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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1994

Pattern Sentences of Elementary Chinese by Chang, Li Hui, Lu, Vivien Hsi-Yun, Stimson, Hugh M.
Hawaii This and That by Piercy, Larue W.
Espanol Hablado = Spoken Spanish by Adrienne
The Audience Reflected in the Medium of Law: A Critique of the Political Economyof Speech Rights in the United States by Ruggles, Myles Alexander
Journalists for the 21st Century: Tendencies of Professionalization Among First-Year Students in 22 Countries by Splichal, Slavko, Sparks, Colin
Framing the Intifada: People and Media by Cohen, Akiba a., Wolfsfeld, Gadi
Journalists for the 21st Century: Tendencies of Professionalization Among First-Year Students in 22 Countries by Splichal, Slavko, Sparks, Colin
The Audience Reflected in the Medium of Law: A Critique of the Political Economy of Speech Rights in the United States by Ruggles, Myles Alexander
How Language Works: Cohesion in Normal and Nonstandard Communication by Fine, Jonathan
Treading Different Paths: Information in Asian Nations by Wang, Georgette
Uses for Journal Keeping: An Ethnography of Writing in a University Science Class by Balester, Valerie, Johnstone, Anne C., Johnstone, Barbara
Broadcasting in the Malay World: Radio, Television, and Video in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore by McDaniel, Drew O.
Language Diversity and Classroom Discourse by Lucas, Ceil, Borders, Denise Glyn
Statistics: A Component of the Research Process, Second Edition by Hernon, Peter
Statistics (REV) by Hernon, Peter
Silencing Science: National Security Controls & Scientific Communication by Relyea, Harold C.
Effective Writing: Stunning Sentences, Powerful Paragraphs, Riveting Reports by Ross-Larson, Bruce
Handbook for Research in American History: A Guide to Bibliographies and Other Reference Works (Second Edition Revised) by Prucha, Francis Paul
Deliberation in Education and Society by Dillon, J. T., Dillon, Jt
Deliberation in Education and Society by Dillon, J.
Research for School Library Media Specialists by
Research for School Library Media Specialists by
Naturalistic Text Comprehension by Zwaan, Rolf a., Van Oostendorp, Herre, Van Oostendorp Herre Zwaan Rolf a
Naturalistic Text Comprehension by Zwaan, Rolf a., Van Oostendorp, Herre
Bilingualism and Testing: A Special Case of Bias by Figueroa, Richard
Natural Approaches to Reading and Writing by Unknown, Antonacci, Patricia, Hedley, Carolyn
What's Going on Here? Complementary Studies of Professional Talk by Cicourel, Aaron, Grimshaw, Allen, Burke, Peter
Repetition in Discourse: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 1 by Johnstone, Barbara
Repetition in Discourse: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 2 by Johnstone, Barbara
Mass Communication Research: On Problems and Policies by Hamelink, Cees
Framing the Intifada: People and Media by Cohen, Akiba a., Wolfsfeld, Gadi
Language Diversity and Classroom Discourse by Borders, Denise, Lucas, Ceil
Asymmetric Deregulation: The Dynamics of Telecommunications Policy in Europe and the United States by Pogorel, Gerard, Noam, Eli
Organization-Communication: Emerging Perspectives, Volume 4 by Stone, John F.
What's Going on Here?: Complementary Studies of Professional Talk by Grimshaw, Allen Day, Burke, Peter J., Cicourel, Aaron V.
Bücher Für Die Wissenschaft: Bibliotheken Zwischen Tradition Und Fortschritt; Festschrift Für Günter Gattermann Zum 65. Geburtstag by
The Biblical Web by Aproberts, Ruth
The Genre of Autobiography in Victorian Literature by Machann, Clinton
Am Stereo and the FCC: Case Study of a Marketplace Shibboleth by Braun, Mark Jerome
Broadcasting in the Malay World: Radio, Television, and Video in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore by McDaniel, Drew O.
Eddas und Sagas by Kristjánsson, Jónas
The Writings of Medieval Women: An Anthology by
Masomo ya bidii by Sheikh, Sauda B.
Advances in Telematics, Volume 2 by Hanson, Jarice
Wissenschaftliche Eliten Und Wissenschaftliche Verantwortung in Der Industriellen Massengesellschaft by Markl, Hubert
Informations- Und Wissensverarbeitung in Den Sozialwissenschaften: Beiträge Zur Umsetzung Neuer Informationstechnologien by
Mobilfunk Und Intelligente Netze: Grundlagen Und Realisierung Mobiler Kommunikation by Biala, Jacek
Fernsehen Ohne Grenzen?: Europas Fernsehen Zwischen Integration Und Segmentierung by Meckel, Miriam
Die Ost- Und Zentralwissenschaftlichen Beiträge in Der Orientalischen Literaturzeitung 1976-1992: Bibliographie Und Register by
Media, Children, and the Family: Social Scientific, Psychodynamic, and Clinical Perspectives by
The Writings of Medieval Women: An Anthology by
Die Wirklichkeit Der Medien: Eine Einführung in Die Kommunikationswissenschaft by
Berater in Europa: Ein Verband Stellt Sich ALS Internationales Netzwerk VOR -- Leistungen Und Beraterprofile by E C U European Consultants Unit
Renaissance Rhetoric by
Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Softwaremessung by
Reference Interviews, Questions, and Materials by Slavens, Thomas P.
London Debating Societies 1776 - 1799 by Andrew, Donna T.
The Culture of Literacy by Godzich, Wlad
Every Day a Miracle Happens by Charles, Rodney
A Grammar of Comanche by Charney, Jean Ormsbee
Global Budgets Versus Competitive Cost-Control Strategies by Danzon, Patricia M.
Chamber Music for Solo Voice & Instruments, 1960-1989: An Annotated Guide by Klaus, Kenneth S.
American Black Women in the Arts and Social Sciences: A Bibliographic Survey by Williams, Ora
A Conductor's Guide to Choral-Orchestral Works: Part I by Green, Jonathan D.
Administration of the Public Library by Gertzog, Alice, Beckerman, Edwin P.
Advocating Archives: An Introduction to Public Relations for Archivists by Finch, Elsie Freeman
Chalk Talk Stories by Druce, Arden
Die dramatische Technik des Aischylos by Court, Barbara
Orationes I-XIX Continens by Demosthenes
Inhaltsanalyse by Langridge, Derek Wilton
The Status, Reputation and Image of the Library and Information Profession: Proceedings of the IFLA Pre-Session Seminar, Delhi, 24-28 August 1992; Und by
The High Cost of Dying by Young, Gregory W.
No Experience Necessary Writer's Course by Edelstein, Scott
False Inheritance by Rice
Invisible Wings: An Annotated Bibliography on Blacks in Aviation, 1916-1993 by Gubert, Betty K.
Interpreting Audiences: The Ethnography of Media Consumption by Moores, Shaun
A Survey of English Spelling by Carney, Edward
A Handbook of Persuasive Tactics: A Practical Language Guide by Mulholland, Joan
Information Sources on Islamic Banking and Economics: 1980-1990 by Ali, S. Nazim, Ali, Naseem N.
French by Association by Gruneberg
Editors on Editing: What Writers Need to Know about What Editors Do by
Practical Portfolios: Reading, Writing, Math, and Life Skills, Grades 3-6 by Mundell, Susan B., Delario, Karen
Reading Minds: The Study of English in the Age of Cognitive Science by Turner, Mark
Guides to Archives and Manuscript Collections in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography by DeWitt, Donald L.
The Japanese Automobile Industry: An Annotated Bibliography by Chao, Sheau-Yueh J.
Islam in China: A Critical Bibliography by Israeli, Raphael, Gorman, Lynnette
Al Jolson: A Bio-Bibliography by Fisher, James
Statistical Handbook on Aging Americans: 1994 Edition by Schick, Frank L., Schick, Schnick, Renee
Worlds of Literacy by
The Contemporary Printed Literature of the English Counter-Reformation Between 1558 and 1640: Two Volume Set by Rogers, D. M., Allison, A. F.
Reading Mastery Rainbow Edition Fast Cycle Grades 1-2, Takehome Workbook B (Package of 5) by McGraw Hill
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 16 by
Reading Mastery Rainbow Edition Grades 3-4, Level 4, Workbook (Package of 5) by McGraw Hill
Dante's Christian Astrology by Kay, Richard
Middleplots: Vol. 4 a Book Talk Guide for Use with Readers Ages 8-12 by Unknown, Naden, Corinne J., Gillespie, John T.
A Guide to American Silent Crime Films by Finn, Daniel, Langman, Larry
Books to Help a Child Cope with Separation and Loss: An Annotated Bibliography Fourth Edition by Bernstein, Joanne E., Rudman, Masha K., Gagne, Kathleen Dunne
Radio - The Forgotten Medium by Pease, Edward
Politisches Denken. Jahrbuch 1993 by
Learning in Natural and Connectionist Systems: Experiments and a Model by Phaf, R. H.
Reden Zwischen Engel Und Vieh: Zur Rationalen Reformulierung Der Rhetorik Im Prozeß Der Aufklärung by Schneider, Lothar L.
Literacy: A Redefinition by
Linguistics for Writers by Donnelly, Colleen
Customer Service in the Information Environment by
Rhetoric in the European Tradition by Conley, Thomas
International Handbook of Adolescence by Hurrelmann, Klaus
Library Records: A Retention and Confidentiality Guide by Wiegand, Shirley A.
Heinrich von Veldeke und Ovid by Kistler, Renate
Alternative Development Strategies in Subsaharan Africa by
Women, Media and Sport: Challenging Gender Values by
Exploring the Pacific States Through Literature by Doll, Carol A.
Handbook for Museums by Dean, David, Edson, Gary
Transforming Qualitative Data: Description, Analysis, and Interpretation by Wolcott, Harry F.
Good Books in a Country Home: The Public Library as Cultural Force in Hagerstown, Maryland, 1878-1920 by Marcum, Deanna B.
Directory of Indian Film-Makers and Films by Narwekar, Sanjit
Biographical Directory of the Governors of the United States 1988-1994 by Mullaney, Marie M.
William Shatner: A Bio-Bibliography by Hauck, Dennis William
Der realistische Weg by Geppert, Hans Vilmar
Späthumanismus in Schlesien: Caspar Dornau (1577-1631). Leben Und Werk by Seidel, Robert
Phänomenologie Der Wahrnehmung Von Literatur: Am Beispiel Von Elfriede Jelineks Lust (1989) by Schlich, Jutta
Telling Lies for Fun & Profit by Block, Lawrence
Literacy, Culture and Development: Becoming Literate in Morocco by Wagner, Dan, Wagner, Daniel A.
The Devil's Anvil: The Assault on Peleliu by Hallas, James
Contemporary Literary Criticism by Matuz, Roger
The Unseen Power: Public Relations: A History by Cutlip, Scott M.
Teaching English as a Second Language: A Resource Guide by Carrasquillo, Angela L.
Teaching and Learning Language and Culture by Byram, Michael, Morgan, Carol
Heuretics: The Logic of Invention by Ulmer, Gregory L.
The Death of the Troubadour by Stone, Gregory B.
Modern Military Dictionary: English-Arabic/Arabic-English by Kayyali, Maher
Bürger Und Bürgerlichkeit Im Zeitalter Der Aufklärung by
Lessing Und Der Kreis Seiner Freunde by
Persuasion: Greek Rhetoric in Action by
Persuasion: Greek Rhetoric in Action by
CXC English by Roberts, Peter
Campaigns and Conscience: The Ethics of Political Journalism by Seib, Philip
Die Darstellung der historischen Wirklichkeit in Alessandro Manzonis "I Promessi Sposi" by Lizium, Karin
Ins Ungebundene: Über Literatur Nach Blanchot by Poppenberg, Gerhard
The Art of Teaching Writing by Calkins, Lucy
Die Passion Christi in Literatur Und Kunst Des Spätmittelalters: [Überarb. Fassung Der Beiträge Zum 8. Reisensburger Arbeitsgespräch Vom 29. November by
Diskurswandel im Werk Carl Einsteins by Kiefer, Klaus H.
Intercultural Communication Training: An Introduction by Yoshida, Tomoko, Brislin, Richard W.
Ginger Rogers: A Bio-Bibliography by Faris, Jocelyn
History of Women in the West by
Managing Today's Public Library: Blueprint for Change by Weingand, Darlene
How to Write a Damn Good Novel, II: Advanced Techniques for Dramatic Storytelling by Frey, James N.
Caesar and the Crisis of the Roman Aristocracy: A Civil War Reader by Ruebel, James S.
Literacy Across Languages and Cultures by
Exploring the Southwest States Through Literature by Sharp, Patricia, Sharp, Pat Tipton
Exploring the Southeast States Through Literature by Veltze, Linda, Laughlin-Porter, Jeannine
Bridging Japanese: North American Differences by Nishida, Tsukasa, Gudykunst, William B.
An Ethnohistorical Dictionary of the Russian and Soviet Empires by Olson, James Stuart
Georges Braque: A Bio-Bibliography by Clement, Russell T.
Aspirations and Mentoring in an Academic Environment: Women Faculty in Library and Information Science by Maack, Mary N., Niles Maack, Mary, Passet, Joanne
Academic Libraries: The Dimensions of Their Effectiveness by Micikas, Lynda Basney, McDonald, Joseph, Micikas, Basney
High-Definition Television: An Annotated Multidisciplinary Bibliography, 1981-1992 by Sudalnik, James E.
Bibliographic Guide to Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 1986-1992 by De Gonzalez, Nelly S., Gonzalez, Nelly S.
Joan Fontaine: A Bio-Bibliography by Beeman, Marsha Lynn
Myth and Poetry in Lucretius by Gale, Monica R.
Euripides: Phoenissae by Euripides
The Baroque Narrative of Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora by Ross, Kathleen
Cambridge Orations 1982 1993: A Selection by James, Diggle, Diggle, James
Campaigns and Conscience: The Ethics of Political Journalism by Seib, Philip
The Consultant's Manual: A Complete Guide to Building a Successful Consulting Practice by Greenbaum, Thomas L.
Regulated Chemicals Directory 1994 by Chemadvisor Inc Staff
Comparative Economics by Montias, John-Michael
Allegory Old and New: In Literature, the Fine Arts, Music and Theatre, and Its Continuity in Culture by
Deutsche Übertragungen der "Divina Commedia" Dante Alighieris 1960-1983 by Ferrier, Esther
Data Sources for Business and Market Analysis: 4th Ed. by Ganly, John V.
Cataloging of the Hand Press: A Comparative and Analytical Study of Cataloging Rules and Formats Employed in Europe by Hutchinson, Heidi L., Snyder, Henry L.
Muhammad and the Origins of Islam by Peters, F. E.
Living by the Pen: Women Writers in the Eighteenth Century by Turner, Cheryl
The White House Speaks: Presidential Leadership as Persuasion by Smith, Craig Allen
Return of the Straight Dope: Still More from the Popular Newspaper Column by Adams, Cecil
The Ernst & Young Guide to Financing for Growth by Owen, Robert R., Ernst & Young Llp, Garner, Daniel R.
Rhetoric, Language, and Reason by Meyer, Michel
Library Building Projects: Tips for Survival by Thomas, James, Hagloch, Susan
The Performing Arts: A Guide to the Reference Literature by Simons, Linda K.
New International Dictionary of Acronyms in Library and Information Science and Related Fields by Sawoniak, Henryk, Witt, Maria
Ästhetik: Die Geschichte Ihrer Ideologie by Eagleton, Terry
Approaches to 2nd Lang Acq by Hawkins, Roger, Towell, Richard
Die Idee des goldenen Zeitalters im Werk des Novalis by Mähl, Hans-Joachim
Communicating in Multinational Organizations by
Homelessness in America, 1893-1992: An Annotated Bibliography by Van Whitlock, Rod
Women and Work in Developing Countries: An Annotated Bibliography by
Publishing in the Information Age: A New Management Framework for the Digital Era by Eisenhart, Douglas M.
Recruiting, Educating, and Training Librarians for Collection Development by
The Ad Men and Women: A Biographical Dictionary of Advertising by
Soul Would Have No Rainbow If the Eyes Had No Tears and Other Native American PR by Zona, Guy
Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Literary Life by Roberts, Gerald
Public Diplomacy and International Politics: The Symbolic Constructs of Summits and International Radio News by Fortner, Robert S.
Community Television in the United States: A Sourcebook on Public, Educational, and Governmental Access by Fuller, Linda K.
Ralph Waldo Emerson: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism, 1980-1991 by Burkholder, Robert E.
Moderne Literatur in Grundbegriffen by
The New Oxford Guide to Writing by Kane, Thomas S.
Developing Learning Skills Through Children's Literature: An Idea Book for K-5 Classrooms and Libraries, Volume 2 by Watt, Letty S., Laughlin, Mildred
Using Subject Headings for Online Retrieval: Theory, Practice and Potential by Drabenstott, Karen Markey, Vizine-Goetz, Diane
Speaking about Writing: Reflections on Research Methodology by
Edmund Burke, 1729-1797: A Bibliography by Cowie, Leonard
Conflict in Personal Relationships by
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