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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 2000

Keep Talking That Book! Booktalks to Promote Reading, Volume 2 by Littlejohn, Carol
The Technology Connection: Building a Successful School Library Media Program, the by
Video Production for School Library Media Specialists: Communication and Production Techniques by Sprouse, Harry, McConnell, John
The Political Economy of Independent Ukraine: Captured by the Past by Zon, H. Van
Northern Ireland at the Crossroads: Ulster Unionism in the O'Neill Years, 1960-69 by Mulholland, M.
Women Migrant Workers in China's Economic Reform by Xu, F.
Political Parties in American Society by Na, Na
Peace with Justice: A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements by Buchanan, A.
The 100 Most Entertaining Predictions About the 21st Century: The Wacky, the Weird, and the Wise by Ray, Lynette, Ray, William
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the Twenty-First Century by
Practical Strategies for Library Managers by Giesecke, Joan
The Emergence of the Speech Capacity by Oller, D. Kimbrough
Learner-directed Assessment in Esl by
Archaeology of the Mississippian Culture: A Research Guide by Peregrine, Peter N.
A European Security Architecture After the Cold War: Questions of Legitimacy by Aybet, G.
Bildung Im Cyberspace: Vom Grafik-Design Zum Künstlerischen Arbeiten in Netzen. Entwicklung Und Erprobung Eines Weiterbildungskonzeptes by
'No Mentor But Myself': Jack London on Writing and Writers, Second Edition by
Library Classification and and Browsing: The Conjunction of Readers and Documents by Shoham, Snunith
Learner-directed Assessment in Esl by
Encyclopedia of Georgia Indians by Ricky, Donald
A History of the County of Essex: Bibliography Second Supplement by Studd, Pamela
Javanese Literature in Surakarta Manuscripts: Manuscripts of the Mangkunagaran Palace by Florida, Nancy K.
Do Federal Regulations Reduce Mortality? by Viscusi, Kip W., Hahn, Robert W., Lutter, Randall W.
Taking Flight With OWLs: Examining Electronic Writing Center Work by
Did Microsoft Harm Consumers?: Two Opposing Views by Rubinfield, David M., Fischer, Franklin L., Shmalensee, Richard L.
Heraldica Collegii Cardinalium: A Roll of Arms of the College of Cardinals, 1800-2000 by McCarthy, Michael
Aleph Isn't Tough: An Introduction to Hebrew for Adults, Book 1 by House, Behrman
Canonical Coll Early Middle Ages by Kery, Lotte
Elektronische Dissertationen an deutschen Universitäten: Produktion, Archivierung, Erschließung und Bereitstellung by Höhne, Sylva
Einsatzfelder von Workflow-Management im Krankenhaus by Calzo, Pino
Kultur - Sprache - Macht: Festschrift fuer Peter Horn by
Open Issues in European Central Banking by Gros, D., Smaghi, L.
Inventing the Future: Information Services for a New Millennium by Hannah, Stan A., Harris, Michael H.
The Global Dynamics of News: Studies in International News Coverage and News Agenda by
Children s Pragmatic Communication by Letts, Carolyn, Smith, Benita Rae, Leinonen, Eeva
The Myth of the Liberal Media: An Edward Herman Reader by Herman, Edward S.
Urban Policy and Politics in Britain by Hill, Dilys
Informationswirtschaft by Stock, Wolfgang G.
Network-Based Language Teaching: Concepts and Practice by Kern, Richard, Warschauer, Mark
The Oxford Dictionary of American Usage and Style by Garner, Bryan A.
Spreading the Word: Language and Dialect in America by McWhorter, John
Effective Management of Student Employment: Organizing for Student Employment in Academic Libraries by Barkley, Daniel C., Baldwin, David A., Wilkinson, Frances C.
Linguistics by Demiller, Anna L.
Education: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources by O'Brien, Nancy
Fostering Information Literacy: Connecting National Standards, Goals 2000, and the Scans Report by Barron, Daniel, Thompson, Helen M., Henley, Susan a.
Almanac African American Heritage: Chronicle by Ferguson-Roberts, Sharon E., Miles, Johnnie H., Davis, Juanita J.
Managing Media Services: Theory and Practice by Schmidt, William, Rieck, Donald
Technical Communication, Deliberative Rhetoric, and Environmental Discourse: Connections and Directions by
Manuel d'exercices: Pour acompagner A la Francaise-Correct French for English Speakers by Geno, Marie Gontier, Provencher, Denis M.
Oral Communication: Speaking Across Cultures by Samovar, Larry A.
Medienästhetik: Zu Geschichte Und Theorie Audiovisueller Wahrnehmungsformen by Schnell, Ralf
Inscriptio by Neukirchen, Thomas
Warriors and Peasants: The Don Cossacks in Late Imperial Russia by O'Rourke, S.
Royal Historical Society Annual Bibliography of British and Irish History: Publications of 1998 by
The First Five Pages: A Writer's Guide to Staying Out of the Rejection Pile by Lukeman, Noah
Bequest and Betrayal: Memoirs of a Parent's Death by Miller, Nancy K.
Chinese-English Dictionary by Chik, Hon Man, Ng, Lam Sim Yuk
Contemporary Economic Ethics and Business Ethics by
Research Design: Donald Campbell′s Legacy by
Research Design: Donald Campbell′s Legacy by
Stein on Writing: A Master Editor of Some of the Most Successful Writers of Our Century Shares His Craft Techniques and Strategies by Stein, Sol
The Veterinarians' Guide to Natural Remedies for Cats: Safe and Effective Alternative Treatments and Healing Techniques from the Nation's Top Holistic by Zucker, Martin
Making Spaces: Citizenship and Difference in Schools by Lahelma, E., Gordon, T., Holland, J.
Convicts in the Indian Ocean: Transportation from South Asia to Mauritius, 1815-53 by Anderson, C.
Women's Work in Britain and France: Practice, Theory and Policy by Gregory, Abigail, Windebank, Jan
Everyone Can Write: Essays Toward a Hopeful Theory of Writing and Teaching Writing by Elbow, Peter
Body Narratives: Writing the Nation and Fashioning the Subject in Early Modern England by Scholz, S.
Women's Work in Britain and France: Practice, Theory and Policy by Windebank, Jan, Gregory, Abigail
Everyone Can Write: Essays Toward a Hopeful Theory of Writing and Teaching Writing by Elbow, Peter
Ausgebrannt...: Über Den "Burnout" Im Journalismus Ursachen Und Auswege by Bodin, Michael
Weiberkram: Wie Der Kulturjournalismus Mit Der Mode Umgeht by Matthiesen, Sigrun
Communication in the Presidential Primaries: Candidates and the Media, 1912-2000 by Kendall, Kathleen E.
Communication in the Presidential Primaries: Candidates and the Media, 1912-2000 by Kendall, Kathleen E.
George Gershwin: A Bio-Bibliography by Carnovale, Norbert
Planning for a New Generation of Public Library Buildings by McCabe, Gerard B.
Global Economic Growth: Theories, Research, Studies, and Annotated Bibliography, 1950-1997 by Premus, Robert, Liu, Lewis-Guodo
Reconstruction in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography by Lincove, David
Vladimir Ussachevsky: A Bio-Bibliography by Rahkonen, Carl, Hartsock, Ralph
Die Visualisierung von Suspense in Hitchcocks Filmen by Milke, Inka
Hauntings: The Official Peter Straub Bibliography by Collings, Michael R., Straub, Peter
Air Cavalry Squadron and Troop Operations: Field Manual No. 1-114 by Department of the Army
Pop Culture Florida by Goss, James P.
Civic Discourse and Digital Age Communications in the Middle East by
Technical Communication, Deliberative Rhetoric, and Environmental Discourse: Connections and Directions by
The Causes of High and Low Reading Achievement by Carver, Ronald P.
Soul of the Writer by Kirkland, Bradley
Print Manuscript Performance: The Changing Relations of the Media in Early Modern England by Marotti, Arthur F.
Conversation Analysis by Markee, Numa
Does Your Father Snore? by Luckett, Kathy
The Vocal Vision: Views on Voice by 24 Leading Teachers Coaches and Directors by
Preservation: Issues and Planning by Banks, Paul N.
The Actor and the Text by Berry, Cicely
Mittelalter und frühe Neuzeit by
Library Automation in Transitional Societies: Lessons from Eastern Europe by Andrew W Mellon Foundation
Nursing Models and Nursing Practice by Chalmers, Helen, Aggleton, Peter
The Columbia Gazetteer of the World Online by
Three Lives by Na, Na
Victors and Vanquished: Spanish and Nahua Views of the Conquest of Mexico by Na, Na
Civic Discourse and Digital Age Communications in the Middle East by
The Columbia Granger's(r) Index to African-American Poetry by
The United Nations and International Politics by Ryan, Stephen
Welsh-Americans: The Manuscript Collection--The Historical Society of Pennsylvania by Barton, Marcella Biro
Der Wille zum Wissen bei James Joyce by Streit, Wolfgang
Leaders of Transition by
Media Research Methods: Measuring Audiences, Reactions and Impact by Gunter, Barrie
Communication: An Introduction by Rosengren, Karl Erik
Irony and Misreading in the Annals of Tacitus by O'Gorman, Ellen
Igneous Petrogenesis by
Columbia Granger's (R) World of Poetry Online by
Turning Kids on to Research: The Power of Motivation by Arnone, Marilyn, Small, Ruth
American Naval History: A Guide by Coletta, Paolo E.
The Forms of Meaning by Danesi, Marcel, Sebeok, Thomas A.
The Forms of Meaning by Sebeok, Thomas A., Danesi, Marcel
A Picture to Remember Level 2 by Scott-Malden, Sarah
McGraw-Hill Language Arts, Grade 5, Practice Workbook by McGraw Hill
The Ethics of Autobiography: Unionization, Bureaucratization, and the AAUP by Loureiro, Angel G.
The Ethics of Autobiography: French Women Writers at the Fin de Siecle by Loureiro, Angel G.
Useless Sexual Trivia: Tastefully Prurient Facts about Everyone's Favorite Subject by Mooney, Shane
Die Zukunft der Tageszeitung angesichts neuer Medien by Soder, Stefan
Sharing Words: Theory and Practice of Dialogic Learning by Flecha, Ramón
Exploring Interpersonal Trust in the Entrepreneurial Venture by Dibben, M.
Oratory and Rhetoric in the Nineteenth-Century South: A Rhetoric of Defense by Towns, W. Stuart
Public Address in the Twentieth-Century South: The Evolution of a Region by Towns, W. Stuart
Literature and Film as Modern Mythology by Ferrell, William K.
Gian Carlo Menotti: A Bio-Bibliography by Hixon, Donald L.
Academic Freedom: A Guide to the Literature by Aby, Stephen, Kuhn, James
Reading and Writing: A Personal Account by Naipaul, V. S.
Literature and Film as Modern Mythology by Ferrell, William
Computer-Assisted Text Analysis by Popping, Roel
Blending Genre, Altering Style: Writing Multigenre Papers by Romano, Tom
Digital Fictions: Storytelling in a Material World by Sloane, Sarah
The Changing World of Publishing: A Special Issue of the Journal of Media Economics by
Designing Interactive Worlds With Words: Principles of Writing As Representational Composition by Butler, Brian S., Kaufer, David S.
Communication and Aging by Pecchioni, Loretta L., Robinson, James D., Nussbaum, Jon F.
Der binäre Kosmos Mallarmés. Dualismus und Synthese in Mallarmés spätem Gedicht Prose. Entschlüsselung eines zentralen Paradigmas der symbolistischen by Holtje, Matthias
Digital Fictions: Storytelling in a Material World by Sloane, Sarah
Communication and Aging by Pecchioni, Loretta L., Nussbaum, Jon F., Robinson, James D.
Kingdom Come in Everyday Speech by Cupitt, Don
Traditional Musicians of the Central Blue Ridge: Old Time, Early Country, Folk and Bluegrass Label Recording Artists, with Discographies by McGee, Marty
Teacher's Book for Grade 3, Towards Independence by Place, Jean, Montgomery, Karen, Francis, Kirsty
Jigsaw by Coelho, Elizabeth
Rhetoric: Readings in French Literature by Hawcroft, Michael
Rhetoric: Readings in French Literature by Hawcroft, Michael
Learner's Workbook for Grade 3, Towards Independence by Montgomery, Karen, Place, Jean, Francis, Kirsty
Big Book of Bubbles South African Edition by Brown, Richard, Ruttle, Kate, Gates, Phil
Big Book of Play a Part by Hayes, Rosemary
Big Book of a Poetry Box by Lloyd, Glynis, Montgomery, Karen
Big Book of Climbing Mount Everest by Seddon, Tony
Music in Our World by Bresler, Lorraine
Play a Part by Hayes, Rosemary
Die Darstellung der deutschen Einheit in Günter Grass' Roman "Ein weites Feld" by Lager, Geb Hell Torsten
The Future of Classification by Maltby, Arthur, Marcella, Rita
A Poetry Box by Montgomery, Karen, Lloyd, Glynis
The Northern Highlands in the nineteenth century (Volume II) 1825-1841 by Barron, James
Romance Reader's Advisory: The Librarian's Guide to Love in the Stacks by Bouricius, Ann
The Sociopolitics of English Language Teaching (Bilingual Education & Bilingualism 21) by
New Perspectives on Teaching & Learning by
Bloody Sunday and the Rule of Law in Northern Ireland by Walsh, D.
Citizenship, Community and Democracy by
Classification of Mammals: Above the Species Level by Bell, Susan, McKenna, Malcolm
How to Read Slowly: Reading for Comprehension by Sire, James W.
Sally Stuart's Guide to Getting Published by Stuart, Sally
Tanz als BewegungsText by Jeschke, Claudia
The Language of Deception: A Discourse Analytical Study by Galasinski, Dariusz
British Politics and European Elections 1999 by Westlake, M., Butler, D.
The Manual of Museum Planning by
Marketing and Public Relations Handbook for Museums, Galleries and Heritage Attractions by Runyard, Sue, French, Ylva
Museum and Gallery Education: A Manual of Good Practice by
The Widening World of Children's Literature by Ang, S.
The Widening World of Children's Literature by Ang, S.
Vom Dokumentarfilm zum Essayfilm: Wirklichkeitskonzepte und Wirklichkeitsdarstellungen bei Peter Krieg by Weber, Gerhard
Writing Across Languages by
Writing in a Milieu of Utility: The Move to Technical Communication in American Engineering Programs, 1850-1950 by Kynell, Teresa C., Kynell, Teresa
Slavery and the Roman Literary Imagination by Fitzgerald, William
Multicultural Information Quests: Instant Research Lessons, Grades 58 by Rodgers, Marie
Systems Analysis for Librarians and Information Professionals: Second Edition by Nakamura, Margaret, Osborne, Larry N.
Management Philosophy: A Radical-Normative Perspective by Kirkeby, Ole F.
Information Society Studies by Duff, Alistair S.
From a Welfare State to a Welfare Society: The Changing Context of Social Policy in a Postmodern Era by Rodger, John J.
The European Union and Britain: Reflections on the 1998 British Presidency of the European Union by
Writing in a Milieu of Utility by Kynell, Teresa C.
Collaborative Approaches to Resolving Conflict by Isenhart, Myra Warren, Spangle, Michael L.
Collaborative Approaches to Resolving Conflict by Spangle, Michael L., Isenhart, Myra Warren
Politik Für Bibliotheken: Die Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Bibliotheksverbände Im Gespräch. Birgit Dankert Zum Ende Ihrer Amtszeit ALS Sprecherin Der B by
Spanischer Naturalismus: Entwurf Eines Epochenprofils Im Kontext Des >Krausopositivismo by Schmitz, Sabine
Agricult Dev Modern Japan V 6 by
Issues in Computer-Adaptive Testing of Reading Proficiency by
Traces Of A Stream: Literacy and Social Change Among African American Women by Royster, Jacqueline Jones
A History of Everyday Things: The Birth of Consumption in France, 1600 1800 by Roche, Daniel
The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature: Volume 4, 1800-1900 by
Ovid, Aratus and Augustus by Gee, Emma
Challenges for International Organizations in the Twenty-First Century: Essays in Honour of Klaus Hüfner by
Linux: Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide by Hales, John
The Quest for Charisma: Christianity and Persuasion by Smith, Craig R.
Humor in Twentieth-Century British Literature: A Reference Guide by Nilsen, Don L. F., Nilsen, Don Lee Fred
The Mozart-Da Ponte Operas: An Annotated Bibliography by Du Mont, Mary
Race and Crime: An Annotated Bibliography by Russell, Katheryn K., Jones, Judith, Pfeifer, Heather
Kentucky History: An Annotated Bibliography by Bryant, Ron D.
Books and Reading in the Lives of Notable Americans: A Biographical Sourcebook by McCrossan, John Anthony
Guide to the Cinema of Sweden and Finland by Qvist, Per Olov, Von Bagh, Peter
See More