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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1988

Deutsche Literarische Zeitschriften 1880-1945: Ein Repertorium by Dietzel, Thomas, Hügel, Hans-Otto
Advances in Writing Research, Volume 2: Writing in Academic Disciplines by Jolliffe, David
Behind the Telephone Debates by Weinhaus, Carol L., Oettinger, Anthony G.
Linguistics in Context--Connecting Observation and Understanding by Tannen, Deborah
On Communication: Essays Is Understanding by Thayer, Lee
Task, Talk and Text in the Operating Room: A Study in Medical Discourse by Pettinari, Catherine Johnson
Human Communication and Its Disorders, Volume 2 by Winitz, Harris
The Technology Gamble: Informatics and Public Policy-A Study of Technological Choice by Hamelink, Cees J.
Talking American: Cultural Discourses on Donahue by Carbaugh, Donald
Pragmatics, Discourse and Text: Some Systemically Inspired Approaches by Veltman, Robert, Steiner, Erich H.
Designing Writing Tasks for the Assessment of Writing by Ruth, Leo, Murphy, Sandra
Second Language Discourse: A Textbook of Current Research by Fine, Jonathan
A Handbook for the Study of Human Communication: Methods and Instruments for Observing, Measuring, and Assessing Communication Process by Tardy, Charles H.
How to Write a Précis by Russell, Pamela
Of Learning and Libraries: The Seminary Library at One Hundred by Dicker, Herman
Mach. Code Commodore 64 by Shiva
Linguistics in Context--Connecting Observation and Understanding by Tannen, Deborah
Gender and Discourse: The Power of Talk by Todd, Alexandra Dundas, Fisher, Sue
Denkschriften Der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Band 30 by
Speditionskaufmann: Speditionsbetriebslehre in Frage Und Antwort by Oelfke, Wolfgang
"Dignity in Simplicity" by Ertl, Heimo
L'Épopée Ou La >Case Vide: La Réflexion Poétologique Sur l'Épopée Nationale En France by Himmelsbach, Siegbert
Schriftliche Sprache: Strukturen Geschriebener Wörter Und Ihre Verarbeitung Beim Lesen by Günther, Hartmut
Kreatives Schreiben an Hochschulen by
Advances in Writing Research, Volume 1: Children's Early Writing Development by Farr, Marcia
Systemic Functional Approaches to Discourse: Selected Papers from the 12th International Systemic Workshop by
On Communication: Essays Is Understanding by Thayer, Lee
Current Research in Film: Audiences, Economics, and Law; Volume 4 by Austin, Bruce a.
Organization-Communication: Emerging Perspectives, Volume 2 by Thayer, Lee
Designing Writing Tasks for the Assessment of Writing by Ruth, Leo, Murphy, Sandra
Dialogue Journal Communication: Classroom, Linguistic, Social, and Cognitive Views by Staton, Jana, Shuy, Roger W., Peyton, Joy Kreeft
Cableviewing by Heeter, Carrie, Greenberg, Bradley S.
Women Communicating: Studies of Women's Talk by
Public Access to Government Information: Issues, Trends and Strategies by Hernon, Peter, McClure, Charles R.
Advances in Natural Language Generation: An Interdisiplinary Perspective, Volume 1 by
Advances in Natural Language Generation: An Interdisiplinary Perspective, Volume 2 by Zock, Michael
The Social Construction of Written Communication by Rafoth, Bennetta A., Rubin, Donald L.
The Presence of Thought--Introspective Accounts of Reading and Writing: Introspective Accounts of Reading and Writing by Sternglass, Marilyn S.
Press Concentration and Monopoly: New Perspectives on Newspaper Ownership and Operation by
Bekennen - Erzählen - Berichten by Lehmann, Jürgen
Das Einlagengeschäft in Der Abschlußprüfung Des Bankkaufmanns by Fischer, Harald, Lippe, Gerhard, Rehder, Gert-Jürgen
Antennentechnik: Basic-Programme Für Den PC by Brandt, Ludwig
Selbststeuerung in Der Forschungsförderung: Das Gutachterwesen Der Dfg by Neidhardt, Friedhelm
Technisierte Kommunikation by
Mathematik Für Fachschulen Technik by Rapp, Heinz
Communication and Power in Organizations: Discourse, Idealogy, and Domination by Mumby, Dennis K.
Talking American: Cultural Discourses on Donahue by Carbaugh, Donald
Canadian Writers and Their Works -- Poetry Series, Volume I: Charles Mair, Charles Sangster, Isabella Valancy Crawford, and Charles Heavysege by
Computer Applications in Nutrition & Dietetics: An Annotated Bibliography by Orta, John
Minerals Handbook 1988-89: Statistics and Analyses of the World's Minerals Industry by
Desktop Publishing Was Bringt's Wirklich?: Analysen, Erfahrungen, Umfeld Hardware, Software, Brainware by Peters, Joachim
Versuche Zur Festlegung Der Rechenwerte Von Mauerwerksfestigkeiten by Guggisberg, Thürlimann
Intensivhaltung Von Nutztieren Aus Ethischer, Rechtlicher Und Ethologischer Sicht by Teutsch
A Handbook of Literature for the Flute by Pellerite, James
Photochemistry: Volume 19 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 19 by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 10 by
Computer Applications in Language Learning by
National Reporting 1941-1986: From Labor Conflicts to the Challenger Disaster by
Gew Lbe / Voutes / Vaults: Systematisches Fachw Rterbuch / Dictionnaire Sp Cialis Et Syst Matique / Spezialized and Systematic Dictionary by
Library Policy for Preservation and Conservation in the European Community by Wilson, Alexander
Die Werkstatt als Utopie by Kambas, Chryssoula
Zur Theoretischen Grundlegung Einer Sozialgeschichte Der Literatur: Ein Struktural-Funktionaler Entwurf by
Georgii Gemisti Plethonis Contra Scholarii Pro Aristotele Obiectiones by Pletho, Georgius Gemistus
Studien Zu Einer Linguistik Des Grußes: Sprache Und Funktion Der Altfranzösischen Grußformeln by Lebsanft, Franz
Learnability and second languages by
Hofberedsamkeit: Studien Zur PRAXIS Höfisch-Politischer Rede Im Deutschen Territorialabsolutismus by Braungart, Georg
1988 by
Lessings "Emilia Galotti" by Sanna, Simonetta
Wilhelm Raabes doppelte Buchführung by Roebling, Irmgard
Die vier Zweige des Mabinogi (Pedeir Ceinc y Mabinogi) by
»Negative Philosophie« Und Dialogische Kritik: Zur Struktur Poetischer Theorie Bei Lessing Und Herder by Knodt, Eva M.
Cambodian Literary Reader and Glossary by
The Perfect Term Paper: Revised and Updated by Mulkerne, Donald
Kentucky Place Names by Rennick, Robert M.
Violence and Terror in the Mass Media: An Annotated Bibliography by
Test Construction: A Bibliography of Selected Resources by O'Brien, Nancy P.
A Richard Wright Bibliography: Fifty Years of Criticism and Commentary, 1933-1982 by Kinnamon, Keneth
A Guide to the History of Texas by
Language and Culture of the Lusatian Sorbs Throughout Their History by
Übersetzung Und Linguistik by Svejcer, Aleksandr D.
Jahresberichte Für Deutsche Geschichte. Neue Folge. Band 37, Jahrgang 1985 by
Lexikon Der Sozialpolitik by
Language and Culture of the Lusatian Sorbs Throughout Their History by
Übersetzung Und Linguistik by Svejcer, Aleksandr D.
Übersetzung Und Linguistik by Svejcer, Aleksandr D.
Analytiker-Taschenbuch. Band 7 by
Max Reger: A Bio-Bibliography by Grim, William E.
Refereed and Nonrefereed Economic Journals: A Guide to Publishing Opportunities by Punsalan, Victoria, Miller, A. Carolyn
German Stage, 1767-1890: A Directory of Playwrights and Plays by Richel, Veronica C.
Kate Smith: A Bio-Bibliography by Pitts, Michael R.
Who Got Einstein's Office?: Eccentricity and Genius at the Institute for Advanced Study by Regis, Edward
Women in Ireland: An Annotated Bibliography by Brady, Anna
The Politics of Terrorism, Third Edition, by Stohl, Michael
Introducing Bookplots: A Book Talk Guide for Use with Readers Ages 8-12 by Unknown, Spirt, Diana L.
Books for Children to Read Alone: A Guide for Parents and Librarians by Wilson, George, Moss, Joyce
Books for the Gifted Child: Vol. 2 by Nelson, Gail A., Baskin, Barbara Holland, Hauser, Paula
Index to Collective Biographies for Young Readers by
Inside MTV by Denisoff, R. Serge
A Bibliography of Telecommunications and Socio-Economic Development by Hudson, Heather
The Development of Language and Language Researchers: Essays in Honor of Roger Brown by
Strategic Marketing for Libraries: A Handbook by Young, Victoria, Wood, Elizabeth
Two Churches: England and Italy in the Thirteenth Century, with an Additional Essay by the Author. by Brentano, Robert
Heitor Villa-Lobos: A Bio-Bibliography by Appleby, David P.
Dictionary of the Vietnam War by
Cancer Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Vaillancourt, Pauline M.
Frontiers of Medical Information Sciences by
Blunder Book: Gigantic by Goldberg, M. Hirsh
Thinking on Paper by Howard, V. a.
Before France and Germany: The Creation and Transformation of the Merovingian World by Geary, Patrick J.
Achieving Extraordinary Ends: An Essay on Creativity by
The Horizons of Continental Philosophy: Essays on Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty by
Sämtliche Werke, Band 6, Biblische Dramen III by Weise, Christian
Allergie Und Asthma: Vorbeugende PRAXIS by Dvorak, J.
Herzinfarkt -- Was Nun?: Ein Ratgeber Zu Den Medizinischen, Psychischen, Sozialen Und Arbeitsrechtlichen Folgen by Liebrecht
Die Figur des Enthusiasten in der amerikanischen Erzählliteratur by Weckermann, Hans-Jürgen
Lustspiele: Das Band, Sylvia, Die Betschwester, Das Loos in Der Lotterie, Die Zärtlichen Schwestern, Die Kranke Frau, Das Orakel by
Michigan Place Names: The History of the Founding and the Naming of More Than Five Thousand Past and Present Michigan Communities by Romig, Walter
A Guide to the History of Massachusetts by
English-Language Dictionaries, 1604-1900: The Catalog of the Warren N. and Suzanne B. Cordell Collection by O'Neill, Robert Keating
Index to Poetry in Popular Periodicals, 1960-1964 by Caskey, Jefferson D.
French Devotional Texts of the Middle Ages: A Bibliographic Manuscript Guide; Second Supplement by Sinclair, Keith Val
Cable Television: A Reference Guide to Information by Garay, Ronald
Cuba: An Annotated Bibliography by
Education Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Kennedy Collins, Mary, Collins, Mary Ellen
Communications and History: Theories of Media, Knowledge, and Civilization by Heyer, Paul
An Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Parkinson, G. H. R.
Cybernetics and Systems '88: Proceedings of the Ninth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Organized by the Austrian Society for C by
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 20 by
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Lexicography by
Professional Training of Archivists by
Dictionary of Librarianship: Including a Selection from the Terminology of Information Science, Bibliology, Reprography, and Data Processing; Germa by Sauppe, Eberhard
Bioflavour '87: Analysis, Biochemistry, Biotechnology. Proceedings of the International Conference Würzburg, Federal Republic of Germa by
Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences by Polkinghorne, Donald E.
The Smaller Academic Library: A Management Handbook by
Dictionary of Chinese Symbols: Hidden Symbols in Chinese Life and Thought by Eberhard, Wolfram
Religion Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Fieg, Eugene C.
The Arapaho Indians: A Research Guide and Bibliography by Salzmann, Zdenek
Terrorism, 1980-1987: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography by Fleming, Peter
Lowell Mason: A Bio-Bibliography by Pemberton, Carol A.
A New Path: Undergraduate Libraries at United States and Canadian Universities, 1949-1987 by Person, Roland Conrad
Native American Basketry: An Annotated Bibliography by Porter, Frank W., Snow, M.
Hans Herken Gewidmet: Drei Vorträge Zum Fünfundsiebzigsten Geburtstag by Kewitz, H., Coper, Helmut, Kalow, W.
Exclusive Conversations: The Art of Interaction in Seventeenth-Century France by Goldsmith, Elizabeth C.
Worlds of Reference by McArthur, Tom
Mathematik Und Plausibles Schliessen: Band 1 Induktion Und Analogie in Der Mathematik by Polya, G.
Trennflächenformulierungen Für Die Statische Und Dynamische Berechnung Von Bogenstaumauern by Hohberg, J. -M
De captu lectoris by
Teach English Trainer's Handbook: A Training Course for Teachers by Doff, Adrian
Jean Langlais: A Bio-Bibliography by Thomerson, Kathleen
Components: Teacher's Guide by Frankel, Irene
Composition Research: Empirical Designs by Lauer, Janice M.
Hollywood Auteur: Francis Coppola by Chown, Jeffrey
International Handbook of Broadcasting Systems by
Plutarch: Life of Antony by Plutarch
Language, Authority, and Indigenous History in the Comentarios Reales de Los Incas by Zamora, Margarita
Melanesian Pidgin and the Oceanic Substrate by Keesing, Roger M.
Surgery Theory and Geometry of Representations by Tom Dieck, T., Hambleton, I.
Musik Und Psyche: Hören Mit Der Seele by Delli Ponti, Mario, Dickhaut, Hans H., Luban-Plozza, Boris
New Day/New Deal: A Bibliography of the Great American Depression, 1929-1941 by Kyvig, David E., Unknown
A Guide to Foreign Missionary Manuscripts in the Presbyterian Historical Society by Hauser, Frederick, Presbyterian Historical Society, Heuser, Frederick J.
Women and Sexuality in the Novels of Thomas Hardy by Morgan, Rosemarie
Psychological and Medical Aspects of Induced Abortion: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography, 1970-1986 by Winter, Eugenia B.
A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages by Buck, Carl Darling
Seeds of Decadence in the Late Nineteenth-Century Novel: A Crisis in Values by Nalbantian, Suzanne
Blacks in Classical Music: A Bibliographical Guide to Composers, Performers, and Ensembles by Gray, John
Ibss: Political Science: 1985 Volume 34 by International Committee for Social Scien
An Introduction to Vegetation Analysis: Principles, Practice and Interpretation by Causton, David
Arthur Bliss: A Bio-Bibliography by Craggs, Stewart R.
Higher Education in American Life, 1636-1986: A Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses by Young, Arthur P.
Patty Duke: A Bio-Bibliography by Eberly, Stephen
English Grammar: An Outline by Huddleston, Rodney
Daniel Pinkham: A Bio-Bibliography by Ahouse, John B., Deboer, Kee
A Vietnamese Reference Grammar by Thompson, Laurence C.
Listening by Anderson, Anne, Lynch, Tony
Euripides: Phoenician Women by Craik, Elizabeth
The Beginnings of Nietzsche's Theory of Language by Crawford, Claudia
Foreign Policy of the French Second Empire: A Bibliography by Echard, William E.
Thesauri Used in Online Databases: An Analytical Guide by Chan, Lois Mai, Pollard, Richard
Tourism and the Travel Industry: An Information Sourcebook by Unknown, Enggass, Peter M.
Libraries in the '90s by Riggs, Donald E.
Effective Information Centers: Guidelines for MIS and IC Managers by Thierauf, Robert J.
Southern Black Creative Writers, 1829-1953: Biobibliographies by Foster, Mamie Marie Booth
Dictionary of Gerontology by Harris, Diana K.
Ethics and Regulation of Clinical Research: Second Edition by Levine, Robert J.
Research Projects for College Students: What to Write Across the Curriculum by Lutzker, Marilyn
News Coverage of the Sandinista Revolution by Muravchik, Joshua
Before the Knight's Tale: Imitation of Classical Epic in Boccaccio's Teseida by Anderson, David
Virgil: Georgics: Volume 1, Books I-II by Virgil
Nature, Cognition and System I: Current Systems-Scientific Research on Natural and Cognitive Systems by
Pkd: A Phillip K. Dick Bibliography by
Values in the Marketplace: The American Stock Market Under Federal Securities Law by Burk, James
Mystery Lovers' Book of Quotations: The Wit and Wisdom of the World's Great Crime Writers by
Guardians of Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity Volume 11 by Kaster, Robert A.
Instant Vocabulary by Ehrlich, Ida
The Dying Child: An Annotated Bibliography by Benson, Hazel B.
Carole Lombard: A Bio-Bibliography by Matzen, Robert D.
A Bibliographical Guide to Spanish American Literature: Twentieth-Century Sources by Rela, Walter
Legal Aspects of Health Care for the Elderly: An Annotated Bibliography by Kapp, Marshall B.
Museum Collections and Today's Computers by Vance, David, Chenhall, Robert G.
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