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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1992

International Dictionary of Abbreviations and Acronyms of Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Technology, and Information Processing: Vol. 1 by Wennrich, Peter
The Exploding Political Power of Personal Media by Ganley, Gladys D.
Spinning the Symbolic Web: Human Communication as Symbolic Interaction by Wood, Julia T.
Spinning the Symbolic Web: Human Communication as Symbolic Interaction by Wood, Julia T.
Pulp Mills and the Environment: An Annotated Bibliography for Northern Alberta by Holmberg, Robert L.
Professional Writing Guide: Writing well and knowing why by Petelin, Roslyn
Informatics and Society: The New Challenges by Gonzalez Manet, Enrique
Television and Nuclear Power: Making the Public Mind by Wober, Mallory
The Organizational Woman: Power and Paradox by Carter, Mae R., Haslett, Beth, Geis, Florence L.
The Organizational Woman: Power and Paradox by Haslett, Beth, Geis, Florence L., Carter, Mae R.
Reader Stance and Literary Understanding: Exploring the Theories, Research and Practice by
Rogerian Perspectives: Collaborative Rhetoric for Oral and Written Communication by Teich, Nathaniel
Rogerian Perspectives: Collaborative Rhetoric for Oral and Written Communication by Teich, Nathaniel
Ambiguous Harmony: Family Talk and Culture in America by Varenne, Herve, Hill, Clifford, Byers, Paul
Wissensbasierte Systeme in Der Wirtschaft 1992: Anwendungen Und Integration Mit Hypermedia by Biethahn, Jörg
Thomas Hardy: His Life and Friends by Pinion, F. B.
Reader Stance and Literary Understanding: Exploring the Theories, Research and Practice by
Optimale Systolische Präfixberechnungen: Ein Praxisrelevanter Beitrag Zum Entwurf Effizienter Paralleler Algorithmen by Kühnel, Lars
Evolution: Probleme -- Themen -- Fragen by Ridley, M.
Biologie: Probleme -- Themen -- Fragen by Smith
Speditionsbetriebslehre: Mit Prüfungsaufgaben by Kamphausen, Rudolf E.
Das Zweite Rechenbuch Von Adam Ries: Eine Moderne Textfassung Mit Kommentar Und Metrologischem Anhang Und Einer Einführung in Leben Und Werk Des Reche by Deschauer, Stefan
Schweigen Und Verschweigen: Bedeutungen Und Erscheinungsvielfalt Einer Kommunikationsform by
Reaktionen Auf Medienkontakte: Wann Und Warum Wir Kommunikationsangebote Annehmen. Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zur Verteilung Von Handzetteln by Goertz, Lutz
Medea by Euripides
Amino Acids and Peptides: Volume 23 by
For Information Specialists: Interpretations of References and Bibliographic Work by White, Howard, Bates, Marcia, Wilson, Patrick
American and Japanese Business Discourse: A Comparison of Interactional Styles by Yamada, Haru
Dictionary of Terms in Music / Wörterbuch Musik: English - German, German - English by Leuchtmann, Horst
Chemotaxonomie Der Pflanzen: Eine Übersicht Über Die Verbreitung Und Die Systematische Bedeutung Der Pflanzenstoffe by Hegnauer, R.
Linguistic Semantics by Frawley, William
Datenintegrität in Heterogenen Informationssystemen: Ereignisorientierte Aktualisierung Globaler Datenredundanzen by Klein, Joachim
Training Fachkunde Für Rechtsanwalts- Und Notargehilfen by Roeser, Karsten
Methodische Entwicklung Von Expertensystemen by Karst, Michael
Kultur Und Stadtgesellschaft: Empirische Fallstudien Zum Kulturellen Verhalten Der Stadtbevölkerung Und Zur Bedeutung Der Kultur Für Die Stadt by Kirchberg, Volker
The Management of College and University Archives by Maher, William J.
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 21 by
Photochemistry: Volume 23 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 23 by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 13 by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 14 by
International Directory of Archives / Annuaire International Des Archives by
Isbd(g): General International Standard Bibliographic Description; Annotated Text by
Über Das Registermachen by Kunze, Horst
Film Titles, General Index Volume 1 - 10 by
Education by Foskett, Douglas, Foskett, Joy
For Information Specialists: Interpretations of References and Bibliographic Work by Wilson, Patrick, White, Howard, Bates, Marcia
Studies on Vietnamese Language and Literature by Dinh Tham, Nguyen
Indonesian Readings by Wolff, John U.
Comparatively Speaking: Communication and Culture Across Space and Time by
Epitaphs to Remember: Remarkable Inscriptions from New England Gravestones by Greene, Janet
Guide to the Perplexing: A Survival Manual for Women in Religious Studies by Members of the Committee on the Status O
Siting Translation: History, Post-Structuralism, and the Colonial Context by Niranjana, Tejaswini
Siting Translation by Niranjana, Tejaswini
Catalogue of Distributed File/Operating Systems by Borghoff, Uwe M.
Exil Und Remigration by
Why Viewers Watch: A Reappraisal of Television's Effects by Fowles, Jib
Advanced Chinese Reader by
Hong Kong Trends, 1989-92 by Kwong, Paul C. K.
James Stewart: A Bio-Bibliography by Molyneaux, Gerard
Military Fortifications: A Selective Bibliography by Floyd, Dale E.
Contemporary Spanish American Poets: A Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources by Sefami, Jacobo
War and Peace Through Women's Eyes: A Selective Bibliography of Twentieth-Century American Women's Fiction by Carter, Susanne
Hans Rosbaud: A Bio-Bibliography by Evans, Joan
Janet Gaynor: A Bio-Bibliography by Billips, Connie J.
Museums and the Shaping of Knowledge by Hooper Greenhill, Eileen
Cambridge Latin Grammar by Cambridge School Classics Project
Transformationen der Lebenswelt - Metamorphosen der Romanwelt: Anatole Frances frühes Romanwerk (1879-1895) by Stolz, Peter
Quellenkommentar by
Dilemmas in the Study of Information: Exploring the Boundaries of Information Science by Neill, Mary, Neill, S. D.
Geschichtengeneratoren: Lektüren Zur Poetik Des Historischen Romans by Kebbel, Gerhard
Vernunft als Weisheit by Strohschneider-Kohrs, Ingrid
Reference Works for Theological Research: An Annotated Selective Bibliographical Guide by Muether, John J., Kepple, Robert J.
Jewish Film Directory by Unknown
Writing from the Inner Self by Hughes, Elaine F.
Best Books for Public Libraries: The 10,000 Top Fiction & Nonprofit Titles by Arozena, Steven
The Cold War Guerrilla: Jonas Savimbi, the U.S. Media and the Angolan War by Windrich, Elaine
Huxley: Brave New World by Huxley, Aldous, Handley, Graham
Medicine in Great Britain from the Restoration to the Nineteenth Century, 1660-1800: An Annotated Bibliography by Rogal, Samuel J.
Juniorplots: Volume 4. A Book Talk Guide for Use With Readers Ages 12-16 by Gillespie, John, Naden, Corinne
Young Adult Reader's Adviser: Volume 1 by
Young Adult Reader's Adviser: Volume 2 by
Handbook of Tape Automated Bonding by Lau, John H.
The Poetics of Imitation: Anacreon and the Anacreontic Tradition by Rosenmeyer, Patricia A.
Martial: The Unexpected Classic by Sullivan, J. P.
Discourse and Language Education by Hatch, Evelyn
The Iliad: A Commentary: Volume 4, Books 13-16 by Kirk, G. S., Homer
Conversations with Robert Coles by
Linguistic Semantics by Frawley, William
Complete Book of Speech Communication by Marrs, Carol
Distinguished Classics of Reference Publishing by Unknown, Rettig, James
Autorentypen by
Entzweiung Und Selbstaufklärung: Christoph Martin Wielands »Agathon«-Projekt by Erhart, Walter
Pathos und Politik by Lowry, Stephen
Film-Reflexionen by Schleicher, Harald
Die literarische Öffentlichkeit der Provinzliteratur by Wagner, Karl
Dauerhaftigkeit Von Stahlbetonwerken: Transportmechanismen -- Auswirkung Von Rissen by Keller, Menn
The Art of Adaptation: Turning Fact and Fiction Into Film by Seger, Linda
Anarchist Thinkers and Thought: An Annotated Bibliography by Nursey-Bray, Paul F.
The Madhouse of Language by Ingram, Allan
A Handbook of Silicate Rock Analysis by Potts, P. J.
The Application of Expert Systems in Libraries and Information Centres by
Philosophy and Logic by Mills, Jack, Broughton, Vanda
Teaching Mass Communication: A Guide to Better Instruction by Ferri, Anthony J., Murray, Michael D.
Piano Music by Black Women Composers: A Catalog of Solo and Ensemble Works by Walker-Hill, Helen
Asia's Miracle Economies by Woronoff, Jon
The Profession of the Playwright: British Theatre, 1800 1900 by Stephens, John Russell
Asia's "Miracle" Economies by Woronoff, Jon
Environmental Modelling by
Russian and Soviet Education 1731-1989: A Multilingual Annotated Bibliography by Brickman, William W., Zepper, John T.
Kommunikationsberatung Und Kommunikationstraining: Anwendungsfelder Der Diskursforschung by
Name, Hero, Icon by Makolkin, Anna
Mass Media Writing by Parsigian, Elise K.
Abuse of Language, Abuse of Power by Pieper, Josef
The Complete Rhyming Dictionary by Wood, Clement
Respectfully Quoted: Dictionary Paperback Edition by Platt, Suzy
In the Midst of Winter: Selections from the Literature of Mourning by Moffat, Mary Jane
Die Sprache der Verstellung by Geitner, Ursula
Johannes Hartlieb by Fürbeth, Frank
Access Services: : The Convergence of Reference and Technical Services by McCombs, Gillian M.
Zur Autonomie Der Poesie: Literarische Debatten Und Dichterstrategien in Der Ersten Hälfte Des Second Empire by Einfalt, Michael
Who Was Who, Volume VIII, 1981-1990 by Ltd, Palgrave MacMillan
Bright Ideas: The Ins & Outs of Financing a College Education by Carpenter, Donna
Qualitative Research in Information Management by Glazier, Jack D., Powell, Ronald J.
Gordon McLendon: The Maverick of Radio by Garay, Ronald
Historical Dictionary of Revolutionary China, 1839-1976 by Leung, Edwin
Treatment of Cocaine Abuse: An Annotated Bibliography by Miletich, John J.
The Choral Music of Latin America: A Guide to Compositions and Research by Tiemstra, Suzanne Spicer, Spicer Tiemstra, Suzanne
John Wayne: A Bio-Bibliography by Riggin, Judith
World Economy by Na, Na
Deutsche Literarische Zeitschriften 1945-1970: Ein Repertorium by
Henry Fonda: A Bio-Bibliography by Sweeney, Kevin
Daddy Grace: An Annotated Bibliography by Davis, Lenwood G.
A Guide to East Asian Collections in North America by Lee, Thomas H.
My Fellow Americans: Presidential Addresses That Shaped History by Humes, James
Critical Communication Studies: Essays on Communication, History and Theory in America by Hardt, Hanno
This Invisible Riot of the Mind by Gross, Gloria Sybil
Home Health Care: An Annotated Bibliography by Lenihan, Ayeliffe, Shannon, Moira D., Romaine-Davis, Ada
Robert M. La Follette, Sr.: The Voice of Conscience by Burgchardt, Carl R.
Ronald Reagan: The Great Communicator by Ritter, Kurt
The Complete Law School Companion: How to Excel at America's Most Demanding Post-Graduate Curriculum by Deaver, Jeff
Argumentation, Communication, and Fallacies: A Pragma-dialectical Perspective by Grootendorst, Rob, Van Eemeren, Frans H.
Introduction to Spanish Translation by Child, Jack
The Complete Law School Companion: How to Excel at America's Most Demanding Post-Graduate Curriculum by Deaver, Jeff
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 24 by
Complete Book of Speech Communication: A Workbook of Ideas and Activities for Students of Speech and Theatre by Marrs, Carol
Homage to W. R. Lee: Essays in English as a Foreign or Second Language by
Retrospective Cataloguing in Europe: 15th to 19th Century Printed Materials. Proceedings of the International Conference, Munich 28th-30th November 19 by
Historische Bestände Der Herzogin-Anna-Amalia-Bibliothek Zu Weimar: Beiträge Zu Ihrer Geschichte Und Erschließung; Mit Bibliographie by
Korrosion von Nickel, Cobalt und Nickel- und Cobalt- Basislegierungen by Brill, Ulrich
Culture and Power: A Media, Culture & Society Reader by
Robert of Chester's Redaction of Euclid's Elements, the So-Called Adelard II Version: Volume I by Folkerts, M., Busard, H. L.
Robert of Chester's Redaction of Euclid's Elements, the So-Called Adelard II Version: Volume II by Folkerts, M., Busard, H. L.
Documentary History of the Modern Civil Rights Movement by
A Dictionary of Marxist Thought by Bottomore, Tom
The Space Between the Notes: Rock and the Counter-Culture by Whiteley, Sheila
Politisches Denken. Jahrbuch 1991 by
The Space Between the Notes: Rock and the Counter-Culture by Whiteley, Sheila
Book of Answers: The New York Public Library Telephone Reference Service's Most Unusual and Enter by Berliner, Barbara
General Inequalities 6: 6th International Conference on General Inequalities, Oberwolfach, Dec. 9-15, 1990 by Walter, Wolfgang
Dictionary of Concepts in Literary Criticism and Theory by Harris, Wendell V.
Horace Greeley: A Bio-Bibliography by Schulze, Suzanne
William Wilberforce, 1759-1833: A Bibliography by Cowie, Leonard W.
Political Mischief: Smear, Sabotage, and Reform in U.S. Elections by Felknor, Bruce L.
Museums 2000: Politics, People, Professionals and Profit by
Selling the Sixties: The Pirates and Pop Music Radio by Chapman, Robert
Selling the Sixties: The Pirates and Pop Music Radio by Chapman, Robert
Successful Dissertations and Theses: A Guide to Graduate Student Research from Proposal to Completion by Madsen, David
Public Television: Panacea, Pork Barrel, or Public Trust? by Lashley, Marilyn
A Selected Bibliography of Modern Historiography by Pok, Attila
Kansas History: An Annotated Bibliography by Socolofsky, Homer E.
Vietnam-On-The-Potomac by Ball, Moya Ann
Tales of Terror: Television News and the Construction of the Terrorist Threat by Dobkin, Bethami
The News Shapers: The Sources Who Explain the News by Soley, Lawrence C.
Linguistic and Communicative Competence: Topics in ESL (Op) by Bratt Paulston, Christina
Media Blight and the Dehumanizing of America by Shrader, William K.
The Handbook of National Population Censuses: Europe by Goyer, Doreen S., Draaijer, Gera E.
Before Video: A History of the Non-Theatrical Film by Slide, Anthony
Sports Ethics in America: A Bibliography, 1970-1990 by Jones, Donald
Relaunching Videotex by
Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management by
Explaining One's Self To Others: Reason-giving in A Social Context by
Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management by
The Jewish Reception of Heinrich Heine by
Latin America and the Caribbean: A Critical Guide to Research Sources by
Master Space: Film Images of Capra, Lubitsch, Sternberg, and Wyler by Bowman, Barbara
Folklore, Cultural Performances, and Popular Entertainments: A Communications-Centered Handbook by
Openings: Narrative Beginnings from the Epic to the Novel by Nuttall, A. D.
Linguistic Imperialism by Phillipson, Robert
The Science for Conservators Series: Volume 3: Adhesives and Coatings by Horie, C. V.
The Science for Conservators Series: Volume 2: Cleaning by Cushman, Matthew
How Libraries Must Comply with the Americans with Disabilities ACT (ADA) by
American History in 100 Nutshells: From "The Mayflower Compact" to "A Kinder and Gentler Nation" by Tuleja, Tad
Africa's Media Image by Hawk, Beverly
The Latin American Short Story: An Annotated Guide to Anthologies and Criticism by Balderston, Daniel
The Political Pundits by Nimmo, Dan, Combs, James
The Political Pundits by Combs, James E., Nimmo, Dan D.
The Mexican Legal System by Avalos, Francisco
Contemporary Irish Traditional Narrative: The English Language Tradition Volume 35 by Harvey, Clodagh Brennan
British Science Fiction: A Chronology, 1478-1990 by Ruddick, Nicholas
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