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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 2020

Vendita Porta A Porta: Tutto Quello Che C'è Da Sapere Sulla Vendita A Domicilio E Come Gestirla by Picciariello, Antonio
Las moradas interiores: La Tierra hueca by Fernandez, Angel Luis
Le Malais Vulgaire, Premières Notions Grammaticales de la Langue Malaise Ou Malaye: Dialogues Et Vocabulaire Français-Malais by Tugault, Alfred
Histoire Littéraire, Philologique Et Bibliographique Des Patois, Et de l'Utilité de Leur Étude: Nouvelle Édition, Suivie de la Bibliographie Générale by Pierquin, Claude-Charles
Leading Change in Academic Libraries by Cardwell, Catherine
Becoming a Library Leader: Seven Stages of Leadership Development for Academic Librarians by Freedman, Shin, Freedman, James M.
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de Feu M. Henri Ott by Collectif
Catalogue de la Collection Des Tableaux, Dessins, Aquarelles Et Études: Peints Par M. J. D. A. Ingres by Haro, Jacques
Méthode de Lecture Et de Langage, Lecture, Éléments Du Langage. Livret 2. 17e Édition: À l'Usage Des Élèves Étrangers de Nos Colonies by Machuel, Louis
La Sculpture Au Salon de 1877 by Jouin, Henry
Dictionnaire français-japonais des mots usuels de la langue française by Arrivet, Arthur
Salvation - Anointed Teachings by Pryce, Peter
Genrefication 101: A School Librarian's Quick Guide on How to Genrefy the Library by Howexpert, Holladay, Laura
Practical Manual for GIS by Sreekanth, P. D.
Textile Testing by Gopalakrishnan, D.
Academic Inclusion of Librarians in Digital Era by Francis, A. T.
Software Industry Libraries @ Services by P S Kattimani
Writing: A Project-Based Approach: Inspired Project Ideas and Mini-Lessons to Develop Authentic, Real-World Writing Skills by Hussey, Julie, Van Zile, Susan, Eyster, Alyssa
Visualising Uncertainty: A short introduction by Walton, Jo Lindsay, Levontin, Polina
Grammar in Context 2: Split Student Book a by Elbaum, Sandra
The A to Z Sports Joke Book by
Cultivating Genius: An Equity Framework for Culturally and Historically Responsive Literacy by Muhammad, Gholdy
Newsletter in der Unternehmenskommunikation: Neue Perspektiven auf ein altes Medium by Gleß, Björn
How To Be Omniscient: A Manual by Mahmud, Zeeshan
300 Books by S. T. Joshi: A Comprehensive Bibliography by Joshi, S. T.
L'influence du francais dans la formation des phrases interrogatives en basque by Weber, Lisa Marie
What You See Is What You Hear: Creativity and Communication in Audiovisual Texts by Martinelli, Dario
Tips from a Publisher: A Guide to Writing, Editing, Submitting and Publishing Your Book by Pack, Scott
Ethos: Individual, Social, Cultural, Institutional by Sofroniou, Andreas
Bordered Writers: Latinx Identities and Literacy Practices at Hispanic-Serving Institutions by
A typographical gazetteer by Cotton, Henry
Calendar of state papers, Domestic series, of the reigns of Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth 1547-1580 by
The complete works of Geoffrey Chaucer by
Ottawa Book Expo and Ottawa Fair Catalogue of Vendors October 2019 by Tremblay, Peter
The Library Workplace Idea Book: Proactive Steps for Positive Change by
English in Multilingual South Africa: The Linguistics of Contact and Change by
Euripides: Ion by Euripides
Euripides: Ion by Euripides, Gibert, John C.
Gemischte Charaktere in Lessings bürgerlichem Trauerspiel "Miss Sara Sampson" by Stahlberger, Nina
Poetry Criticism by
Systematisierung der Business-Intelligence für das Yield Management bei einem KMU Reiseveranstalter by Müller, Daniel
The Selection of Interculturally Competent Leaders. Measuring Intercultural Competence within Job Interviews by Utz, Alicia
Verbstellungen im gesprochenen Deutsch und im Westmittelbairischen. Eine überregionale sprachliche Betrachtung zu "weil"- und "dass"-Sätzen: Eine empi by Tu, Sebastian Chang-En
Der Holocaust und die Nachkriegspresse: Eine quantitative Analyse zur Aufarbeitung des Holocaust in der österreichischen Berichterstattung der Nachkri by Garschhammer, Simon
The Malcolm X Essays by Steele, Don
Flucht und Migration im Comic. Literarisches Lernen im Deutschunterricht der Primar- und Sekundarstufe I/II by Malm, Ariane
Public papers of George Clinton, first governor of New York, 1777-1795, 1801-1804 (Volume II) by Hastings, Hugh, Clinton, George
A philological introduction to Greek and Latin for students by Baur, Ferdinand, Kegan Paul, C.
Leaves from the annals of a mountain parish in Lakeland: being a sketch of the history of the church and benefice of Torver, together with its school by Ellwood, T.
Communicating Rare Diseases and Disorders in the Digital Age by
Stylistics by Awa, Onyekachi Jacinta
Big Data in der Logistik: Anwendungsbereiche und offene Potenziale zur Verbesserung der Kundenerfahrung by Ley, Alexander
The Usage of Humor in the Language Classroom by Rickauer, Christian
The Significance of the Letter. Temporality in "Désirée's Baby" by Kate Chopin by Gerhardt, Katharina
Information Hunters: When Librarians, Soldiers, and Spies Banded Together in World War II Europe by Peiss, Kathy
Design Thinking by Clarke, Rachel Ivy
Online-Kommunikation für Zielgruppen mit einem nachhaltigen Lebensstil: Zielgruppenansprache am Beispiel der LOHAS im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel by Weissinger, Karin
Mom's One Line a Day by Memories, The Beautiful
BIG Red Book on China by Brown, Jeff J.
Wall Mounted Stationary Openers 1893-1970: Pictures - History - Patents by Eblen, Harold J., Jr.
Travis Wayne Goodsell Ancient Egyptian Sign List: I. Creation Deities by Goodsell, Travis Wayne
Happy New Year 2020: Knitted effect by Inc, Alphaprint
Plastic is not fantastic by Inc, Alphaprint
Contrôle Géologique de l'Exploitation Minière: Géologie minière, exploitation et techniques d'extraction de gisements Cupro-Cobaltifères (RDC) by Kalau Kaseke, Albert, Chabu Mumba, Ildephonse
Happy new year 2020: Blue color by Inc, Alphaprint
Equality and Justice: An Engaged Conversation, a Troubled World by Abdelhakim, Ahmed, Chehade, Michael, Granner, Alex
Country Wives: Lizette Cree Wife of Antoine Paquette and Francois St.Denis: Volume 5 by Morin, Gail
Country Wives: Josephte Belisle Wife of James McMillan and Amable Fafard dit Delorme: Volume 6 by Morin, Gail
Grammar in Context 1: Student's Book by Elbaum, Sandra
Don't Smother Your Dragon: Building a Healthy Writing Career by Day, Nanette M., Dixon, J. S.
Essay on- A DUALISTIC INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: Theory of Industrial Relations by Mathew, B.
Oral Communication and Public Speaking Skills for Professionals by Abdelmagid, Tasneem Isam Mohammed, Abdelmagid, Mohammed Isam Mohammed, Abdelmagid, Isam Mohammed
¡Ayuda! Me voy a casar: Una guía para coordinar tu boda by Ortiz Mercado Mba, Joseph a.
Television at Work: Industrial Media and American Labor by Hughes, Kit
Speed Reading: The Comprehensive Guide To Speed-reading - Increase Your Reading Speed By 300% In Less Than 24 Hours by Armstrong, Nathan
Grammar in Context Basic: Student's Book by Elbaum, Sandra
Public Relations by Kelleher, Tom
Fake News, Fake Maps by Goradia, Samir
Write a Book in Two Hours: How to Write a Book, Novel, or Children's Book in Far Less than 30 Days by Green, Jonathan
Grammar in Context 3: Split Student Book a by Elbaum, Sandra
The Art of the Lie: How the Manipulation of Language Affects Our Minds by Danesi, Marcel
Management Basics for Information Professionals by Greenwell, Stacey, Evans, G. Edward
Marketingkonzepte von Versicherungsunternehmen versus Technologieunternehmen am Beispiel von Allianz und Apple by Anonym
The Healing Properties of the Blues by Foster, Sandra
The Healing Properties of the Blues by Foster, Sandra
Travis Wayne Goodsell Ancient Egyptian Sign List: II. Judgement #1 by Goodsell, Travis Wayne
Lehrerkalender 2020-2021: Lehrertimer für das Schuljahr 20/21/Lehrerplaner von August bis Juli/ Geschenk für Lehrer und Lehrerinnen / Lehrerplan by P, Annie
Every mistake I made in 2020 by Grumpy Worker
Grateful Everyday by Sunday, Renee
Maximize Your Medicare: 2020-2021 Edition: Qualify for Benefits, Protect Your Health, and Minimize Your Costs by Oh, Jae
Reader's Digest Easy Fixes for Everyday Things: 1,020 Ways to Repair Your Stuff by Editors of Reader's Digest
Hometown: Writing a Local History or Travel Guide by Sturtevant, Lynne
Development of Linguistic Linked Open Data Resources for Collaborative Data-Intensive Research in the Language Sciences by
The Scouting Guide to Tracking: An Officially-Licensed Book of the Boy Scouts of America: More Than 100 Essential Skills for Identifying and Trailing by McDougall, Len, The Boy Scouts of America
Timothy Brown Is a Bad Boy by Page-Clay, Mary
Password Keeper: Website password Tracker with alphabetical tabs by Books, Alice Flower
The Book of Proverbs and Wisdom: A Reference Manual by Tomlin, Curt
The High Sign by Heeren, David S.
Paranormal Investigation Log: 100 Pages 6" X 9" by Rwg
Paranormal Investigation Log: 100 Pages 6" X 9" by Rwg
Resisting Allegory: Interpretive Delirium in Spenser's Faerie Queene by Berger, Harry
The Book of Proverbs and Wisdom: A Reference Manual by Tomlin, Curt
The Camper's Survival Guide: Food Prepping, Gear, First Aid, Etiquette, and More! by King, Tamsin
kitchen touches by Publisher, Vee
Goethes Liebeslyrik im Wandel der Zeit. Ausgewählte Werke von Rokoko bis hin zur Weimarer Klassik by Anonymous
Risk Management Strategies and the Role of Senior Managers by Madara, Difrine
How To Become The Best Teacher You Can Be: 7 Steps to Becoming the Best Teacher You Can Be, Connect with Students, and Make a Positive Impact in Their by Sawyer, Rachel, Howexpert
The CIA World Factbook Volume 1 - Full-Size 2020 Edition: Giant Format, 600+ Pages: The #1 Global Reference, Complete & Unabridged - Vol. 1 of 3, Intr by Agency, Central Intelligence
The CIA World Factbook Volume 2 - Full-Size 2020 Edition: Giant Format, 600+ Pages: The #1 Global Reference, Complete & Unabridged - Vol. 2 of 3, The by Agency, Central Intelligence
The CIA World Factbook Volume 3 - Full-Size 2020 Edition: Giant Format, 600+ Pages: The #1 Global Reference, Complete & Unabridged - Vol. 3 of 3, Port by Agency, Central Intelligence
Best Technologies for Public Libraries: Policies, Programs, and Services by Decristofaro, Christopher, Hutter, James, Tanzi, Nick
The Quest for Retirement Utopia: How to Find the Retirement Spot That's Right for You by Hughes, Dave
The Ultimate Dictionary of Real Estate Terms by Susoeff, Pe, Jr.
Blockchain-Technologie. Funktionsweise und Potenzial: Analyse am Fallbeispiel Wirtschaftsprüfung by Port, David
A Prospectus Development Guide for Theses and Dissertations: A Variables Analysis Approach by Bernard, Hinsdale
Communicating Professions via Blog. An Applied Linguistics Approach by Doerr, Roxanne Barbara
Mittelniederdeutsches Wörterbuch: Vierter Band: S - T by Schiller, Karl
Challenge Story When Major Depressive Disorder Heals Naivety, Denial, and Gives Birth to High Sarcastic Skills: VERSION FOR ALL: Dr Amine Guen, Neurol by Guen, Amine
Challenge Story When Major Depressive Disorder Heals Naivety, Denial, and Gives Birth to High Sarcastic Skills: Dr Amine Guen, Neurology, Somnology, N by Guen, Amine
Bad Man Radar by Moreno, Esperanza Alana
Disaster Survival: Experiences of Philippine Victims and Rescuers by Eclarin, Dennis V.
Goethes Werke: 35. Band by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Academic Orientation: For College Students by Maluth, John Monyjok
The High Sign by Heeren, David S.
Marriage Is a Blood Covenant by Pryce, Peter
Erzählungen von Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach by Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie Von
Challenge Story When Major Depressive Disorder Heals Naivety, Denial, and Gives Birth to High Sarcastic Skills: BRIEF VERSION: Dr Amine Guen, Neurolog by Guen, Amine
Five Steps to the Perfect Pet by
Mediated Communication & You: An Introduction to Internet & Media Effects by Westerwick, Axel, Knobloch-Westerwick, Silvia
English in the German-Speaking World by
The Impact of Public Relations on Crisis Management at Health Institutions: A Case Study of University Teaching Hospital (UTH), in Lusaka, Zambia by Lombe, Sandra
Eden-Farms: A Cooperative Organic Style Farm Community by Freeman, Robbin Rivka, Freeman, Kerry
The first step of change is to become aware of your own bullshit: 50 reflection questions to end the year by Ascent, Ava
Lehrerplaner 2020 - 2021: Lehrerkalender für das Schuljahr 2020 - 2021 / Akademischer Kalender von August bis Juli / Jahresplaner für Lehrer / A by P, Annie
Lehrerplaner 2020 - 2021: Lehrerkalender für das Schuljahr 2020 - 2021 / Akademischer Kalender von August bis Juli / Jahresplaner für Lehrer / A by P, Annie
Lehrerkalender 2020 - 2021: Lehrerplaner für das Schuljahr 2020 - 2021 / Akademischer Kalender von August bis Juli / Jahresplaner für Lehrer / Auc by P, Annie
Analyse der Erfolgsfaktoren der Crossmedia-Strategie der Marke "true fruits" by Segieth, Madeleine
Krisenkommunikation und Krisenmanagement bei der PepsiCo by Treyer, Hanna
Moralische Dimensionen des Cyborgs in der Serie "Doctor Who". Maschinen, Menschen, Menschlichkeit by Kesting, Mara
Cours d'allemand facile avec une nouvelle méthode by Costanza, Wolfgang Jean
A history of English prosody from the twelfth century to the present day (Volume III) by Saintsbury, George
Year book of the societies composed of descendants of the men of the Revolution, 1890 by Hall, Henry
The Zotero Solution: Knowledge Management for the Scholarly Researcher by Baker, Donna Cox
Write the Perfect Read: Make Readers Happy While Propelling Them to the Last Page by Mountokalaki, Maria, Spencer, Kristin N.
Chitrali Dictionary by Aziz Chitrali, Linguist Lexicographer a.
V. S. Naipaul: Post-Colonial Melancholia by Aggarwal, Jit Pal
Lasallian Ruminations: Essays on Various Topics by Van Grieken Fsc, George
Opferpraxis und Sündenbock im Medienzeitalter by Castellano, Janina
Genre Unchained. Quentin Tarantino's "Django Unchained" as Genre Hybrid by Jaskolla, Stephan
Magic and Witchcraft: Utilizing Crystals by Wendle, Jack
Rolls-Royce and Bentley In the 80s and 90s by Vaughan, Richard
Narcissistic Fathers: Practical Guide for Adult Children to Deal with Emotional Abusive Toxic Fathers and Recover from CPTSD (Complex Post-T by Parker, Rose Mary
Serie Infinite in Euristica: solidità, coerenza ed eleganza delle serie infinite in euristica matematica by Sorato, Andrea
From Tea Leaves to Tea: 从茶叶到茶 by Wang, Mei Lan
PhD in Progress...: For Phd Degree & Dissertation Defense Fans - Funny gift idea For Graduation and PhD Students - Quotes About Graduation by Phd Journals, Jaouhar
Everything we always wanted to know about SUICIDE by Gallavotti, Eugenio, Savino, Mario
Dictionnaire alimentaire après un régime amaigrissant by Menard, Cédric
Public Humanities and the Spanish Civil War: Connected and Contested Histories by
How to Rock Self Publishing by Holmes, Steffanie, Green, Steff
PhD in Progress...: Funny gift idea For PhD female student and Graduations - For Phd Degree & Dissertation Defense Fans - Quotes About Graduations. by Phd Journals, Jaouhar
Konkretisierung der Schriftsprachkompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern nichtdeutscher Herkunftssprache. Umsetzung lernförderlicher Interventionen au by Siurek, Kathrin Helen
Lehrerkalender 2020 - 2021: Lehrerplaner für das Schuljahr 2020 - 2021 / XL / Akademischer Kalender von August bis Juli / Jahresplaner für Lehrer by P, Annie
IELTS Reading. Academic Practice Tests Questions Sets 6-10. Sample mock IELTS preparation materials based on the real exams: Created by IELTS teachers by Hogan, Jason
Pretty and Bright by I. Talk You Talk Press
I mille colori di Napoli: Storia, cultura e natura - 10 itinerari turistici by Granizio, Alba
Processos intersemióticos num mito da cultura amorosa brasileira by Lourenço de Oliveira, Leni
So, you think you know the 90's?: Hella Fun 90's pop culture Trivia Questions and answers game by Austin, Ryan
How to Transfer Books to Kindle App, Cloud, Kindle Paperwhite and All Kindle Device: A Complete user step by step latest Guide for 2020 with Pictures by Jesse, Andrew
But Sphere Itself: An examination of Flat Earth Theory by Conrad, Christopher
Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan: Vol. I by Hearn, Lafcadio
Sedona Vortex Medium by Cemalovic, Sonny
Modern Russian Idioms in Use: A Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of Russian by Minakova-Boblest, Elena
Personal finance for kids: A Basic lesson on money management skills include earning, saving, spending and investing money. by Rosenberg, Sheila
Transnational Representations of the U.S. Borderlands. Outlaw Women in Contemporary "Border Cinema" by Gonsior, Jeanette
Is dat Pop...literatur? Oder kann dat wech?: Surface noise in Christian Krachts "Faserland" by Bornschein-Jäger, Nico
Textsortenwandel in Slogans in der Anzeigenwerbung der Automobilindustrie by Veit, Sarah
Stereotypen weiblicher Figuren in den Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm by Brand, Marcel
Science and Revelation: a series of lectures in reply to the theories of Tyndall, Huxley, Darwin, Spencer, etc by Porter, Josias L.
Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning: The partitions of sciences, nine books by Watts, Gilbert, Bacon, Francis
Carnet De Lecture: Mes Lectures - Parfait cadeau pour les lecteurs et lectrices - Format (15.24 x 22.86 cm),130 Pages. by Lecture, Carnet
Emerging Science and Technology: What to Expect in the 2020's, 2030's and Beyond by Andermann Jr, Roy
Quotes To Tote - Life Lessons In PUN by Yeow, Sz
Sino La Esfera Misma: Sino La Esfera Misma by Conrad, Christopher
Verbraucherschlichtungsstellen in Deutschland: Zuständigkeit Verfahren Besonderheiten by Schmidt, Marcellus
Verbraucherschlichtungsstellen in Deutschland: Zuständigkeit Verfahren Besonderheiten by Schmidt, Marcellus
The Light of Language: or, How to hear and read aright the king of sciences by Jackson, William
Sozial-ökologische Bewegungen im 21. Jahrhundert. Public Relations als Kommunikationsinstrument by Caris, Alke Eva
Die Materialität der "Berliner Illustrierten Zeitung" und der Einsatz von Fotografie nach Walter Benjamin by Schlenz, Katharina
Die Loreley. Entwicklung, Wandlung und Wirkung einer romantischen Sagengestalt by Anonymous
Trauma and Trauma Theory in Sarah Kane's "Blasted" by Duch, Jakub
Alternativwelten, Parasitismus und Amerikanismus in Philip K. Dicks "The Man in the High Castle" by Brand, Marcel
Zum Zigeunerbegriff in Lorcas Romanze "Preciosa y el Aire" aus "Romancero Gitano": Eine Schwerpunktanalyse by Henning, Catharina
History of the Rise and Progress of Poetry: through its several species by Brown, John
The Publisher's Guide 101: For Indie Authors by Maluth, John Monyjok
Strategic Communication and Its Role in Conflict News: A Computational Analysis of the International News Coverage on Four Conflicts by Jungblut, Marc
If Only I Could Read by Cox, Robert
Worldview Dynamics and the Well-Being of Nations by Barrett, Richard
The Color-Guard: being a corporal's notes of military service in the Nineteenth Army Corps by Hosmer, James K.
The Refutation of Darwinism: and the converse theory of development; based exclusively upon Darwin's facts and comprising qualitative and quantitat by Oneill, T. Warren
Notes on Buddhist Law by Jardine, John
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