analyze Organize Write Revised Ed. by Jenkins, Lynn, Whimbey, Arthur
Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History: Volume 174 by Tanner, Helen Hornbeck
American Humor Magazines and Comic Periodicals by Sloane, David
Federal Public Policy on Aging Since 1960: An Annotated Bibliography by Oriol, William E.
The Nature of Information by Young, Paul
The People's Voice: An Annotated Bibliography of American Presidential Campaign Newspapers, 1828-1984 by Miles, William
Guide to Folktales in the English Language: Based on the Aarne-Thompson Classification System by Ashliman, D. L.
The Practical Tutor by Meyer, Emily
The Metamorphosis of Persephone: Ovid and the Self-Conscious Muse by Hinds, Stephen, Stephen, Hinds
Maximum-Entropy and Bayesian Spectral Analysis and Estimation Problems: Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods in A by
John Rainolds' Oxford Lectures on Aristotle's Rhetoric by Rainolds, John
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