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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 2012

Greatest Wonders of the World by Khatri, Vikas
Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, 1... by Blair, Hugh
The Celebrity Black Book 2012: Over 60,000+ Accurate Celebrity Addresses for Autographs, Charity Donations, Signed Memorabilia, Celebrity Endorsement by
Mittelhochdeutsche Minnereden Und Minneallegorien Der Wiener Handschrift 2796 Und Der Heidelberger Handschrift Pal. Germ. 348: Eine Mittelhochdeutsche by Mareiner, Michael
Die Incunabel-Bibliographie: Anleitung Zu Einer Richtigen Und Einheitlichen Beschreibung Der Wiegendrucke... by Einsle, Anton
Live Language Lessons: First Bk... by Driggs, Howard Roscoe
Empowering Women Through Better Healthcare and Nutrition in Developing Countries/Nam S&T Centre by Sharma, Sheel &. Atero Angella Atwaru
Food Processing and Preservation by Khetarpaul, Neelam
Library & Information: Sources & Services by Jadhav, U. S. &. Jange Suresh
Battle Exhortation: The Rhetoric of Combat Leadership by Yellin, Keith
Classic Tales: Big Baby Finn Beginner Level 2 by Arengo, Sue
Symbols of Eternity: Landmarks for a Soul Journey by Stewart, Malcolm
All about Desert Life by Penn, Julie
Discourses of Freedom of Speech: From the Enactment of the Bill of Rights to the Sedition Act of 1918 by Rudanko, J.
Politeness and Culture in Second Language Acquisition by Song, S.
Digital Cultures and the Politics of Emotion: Feelings, Affect and Technological Change by Karatzogianni, Athina, Kuntsman, Adi
Dangerous Multilingualism: Northern Perspectives on Order, Purity and Normality by
Understanding Media Policies: A European Perspective by
Developing Interactional Competence: A Conversation-Analytic Study of Patient Consultations in Pharmacy by Nguyen, H.
Representing Ageing: Images and Identities by
Race and Region by Thompson, Edgar T., Thompson, Alma Macy
Glanzlichter der Wissenschaft 2012 by
Rhetoric by Aristotle
Multimodal Texts from Around the World: Cultural and Linguistic Insights by
Public Relations Cases by Hendrix, Jerry, Hayes, Darrell, Kumar, Pallavi
Hawaii Bathroom Book: Light Reading for the Lua, Airport, Bus, Waiting Room ... by John Richard Stevens
Intellectual Property Rights Management in Developing Countries/Nam S&T Centre by Nyatlo, Sheila Mavis &. Caballero Cather
Science and Technology for Rural Development/Nam S&T Centre by Wickremasinghe, Seetha I. &. Abilay Ma
Science and Technology Policy for Sustainable Development/Nam S&T Centre by Sheng, Tan Kha &. Soljan Dragan
Traditional and Folk Herbal Medicine: Recent Researches Vol. 1 by Vijay Kumar Gupta
Classic Tales: Ugly Duckling Beginner Level 2 by Arengo, Sue
A Teaching Subject: Composition Since 1966, New Edition by Harris, Joseph
Chancen und Risiken der e-Demokratie by Lenzinger, Christian
Leading Issues in Social Knowledge Management by
Einführung in Die Moderne Hochspannungstechnik by Fischer, Kurt
Model Un Handbook: A Preparation for Mun Conferences by Hodgin, Greg
American Book Clubs: Their Beginnings and History, and a Bibliography of Their Publications... by Growoll, Adolf
Delectus Poetarum Anthologiae Graeca: Cum Adnotatione Critica. Accedunt Coniectanea Critica de Anthologiae Graecae Locis Controversis... by Meineke, August
Daily Phonics, Grade 3 Teacher Edition by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Read and Discover Level 6 Earth Then and Now Activity Book by Robert Quinn
Read and Discover Level 5 Medicine Then and Now Activity Book by Louise & Richard Spilsbury
A Treatise on Viticulture by Perold, A. I.
The Five Principles of Everything by Richiusa, Gordon
Die "Novas Cartas Portuguesas" - ein feministisches Manifest? by Burmeister, Sara Anna
Essays: Triologue: Kepler, Twain, Lewis by Dorman, S.
Swift Viewing: The Popular Life of Subliminal Influence by Acland, Charles R.
Getting Real by Vincent, Kimbell Richard
Rompecabezas by Jim?nez Mayo, Eduardo, Jimenez Mayo, Eduardo
United Kingdom Balance of Payments 2011: The Pink Book by Na, Na
The Jamaican Deportees: (We Are Displaced, Desperate, Damaged, Rich, Resourceful or Dangerous). Who Am I? by Brown, Charlie
Locating Visual-Material Rhetorics: The Map, the Mill, and the GPS by Propen, Amy D.
Human Security: Securing East Asia's Future by
U.S. Air Force Survival Handbook by United States, United States Air Force
Die Repräsentation von Puerto-Ricanern im US-amerikanischen Film: Anhand ausgewählter Beispiele by Göttsch, Daniela
Das Böse in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" - Roman, Drama, Film by Friedrich, Toni
Die Einführung neuer MitarbeiterInnen am Beispiel des Tourismus: Maßnahmen zur Erleichterung des Arbeitseinstieges by Rohrmoser, Msc Sabine
A Treatise on Viticulture by Perold, A. I.
Yoga Research by Field, Tiffany
Prayers That Moved Mountains Still Move Mountains by Mutambanengwe, Florence
Sprachtheorie: Grundbegriffe Und Methoden Zur Untersuchung Der Sprachstruktur by Freundlich, Rudolf
Rationalismus Im Ursprung: Die Genesis Des Axiomatischen Denkens by Stachowiak, Herbert
Die Runenschrift by Wimmer, Ludvig
Beurteilung der Lesekompetenzförderung durch das Lehrwerk "deutsch.kombi 4" by Kluth, Julia Patricia
Indexikalität und Fregescher Sinn: Eine Untersuchung zu den referentiellen Eigenschaften des Personalpronomen "ich" by Ulrich, Karin
Ask Alice Level 2 Elementary/Lower-Intermediate American English Edition by Johnson, Margaret
Evolution by the Numbers: The Origins of Mathematical Argument in Biology by Wynn, James
Saudi Arabia by Zuhur, Sherifa
United Kingdom National Accounts 2011: The Blue Book by Na, Na
Processing Instruction and Discourse by Lee, James F., Benati, Alessandro G.
Seven Steps to an Award-Winning School Library Program by Martin, Ann
Mostly Manga: A Genre Guide to Popular Manga, Manhwa, Manhua, and Anime by Kalen, Elizabeth
Enzyme Chemistry: Impact and Applications by
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law - 2003 by
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law - 2004 by
101 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills Instantly, 5th Edition by Bough Ph. D., Bennie, Condrill, Jo
Schreiblust und Schreibförderung in der Grundschule - mit und ohne Computereinsatz by Steier, Iris
Soziale Netzwerke, Selbstinszenierung und das Ende der Privatsphäre by Hahn, Boris
Como Dec a Mi T a Graciana: Refranes Mexicanos by Lagunas, Miguel
Words Spring Sale 3v Set by McKean
Lernen durch Lehren: Vor- und Nachteile einer schülerzentrierten Methode im Deutschunterricht der Jahrgangsstufe 11 am Beispiel einer Unter by Reichardt, Sabine
This Is PR: The Realities of Public Relations by Newsom, Doug, Turk, Judy, Kruckeberg, Dean
Let's Go 4 [With CDROM] by Hoskins, Barbara, Nakata, Ritzuko, Frazier, Karen
Locating Visual-Material Rhetorics: The Map, the Mill, and the GPS by Propen, Amy D.
Algebraische Geometrie: Eine Einführung by Brodmann, Markus
Wahrscheinlichkeit Statistik Und Wahrheit by Mises, Richard V.
Frontiers in Computer Graphics: Proceedings of Computer Graphics Tokyo '84 by
Das Tier Im Spiegel Der Sprache by Riegler, Richard
Dominoes Level 2 the Curse of Capistrano by Johnston McCulley Retold by Bill Bowler
Competitive Intelligence. Ein Leitfaden: Von der Einführung bis zur Verarbeitung gewonnener Informationen by Schorn, Benjamin
Mlr April 2012 by
Como Dec a Mi T a Graciana: Refranes Mexicanos by Lagunas, Miguel
Comparative Perspectives on Language Acquisition: A Tribute to Clive Perdue by
Progress in Drug Research / Fortschritte Der Arzneimittelforschung / Progrès Des Recherches Pharmaceutiques by Jucker
The Language of Politics by Geis, Michael L.
Rock and Roll - Eine Revolution? by Anonymous
Mono Record Collector's Handbook by Rees, Phil
Audiophile Record Collector's Handbook by Rees, Phil
Würfelwörter und Rätselbilder im Parzivalprolog Wolframs von Eschenbach by Hüning, Heinrich
Bhartiya Shikhar Mahilayein by Garg, Chitra
Proper Form, Pure and Simple: A Handbook for English Grammar by Robinson, Horace N.
Proper Form, Pure and Simple: A Handbook for English Grammar by Robinson, Horace N.
Taking Yourself Seriously: Processes of Research and Engagement by Taylor, Peter John, Szteiter, Jeremy
My Dream My Key by Mampeule, Coty Martins
The Written World: Studies in Literate Thought and Action by
The Handbook of Crisis Communication by
The Role of Authorship during the Shift towards a New Hollywood by Schwarz, Andreas
Das Labyrinth des Ich: Zum Spiegellabyrinth-Motiv in Dürrenmatts "Minotaurus" by Avram, Stela
United States Marine Corps Unit Awards Manual by U S Marine Corps, Department of the Navy
Paul Robert October 2011 Catalog by Robert, Paul
Off the Beaten Path: Stories of People Around the World by Colvin, Ruth
Context, Individual Differences and Pragmatic Competence by Taguchi, Naoko
Context, Individual Differences and Pragmatic Competence by Taguchi, Naoko
Metaphysik Skepsis Wissenschaft by Stegmüller, Wolfgang
The Social Construction of Age: Adult Foreign Language Learners by Andrew, Patricia
Examination and Analysis of Starch and Starch Products by
Design and Implementation of a Test Framework: An XML based Framework for testing the firmware of a Pulse- and Pattern generator by Rowold, Rüdiger
Der Einfluss von Online- und mobiler Werbung auf den Markenwert eines Produkts/Unternehmens: Entwurf eines Messmodells zur Ermittlung des Markenwerts by Stummvoll, Christoph
Gelebtes und fiktives Außenseitertum - Der Mensch und Autor Arno Schmidt und seine literarischen Alter Egos by Wendland, Hans-Georg
Literatur im räumlichen und zeitlichen Kontext am Beispiel Hermann Hesses "Unterm Rad": Ein handlungsorientiertes Unterrichtskonzept für Klasse 9 by Vollmer, Nicole
The Social Construction of Age: Adult Foreign Language Learners, 63 by Andrew, Patricia
When a King of Hearts Meets a Queen of Diamonds: Playing Your Hand to Win at ''Relationships'' by Simms, Paul
The Positive Side of Interpersonal Communication by
Thematic Concerns in the Novels of Bapsi Sidhwa by Faiyaz, Afreen
When a King of Hearts Meets a Queen of Diamonds: Playing Your Hand to Win at ''Relationships'' by Simms, Paul
The Little Book of Secret Code Puzzles: Pearls of Wisdom & Encouragement Waiting to Be Discovered by Ciesla, Gary
The Natural Origin of Language: The Structural Inter-Relation of Language, Visual Perception and Action by Allott, Robin
The 666 Code Book: Prophecies/Predictions and Lies by Prophet of U. S. a.
Teacher Development in Action: Understanding Language Teachers' Conceptual Change by Kubanyiova, M.
Teacher Development in Action: Understanding Language Teachers' Conceptual Change by Kubanyiova, M.
The Place-Names of Nottinghamshire by Mutschmann, Heinrich
Place Names of South West Yorkshire by Goodall, Armitage
Conversation Analysis: Comparative Perspectives by
The Organization and Order or Battle of Militaries in World War II: Volume VII: Germany's and Imperial Japan's Allies & Puppet States by Pettibone, Charles D.
Rethinking Creative Writing in Higher Education by Vanderslice, Stephanie
The Haitian drama, history taking the wrong turn by Raphael, Antoine Archange
Ciceros Umgang mit der griechischen Vorlage des Panaitios in 'de officiis' by Anonymous
Die Faszination des Abartigen - Warum Ekel Quote macht: Eine Formatbeschreibung der Erfolgsshow "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus" by Kils, Marina
Eine Darstellung der Einschränkungen des täglichen Lebens in der DDR anhand Thomas Brussigs Roman 'Am kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee' by Hiepe, Theresa
Vernacular Eloquence: What Speech Can Bring to Writing by Elbow, Peter
Technology and Literacy: 21st Century Library Programming for Children & Teens by Nelson, Jennifer, Braafladt, Keith
Let's Meet Our Match: Your Complete Guide to Success in the World of Internet Dating by Smith, Christopher T.
Der Natureingang am Beispiel eines Sommer- und Winterliedes von Neidhart by Anonymous
Die Lexik der Chicanos und ihre Anwendung in Texten by Rohloff, Antje
Slips of the Tongue - A Classification by Dziekońska, Maria
Text by
First Italian Reader for beginners by Favuzzi, Francesca
The Writer's Idea Book: How to Develop Great Ideas for Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, & Screenplays by Heffron, Jack
Building Museums: A Handbook for Small and Midsize Organizations by Grabitske, David, Herskovitz, Robert, Glines, Timothy
The Everything Brazilian Portuguese Practice Book by Ferreira, Fernanda
"Dem Publikum gefiel das, dem Kesten gefiel das nicht." - Uwe Johnson als Polemiker by Himstedt, Sebastian
Jaepl: The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning Vol 17 by
The Library Catalogue as Social Space: Promoting Patron Driven Collections, Online Communities, and Enhanced Reference and Readers' Services by Tarulli, Laurel
Positive Classroom Management Skills for School Librarians by Bishop, Kay, Cahall, Jenny
Subject Headings for School and Public Libraries: Bilingual Edition by Fountain, Joanna
The Entrepreneur's Information Sourcebook: Charting the Path to Small Business Success by Awe, Susan
Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing by Pavlidis, T.
Library and Information Science Trends and Research: Asia-Oceania by
Conversaciones de Poder: Creando La Vision de Mi Mundo by S. Nchez, Kora, Sanchez, Kora
Progress in Drug Research / Fortschritte Der Arzneimittelforschung / Progrès Des Recherches Pharmaceutiques by Jucker
Die Sprachpolitik des Europarats by
The Teachability of Communication Strategies: A Critical Survey of Some School Books for the Gymnasium by Meier, Holger
Uregelmessige verb i norsk: Norwegian Irregular Verbs - Norwegische unregelmäßige Verben by Aas, Eldrid Hågård
21 Ways to Make Money Speaking by Slattery, Felicia
Frame-Semantik by Busse, Dietrich
Roman Lyric: Collected Papers on Catullus and Horace by Cairns, Francis
Sinnbilder für Sprache by Köller, Wilhelm
24/7 - Die Welt auf Knopfdruck: Einfluss neuer Medien im gesellschaftlichen Alltag und Folgen für das Kaufverhalten der Generation Y by Bugaev, Stanislav, Reimgen, Olga
PR und KMU - Social Media als Public Relations-Instrument für Kleine und Mittelständische Unternehmen in Österreich unter besonderer Berücksichtigung by Schöps, Bernhard
The ABC's of Christian Growth by Lewis, Gloria J.
Les Origines de La France Contemporaine: L'Ancien Regime... by Taine, Hippolyte
Fascination: Viewer Friendly TV Journalism by Graham Holm, Nancy
BP: Seguridad Primeros Auxilios by Hern Ndez, Ma Enriqueta Elizondo, Monterubio, Angeles Fonseca, De Hern Ndez, Martha Morales
Brockhaus und Wikipedia - Enzyklopädien im Wandel vom statischen Nachschlagewerk zum nutzergenerierten Lexikon by Rachbauer, Tamara
English in New York City - An Empirical Case Study: The Northern Cities Chain Shift in New York City by Dziekonska, Maria
Drama im 18. Jahrhundert: Im Hinblick auf Schiller, mit einer Interpretation des Dramas "Der versöhnte Menschenfeind" by Leibfried, Erwin
Klassisches Bewußtsein als Produkt des 18. Jahrhunderts: Ereignisse und Erfahrungen by Leibfried, Erwin
Diskursanalyse des deutschen TV-Duells 2009 zwischen den Kanzlerkandidaten Steinmeier und Merkel by Fábián, Annamária
Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences by Smith, Anne Margaret, Kormos, Judit
Metaphern des Essens und Trinkens in Aravind Adiga, "The White Tiger" und Timothy Mo, "Sour Sweet" by Keller, Kim
Kannibalismus und Psychologie in Literatur und Film - Thomas Harris und Sir Ridley Scotts "Hannibal": Das Wildschweinmotiv in seiner mythologischen Be by Parszyk, Paul
Les Origines De La France Contemporaine: La Révolution: T.1 L'anarchie. 8 Éd. 1878. T.2 La Conquête Jacobine. 5.éd. 1881. T.3. Le Gouvernement Révolut by Taine, Hippolyte
Collection de Cartes Géographiques, Vues, Marines, Plans Et Portraits Relatifs Aux Voyages Du Capitaine J. Meares... by Billecocq, Meares, John
Modern Proverbs for the 21st Century by Ashton, Glenn
Literary Taste How To Form It by Bennett, Arnold
Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences by Kormos, Judit, Smith, Anne Margaret
Winetasting's Magical Moments by Joye, Donald D.
Educating about Social Issues in the 20th and 21st Centuries: A Critical Annotated Bibliography Volume One by
Educating about Social Issues in the 20th and 21st Centuries: A Critical Annotated Bibliography Volume One (Hc) by
Verführerische Werbespielchen? Eine Untersuchung von Text und Bild in Sex-sells-Anzeigen by Kaznina, Elena
Feminismus in Spanien: Montserrat Roig - El temps de les cireres by I, Ernst
Complete Hypnotism: Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism How to Hypnotize: Being an Exhaustive and Practical System of Method, Application, and Us by Alpheus, A.
Ludwig Winder: Hugo: Und andere Erzählungen by Sudhoff, Dieter
Les Origines De La France Contemporaine: Ptie.] T.1. L'anarchie. 16. Éd. 1888. T.2. La Conquête Jacobine. 14. Éd. 1890. T.3. Le Gouvernement Révolutio by Taine, Hippolyte
Manuel de L'Amateur de Livres Du Xixe Siecle, 1801-1893: A-Z... by Vicaire, Georges
Les Origines de La France Contemporaine, Volume 3... by Taine, Hippolyte
Étude Sur Le Cénobitisme Pakhomien... by Ladeuze, Paulin
Entrepreneurship, Governance and Ethics by
Progress in Drug Research / Fortschritte Der Arzneimittelforschung / Progrès Des Recherches Pharmaceutiques: Tropical Diseases I / Tropische Krankheit by Jucker
Progress in Drug Research / Fortschritte Der Arzneimittelforschung / Progrès Des Recherches Pharmaceutiques: Tropical Diseases II / Tropische Krankhei by Jucker
Progress in Drug Research/Fortschritte Der Arzneimittelforschung/Progrés Des Recherches Pharmaceutiques by Jucker
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