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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 2013

Colloque Français Et Breton, Ou Nouveau Vocabulaire by Sans Auteur
Traité de la Traduction, Ou l'Art de Traduire Le Latin En Français, Abrégé de l'Ouvrage: de M. Ferri de Saint-Constant, À l'Usage Des Quatrièmes Et Tr by Viguier-A
Catalogue de la Collection de M. Meynier Saint-Fal: Miniatures, Vente 14 Janvier 1861 by Sans Auteur
Catalogue de la Collection d'Estampes Anciennes Du Cabinet de M. Martelli, de Florence by Sans Auteur
The Celebrity Black Book 2013: 67,000+ Accurate Celebrity Addresses for Fans & Autograph Collecting, Nonprofits & Fundraising, Advertising & Marketin by
Infused Readers: Book 1 by Logan, Amy
Infused Readers: Book 2 by Logan, Amy
Infused Readers: Book 3 by Logan, Amy
Infused Readers: Book 6 by Logan, Amy
Infused Readers: Book 7 by Logan, Amy
Infused Readers: Book 8 by Logan, Amy
Infused Readers: Book 10 by Logan, Amy
Infused Readers: Book 11 by Logan, Amy
Infused Readers: Book 12 by Logan, Amy
Infused Readers: Book 13 by Logan, Amy
Infused Readers: Book 14 by Logan, Amy
Infused Readers: Book 15 by Logan, Amy
Catalogue Des Tableaux Et Dessins Anciens Et Modernes by Descamps, Guillaume
Abrégé de Grammaire Française. Simples Leçons Recueillies Pour Les Écoles Primaires by Sans Auteur
Traité Abrégé Théorique Et Pratique de Prononciation Française (2e Édition) by Vaillant-A
Oraison Funèbre de Monseigneur Christophe de Beaumont, Archevêque de Paris by Thuet-E-C
Alphabet Méthodique Pour Faciliter l'Art d'Épeller Et de Lire En Franc?ois. Cinquième Edition by Sans Auteur
Catalogue de la Collection d'Estampes Anciennes Et Modernes Du Cabinet de M. Martelli, de Florence by Sans Auteur
Infused Readers: Book 5 by
A. B. C. Instructif, Pour Apprendre Aux Enfans Les Élémens de la Langue Françoise. Neuvième Édition by Sans Auteur
Éloge de Louis XV, Prononcé Dans Une Académie, Le 25 Mai 1774 by Voltaire
Bakery Science and Cereal Technology by Khetarpaul, Neelam &. Grewal Raj Bala &.
Basic and Applied Entomology an Encyclopedia by Kumawat, K. C. &. Kumawat S. R.
Biodiversity in India Vol. 6 by Pullaiah, T. &. Reddy K. Jaganmohan
Role of Science Centres For Sustained and Responsible Growth in Developing Countries/Nam S&T Centre by Nam S.
Industrial Processing of Fruits and Vegetables by Chavan, U. D. &. Patil J. V.
Animal Diversity, Natural History and Conservation Vol. 3 by Vijay Kumar Gupta, Anil K. Verma
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan by Hearn, Lafcadio
Bibliography of Forbidden Books - Volume II by Ashbee, Henry Spencer
Bibliography of Forbidden Books - Volume III by Ashbee, Henry Spencer
Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol. I: Romaunt of the Rose, Minor Poems (in Seven Volumes) by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol. I: Romaunt of the Rose, Minor Poems (in Seven Volumes) by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol. II: Boethius and Troilus (in Seven Volumes) by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol. IV: The Canterbury Tales (in Seven Volumes) by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol. IV: The Canterbury Tales (in Seven Volumes) by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol. V: Notes to the Canterbury Tales (in Seven Volumes) by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol.VI: Introduction, Glossary and Indexes (in Seven Volumes) by Chaucer, Geoffrey
The Universal Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, Vol. I (in Four Volumes): A-Clu by Thomas, Joseph
The Universal Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, Vol. I (in Four Volumes): A-Clu by Thomas, Joseph
The Universal Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, Vol. II (in Four Volumes): Clu-Hys by Thomas, Joseph
The Universal Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, Vol. III (in Four Volumes): Iac - Pro by Thomas, Joseph
The Universal Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, Vol. II (in Four Volumes): Clu-Hys by Thomas, Joseph
The Universal Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, Vol. III (in Four Volumes): Iac - Pro by Thomas, Joseph
The Universal Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, Vol. IV (in Four Volumes): Pro - Zyp by Thomas, Joseph
History of the Expedition Under the Command of Lewis and Clark, Vol.2 by
Bibliography of Forbidden Books - Volume I by Ashbee, Henry Spencer
Bibliography of Forbidden Books - Volume II by Ashbee, Henry Spencer
Bibliography of Forbidden Books - Volume III by Ashbee, Henry Spencer
History of the Expedition Under the Command of Lewis and Clark, Vol.3 by
Writing up your Research: for a dissertation or thesis: The Quick Guide Series by Remenyi, Dan, Bannister, Frank
Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol. VI: Introduction, Glossary and Indexes (in Seven Volumes) by Chaucer, Geoffrey
History of the Expedition Under the Command of Lewis and Clark, Vol.1 by
Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol. II: Boethius and Troilus (in Seven Volumes) by Chaucer, Geoffrey
The Universal Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, Vol. IV (in Four Volumes): Pro - Zyp by Thomas, Joseph
Dictionnaire Universel de la Langue Française. Tome 1, Edition 7 by Nodier, Charles
Dictionnaire Universel de la Langue Française. Tome 2, Edition 7 by Nodier, Charles
Cheaper, Better, Faster: Over 2,000 Tips and Tricks to Save You Time and Money Every Day by Hunt, Mary
Field Methods for Academic Research: Interviews, Focus Groups & Questionnaires by Remenyi, Dan
The Language of Interstate Relations: In Search of Personification by Twardzisz, P.
Imagining the Cosmopolitan in Public and Professional Writing by Surma, Anne
Critical Perspectives on Language Teaching Materials by
Researching Intercultural Learning: Investigations in Language and Education by
Literacy and the Bilingual Learner: Texts and Practices in London Schools by Wallace, Catherine
Standardization, Ideology and Linguistics by Armstrong, N., MacKenzie, I.
Relational Rituals and Communication: Ritual Interaction in Groups by Kádár, D.
Children, Film and Literacy by Parry, Becky
Understanding Terrorism in the Age of Global Media: A Communication Approach by Archetti, C.
Photojournalism: A Social Semiotic Approach by Caple, H.
Business and Service Telephone Conversations: An Investigation of British English, German and Italian Encounters by Varcasia, Cecilia
Doing Business with GSA: Quick Guide 2013 by U. S. General Services Administration
Shakespeare Lexicon, Vol. 2 by Schmidt, Alexander
Little Red Book: Of Language Checklist by O'Brien, Terry
Little Red Book of Spelling by O'Brien, Terry
Little Red Book: A Child'S First Dictionary by O'Brien, Terry
Speak Up, Speak Out: My Favourite Elocution Pieces and How to Deliver Them by O'Brien, Derek
Glanzlichter der Wissenschaft 2013 by
English Grammar for Language Students (Stapled Booklet): Basic Grammatical Terminology Defined and Alphabetically Arranged by Braun, Frank X.
The Dialects of Basque by Zuazo, Koldo
Discourse Theory and Critical Media Politics by
Bibliography of Forbidden Books - Volume I by Ashbee, Henry Spencer
Volume 1 - Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Moving Parts - Part 1 by Durant, Sybrina
The College Handbook of Creative Writing by DeMaria, Robert
The Smithsonian Book of Presidential Trivia by Smithsonian Institution
Shakespeare Lexicon, Vol. 1 by Schmidt, Alexander
Best Practices in Data Cleaning: Everything you need to do before and after you collect your data by Osborne, Jason W.
Decoding Political Discourse: Conceptual Metaphors and Argumentation by Neagu, Maria-Ionela
Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol.V: Notes to the Canterbury Tales (in Seven Volumes) by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Historical Research in Archives: A Practical Guide by Redman, Samuel J.
Textbook of Biosystematics theory and Practicals by Pullaiah, T.
A Little Argument by Faigley, Lester, Selzer, Jack
Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, Vol. I (in 4 Volumes) by Khallikan, Ibn
Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, Vol. II (in 4 Volumes) by Khallikan, Ibn
Textbook on Freshwater Aquaculture by Ahilan, B.
Textbook of Home Science Extension Education by Shekhar, Serene (Gote) &. Ahlawat Santos
Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, Vol. III (in 4 Volumes) by Khallikan, Ibn
Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, Vol. IV (in 4 Volumes) by Khallikan, Ibn
Supernatural Strategies for Making a Rock 'n' Roll Group by Svenonius, Ian F.
The Great Debate: A Handbook for Policy Debate and Public Forum Debate by Wolfson, Jonathan A.
Shakespeare Lexicon, Vol. 2 by Schmidt, Alexander
Shakespeare Lexicon, Vol. 1 by Schmidt, Alexander
Instrument Flying Handbook (2025): Faa-H-8083-15b by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U S Department of Transportation
Das Konzept Computerspielschule: Anforderungen an die medienpädagogische Arbeit mit Gamern, Eltern und Lehrern by Gabriel, Richter
Erarbeitung und Sicherung des Passé Composé mit diversen Übungen und allen Unterrichtsmaterialien by Müller, Peter
Researching Cultures of Learning: International Perspectives on Language Learning and Education by Jin, Lixian
Evaluation and Assessment for Conservation: Ecological Guidelines for Determining Priorities for Nature Conservation by Spellerberg, Ian
La Casa Sulla Chiusa by Calo', Andrea
Widerstand der Regionen gegen den Franquismus: Baskenland und Katalonien im Vergleich by Vehlies, Alina
U.S. Marine Close Combat Fighting Handbook by United States Marine Corps
Social Science Research Methodology: Concepts, Methods and Computer Applications by Kanire, George
Violence in the Workplace: Education, Prevention & Mitigation by Fowler, David
Das Marionettenmotiv in den Nachtwachen von Bonaventura by Kharashvili, Khatia
Manalive by Chesterton, G. K.
"Wir erzählen Wintergeschichten für unseren Adventskalender "- Eine produktionsorientierte Unterrichtsreihe zur Jahreszeit Winter (3./4. Schuljahr): U by Feldmann, Dirk
Erarbeitung und Sicherung der Wegbeschreibung auf Französisch mit sämtlichen Materialien by Müller, Peter
Be the Boss: How to Start a New Business, How to Buy an Existing Business, How to Purchase a Franchise! by Busch, Michael
Werden Journalisten als Meinungsführer durch PR-Agenturen beeinflusst?: Eine praxisnahe Bestandsaufnahme by Schuster, Florian
Die Begegnung von Faust und Helena in "Faust II" by Unterberger, Gisela
You're An Adjuster, Now What?: The Inside Adjuster Guide by Hoskins-Brown, Charleen L.
Recalling Political Messages: About the Framing of a Presidential Speech and Its Subsequent News Coverage by Schulze, Sophia
Les monuments de Paris - Erarbeitung und anschließende Präsentation der wichtigsten Pariser Sehenswürdigkeiten - mit sämtlichen Unterrichtsmaterialien by Müller, Peter
Literature and ELT: Louis Sachar's "Holes" Didaktisierung mit einigen außergewöhnlichen Ideen zu Übungen/Aktivitäten rund um "Holes" by Schörkhuber, Verena
Catastrophic Episodes in Earth History by Albritton, Claude
Printed Circuit Board Assembly: The Complete Works by Noble, P. J. W.
Mathematical Methods for Construction of Queueing Models by Kalashnikov, Vladimir
Risk Theory: The Stochastic Basis of Insurance by Beard, R.
The eBook Revolution: A Primer for Librarians on the Front Lines by Sheehan, Kate
What Is Qualitative Research? by Hammersley, Martyn
Methods of Environmental Data Analysis by Hewitt, C. N.
Der Frankfurter Leseverständnistest 5-6 (FLVT 5-6): Ein Test zur Erhebung der Lesekompetenz von Schülern by Duong, David
Various Book, Theater and Film Reviews: Nick Hornby, Charles Dickens, Peter Shaffer, Tolkien, Phil Penningroth by Picout, Sabine
Poems by Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Sea Passages: A Naval Anthology and Introduction to the Study of English. Edited by Geoffrey Callender by
The Writings of Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln 1235-1253 by Harrison Thomson, S., Thomson, Samuel Harrison
What Is Qualitative Research? by Hammersley, Martyn
Books on Early American History and Culture, 2001-2005: An Annotated Bibliography by Irwin, Raymond D.
Frauenquote, Betreuungsgeld und Homo-Ehe: Semantische Kämpfe im Geschlechterdiskurs seit der Bundestagswahl 2009 bis heute by Merk, Aljona
Tabari und Co - Methoden und Vielfalt der Koranexegese am Beispiel des "Züchtigungsverses" by Amhaz, Hannah
TV-Nachrichten im Spannungsfeld zwischen Unterhaltung und Seriosität: Anwendung der Sprache in TV-Nachrichten und wie sie die Wahrnehmung der Inhalte by Scherpe, Cornelia
Sicherheit vs. Freiheit - Die Individualismusdebatte im Werk "Hüter der Erinnerung" von Lois Lowry by Scherpe, Cornelia
Film translation from East to West: Dubbing, subtitling and didactic practice by
The Little Emperors' New Toys: A Critical Inquiry Into Children and Television in China by Zhao, Bin
Sind wir alle nur konditionierte Tiere?: Die Zeichentheorie von Charles Morris by Scherpe, Cornelia
Gems & Jewels Memory Joggers 3rd Edition by Garner, J. M.
Liebes- und Mariendichtung: Sublimierung und Übertragung bei Dante und Petrarca by Unterberger, Gisela
Peter Weiss und sein Verleger Siegfried Unseld: Eine Untersuchung der Autor- und Verleger-Beziehung anhand ihrer brieflichen Korrespondenz by Schmitt, Kerstin
Interpersonal Communication: Building Connections Together by Gamble, Teri Kwal, Gamble, Michael W.
Solving Problems in Technical Communication by
The Men's Group Manual by Henry, Clyde
How to Research for Treasure Hunting and Metal Detecting: From Lead Generation to Vetting by Von Helsing, Otto
How to Thrive on a Tropical Deserted Island: A Primer for the Shipwrecked Sailor Or Living off the Land in Paradise by Riley, Mike
Verwendungseigenschaften von Fachsprachen: Exaktheit, Vagheit und Explizitheit im Fachsprachengebrauch: Probleme, Abgrenzungen, Beispiele by Reitberger, Daniel
Intermedialität im Roman am Beispiel von Cervantes' "Don Quijote" by Seitz, Veronika
Deus lo vult?: Zu den politischen Motiven hinter dem ersten Kreuzzug und der Rolle Papst Urbans II. (1088-1099) by Vogl, Simon
Fredric Jameson: refashioning literature definition by Helichi, Kheirallah
Schillers Philosophische Gedichte by Lange, Helene
Histoire de la Révolution Francaise by Korell, Adolf
Der Minne Regel by Wöber, Franz Xaver
Shakespeare und seine Zeit by Sieper, Ernst
Collected Essays by Gosse, Edmund
Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot by Bonnell, Henry Houston
Studies in Foreign Literature by Crawford, Virginia M.
English Villages by Ditchfield, P. H.
Projektmanagement - Theorie und Praxis: Gestaltung und Verwaltung einer Homepage by Scherpe, Cornelia
Die Schattenseiten des Islams: Goethes kritische Betrachtung der islamischen Lehren mittels ausgewählter Gedichtpassagen by Scherpe, Cornelia
Die Frage nach der Motivation des Jokers in 'The Dark Knight': Der gescheiterte Übermensch? by Scherpe, Cornelia
Die Sprachtheorie nach Karl Bühler: Das Organonmodell und seine drei "unbekannten Brüder" - eine vertiefende Betrachtung by Scherpe, Cornelia
U.S. Golf Course Directory: Your Resource Guide to America's 16,431 Golf Destinations by Golf Yellow Pages
Das unschuldige teuflische Kind: Eine werkimmanente Suche nach Georg Bendemanns Schuld in Kafkas "Das Urteil" by Scherpe, Cornelia
Warum Politikwissenschaft eine Wissenschaft ist by Bochert, Jesse
Deutsche Übungsstücke zu H. Kühns französischer Schulgrammatik by Fischer, Hugo
Schillers Seelenadel by Jonas, Fritz
You Are Creative: Let Your Creativity Bloom by Dr Ykk
Mhra Style Guide. a Handbook for Authors and Editors. Third Edition. by
March 11: The Story of a Special Day: The Story of a Special Day by Dobson, Michael
March 12: The Story of a Special Day: The Story of a Special Day by Dobson, Michael
March 13: The Story of a Special Day: The Story of a Special Day by Dobson, Michael
March 14: The Story of a Special Day: The Story of a Special Day by Dobson, Michael
NARRARE È POSSIBILE - Riflessioni e suggerimenti su by Peterlin, Maria Serena
Integrating Young Adult Literature Through the Common Core Standards by Wadham, Rachel L., Ostenson, Jon
Documentary Culture and the Laity in the Early Middle Ages by
Interkulturelle Werbung by Polten, Kathleen
Best Movie Scenes: 549 Memorable Bank Robberies, Car Chases, Duels, Haircuts, Job Interviews, Swearing Scenes, Window Scenes and Others, by Levine, Sanford
"Ich war tot" - Linguistische Analyse literarischer Texte am Beispiel Sebastian Fitzeks Roman "Die Therapie" by Scherpe, Cornelia
H Lfsb Chlein Fur Lateinische Rechtschreibung by Brambach, Wilhelm
Hilfsb Chlein Fur Die Aussprache Der Lateinischen Vokale in Positionslangen Silben by Marx, Anton
Handbuch des Sanskrit: Grammatik by Thumb, Albert
Handbuch des Sanskrit: Texte und Glossar by Thumb, Albert
Food Lit: A Reader's Guide to Epicurean Nonfiction by Stoeger, Melissa
Agos - Zeitung der armenischen Minderheit in der Türkei by Janson, Göran
Into The Ether by Booth, Nigel
Variable Pronoun Usage in Child Speech by Adler, Marie Alicja
The Dimensional Philosopher's Toolkit: Or, the Essential Criticism; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, First Volume by Coppedge, Nathan
Reflecting on the Future of Academic and Public Libraries by
Going Places: A Reader's Guide to Travel Narratives by Burgin, Robert
Syrer (Suryoye) in Schweden: Geschichte und Gegenwart der Suryoye in Schweden by Janson, Göran
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