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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 2022

सफल सकल अभियान: प्रासंगि&#2325 by Joshi, Om
गड़बड़झाला: चुटीली कुण्डलि by प्रणेता ड&#2
अथ बाबूशाही (Ath Babushaahi) by &#2337&#2377. &#2323&#2350&#2381 &#2332&#2379&#2358&#2368, (
सोच बदलो ज़िंदगी ख़ुद बद&#2354 by गुरमीत मल&#2
Nothing to Hide: A fruitful life by McGrath Woodley, Lesley
Adult Children: Being One, Having One & What Goes In-Between by
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः by Agyaat, Preeti
ज़िंदगी की कहानियाँ by Gupta, Keshi
Rupaul's Drag Race UK Yearbook 2022 by Guiltenane, Christian
The Kitchen Cabinet: An Almanac for Food Lovers by Gray, Annie
Sustainable Development and Communication in Global Food Networks: Lessons from India by Touri, Maria
Library by McDonald, Amy
Bulfinch's Mythology: Complete Collection with Illustrations by Bulfinch, Thomas
Méthode d'Enseignement de Traduction: Translation Textbook for Students by Pryce, Peter
Post Office by McDonald, Amy
Business: Big companies push for profit at the expense of workers: A critical thinking module from a basic title to debate by Friesen, Paul R.
A Trip to the Post Office with Sesame Street (R) by Peterson, Christy
Engaging Online Language Learners: A Practical Guide by Pawan, Faridah, Daley, Sharon, Kou, Xiaojing
The Book of Birthdays: Discover What Your Birth Date Says about You by Carruthers, Pam
Review Tales - A Book Magazine For Indie Authors - 1st Edition (Winter 2022) (Large Print Edition) by Main, S. Jeyran
Trivquiz Tottenham Hotspur: 1001 Questions by McGarry, Steve
Indie Author Magazine Featuring Elana Johnson: Custom Launch Plans for Wide Writers, Substack for Authors, Rapid Release Explained, 10 Tips for Kickst by Honiker, Chelle, Briggs, Alice
Vida Digital De Los Medios Y La Comunicación 2: Nuevos Ensayos Sobre Las Audiencias, El Contenido Y Los Negocios En Internet by
Crazy Sexy Healthy by Julian, Brittany
Notes on Bucks County by Marcovitz, Hal
Reflect Listening & Speaking 6: Student's Book by Sherman, Kristin
A Trip to the Post Office with Sesame Street (R) by Peterson, Christy
Diva Journal: I'm a diva and always will be get over it by Huhn, Michael
Diva blank Journal: I'm a diva and always will be get over it by Huhn, Michael
The Tyranny of God by Lewis, Joseph
Medical notes Blank creative Journal mega 426 pages: Medical notes Blank creative Journal by Huhn, Michael
Assyrische Lesestücke: Einführung in die assyrische und semitisch-babylonische Keilschriftliteratur by Delitzsch, Friedrich
Modelos de Previsão E de Otimização Para Gestão Simultânea de Múltiplos Projetos de Ti by Tibério Barbosa, Willame, Negreiros, Marcos José, Dantas Filho Filho, Emanuel
It Was Necessary by Kgwalabatlhe, Tsholofelo
The Natural Laws of Man: A philosophical catechism by Spurzheim, Johann Gaspar
"Erbolato" von Ludovico Ariosto. Wie parodiert Ariosto den Neuplatonismus mithilfe von Quacksalberei? by Osmani, Djenisa
Rolle der maschinellen Übersetzung im Übersetzungsprozess. Kritische Untersuchung anhand von "DeepL" und Evaluation der Übersetzungsqualität by Trybulski, Pawel
Stories of Becoming: Demystifying the Professoriate for Graduate Students in Composition and Rhetoric by Lutkewitte, Claire
Medical notes Blank creative Journal mega 426 pages: Medical notes Blank creative Journal by Huhn, Michael
obey Sir Michael Artist Drawing creative Journal: obey Drawing creative Journal by Huhn, Michael
obey Sir Michael Artist Drawing creative Journal: obey Drawing creative Journal by Huhn, Michael
Medical Notes blank creative Journal: Medical Notes blank creative Journal 324 pages by Huhn, Michael
Transformations of a Genre: A Literary History of the Beguiled Apprentice by Cohen, Ralph
Jamaica's Jubilee: or, what we are and what we hope to be by Anonymous
Wahrhafte eigentliche und kurze Beschreibung des Umkreiss und Gelegenheit der ganzen Welt by Orosius, Paulus, Boner, Hieronymus
Managing Grey Literature: Technical Services Perspectives by
Communities of Practice in the Academic Library: Strategies for Implementation by Reale, Michelle
TW Index Volume 3 by Young, Jan
Eine Analyse der Bild- und Klangfiguren in Ingeborg Bachmanns Gedicht "Die gestundete Zeit": Der notwendige Aufbruch des Menschen im Angesicht der sic by Anonymous
Using Context in Information Literacy Instruction: Beyond Basic Skills by Hosier, Allison
Assyrisches Handwörterbuch by Delitzsch, Friedrich
Grammatik der attischen Inschriften by Meisterhans, Konrad
10 einfache Niederländische Kurzgeschichten für fortgeschrittene Anfänger (A2-Niveau) by de Raymond, Alain
Wine Making: A Guide to Growing, Nurturing and Producing by Travis, Jane, Atkinson, Kieron
Dekonstruktion des Signifikanten Gregor Samsa anhand Kafkas "Die Verwandlung" by Below, Johannes
Surrealistische Wirkungsmittel in Michael Endes "Der Spiegel im Spiegel - Ein Labyrinth". Theodor W. Adornos Ästhetikbegriff als Basis der Überlegunge by Olsen, Stine Lykke
The Trained Memory by Hilton, Warren
Master Your Time - 2022 Daily Planner by E-Artnow
Fringe Rhetorics: Conspiracy Theories and the Paranormal by Sorensen, Karen Schroeder
Das Gute im Auge behalten bei Ingeborg Bachmanns "Ihr glücklichen Augen": Wie gestaltet der Text das Thema der eingeschränkten Sicht? by Reinecke, Milena
Wie lässt sich das Spannungsverhältnis der verschiedenen Schicksalskräfte in Thürings von Ringoltingens "Melusine" deuten? by Reinecke, Milena
Exploring Michigan's Sunrise Coasts by Royce, Julie Albrecht
German Short Stories for Beginners and Intermediate Learners: Engaging Short Stories to Learn German and Build Your Vocabulary (2nd Edition) by Guru, Language
The Louisville Review v 90 Fall 2021 by
The Ultimate Guide to Novel Writing for Beginners: Discover all the elements needed to write a fiction book from scratch. For writers who want to go f by Jones, Hackney And
How to Write a Novel from Scratch: Step-by-step workbook for writers to generate ideas and outline a compelling first draft of a fiction story. Simply by Jones, Hackney And
365 Days of Northern Nature: Backyard Almanac: Photo Edition by Weber, Larry
Spanish Short Stories for Intermediate Level: Improve Your Spanish Listening and Reading Comprehension Skills by Orea, Claudia
Vernacular Voices: The Rhetoric of Publics and Public Spheres by Hauser, Gerard A.
Konstruktion von Geschlecht und Identität. "Gender Crossing" in Heinrich von Kleists "Penthesilea" by Pötter, Johanna
Self-Publishing: YOU CAN DO THIS! What You Need to Know to Write, Publish & Market Your Book Second Edition: YOU CAN DO THIS! What You by Miller, Karen Hodges
A Path To Greatness: A Book For India by Rajeev, Dilip
The Japanese Pirate Sword by Zongyou, Cheng
"Der arme Heinrich" von Hartmann von Aue. Gegenüberstellung von Todesfurcht und Todeswunsch by Schmidt, Lisa
Die Entwicklung der Jugendbewegung in Josefine Rieks' Roman "Serverland". Die Vernetzungsidee aus einer sozialgeschichtlichen Perspektive by Mau, Ann-Marie
Understanding Intercultural Communication: Negotiating Meaning and Identities in English as a Lingua Franca Skype Conversations by Brunner, Marie-Louise
Phonologische Transferfehler in der Interimssprache von niederländischen Deutschlernenden. Eine qualitative Untersuchung by Anonymous
Esperanto Revolutionaries and Geeks: Language Politics, Digital Media and the Making of an International Community by Fians, Guilherme
HowExpert Guide to Novel Writing: 101 Tips on Planning Your Fictional World, Developing Characters, Writing Your Novel, and Publishing Your Book by Howexpert, Reul, Rene
The Shadow School of Sword by Ikosai, Aisu
Regulierung von Social Media Plattformen by Wahl, Jonas
American Empower Elementary/A2 Student's Book with Digital Pack by Puchta, Herbert, Doff, Adrian, Thaine, Craig
Contemporary Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Today's Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short Story Writers, Scriptwriters, and Other Creati by
Behind a Woman of Substance by Mejeh, Henry Eze
Ltr 57(8): Using the Toward Gigabit Libraries Toolkit by Block, Carson
Communication Management by
Die Sprachskepsis in Hugo von Hofmannsthals und Richard Strauss' "Elektra". Die antike Mythologie in der Literatur der Jahrhundertwende by Haas, Simon
The Use of Information Markets in Corporate Idea Management by Bründl, Patrick
Book of To-Do Lists: Get Stuff Done. by Tolliver, Sophia
Die Wortbildung und Werbebotschaft südspanischer Firmennamen by Krämer, Marcus
Learn Spanish Made Easy Level 1: A Beginner's guide to basic grammar, vocabulary, verbs, sentence structure and traveling phrases (Large Print Edition) by Reyes Ortega, Antonia
Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences by Saranraj, P., Santosh Kore, Padmaja, Dattatraya Totewad, Narayan
Genghis Khan by Abbott, Jacob
The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher: Aristotle's Masterpiece by Anonymous
L'apport du portfolio dans le traitement des erreurs lexicales en FLE. Le cas des classes de terminale en Tunisie by Ochi, Khaled
Influencer Marketing jenseits der 50+. Handlungsempfehlungen für die Kommunikation mit Best Agern by Meier, Julia
O mundo dos jornalistas by Travancas, Isabel
Practical Cattle Farming by Kat Bazeley Bsc Bvsc Certwel Mrcvs, Hayton, Alastair
Syntaktischer Wandel: Die Entstehung des bestimmten Artikels im Italienischen: Von der Durchsetzung des lateinischen Demonstrativpronomens " by Osmani, Djenisa
Critical Incident Techniques. Entstehung, Anwendung, Vor- und Nachteile by Hauser, Vanessa
Maxim Billers "Der gebrauchte Jude". Untersuchung von Emanzipation und Rolle der Juden in Deutschland anhand der Figuren Marcel Reich-Ranicki und Bill by Esser, Tobias
Nihilismus und Fanatismus. Ausprägungen der Bedeutungssuche und ihre Verbindung zur Adoleszenz: Eine Untersuchung des Romans "Nichts was im Leben wich by Anonymous
Mutter Courage und Kattrin als Kontrastfiguren in Bertolt Brechts Drama "Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder": Die "Hyäne des Schlachtfelds" und der "Stein by Anonymous
Liebesvorstellungen in Erich Kästners Roman "Fabian. Die Geschichte eines Moralisten": Die Großstadt als Schlachthaus des Herzens? by Anonymous
Vintage Writing Instruction by Dent, Lester, Bellem, Robert Leslie, Brackett, Leigh
Die widersprüchliche Bedeutung des Lachens in Religion und Anthropologie: Eine Analyse des Kinder- und Jugendromans "Timm Thaler" von James Krüss by Anonymous
"Das Muschelessen" von Birgit Vanderbeke als emanzipatorischer Aufruf?: Die Rolle der Mutter unter Berücksichtigung west- und ostdeutscher Familienkon by Anonymous
Bujo for business by Larbalestrier, Lise
Moralisches Handeln trotz Dehumanisierung. Eliezers Integrität in Elie Wiesels "Die Nacht" by Anonymous
Wie kann der Inzest im Roman "Mai und Beaflor" begründet werden?: Klärung der Inzestfrage by Bartsch, Jacqueline
Zur Aktualität bürgerlicher Werte anhand von Arthur Schnitzlers "Liebelei" by Pötter, Johanna
Derivation von Adjektiven: Die Derivation von Verbaladjektiven mit dem Suffix "-able/-bile" by Osmani, Djenisa
Small Sovereign by Goldman, Michael
Kawaii Christmas Planner: Get Organized! Stay Cute! by Kelsey, Nola Lee
Metaliteracy in a Connected World: Developing Learners as Producers by Jacobson, Trudi E., Mackey, Thomas P.
Little Wedding Book (Mint Terrazzo): Wedding Planner Diary by Feldman, Laura
Vestgrønlandsk grammatik by Nielsen, Flemming A. J.
Being Present: Commanding Attention at Work (and at Home) by Managing Your Social Presence by Turner, Jeanine W.
Aspekte der Wissensvermittlung in den Gedichten von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. "Die Metamorphose der Pflanzen" und "Metamorphose der Tiere" by Guth, Sinja
Social Media als Marketingtool im B2B-Sektor. Relevanz, Einsatzmöglichkeiten sowie Chancen und Risiken by Preiss, Laura Valentina
Zur literarischen Radikalisierung in der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalsozialismus bei Thomas Bernhard: "In jedem Österreicher steckt ein Massenm by Steinborn, Linda
Battlefield Tourism on the Western Front of the Great War by Deckert, Felicitas
The Barbershop Rhythm by Pephel, Marvel Chukwudi
Nonverbale Kommunikation im Dialog: Beispiele aus der Unternehmenspraxis by Fischer, Sophia
"Liebesgeschichten und Heurathssachen" von Johann Nestroy. Ein Volksstück im Possengewand? by Steinborn, Linda
For King And Country. The Change of the War Heroes in Poetry: "The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son" by J.R.R. Tolkien by Deckert, Felicitas
Gol o Nowruz, Discovering Mystical Motifs and Thematic Literary Connections by Shamsolvaezin, Meghdad
"Hotel Savoy" von Joseph Roth. Von Grenzen und Warteräumen by Steinborn, Linda
"La Composición" von Antonio Skármeta (Spanisch, 9.Klasse) by Dobner Capitán, Julian
Afrontar el pasado y el trauma en "El ruido de las cosas al caer" escrito por Juan Gabriel Vásquez by Dobner Capitán, Julian
Wörterbuch der Bilinsprache by Reinisch, Leo
The Sentences That Create Us: Crafting a Writer's Life in Prison by America Pen
Library Patrons' Privacy: Questions and Answers by Lund, Brady D., Valenti, Sandra J., Beckstrom, Matthew A.
Practical Doomsday: A User's Guide to the End of the World by Zalewski, Michal
Herkunft des Diskursmarkers "en plan" im Spanischen by Dobner Capitán, Julian
The Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide and Off Grid Living: A Complete Guide to Building Your Homestead and Becoming Self-Sufficient by Michael Cowern
The Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide and Off Grid Living: A Complete Guide to Building Your Homestead and Becoming Self-Sufficient by Michael Cowern
The 21st Century School Library: A Model for Innovative Teaching & Learning by Tahmaseb, Ryan Bani
Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market 33rd Edition: The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published by
The Sentences That Create Us: Crafting a Writer's Life in Prison by Pen America
Online-Reputationsmanagement in den sozialen Medien zum Aufbau einer Unternehmensreputation. Analyse und Handlungsempfehlungen by Mandlbauer, Viktoria
Untertitel und audiovisuelle Übersetzung. Eine Qualitätsanalyse der deutschen Untertitelung von Galder Gaztelu-Urrutias El Hoyo by Tischinger, Anna
Victor Michini & Science Project by Johnson, Candy Michelle, Michini, Victor Anthony, Johnson, Jordan Danielle
Customer Journey Mapping für einen fiktiven Praxisfall by Klumski, Jonas
Ideographische Ursprünge der modernen Alphabetschriften. Vom Piktogramm zur Silbenschrift by Lysenko, Tetyana
Das Vatermotiv in "Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre". Wie Wilhelms Beziehung zu seinem Vater, sein Wesen und seinen Bildungsweg prädestinieren by Väisänen, Lea
Wie Werbung Geschlechterrollen darstellt. Werbekampagnen von "Always" und "Gillette" by Anonymous
"Irmelin Rose" von Robert Müller. Ein expressionistisches Werk und sein Blick auf die Großstadt by Steinborn, Linda
Mrs. Rooney. The Maiden and Her Dance with Death: An Analysis of the Motif of "Death and the Maiden" in Beckett's '"All That Fall" by Anonymous
Text and Image in Women's Life Writing: Picturing the Female Self by
Own These Words! by Bhody, Noah
Reflect Reading & Writing 5 with the Spark Platform by Williams, Jessica
Reflect Reading & Writing 6 with the Spark Platform by Pattison, Tania
Reflect Reading & Writing 6: Student's Book by Pattison, Tania
Animal Farm / Landgut der Tiere (George Orwell). Ein unterhaltsames Lese- und Lernbuch: Herr und Knecht - Teilband B. Zweisprachige Ausgabe englisch/d by Bühler, Karl-Ernst, Orwell, George
The Sociolinguistic Situation and the Role of English in Canada by Da Silva, Elena
Santa's Little Helper Christmas Planner and Organizer by
Everybody Sneezes and Sea Sponges Too!: The Environmental Journey of Santé Pristine by Moon Ed D., Juliette
Everybody Sneezes and Sea Sponges Too!: The Environmental Journey of Santé Pristine by Moon Ed D., Juliette
Representation of People of Color in "Lord of the Rings": A Case Study on "The Fellowship of the Ring" by Röhrs, Nico
Sprachmischung im bilingualen Spracherwerb: Welche Arten der Sprachmischung gibt es? by Sibum, Lia Marie
Democratic Disunity: Rhetorical Tribalism in 2020 by Kelley, Colleen Elizabeth
Warning Signs: The Semiotics of Danger by Danesi, Marcel
Zur Darstellung der Gesellschaft in Büchners "Woyzeck": "Du siehst immer so verhetzt aus." by Anonymous
The Value of English in Global Mobility and Higher Education: An Investigation of Higher Education in Cyprus by Vida-Mannl, Manuela
Warning Signs: The Semiotics of Danger by Danesi, Marcel
How to Read Like a Writer: 10 Lessons to Elevate Your Reading and Writing Practice by Pushman, Erin M.
(Im)Mobile Homes: Family Life at a Distance in the Age of Mobile Media by Cabalquinto, Earvin Charles B.
Holy Hype: A Guide to Religious Fervor in the Advertising of Goods and the Good News by Sarapin, Susan H., Morris, Pamela L.
Meet the Dog that Didn't Sh*t: 101 Reflections on Words and Their Magic by Jackson, Gordon S.
Metadata by Qin, Jian, Zeng, Marcia Lei
Aux confins du Congo, Safari déchire la vie by Mugisho Cirhuza Bahati, Ariel
Meta-Functional Equivalent Translation of Chinese Folk Song: Intercultural Communication of Zhuang Ethnic Minority as an Example by Yang, Yang
Die Gegenwärtige Lage Des Deutschen Buchwesens: Eine Darstellung Der Spannungen Und Reformbewegungen Am Büchermarkt by Moufang, Wilhelm
Communities and the Clean Energy Revolution: Public Health, Economics, Design, and Transformation by La Rosa, Melanie J.
Teaching Readers (Not Reading): Moving Beyond Skills and Strategies to Reader-Focused Instruction by Afflerbach, Peter
The Smiths and Morrissey: Every Album, Every Song by Gunnarsson, Tommy
What Is a Book?: The Study of Early Printed Books by Dane, Joseph a.
Words For New Weddings by Blackstone, Thom, Glusker, David
How to Care More: Seven Skills for Personal and Social Change by Campbell, Miranda
Seaforth World Naval Review 2022 by
Roadmap To Recovery - Overcoming Long Haul COVID Syndrome: Accelerate Your Recovery Today by Goodman, Jd
Bonsai Kids by Ling, Stephen
Bonsai Kids by Ling, Stephen
French Picture Dictionary Coloring Book: Over 1500 French Words and Phrases for Creative & Visual Learners of All Ages by Lingo Mastery
Simple Simons Says, "Action!": A Practical Notebook for the Stage Director, Choreographer, Designer, and Stage Manager by Simons, J. R.
The Media Landscape and the Influence of Cultures on Advertising in the United Kingdom by Anonym
Academic Library Mentoring: Fostering Growth and Renewal: Volume 3: Mentoring of Students and Staff Volume 3 by
Academic Library Mentoring: Fostering Growth and Renewal: Volume 2: Mentoring of Library Faculty and Librarians Volume 2 by
Academic Library Mentoring: Fostering Growth and Renewal: Volume 1: Fundamentals and Controversies Volume 1 by
Das Übernatürliche im Mittelalter. Eine Analyse der übernatürlichen Elemente und ihre Funktionen im Nibelungenlied by Weisgerber, Dorine
Pre-Raphaelite Girl Gang: Fifty Makers, Shakers and Heartbreakers from the Victorian Era by Walker, Kirsty Stonell
Die Possible-Worlds-Theory. Anwendung auf den Science-Fiction-Heist-Film Inception by Anonymous
Gendergerechte Sprache: Eine Betrachtung einzelner Wörter by Schuster, Tim
Newton's Telecom Dictionary by Newton, Harry
How to Care More: Seven Skills for Personal and Social Change by Campbell, Miranda
The Book: Its History And Development by Davenport, Cyril
Book Collecting: A Guide For Amateurs by Slater, John Herbert
Book-Lovers, Bibliomaniacs And Book Clubs by Harper, Henry Howard
Die Bedeutung von Graffiti im arabischen Frühling by Wesemann, Paula
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