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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1990

Cuba: The Test of Time by Stubbs, Jean
Lowrey's International Trumpet Discography by Lowrey, Alvin
Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986: Proceedings of the First Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe - Institu by
Pschyrembel Klinisches Wörterbuch: Mit Klinischen Syndromen Und Nomina Anatomica by Pschyrembel, Willibald
Cognitive Assessment of Language and Math Outcomes by Legg, Sue M., Algina, James
Right Time and Pace: A Microanalysis of Cross-Cultural Gatekeeping Interviews by Fiksdal, Susan
The Right Time and Pace: A Microanalysis of Cross-Cultural Gatekeeping Interviews by Fiksdal, Susan
Conversational Organization and Its Development by Dorval, Bruce
Human Communication and Its Disorders, Volume 3 by Winitz, Harris
The Social Uses of Writing: Politics and Pedagogy by Fox, Thomas
Developing Discourse Practices in Adolescence and Adulthood by Beach, Richard, Hynds, Susan
Language Policy and Political Development by Weinstein, Brian
Evaluation and Library Decision Making by Hernon, Peter, McClure, Charles R.
Religious Television: Controversies and Conclusions by Abelman, Robert, Hoover, Stewart M.
Studies in Communication, Volume 4: Communication and Culture: Language, Performance, Technology, and Media by Thomas, Sari, Evans, William a.
Talking Science: Language, Learning, and Values by Lemke, Jay L., Lemke, J. L.
A Practical Guide to Managing Information for Competitive Positioning in Economic Development by Harman, Keith A.
Expert Systems in Libraries by Aluri, Rao, Riggs, Donald
Library Performance, Accountability and Responsiveness: Essays in Honor of Wernest R. Deporspo by
Technical Writing in a Corporate Culture: A Study of the Nature of Information by Borman, Kathryn, Barabas, Christine
Religious Television: Controversies and Conclusions by Hoover, Stewart, Abelman, Robert
Developing Discourse Practices in Adolescence and Adulthood by Beach, Richard, Hynds, Susan
Communication and Student Socialization by Staton, Ann Q.
European Library Networks by Neubauer, Karl W., Dyer, Esther R.
Cultural Legacies of Vietnam: Uses of the Past in the Present by Ehrenhaus, Peter, Morris, Richard
Technologies of Power by Tehranian, Majid
Die Zelle: Biologie Und Physiologie by Berkaloff, Andre
Robust Control of Linear Systems and Nonlinear Control: Proceedings of the International Symposium Mtns-89, Volume II by Schuppen, J. H. Van, Kaashoek, M. a., Ran, A. C. M.
Information Sources in Metallic Materials by
Teaching How to Work in Groups by Phillips, Gerald M.
Diese Farbe Ist Mir Wie Deine Grünen Augen: Museumswerkstatt Mit Ausländern. Ein Museumsprojekt Mit Ausländischen Arbeitnehmern an Der Münchener Volks by Gemmingen, Ulla Von
Evaluation and Library Decision Making by McClure, Charles R., Hernon, Peter
Unser Kind: Die Ersten Lebensjahre by Baumann, Illingworth, Graf
Bittere Reformen: Patient Und Arzt Im Spannungsfeld Der Politik by Baumann, Kossow, Graf
Die Kulturellen Grundlagen Der Gesellschaft: Der Fall Der Moderne by Tenbruck, Friedrich H.
Abschlußprüfung Für Den Kaufmann/Die Kauffrau Im Einzelhandel: Rechtslehre Wirtschaftslehre Einzelhandelsbetriebslehre by Hau, Werner
Gebärde, Laut Und Graphisches Zeichen: Schrifterwerb Im Problemfeld Von Mehrsprachigkeit by List, Gudula
Das Wissen Für Bankkaufleute: Bankbetriebslehre Betriebswirtschaftslehre Bankrecht Wirtschaftsrecht Rechnungswesen, Organisation, Datenverarbeitung by Lippe, Gerhard
Information Problem-Solving: The Big6 Skills Approach to Library and Information Skills Instruction by Eisenberg, Michael B., Berkowitz, Robert E.
Canadian Writers and Their Works -- Poetry Series, Volume VII: Al Purdy, Phyllis Webb, James Reaney, Alden Nowlan, and Milton Acorn by
Social Research in Communication and Law by Cohen, Jeremy, Gleason, Timothy
Wittgenstein -- Eine Neubewertung / Wittgenstein -- Towards a Re-Evaluation: Akten Des 14. Internationalen Wittgenstein-Symposiums Feier Des 100. Gebu by Haller, Rudolf, Brandl, Johannes
Shaw by
Intelligence and Realism: A Materialist Critique of IQ by Nash, Roy
Soziologische Wissenschaftsgemeinschaften: Ein Struktureller Vergleich Am Beispiel Der Fachpublikationen in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Und Den USA by Krekel-Eiben, Elisabeth M.
Physik: Probleme -- Themen -- Fragen by Legett, A. J.
The Press and Main Street: El Pais--Journalism in Democratic Spain by Cebrian, Juan Luis
Teaching Writing That Works: A Group Approach to Practical English by Rabkin, Eric S.
The Call of Stories: Teaching and the Moral Imagination by Coles, Robert
Metaphoric Narration: Paranarrative Dimensions in A la recherche du temps perdu by Pimentel, Luz Aurora
Une Introduction À l'Analyse Du Discours Argumentatif: Des Savoirs Et Savoir-Faire Fondamentaux by Mendenhall, Vance
Cuba the Test of Time by Stubbs, Jean
Fine Pore Aeratio by Luisa, Bozzano G.
America's Response to China: A History of Sino-American Relations by Cohen, Warren I.
The Ets Test Collection Catalog: Volume 4: Cognitive Aptitude and Intelligence Tests by Educational Testing Service, Unknown
Talking Science: Language, Learning, and Values by Lemke, Jay L., Lemke, J. L.
Audiovisual Equipment and Materials II: A Basic Repair and Maintenance Manual by Lare, Gary, Schroeder, Don
Amino Acids and Peptides: Volume 21 by
Photochemistry: Volume 21 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 21 by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 12 by
Telegraphenbüros und Nachrichtenagenturen in Deutschland by
Medienkommunikation im Alltag by
Political Editorial 1916-1988: From War-Related Conflicts to Metropolitan Disputes by
Analoge Schallspeicherung, Analoge Tonregieanlagen, Hörfunk-Betriebstechnik, Digitale Tontechnik, Tonmesstechnik by
De exhortatione castitatis by
Media Communication in Everyday Life: Interpretative Studies on Children's and Young People's Media Actions by
Information Sources in Information Technology by
Assenat by Zesen, Philipp Von
Social Research in Communication and Law by Cohen, Jeremy, Gleason, Timothy
The Mysterious Play of K=al=i: An Interpretive Study of R=amakrishna by Olson, Carl
Cultural Studies: Volume 3 No. 3 by
The Call of Stories: Teaching and the Moral Imagination by Coles, Robert
Career Index: A Selective Bibliography for Elementary Schools by Baldauf, Gretchen S.
Richard Widmark: A Bio-Bibliography by Holston, Kim R.
Children's Library Services Handbook by Connor, Jane Gardner
Bibliography Of The Amarna Perio by Martin
Publizistik Im Exil Und Andere Themen by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte. Band 38 by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte Des Feudalismus. Band 13 by
Jahrbuch Für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook. 1989, Teil 3 by
Industriezweige in Der Ddr, 1945-1985 by
Jahresberichte Für Deutsche Geschichte. Neue Folge. Band 39, Jahrgang 1987 by
Jahrbuch Des Museums Für Völkerkunde Zu Leipzig. Band 38 by
Die Bibliothek Der Brüder Grimm: Annotiertes Verzeichnis Des Festgestellten Bestandes by
Klio. Band 71, Heft 1 by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 34, Heft 2 by
1989 by
1989. Zur Geschichte Marxistischen Soziologischen Und Sozialpolitischen Denkens by
Core Collection in Nursing and the Allied Health Sciences: Books, Journals, Media by Peretz, Annette, Stephan, Aurelia, Terry, Edwin
Alice Faye: A Bio-Bibliography by Rivadue, Barry
New Literature on Fetal Alcohol Exposure and Effects: A Bibliography, 1983-1988 by Abel, Ernest L.
Church and Social Action: A Critical Assessment and Bibliographical Survey by Bolger, Dorita, Wolcott, Roger T.
Police, Firefighter, and Paramedic Stress: An Annotated Bibliography by Miletich, John J.
Schrift, Buch und Lektüre in der französischsprachigen Literatur Afrikas by Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen
Albert Camus Und Der Algerienkrieg: Die Auseinandersetzung Der Algerienfranzösischen Schriftsteller Mit Dem Directeur de Conscience Im Algerienkrieg ( by Albes, Wolf-Dietrich
Communication Tomorrow: New Audiences, New Technologies, New Media by Brody, E. W.
Richard Nixon: Rhetorical Strategist by Bochin, Hal
Shield of Republic/Sword of Empire: A Bibliography of United States Military Affairs, 1783-1846 by Fredriksen, John C.
Women and the Literature of the Seventeenth Century: An Annotated Bibliography Based on Wing's Short-Title Catalogue by Cardinale, Susan, Smith, Hilda L.
Die elsässische >Legenda aurea by
Woodwind Music of Black Composers by Horne, Aaron
Institutions of Higher Education: An International Bibliography by Sparks, Linda
Henry Ward Beecher: Peripatetic Preacher by Ryan, Halford Ross
Annotated Bibliography of Puerto Rican Bibliographies by Flores, Fay F., Fowlie-Flores, Fay
Niccolo Machiavelli: An Annotated Bibliography of Modern Criticism and Scholarship by Fiore, Silvia, Ruffo-Fiore, Silvia
General Issues in Literacy/Illiteracy in the World: A Bibliography by Epstein, Amy, Hladczuk, John, Eller, Betty
Fundamentals of Geriatrics for Health Professionals: An Annotated Bibliography by Parham, Iris, Teitelman, Jodi L.
Teaching Communication by Burton, Graeme, Dimbleby, Richard
The Major Languages of Western Europe by
The Major Languages of East and South-East Asia by
Tacitus: Annals Book IV by Martin, R., Tacitus, Cornelius Annales B., Tacitus, Tacitus
Lysias: Selected Speeches by Lysias
Horace: Epistles Book II and Ars Poetica by Horace, Mayer, Roland Horace
Designs of Darkness in Contemporary American Fiction by Saltzman, Arthur M.
Unwording the World: Sameil Beckett's Prose Works After the Nobel Prize by Locatelli, Carla
Books Kids Will Sit Still for: A Read-Aloud Guide Second Edition by Freeman, Judy, Freeman, Judith
Mediengeschichte Und Kulturelle Differenzierung: Zur Entstehung Und Funktion Von Wahlnachbarschaften by Winter, Rainer, Eckert, Roland
Rumors: Uses, Interpretation and Necessity by Kapferer, Jean-Noel
A Researcher's Guide to Sources on Soviet Social History in the 1930s by Fitzpatrick, Sheila, Viola, Lynne
Read Right! Comprehension Power by Sparks, J. E., Johnson, Carl E.
The Louisiana Governors: From Iberville to Edwards by
Die Strategische (Ohn-) Macht Der Friedensbewegung: Kommunikations- Und Entscheidungsstrukturen in Den Achtziger Jahren by
News As Discourse by Van Dijk, Teun A.
Artgerechte Schweinehaltung -- Eine Modell by Horstmeyer, Vallbracht
The Paris Review Anthology by Plimpton, George
Islamic Names: An Introduction by Schimmel, Anne-Marie
Richard Rodney Bennett: A Bio-Bibliography by Craggs, Stewart R.
Early Modern English Lexicography: Volume 1: A Survey of Monolingual Printed Glossaries and Dictionaries 1475-1640 by Schäfer, Jürgen
The New Oxford Picture Dictionary: English-Japanese Edition by Parnwell, E. C., Miyamoto, Akito
Playing the Game: The Presidential Rhetoric of Ronald Reagan by Stuckey, Mary E.
Military and Strategic Policy: An Annotated Bibliography by Beede, Benjamin R.
The Shakespeare Folio Handbook and Census by Otness, Harold M.
Research in Basic Writing: A Bibliographic Sourcebook by
A Bibliography of Printed Items Relating to the City of Lincoln by Short, D. Mary
Orson Welles: A Bio-Bibliography by Wood, Brett
Take One: Television Directors on Directing by Kuney, Jack
Black Theatre and Performance: A Pan-African Bibliography by Gray, John
Percussion Discography: An International Compilation of Solo and Chamber Percussion Music by Meza, Fernando A.
You Got to Be Original, Man! The Music of Lester Young by Bã1/4chmann-MÃ Ller, Frank
Seneca: Phaedra by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Lucius Annaeus, Seneca
Tense and Narrativity: From Medieval Performance to Modern Fiction by Fleischman, Suzanne
Carnival of Repetition: Gaddis's the Recognitions and Postmodern Theory by Johnston, John
Die Welt Und Wir: Band I, 1: Sprache - Subjekt - Zeit by Prauss, Gerold
Hideous Progenies: Dramatizations of Frankenstein from the Nineteenth Century to the Present by Forry, Steven Earl
Goethe und Europa by Rüdiger, Horst
Organizations and Communication Technology by
The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking by Carnegie, Dale, Carnegie, Dorothy
Ann Sothern: A Bio-Bibliography by Schultz, Margie
Jennifer Jones: A Bio-Bibliography by Carrier, Jeffrey L.
The Librarian, the Scholar, and the Future of the Research Library by Smith, Eldred R.
Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources: Fascicule IV: F-G-H by
Naturalistic Inquiry for Library Science: Methods and Applications for Research, Evaluation, and Teaching by Mellon, Constance A.
French for Management and Business by Jochum, Jacques, Griffiths, Brian
How to Manage Information: A Systems Approach by Varnet, Harvey, Palmer, Richard Phillips
The Fly Fisher's Reader by
Meanings of the Medium: Perspectives on the Art of Television by Henderson, K.
Modern Italian History: An Annotated Bibliography by Coppa, Frank J., Roberts, William
Cultural Studies: Volume 4, Issue 1 by
Health of Black Americans from Post-Reconstruction to Integration, 1871-1960: An Annotated Bibliography of Contemporary Sources by Jones, Woodrow, Rice, Mitchell F.
American Music Librarianship: A Biographical and Historical Survey by June Bradley, Carol, Bradley, Carol June
American Mass-Market Magazines by
Edward Everett: Unionist Orator by Reid, Ronald F.
Professors as Writers: A Self-Help Guide to Productive Writing by Boice, Robert
Libraries and Scholarly Communication in the United States: The Historical Dimension by
Anglo-Irish Literature: A Bibliography of Dissertations, 1873-1989 by
Abbasid Belles Lettres by
English-Serbocroatian Dictionary by
Literarische Formen Der Philosophie by
Babel unravelled by Cop, Margaret
Deceptive Advertising: Behavioral Study of A Legal Concept by Richards, Jef
Television and the Quality of Life: How Viewing Shapes Everyday Experience by Kubey, Robert, Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
Television and the Quality of Life: How Viewing Shapes Everyday Experience by Kubey, Robert, Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
Asymptotic Statistics by Bhattacharya, Rabi, Denker, Manfred
Siftings by Jensen, Jens
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 22 by
Die Gesamthochschulbibliothek: Erfahrungen Im Bibliotheksverbund Nordrhein-Westfalen by Barton, Walter
Management of Recorded Information: Converging Disciplines. Proceedings of the International Council on Archives' Symposium on Current Records, Nation by
Einsatz neuer Technologien im Bibliothekswesen by Krauß-Leichert, Ute
Das wissenschaftliche Werk, Band 2, Cervantes und seine Zeit by Krauss, Werner
Tandem by Frühstück, Werner, Wagner, Michael, Hanappi, Gerhard
Sämtliche Schriften: Band 2: Weltgeschichte Und Heilsgeschehen by Löwith, Karl
Karl Löwith: Wissen, Glaube Und Skepsis: Sämtliche Schriften, Band 3 by Löwith, Karl
Sämtliche Schriften: Band 4: Von Hegel Zu Nietzsche by Löwith, Karl
Sämtliche Schriften: Band 5: Hegel Und Die Aufhebung Der Philosophie Im 19. Jahrhundert - Max Weber by Löwith, Karl
Sämtliche Schriften: Band 6: Nietzsche by Löwith, Karl
Sämtliche Schriften: Band 7: Jacob Burckhardt by Löwith, Karl
Sämtliche Schriften: Band 8: Heidegger - Denker in Dürftiger Zeit by Löwith, Karl
Sämtliche Schriften: Band 9: Gott, Mensch Und Welt - G.B. Vico Und Paul Valéry by Löwith, Karl
Die Sophistische Rhetorik - Eine Theorie Sprachlicher Kommunikation by Baumhauer, Otto A.
The Longman Companion to the French Revolution by Jones, Colin
Feedback Circuits and Op. Amps by Horrocks, D. H.
The Role of the Academic Reference Librarian by Whitlatch, Jo B.
Prose in the Age of Poets by Cafarelli, Annette Wheeler
The Rhetorical Turn: Invention and Persuasion in the Conduct of Inquiry by
Lirt Library Instruction Handbook by Anon
Words of Wisdom by Safire, William
The Time Dimension: An Interdisciplinary Guide by Das, T. K.
Hypertext/Hypermedia: An Annotated Bibliography by Knee, Michael
Index to English by Ebbitt, Wilma R.
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