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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1991

Untersuchungen zur Wortstellung im Mittelkymrischen: Temporelbestimmungen und funktionale Satzperspektive by Poppe, Erich
Lexikon Der Fernsehspiele / Encyclopedia of Television Plays in German Speaking Europe. 1978/87. Band III by
Medical Discourse and Systemic Frames of Comprehension by Chenail, Ronald J.
Plato's Cave: Desire, Power, and the Specular Functions of the Media by O'Neill, John
Mass Media and American Foreign Policy: Insider Perspectives on Global Journalism and the Foreign Policy Process by O'Heffernan, Patrick
Library and Information Science Research: Perspectives and Strategies for Improvement by Hernon, Peter, McClure, Charles R.
Learning to Write Differently: Beginning Writers and Word Processing by Paris, Cynthia L., Kahn, Jessica L., Cochran-Smith, Marilyn
Current Research in Film: Audiences, Economics, and Law, Volume 5 by Austin, Bruce a.
News and Dissent: The Press and the Politics of Peace in Canada by Hackett, Robert A.
Communication in Development by Casmir, Fred L.
Conversations on Communication Ethics by Greenberg, Karen Joy
Assessing Second Language Writing in Academic Contexts by Hamp-Lyons, Liz
Mapping Hegemony: Television News and Industrial Conflict by Rajagopal, Arvind, Goldman, Robert
Advances in Telematics, Volume 1 by Hanson, Jarice
Libraries: Partners in Adult Literacy by Johnson, Debra Wilcox, Johnson, Deborah, Robbins, Jane
Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume 10 by
Problems and Promises of Computer-Based Training by Shlechter, Theodore M., Unknown
Text and Texture: Patterns of Cohesion by Stoddard, Sally, Stoddard, Sara E.
Mapping Hegemony: Television News and Industrial Conflict by Rajagopal, Arvind, Goldman, Robert
Conversation Analysis of Therapeutic Discourse: The Pursuit of a Therapeutic Agenda by Gale, Jerry
Literacy as Praxis: Culture, Language, and Pedagogy by Walsh, Catherine
Library and Information Science Research: Perspectives and Strategies for Improvement by Hernon, Peter, McClure, Charles
Minority Languages and Bilingualism: Case Studies in Maintenance and Shift by Williamson, Robert C., Williamson, Robert Clifford
The Kristeva Reader by
Virtue and Venom: Catalogs of Women from Antiquity to the Renaissance by McLeod, Glenda
Shaw's Daughters: Dramatic and Narrative Constructions of Gender by Gainor, J. Ellen
Wertungen Und Werte in Texten: Axiologische Grundlagen Und Literaturwissenschaftliches Rekonstruktionsverfahren by Winko, Simone
Zwischen Routine Und Recherche: Eine Studie Über Lokaljournalisten Und Ihre Informanten by Grimme, Eduard W. P.
Kaufmännische Aufsätze: Ein Lehr- Und Übungsbuch Zur Vorbereitung Auf Den Kaufmännischen Aufsatz by Appel, Jo
Das Geheimnis: Zur Funktionalen Ambivalenz Von Kommunikationsstrukturen by Westerbarkey, Joachim
Kulturfinanzierung: Ein Vergleich USA -- Deutschland by Toepler, Stefan
Ergänzungsband by Kössler, Franz
Assessing Second Language Writing in Academic Contexts by Hamp-Lyons, Liz
Information Management Technology: A Librarian's Guide by Burton, Paul F., Petrie, J. Howard
The Statesman's Year-Book World Gazetteer by Paxton, John
Wissensbasierte Textverarbeitung: Schriftsatz Und Typographie: Möglichkeiten Einer Intelligenteren Textverarbeitung by Cremers, Armin B., Heyer, Gerhard, Oemig, Frank
Wissensbasierte Systeme in Der Wirtschaft 1991 by
Index to Fairy Tales, 1978-1986, Fifth Supplement: Including Folklore, Legends, and Myths in Collections by Ireland, Norma Olin, Sprug, Joseph W., Sullivan, Peggy
Twentieth-Century Choral Music: An Annotated Bibliography of Music Suitable for Use by High School Choirs by White, Perry J.
Milestones in Western Civilization: Selected Readings, The Renaissance through Waterloo by Mickelson-Gaughan, Joan
Space Utilization in Music Libraries by Cassaro, James P.
A Select Bibliography of British and Irish University Theses about Maritime History, 1792-1990 by
Aelfric's Colloquy by
Humanism in Crisis: The Decline of the French Renaissance by
Gilbert Sortentino: A Descriptive Bibliography by McPheron, William
Grammar and the Teaching of Writing: Limits and Possibilities by Noguchi, Rei R.
Brookings at Seventy-Five by Smith, James Allen
Amino Acids and Peptides: Volume 22 by
Photochemistry: Volume 22 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 22 by
Die Mechanisierung der deutschen Buchbinderei 1850-1900 by Biesalski, Ernst-Peter
Linguistische Interaktionsanalysen: Beiträge Zum 20. Romanistentag 1987 by
Die Sprache der Chymie by Barke, Jörg
Populäre rhetorische Ratgeber by Bremerich-Vos, Albert
Lexikon Der Fernsehspiele / Encyclopedia of Television Plays in German Speaking Europe. 1978/87. Band I by
Lexikon Der Fernsehspiele / Encyclopedia of Television Plays in German Speaking Europe. 1978/87. Band II by
Précis de Bibliothéconomie by Richter, Brigitte
Gespräch Und Handlung in Der Thebais Des Statius by Frings, Irene
La Presse de la Liberté: Journée d'Études Organisée Par Le Groupe de Travail IFLA Sur Les Journaux, Paris, Le 24 Août 1989 by
1990 by
The President as Interpreter-In-Chief by Stuckey, Mary E.
Language in Thought and Action: Fifth Edition by Hayakawa, S. I., Hayakawa, Alan R.
Seeing Through Language: Design, Innovation and Mangement by Carter, Ronald, Nash, Walter
Core List of Books and Journals in Education by O'Brien, Nancy P., Unknown
Business Journals of the United States by
Karel Husa: A Bio-Bibliography by Hitchens, Susan Hayes, Hayes Hitchens, Susan
Commander's Guide to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) by Department of the Navy, U S Marine Corps
Philosophische Masken: Literarische Formen Der Philosophie Bei Platon, Descartes, Wolff Und Lichtenberg by Schildknecht, Christiane
Ticht-Kunst by Dyck, Joachim
Televised Presidential Debates: Advocacy in Contemporary America by Pfau, Michael William, Brydon, Steven R., Hellweg, Susan A.
Jahresberichte Für Deutsche Geschichte. Neue Folge. Band 40, Jahrgang 1988 by
Jahrbuch Für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook. 1990, Teil 1 by
Jahrbuch Für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook. 1990, Teil 2 by
Jahrbuch Für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook. 1990, Teil 3 by
Die Französische Revolution Von 1789. Studien Zur Geschichte Und Zu Ihren Wirkungen: Walter Markov ... Zum 80. Geburtstag Am 5. Oktober 1989 Gewidmet by
Completing Dissertations in the Behavioral Sciences and Education: A Systematic Guide for Graduate Students by Chwalek, Adele R., Long, Thomas J., Convey, John J.
The Elements of Stochastic Processes with Applications to the Natural Sciences by Bailey, Norman T. J.
Mediation by Taylor, Alison, Folberg, Jay
Information Theory and Reliable Communication by Gallager, Robert G.
Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic Symbols by Dreyfuss, Henry
Statistical Handbook on U.S. Hispanics by
The Essential Feature: Writing for Magazines and Newspapers by Hay, Vicky
Media Messages in American Presidential Elections by Owen, Diana
John McCabe: A Bio-Bibliography by Craggs, Stewart R.
Sociodemographic Factors in the Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis: An Annotated Bibliography by Lowis, George W.
Otto Luening: A Bio-Bibliography by Hartsock, Ralph
A Guide to the History of Illinois by
Frank Bridge: A Bio-Bibliography by Little, Karen R.
Ferruccio Busoni: A Bio-Bibliography by Roberge, Marc-Andre
The Rhetoric of Terrorism and Counterterrorism by Leeman, Richard
Arthurian Literature X by
Dante as Dramatist: The Myth of the Earthly Paradise and Tragic Vision in the Divine Comedy by Masciandaro, Franco
The Vocation of a Teacher: Rhetorical Occasions, 1967-1988 by Booth, Wayne C.
Lyric Contingencies: Emily Dickinson and Wallace Stevens by Dickie, Margaret
Best Books for Senior Readers by Gillespie, John T.
Health, Disease, Medicine and Famine in Ethiopia: A Bibliography by Kloos, Helmut
The American College President, 1636-1989: A Critical Review and Bibliography by Sontz, Ann H. L.
Women and Mass Communications: An International Annotated Bibliography by Lent, John a.
Within These Walls: A Study of Communication Between Presidents and Their Senior Staffs by Witherspoon, Patricia Dennis
The Shadow World: Life Between the News Media and Reality by Willis, Jim, Willis, William James
Best Books for Junior High Readers by Gillespie, John
Edmund Burke: The Enlightenment and Revolution by
Speed Reading: Third Edition by Buzan, Tony
Recent American Opera: A Production Guide by Kornick, Rebecca
Mineral Reference Manual by Nickel, Nichols
Einführung in Die Algebra by Lamprecht
Studying Interpersonal Communication: The Research Experience by Clark, Ruth Anne
Statistik Eins by Linhart, Zucchini
Schwanzlose Flugzeuge: Ihre Auslegung Und Ihre Eigenschaften by Nickel, Karl, Wohlfahrt, Michael
France Under the German Occupation, 1940-1944: An Annotated Bibliography by Evleth, Donna
A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology by Leick, Gwendolyn
Facilities Standards for Art Libraries and Visual Resources Collections by
An Annotated Bibliography on Ibn Sînâ, 1970-1989: Including Arabic and Persian Publications and Turkish and Russian References by Janssens, Jules L.
Apuleius: Cupid and Psyche by Apuleius, Apuleius, Lucius
At Face Value: Autobiographical Writing in Spanish America by Molloy, Sylvia, Sylvia, Molloy
A Bibliography of Historical Economics to 1980 by
A Step Toward Democracy:: The December 1989 Elections in Taiwan, Republic of China by Lasater, Martin L.
Studying Interpersonal Communication: The Research Experience by Clark, Ruth Anne
A Sourcebook on Children and Television by Signorielli, Nancy
The Joint Press Conference: The History, Impact, and Prospects of American Presidential Debates by Messina, Anthony, Lanoue, David J., Schrott, Peter R.
William Jennings Bryan: Orator of Small-Town America by Springen, Donald K.
Persuasion in Practice by Reardon, Kathleen Kelley
Diana's Hunt (Caccia Di Diana): Boccaccio's First Fiction by
The Literature of Formative Judaism: The Midrash Compilations by Neusner, Jacob
An Introduction to Industrial Chemistry by Heaton, C. a.
Consolidated Index to the Oxford History of England by
Elements of Literature: Essay, Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Film by
Quality Costing by Plunkett, James J., Dale, Barrie G.
American Autobiography: Retrospect and Prospect by Eakin, Paul John
International Strategies of Japanese Banks: The European Perspective by Duser, J. Thorsten
Editing: An Annotated Bibliography by Speck, Bruce W.
The Republic by Plato
Dictionary of Hypnotism by Evangelista, Anita
Cataloging: The Professional Development Cycle by
Alfred Estermann: Die Deutschen Literatur-Zeitschriften 1815-1850. Band 1 by Estermann, Alfred
Alfred Estermann: Die Deutschen Literatur-Zeitschriften 1815-1850. Band 11 by Estermann, Alfred
Textkonstitution bei mündlicher und bei schriftlicher Überlieferung by
Continuity and Change in the Rhetoric of the Moral Majority by Snowball, W. David
Shifting Time and Space: The Story of Videotape by Marlow, Eugene, Secunda, Eugene
The Media in the 1984 and 1988 Presidential Campaigns by
Risky Business: Communicating Issues of Science, Risk, and Public Policy by Patterson, Philip, Black Wilkins, Lillian
Perspectives in Ethology: Volume 9: Human Understanding and Animal Awareness by
Competition and Innovation in Postal Services by
Social Responses to Large Technical Systems: Control or Anticipation by
Library Automation and Networking - New Tools for a New Identity / l'Automatisation Et Les Réseaux de Bibliothèques - de Nouveaux Outils Pour Une Iden by
Isbd(a): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Older Monographic Publications (Antiquarian) by
Understanding Face-to-face Interaction: Issues Linking Goals and Discourse by
Fund Raising and Public Relations: A Critical Analysis by Kelly, Kathleen S.
Poetry by Women to 1900: A Bibliography of American and British Writers by
Subtypes of Learning Disabilities: Theoretical Perspectives and Research by
Cognition and the Symbolic Processes: Applied and Ecological Perspectives by
Was Macht Den Menschen Krank?: 18 Kritische Analysen by Watzlawik, Sontag, Illich
Responding To the Screen: Reception and Reaction Processes by
CD-ROM-Einsatz in Bibliotheken by Möller, André
Studies on Research in Reading and Libraries: Approaches and Results from Several Countries by
Medien Im Revier: Entwicklungen Am Beispiel Der "Westdeutschen Allgemeinen Zeitung" (Waz) by Obermeier, Karl-Martin
Music at the Margins: Popular Music and Global Cultural Diversity by Robinson, Deanna Campbell, Cuthbert, Marlene, Buck, Elizabeth
Strategic Planning in Higher Education: Implementing New Roles for the Academic Library by Williams, James F., II
African Music: A Bibliographical Guide to the Traditional, Popular, Art, and Liturgical Musics of Sub-Saharan Africa by Gray, John
Positionen Des Romans Im Späten Mittelalter by
Friedrich Spee - Seelsorger und poeta doctus by Eicheldinger, Martina
José Martí by Ette, Ottmar
Die Herrschaft Des Textes: Zitattechnik ALS Sprachkritik in Georg Büchners Drama »Danton's Tod« Unter Berücksichtigung Der »Letzten Tage Der Mens by Niehoff, Reiner
Rhetorik Zwischen Den Wissenschaften: Geschichte, System, PRAXIS ALS Probleme Des Historischen Wörterbuchs Der Rhetorik by
Abraham Gotthelf Kästner, Aufklärer: (1719-1800) by Baasner, Rainer
Training Foreign Language Teachers: A Reflective Approach by Wallace, Micheal J., Michael J., Wallace, Wallace, Michael J.
The Pen Is Ours: A Listing of Writings by and about African-American Women Before 1910 with Secondary Bibliography to the Present by Yellin, Jean Fagan
Music at the Margins: Popular Music and Global Cultural Diversity by Buck, Elizabeth, Cuthbert, Marlene, Robinson, Deanna Campbell
Automating Literacy: A Challenge for Libraries by Whitaker, Char, Main, Linda
Donald Davie: A Checklist of His Writings, 1946-1988 by Wright, Stuart T.
Listen First: Focused Listening Tasks for Beginners Student Book by Adelson-Goldstein, Jayme
Focus on the Language Classroom: An Introduction to Classroom Research for Language Teachers by Bailey, Kathleen M., Allwright, Dick, Allwright, Richard
A Bibliographic Guide to the Comparative Study of Ethics by Jurgensmeyer, Mark, J. Rgensmeyer, Mark, Carman, John
A Bibliography of Salon Criticism in Paris from the Ancien Regime to the Restoration, 1699 1827: Volume 1 by McWilliam, Neil
A Bibliography of Salon Criticism in Paris from the July Monarchy to the Second Republic, 1831 1851: Volume 2 by McWilliam, Neil
Television ', Critical Viewing Skills', Education: Major Media Literacy Projects in the United States and Selected Countries by Brown, James A.
Das Gespräch in den Massenmedien by Burger, Harald
Flexible Access Library Media Programs by Buchanan, Jan
Open Sesame Picture Dictionary: English/Spanish by Schimpff, Jill
Science and Social Science Research in British India, 1780-1880: The Role of Anglo-Indian Associations and Government by Ellsworth, Edward W.
Music for Two or More Players at Clavichord, Harpsichord, Organ: An Annotated Bibliography by Sloane, Sally
Igor Stravinsky--The Composer in the Recording Studio: A Comprehensive Discography by Stuart, Philip
The American Indian Ghost Dance, 1870 and 1890: An Annotated Bibliography by Osterreich, Shelley Anne
Changing Wilderness Values, 1930-1990: An Annotated Bibliography by Elbers, Joan S.
World Architecture Index: A Guide to Illustrations by Teague, Edward H.
Der moderne französische Aphorismus by Helmich, Werner
Erzählte Kriminalität: Zur Typologie Und Funktion Von Narrativen Darstellungen in Strafrechtspflege, Publizistik Und Literatur Zwischen 1770 by
Thebenroman - Eneasroman - Trojaroman: Studien Zur Rezeption Der Antike in Der Französischen Literatur Des 12. Jahrhunderts by Schöning, Udo
The Heroism of Love in Hoffmannswaldau's Heldenbriefe by Helmridge-Marsillian, Veronique
Listen First: Focused Listening Tasks for Beginners Teacher's Book by Creighton, Ann, Adelson-Goldstein, Jayme
Die mittelenglische Pastourelle by Sichert, Margit
Nervous Laughter: Television Situation Comedy and Liberal Democratic Ideology by Hamamoto, Darrell
Information and Information Systems by Buckland, Michael, Buckland, Michael K.
The Changing University: How Increased Demand for Scientists and Technology Is Transforming Academic Institutions Internationally by
Kemet and Other Ancient African Civilizations: Selected References by Gordon, Vivian
Euripides: Hippolytus by Euripides
Pre-Romantic Attitude to Landscape in the Writings of Friedrich Schiller by Benn, Sheila Margaret
"Bei aller brüderlichen Liebe..." by
Die Sahidischen Handschriften Der Evangelien by
Cicero: Murder at Larinum: Selections from the Pro Cluentio by Cicero
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