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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 2004

Fernsehwerbung -- Quo Vadis?: Auf Dem Weg in Die Digitale Medienwelt by
Archival Information by Fisher, Steven
Television and Child Development by Van Evra, Judith
Television and Child Development by Van Evra, Judith
Challenges & Choices: Finding Mental Health Services in Ontario by Camh
Défis et décisions: Trouver des services de santé mentale en Ontario by
Practical IP and Telecom for Broadcast Engineering and Operations by Huffman, Fred
High Schools in Crisis: What Every Parent Should Know by Handley, Richard, Hall, Ellen
Guarding Your Business: A Management Approach to Security by
Networked Information Technologies: Diffusion and Adoption by
Boundaries of Self and Other in Ghanaian Popular Culture by Adjaye, Joseph
Maps for Family and Local History: The Records of the Tithe, Valuation Office and National Farm Surveys by Mitchell, Rose, Foot, William, Beech, Geraldine
LifeWriting: Drawing from Personal Experience to Create Features You Can Publish by White, Fred D.
Dictionary for Library and Information Science by Reitz, Joan
Dictionary for Library and Information Science by Reitz, Joan
Quickies: Fascinating Facts about the Facts of Life by Voorhees, Don
College in a Can by Choron, Harry, Choron, Sandra
A Step-By-Step Guide to Persuasive Writing by Spencer, Lauren
A Step-By-Step Guide to Narrative Writing by Spencer, Lauren
A Step-By-Step Guide to Personal Writing by Spencer, Lauren
A Step-By-Step Guide to Issue-Based Writing by Spencer, Lauren
Screenwriting for a Global Market: Selling Your Scripts from Hollywood to Hong Kong by Horton, Andrew
Diversity and Diversification: A Special Issue of the journal of Media Economics by
The New Reading Hebrew a Guided Instruction Course by House, Behrman
Advances in Librarianship by
The Decay of a Language: The Case of a German Dialect in the Italian Alps by Dal Negro, Silvia
Abe Martin's Almanac for 1909 by Hubbard, Kin
English Dramatic Interludes, 1300-1580 by Grantley, Darryll
Inspired to Write: Readings and Tasks to Develop Writing Skills by Brookes, Gay, Cummings, Martha Clark, Withrow, Jean
Abe Martin's Almanac for 1909 by Hubbard, Kin
Quantifying the World: Un Ideas and Statistics by Ward, Michael
Review of Adult Learning and Literacy, Volume 4: Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice: A Project of the National Center for the Study of Adult Le by
Review of Adult Learning and Literacy, Volume 4: Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice: A Project of the National Center for the Study of Adult Le by
Words You Should Know in High School: 1000 Essential Words to Build Vocabulary, Improve Standardized Test Scores, and Write Successful Papers by Nadler, Jordan, Nadler, Justin, Nadler, Burton Jay
Media Center Discovery: 180 Ready-To-Use Activities for Language Arts, Grades 5-8 by Hamm, Barbara R.
Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, Second Edition: How to Edit Yourself Into Print by Browne, Renni, King, Dave
How to Write in Spanish: Correspondence Made Easy, from Personal Letters to Business Documents by Ochoa, Ligia
Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge: Supplementary Series I: Census of Printed Books by Knighton, C. S.
Improving Low-Reading Ages in the Secondary School: Practical Strategies for Learning Support by Blum, Paul
Public Relations Ohne Grenzen?: Eine Explorative Analyse Der Beziehung Zwischen Kultur Und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Von Unternehmen by Huck, Simone
Literarische Diversität: Abweichungen, Lizenzen Und Spielräume in Der Deutschen Poesie Und Poetik Der Barockzeit by Wesche, Jörg
Handbuch Fernsehforschung: Befunde Und Perspektiven by Plake, Klaus
Politik im Fernsehformat: Die politische Berichterstattung im privaten Fernsehen am Beispiel der Hauptnachrichtensendung ‚RTL Aktuell' by Machacek, Jörg
Granta 85 by
Zwischen Tradition und Wandel by Becker, Martin G.
A Catalogue of Engraved Gems in the British Museum by Smith, A. H.
The Medea by Euripides
Erzähltextanalyse Und Gender Studies by
Grundbegriffe Der Analytischen Philosophie by
Michel Foucault by Kögler, Hans-Herbert
Handbook of Political Communication Research by
A Catalogue of English Coins in the British Series Part Two by Grueber, Herbert a.
Handbook of Political Communication Research by
The Medea by Euripides
Healing Conversations: A Journey to Genuine Communication Beyond Skins and Grins by Sampson-Doyle, Madonna
Marketing the Author: Authorial Personae, Narrative Selves and Self-Fashioning, 1880-1930 by
Marketing the Author: Author Personae, Narrative Selves and Self-Fashioning, 1880-1930 by
Acquiring and Organizing Curriculum Materials: A Guide and Directory of Resources by Lare, Gary A.
Using Portuguese: A Guide to Contemporary Usage by McGovern, Timothy, Ganho, Ana
United Kingdom Economic Accounts No.45 4th Quarter 2003 by Na, Na
Frauds Against the Elderly by Sharpe, Charles C.
Playing by the Rules: All the Rules of the Game, Complete with Memorable Rulings from Golf's Rich History by Palmer, Arnold
Effective Writing: A Guide for Social Science Students by Ng, Pedro Pak
The Columbia Guide to the Vietnam War by Anderson, David
Thinking for a Living: The Coming Age of Knowledge Work by Megill, Kenneth A.
A Lifetime of Communication: Transformations Through Relational Dialogues by Yingling, Julie
Business Chinese: An Advanced Reader by Howard, Jiaying, Cui, Songren, Chang, Tsengtseng
Elizabeth Gaskell: An Annotated Guide to English Language Sources, 1992-2001 by Weyant, Nancy S.
The Columbia Companion to the Twentieth-Century American Short Story by
A Lifetime of Communication: Transformations Through Relational Dialogues by Yingling, Julie
Spanish: An Essential Grammar by Bradley, Peter T., MacKenzie, Ian
Spanish: An Essential Grammar by MacKenzie, Ian, Bradley, Peter T.
Golf by Spieler, Marlena, Ballingall, Peter
Horrorfilme im Fernsehen - Eine harmlose Auswahl des Grauens?: Eine Analyse des Fernsehprogramms der 90er im Vergleich zum Videomarkt by Hahn, Elena
The Overland Mail, 1849-1869: Promoter of Settlement Precursor of Railroads by Hafen, Leroy R.
Riddles, Knights and Cross-dressing Saints: Essays on Medieval English Language and Literature by
Der Tod der Königin by Alt, Peter-André
Novalis by
Rebellion und Bändigung der Lust by Schmitz, Claudia
Mental Floss Presents Condensed Knowledge: A Deliciously Irreverent Guide to Feeling Smart Again by Editors of Mental Floss
The State of Affairs: Explorations in Infidelity and Commitment by
The State of Affairs: Explorations in Infidelity and Commitment by
Kunstkritik ALS Kommunikation: Vom Richteramt Zur Evaluationsagentur by Lüddemann, Stefan
Taking Journalism Seriously: News and the Academy by Zelizer, Barbie
Johann Sieders Übersetzung Des Goldenen Esels Und Die Frühe Deutschsprachige Metamorphosen-Rezeption: Ein Beitrag Zur Wirkungsgeschichte Von Apuleius' by Plank, Birgit
The Muller Walle Method of Lip Reading for the Deaf by Bruhn, Martha E.
Class and Politics in Contemporary Social Science: Marxism Lite and Its Blind Spot for Culture by Houtman, Dick
Critical Thinking and Learning: An Encyclopedia for Parents and Teachers by
Innovative Redesign and Reorganization of Library Technical Services: Paths for the Future and Case Studies by Eden, Bradford
Class and Politics in Contemporary Social Science: Marxism Lite and Its Blind Spot for Culture by Houtman, Dick
Survey Errors Survey Cost P by Groves, Robert M.
World Peace, Mass Culture, and National Policies by Over, William
Educational Media and Technology Yearbook 2004: Volume 29 by Fitzgerald, Mary Ann, Branch, Robert, Orey, Michael
Rhetorical Investigations: Studies in Ordinary Language Criticism by Jost, Walter
Geographers by
For the Sake of Argument: Practical Reasoning, Character, and the Ethics of Belief by Garver, Eugene
Maxwell's Handbook for AACR2 by Maxwell, Robert L.
Marilyn Monroe Dyed Here: More Locations of America's Pop Culture Landmarks by Epting, Chris
Women as Scribes: Book Production and Monastic Reform in Twelfth-Century Bavaria by Beach, Alison I.
Französische Schriftsteller Und Ihre Nation Im Ersten Weltkrieg by Lindner-Wirsching, Almut
Lew Hunter's Screenwriting 434: The Industry's Premier Teacher Reveals the Secrets of the Successful Screenplay by Hunter, Lew
Fruitflesh: Seeds of Inspiration for Women Who Write by Brandeis, Gayle
Theory of Media Literacy: A Cognitive Approach by Potter, W. James
Writing With, Through, and Beyond the Text: An Ecology of Language by Luce-Kapler, Rebecca
Creating Connections: Museums and the Public Understanding of Current Research by
The Book of Love: A Guide to Finding the Essence of Love by Long, Sandra
Labour Market Trends Volume 122, No 5, May 2004 by Na, Na
Elsevier's Dictionary of Symbols and Imagery by de Vries, Ad, de Vries, Arthur
Church Dogmatics the Doctrine of the Word of God, Volume 1, Part 2: The Revelation of God; Holy Scripture: The Proclamation of the Church by Barth, Karl
Studying Speaking to Inform Second Language Learning by
Worlds Made Flesh: Chronicle Histories and Medieval Manuscript Culture by Mayer, Lauryn
Argumentieren: Funktional-pragmatische Analysen praktischer und wissenschaftlicher Diskurse by Trautmann, Caroline
Studying Speaking to Inform 2nd Lang Lea by
Taking Journalism Seriously: News and the Academy by Zelizer, Barbie
Schriften Zu Literatur Und Theater by Segre, Cesare
The Don't Sweat Guide to Your Job Search: Finding a Career You Really Love by Editors of Don't Sweat Press
Georg Büchners naturwissenschaftliche Schriften by Roth, Udo
100 Questions & Answers about Alzheimer's Disease by Wisniewski, Thomas M., Sadowski, Marcin
Tourism, Globalisation and Cultural Change: An Island Community Perspective by MacLeod, Donald V. L.
Medien Und Ökonomie: Band 2: Problemfelder Der Medienökonomie by
Tourism, Globalisation and Cultural Change: An Island Community Perspective by MacLeod, Donald V. L.
Literate Lives in the Information Age: Narratives of Literacy from the United States by Selfe, Cynthia L., Hawisher, Gail E.
Visions of the Afterlife by Pollock, Daniel, Pollock, Constance
Communication Research Measures: A Sourcebook by Sypher, Howard E., Rubin, Rebecca B., Palmgreen, Philip
Japan's Cultural Code Words: 233 Key Terms That Explain the Attitudes and Behavior of the Japanese by De Mente, Boye Lafayette
Märcheninterpretation zu "Grimm's Bärenhäuter" by Dassel, Alice
Creating Connections: Museums and the Public Understanding of Current Research by
Youth Information Seeking Behavior: Theories, Models, and Issues by
The Classical Plot and the Invention of Western Narrative by Lowe, N. J.
The Student's Guide to Preparing Dissertations and Theses by Allison, Brian, Race, Phil
Rhetoric and Educational Discourse: Persuasive Texts by Nicoll, Katherine, Edwards, Richard, Solomon, Nicky
Cicero: Pro P. Sulla Oratio by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Marcus Tullius, Cicero
The Annals of Tacitus: Volume 2, Annals 1.55-81 and Annals 2 by Goodyear, F. R. D., Tacitus, Tacitus, Tacitus
Callimachus: Hymn to Demeter by Callimachus
Euripides: Phoenissae by Euripides
The Brontes and Religion by Marianne, Thormahlen, Thorm Hlen, Marianne, Thormahlen, Marianne
Language, Sexuality, Narrative: The Oresteia by Goldhill, Simon
A Companion to Film Theory by
Westminster Handbook to Patristic Theology by McGuckin, John Anthony, McGucking
Traditional Forms and Cosmic Cycles by Guenon, Rene
Lip Reading Principles and Practice by Nitchie, Edward B.
The Last Harvest: The Complete Writings of John Burroughs by Burroughs, John
The Last Harvest: The Complete Writings of John Burroughs by Burroughs, John
Societies After Slavery: A Select Annotated Bibliography of Printed Sources on Cuba, Brazil, British Colonial Africa, South Africa, and the British We by
Enhancing Performance in Virtual Knowledge Networks: A Community Engineering Approach by Schrott, Gregor
Ein blaues Band: Aus dem Leben und Wirken Eduard Mörikes by Korn, Ernst
Fantabulosa by Baker, Paul
Literate Lives in the Information Age: Narratives of Literacy from the United States by Selfe, Cynthia L., Hawisher, Gail E.
Semiotik / Semiotics. 4. Teilband by
It Comes with the Territory: Handling Problem Situations in Libraries, rev. ed. by Turner, Anne M.
Bibliographia Cartographica: Internationale Dokumentation Des Kartographischen Schrifttums by
Die Kommunikation der Medien by
Mimesis - Repräsentation - Imagination: Literaturtheoretische Positionen Von Aristoteles Bis Zum Ende Des 18. Jahrhunderts by
Action Theory and Communication Research: Recent Developments in Europe. (Mouton Textbook) by
Die Inszenierung Des Neubeginns: Antrittsreden Von Regierungschefs in Den Usa, Großbritannien, Frankreich Und Deutschland by Stüwe, Klaus
The Art of Teaching Secondary English: Innovative and Creative Approaches by McGuinn, Nicholas, Stevens, David
A Guide to Self-Help Workbooks for Mental Health Clinicians and Researchers by L'Abate, Luciano
Ingush-English and English-Ingush Dictionary: Ghalghaai-Ingalsii, Ingalsii-Ghalghaai Lughat by Nichols, Joanna, Sprouse, Ronald L.
Public Relations in Britain: A History of Professional Practice in the Twentieth Century by L'Etang, Jacquie
The Art of Teaching Secondary English: Innovative and Creative Approaches by Stevens, David, McGuinn, Nicholas
John Kirby's Suffolk: His Maps and Roadbooks: With a Facsimile of the Suffolk Traveller, 1735 by Blatchly, John
Language Strategies for Bilingual Families: The One-Parent-One-Language Approach by Barron-Hauwaert, Suzanne
Lexical Diversity and Language Development: Quantification and Assessment by Chipere, N., Malvern, D., Richards, B.
Rhetorical Argumentation: Principles of Theory and Practice by Tindale, Christopher W.
Serving Homeschooled Teens and Their Parents by Welch, Janet, Lerch, Maureen
The Red Scare, Politics, and the Federal Communications Commission, 1941-1960 by Brinson, Susan
Micro Radio and the FCC: Media Activism and the Struggle Over Broadcast Policy by Opel, Andy
Journalism: A Guide to the Reference Literature by Cates, Jo
Upstart Talents: Rhetoric and the Career of Reason in English Romantic Discourse, 1790-1820 by Mulvihill, James
Letter Perfect: The Marvelous History of Our Alphabet from A to Z by Sacks, David
Ori Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2004 (Revised) by Steneck, Nicholas H.
The African American Writer's Guide to Successful Self Publishing by Powell, Takesha
USA to Z: A Celebration of American Popular Culture by Jones, Ray
Erzählartistik zugunsten einer deutschen Wende in Alfred Döblins Spätwerk by Wambsganz, Friedrich
USA to Z: A Celebration of American Popular Culture by Jones, Ray
Story Logic: Problems and Possibilties of Narrative by Herman, David
The Complete Guide to Labyrinths: Tapping the Sacred Spiral for Power, Protection, Transformation, and Healing by Eason, Cassandra
A Writer's Guide to Fiction: A Concise, Practical Guide for Novelists and Short-Story Writers by Lyon, Elizabeth
Books Are Tremendous by
Narrative Across Media: The Languages of Storytelling by
Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook: Hands-On Help for Making Your Novel Stand Out and Succeed by Maass, Donald
The Adirondack Atlas: A Geographic Portrait of the Adirondack Park by Jenkins, Jerry
No Uncertain Terms: More Writing from the Popular on Language Column in the New York Times Magazine by Safire, William
Rhetoric and Educational Discourse: Persuasive Texts by Nicoll, Katherine, Solomon, Nicky, Edwards, Richard
Lupus Q & A: Everything You Need to Know by Lahita, Robert G., Phillips, Robert H.
Chemical Modelling: Applications and Theory Volume 3 by
Creativity, Communication and Cultural Value by Negus, Keith, Pickering, Michael
Plato and Popcorn: A Philosopher's Guide to 75 Thought-Provoking Movies by Smith, William G.
An Annotated Catalogue of the Edward C. Atwater Collection of American Popular Medicine and Health Reform: Volume II, M-Z by Hoolihan, Christopher
Theoretische Welten Und Literarische Transformationen: Die Naturwissenschaften Im Spiegel Der 'Science Studies' Und Der Englischen Literatur Des Ausge by Vanderbeke, Dirk
Textured Tresses: The Ultimate Guide to Maintaining and Styling Natural Hair by Da Costa, Diane
Zolar's Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Dreams: Fully Revised and Updated for the 21st Century by Zolar
The Savvy Senior: The Ultimate Guide to Health, Family, and Finances for Senior Citizens by Miller, Jim
The Forensic Stage: Settling Disputes in Graeco-Roman New Comedy by Scafuro, Adele C.
Cicero: Epistulae Ad Quintum Fratrem Et M. Brutum by Shackleton Bailey, D. R., Cicero, Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Velleius Paterculus: The Caesarian and Augustan Narrative (2.41-93) by Woodman, A. J., Paterculus
Cicero: Cato Maior de Senectute by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Aratus: Phaenomena by Aratus
Cicero: Letters to Atticus: Volume 5, Books 11-13 by Shackleton Bailey, D. R., Cicero, Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Cicero: Epistulae Ad Familiares: Volume 1, 62 47 B.C. by Cicero, Shackleton Bailey, D. R., Cicero, Marcus Tullius
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