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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 2023

The Secret Garden of the Talking Trees: A story of courage, relentlessness and friendship by Press, Pathway, Vivian, Faith
Jumping On The Bandwagon: A Litmus Test For Buying A Livestock Guardian Dog by Shena, Tarma
Advances in Brand Semiotics & Discourse Analysis by
Transnational East Asian Studies by
Los Bibliotecarios by Murray, Laura K.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year Desk Diary 2023 by
The Dragon and the Raven; Or, The Days of King Alfred by Henty, G. a.
Review Tales - A Book Magazine For Indie Authors - 5th Edition (Winter 2023) by Main, S. Jeyran
OnlineBookClub Magazine- 2nd Edition (January 2023) by Magazine, Obc, Hughes, Scott
The Italian Wine Connoisseur: A 7-Day Guide to Mastering Italian Wines by Luther, E. V.
Transnational East Asian Studies by
Heinrich Vedder: Die Bergdama. Teil 1 by Vedder, Heinrich
Lothringische Sagen by
Die Grundlagen der Physik by Dingler, Hugo
Ziele des Wissensmanagements und Konzept zur Verbesserung an einem Fallbeispiel by Filser, Marcel
50 Essays: A Portable Anthology by Cohen, Samuel
Clock Repairer's Bench Manual by Lloyd, D. Rod
The Atmos Clock Repairer's Bench Manual, Step by Step by Lloyd, D. Rod
The YouTube Filming Handbook: Essential Tips and Tricks for Filming Professional Quality Videos. by Williams, Benjamin
Afro-German in 10 Steps: For the first understanding in Germany by Dieckmann, Klaus H.
A Comprehensive Analysis And An Absurd Reading Of Waiting For Godot By Samuel Beckett Along With The Text by Bhadra, Subhajit
A Modern Tragedy: Various Archetypes And Critical Guide Of Death Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller Along With The Text by Bhadra, Subhajit
A New Semiotics: An Introductory Guide for Students by Sless, David, Shrensky, Ruth
A New Semiotics: An Introductory Guide for Students by Sless, David, Shrensky, Ruth
Decolonising English Studies from the Semi-Periphery by Mendes, Ana Cristina
Translation and Interpreting in the Age of Covid-19 by
Aesthetic Literacies in School and Work: New Pathways for Education by Barton, Georgina
Handbuch Soziale Medien by
The cultural phenomenon of cringe comedy and its effects on toxic masculinity in "Peep Show" by Pels, Victoria
Transnational Research in Technical Communication: Stories, Realities, and Reflections by
Tapi, Abis, Pasair or But, So, Because by Fuller, Theresa
Responsible AI in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities by
Berättelsens kraft: Ett verktyg i specialpedagogisk handledning med fokus på kommunikation och språkliga utmaningar by Blomborg Johansson, Kerstin
How To Write A Thrilling Crime Novel Outline: A Step-By-Step Guide To Plotting A Murder Mystery Book That Sells. Take Your Creative Writing To The Nex by Jones, Hackney And
Hidden History of Grand Rapids by Ellis, Matthew A.
The Crimes Of England by Chesterton, G. K.
The 13Th Amendment Freedom Week Manual: Celebrating America's Freedom by Haqq, Kariem Abdul
The 13Th Amendment Freedom Week Manual: Celebrating America's Freedom by Haqq, Kariem Abdul
Translation Studies on Chinese Films and TV Shows by
Die Theodizee-Frage in Heinrich von Kleists "Das Erdbeben in Chili" by Becker, Max
Kinder- und Familien-InfluencerInnen-Marketing. Problematiken und Risiken by Anonymous
Der Wandel des Berufsfelds Public Relations. Zusammenhang mit der Digitalisierung by Anonymous
The Popcorn Principles: A Novelist's Guide To Learning From Movies by Gaspard, John
Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide: 2nd Edition: Food, Shelter, Security, Off-The-Grid Power, and More Lifesaving Strategies for Self-Sufficient Livin by Cobb, Jim
Interkulturelle Aspekte in der Werbung. Wirkungsweise und Umgang by Becker, Max
Erläuterung der Normen des Islamischen Staates anhand des Propagandamagazins "dabiq" by Bauer, Florian
Fandom Acts of Kindness: A Heroic Guide to Activism, Advocacy, and Doing Chaotic Good by Cook, Tanya, Joseph, Kaela
The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 (Ebook): Your Research-Based Guide to Developing Skilled Readers by Serravallo, Jennifer
Jeff Herman's Guide to Book Publishers, Editors & Literary Agents, 29th Edition: Who They Are, What They Want, How to Win Them Over by Herman, Jeff
Tamizhaivu Kanigal / தமிழாய்வுக் கனிகள் by K.
Transformations of a Genre: A Literary History of the Beguiled Apprentice by Cohen, Ralph
Kavitvamai Kurisina Kavi (Telugu) by Venkateswara Reddy, Kondreddi
Black Girl Activity Book by Hutchinson, Kendra
Become Self-Motivated: Tips and Strategies for Achieving Success and Happiness by Self Improvement
300 Motivational quotes: A reference guide to be Motivated by Rai, Prathap
1144 Zufällige, Interessante & Lustige Fakten, Die Sie Wissen Müssen Die Wissensenzyklopädie Trivia Gewinnen by Matthews, Scott
1144 Zufällige, Interessante & Lustige Fakten, Die Sie Wissen Müssen Die Wissensenzyklopädie Trivia Gewinnen by Matthews, Scott
Motive der Macht und der Folter in Thomas Manns "Mario und der Zauberer" und Franz Kafkas "In der Strafkolonie" by Maquet, Sam
Written: How to Keep Writing and Build a Habit That Lasts by Evans, Bec, Smith, Chris
Speed Reading: Techniques and Hacks to Boost Your Reading Speed (Increase Your Reading Speed by & Double Your Learning Skills in Less Than Hours) by Wilson, James
Italian Workbook for Dummies by Picarazzi, Teresa L.
Contemporary Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Today's Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short Story Writers, Scriptwriters, and Other Creati by
Mastering Digital Marketing by Bhatt, Manish
Global India: The Pursuit of Influence and Status by
Archives and Records: Privacy, Personality Rights, and Access by Čtvrtník, Mikulás
Archives and Records: Privacy, Personality Rights, and Access by Čtvrtník, Mikulás
DogSpeak: a 24-hour poetry marathon collection in the voice of dogs by Turek, J. R.
Língua Portuguesa: Modelos Didáticos, Periferias e Margens by
522 Popular Names and Their Meaning: What Is the Meaning of Your Name by Junior, Friday
Rhetorical Renaissance: The Mistress Art and Her Masterworks by Eden, Kathy
Wahrnehmung und Blick als Grundlage der Tier-Mensch-Relationen in Rainer Maria Rilkes Gedicht "Der Panther" (1902) by Bohn, Isabel
Bertold Brechts Drama "Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe". Johannas Scheitern als Wechselspiel zwischen kapitalistischen Machtstrukturen und weibli by Bohn, Isabel
University of Oxford Calendar 2022-2023 by Oxford University Press
Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Seemannssprache by Goedel, Gustav
Kleists "Penthesilea" und "Käthchen von Heilbronn" im Vergleich. Zwei Kehrseiten derselben Medaille by Berrend, Naomi
Luise und Ferdinand im Drama "Kabale und Liebe" von Friedrich Schiller by Bohn, Isabel
Aktualität im Medea Mythos von Dea Lohers "Manhattan Medea" im Vergleich zu Euripides' "Medea" by Berrend, Naomi
Development and Stabilization in Small Open Economies: Theories and Evidence from Caribbean Experience by Worrell, Delisle
Esperanto Revolutionaries and Geeks: Language Politics, Digital Media and the Making of an International Community by Fians, Guilherme
Protagonisten mit geistiger Behinderung in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. "Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten" (2008) von Andreas Steinhöfel by Bohn, Isabel
Informationssicherheit im Cloud-Computing by Sinowski, Constantin
Psychoanalytische Interpretation von Annette von Droste-Hülshoffs "Die Judenbuche" nach Gisela Greve (2004) mithilfe der Kriterien von Descher und Pet by Bohn, Isabel
Gefühlsmensch, Sonderling, Rebell. Goethes "Werther" als Außenseiter der Gesellschaft by Berrend, Naomi
Global India: The Pursuit of Influence and Status by
Development and Stabilization in Small Open Economies: Theories and Evidence from Caribbean Experience by Worrell, Delisle
Oppositionen in Thomas Manns "Tonio Kröger" nach Erika Greber by Berrend, Naomi
Filmsprache und Filmvermittlung im Fremdsprachenunterricht by Bohn, Isabel
Head Game: Mental Health in Sports Media by
Have Positive Mindset: Be strong by Saad, Salim
Indigenous Resistance in the Digital Age: On Radical Hope in Dark Times by Guntarik, Olivia
Gemeinschaft durch digitale Gleichzeitigkeit. Welche Rolle spielen soziale Nutzungsmotive für Social Live Streaming Services wie Twitch? by Röhricht, Simon
Werbung bei Subscription-Video-on-Demand-Plattformen. Welche Einstellungen und Erwartungen haben die Nutzer in Deutschland? by Sanchez, Jasmin
The Brief Bedford Reader by Kennedy, X., Kennedy, Dorothy, Aaron, Jane
Candele Artigianali: Dalla Cera Alla Decorazione by Dardi Da Silva, Cibelle
Das Schweigen nach der verheerenden Nacht von Tlatelolco im Rahmen der Olympischen Spiele 1968. Die Bedeutsamkeit des Werkes "La noche de Tlatelolco" by Anonymous
A History of the Highland Clearances: Agrarian Transformation and the Evictions 1746-1886 by Richards, Eric
A History of the Highland Clearances: Emigration, Protest, Reasons by Richards, Eric
Small-Town Dynamics in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee by Anonymous
The importance of non-verbal communication in the Chinese culture, hallmarks of Muslim culture and areas of conflict with European behaviours: The pro by Anonymous
The Master's Blueprint: A Guide to Excelling As A Worshipful Master in Freemasonry by Dawson, Michael
Child in the City: Planning Communities for Children and their Families by Agnello, Kristin N.
God Bless America by Aaland, R. D.
Die Darstellung des Ghettos in "Der Rabbi von Bacherach" von Heinrich Heine by Cetinkaya, Betül
Anwendung und Verständnis ausgewählter Phraseologismen bei polnisch-deutschen Bilingualen by Kuhre, Julia
HowExpert Guide to Recycling: 101+ Tips to Learn How to Recycle, Eliminate Disposables, Reduce Waste & Pollution, Conserve Resources, Save Energy, a by Howexpert, Thilman, Jen
HowExpert Guide to Recycling: 101+ Tips to Learn How to Recycle, Eliminate Disposables, Reduce Waste & Pollution, Conserve Resources, Save Energy, a by Howexpert, Thilman, Jen
Handbook of Research on the Future of Advertising and Brands in the New Entertainment Landscape by
God Bless America by Aaland, R. D.
Public Libraries and Marxism by Pateman, Joe, Pateman, John
Record-Making and Record-Keeping in Early Societies by Yeo, Geoffrey
Complicity in Discourse and Practice by Verschueren, Jef
Research Methods in English Medium Instruction by
Digital Access and Museums as Platforms by Wilson-Barnao, Caroline
Urgent Archives: Enacting Liberatory Memory Work by Caswell, Michelle
Rhetoric of InSecurity: The Language of Danger, Fear and Safety in National and International Contexts by Baines, Victoria
Perception and Metaphor: A Comparative Perspective Between English and Chinese by Xiugui, Qin, Yi, Tie
Rethinking EMI: Multidisciplinary Perspectives from Chinese-Speaking Regions by
Byzantine Military Rhetoric in the Ninth Century: A Translation of the Anonymi Byzantini Rhetorica Militaris by Theotokis, Georgios, Sidiropoulos, Dimitrios
Translating Cuba: Literature, Music, Film, Politics by Lesman, Robert S.
The Dialects of British English in Fictional Texts by
A Functional Linguistic Perspective on Developing Language by McCabe, Anne
Improving Learner Reflection for TESOL: Pedagogical Strategies to Support Reflective Learning by Huang, Li-Shih
Corpora in Esp/Eap Writing Instruction: Preparation, Exploitation, Analysis by
Multilingual Learning and Language Supportive Pedagogies in Sub-Saharan Africa by
Decolonising Political Communication in Africa: Reframing Ontologies by
Discourses of Perfection: Representing Cosmetic Procedures and Beauty Products in UK Lifestyle Magazines by Hermans, Anne-Mette
The Fundamentally Simple Logic of Language: Learning a Second Language with the Tools of the Native Speaker by González, Luis H.
Teaching Writing, Rhetoric, and Reason at the Globalizing University by Samuels, Robert
The Language of Law and Food: Metaphors of Recipes and Rules by
Artefacts, Archives, and Documentation in the Relational Museum by Jones, Mike
Teaching and Researching Chinese Efl/ESL Learners in Higher Education by
The London Pocket Bible by Paddington, Teresa
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Financial Practices: Facilitators and Inhibitors by Mishra, Sanjay Kumar
A Dictionary of American Authors: Fourth Edition by Adams, Oscar Fay
The Cat Lover's Pocket Bible by Owen, Cerys
Konrad Duden und sein Einfluss auf die Orthografie. Welche Rolle spielte er in der Entwicklung der einheitlichen deutschen Orthografie? by Leyers, Louise
Spanish So White: Conversations on the Inconvenient Racism of a 'Foreign' Language Education by Schwartz, Adam
Nigerian Media Industries in the Era of Globalization by
Orthofle: Le livre du professeur d'orthographe by Meunier, Gérard, Meunier, Christian
Die Wirkung von Nutzerkommentaren auf die Glaubwürdigkeit grüner Werbung auf Social Media by Schneider, Bettina
Consumer Behavior by Aljuraisy, Khalid
Author Your Ambition: The Complete Self-Publishing Workbook for First-Time Authors by Williams, M. K.
Amazing Dog Facts and Trivia: A Canine Compendium of Tail-Wagging Trivia by O'Meara, Ryan
Kulturelle Mehrdeutigkeit. Literarische Darstellungsstrategien in Steffen Möllers "Viva Polonia" by Lange, Pascal
Grundlagen der übersetzungsbezogenen Terminologiearbeit. Einführung in die allgemeine Terminologielehre by Hirsch, David
Volksaberglaube in Bram Stokers "Dracula". Inspirationen für den Vampirroman in Legenden und Mythen by Anonymous
U.S. Presidents Trivia Book: Fun Trivia Questions and Facts You Wouldn't Believe About the Men Who Have Shaped American History by Maxwell, Jacob
Communication Strategies the WHO Can Use to Increase Mask Wearing in Public by Schneider, Bettina
Die Auswirkung von Involvement auf grünen Werbeskeptizismus by Schneider, Bettina
Die Darstellung des Kanarienvogels in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des späten 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts by Fremgen, Sarah Anna-Gisela
Spanish So White: Conversations on the Inconvenient Racism of a 'Foreign' Language Education by Schwartz, Adam
The Edinburgh Companion to First World War Periodicals by
Amazing Cat Facts and Trivia: An Illustrated Collection of Pussycat Tales and Feline Facts by Gagne, Tammy
Write for Life: Creative Tools for Every Writer (a 6-Week Artist's Way Program) by Cameron, Julia
Shorthand Made Easy: or, The locomotive system of stenography by Anonymous
Chess History and Reminiscences by Bird, Henry E.
A Wonderful Night: An Interpretation of Christmas by Snowden, James H.
Die Essenz der großen politischen Rede. Ein Vergleich dreier Reden von Kennedy, Reagan und Obama: Eine komparative Analyse amerikanischer Präsidialrhe by Anonymous
Negotiating nation and female individualism between East and West. Aspects of Afghan society and their representation in Nadia Hashimi's "When the Moo by Dickert, Matthias
Narrative in der Flüchtlingsberichterstattung mit Blick auf Islamfeindlichkeit: Die Berichterstattung über die Flüchtlingssituation 2015 und 2016 in D by Anonymous
Pragmatische Funktionen von Fremdwörtern und deren Gebrauch im italienischen Faschismus und deutschen Nationalsozialismus by Anonymous
Der postmoderne Mythos bei Ransmayr am Beispiel seines Romans "Die letzte Welt" by Marx, Félice
Write the Damn Book Already: Tell Your Story. Share Your Message. Make Your Impact. by Lyons, Elizabeth
Pedagogy in Practice: Project-Based Learning in Media Policy and Governance by
A New Way of Looking at Movie Stars by Marg, Susan
A New Way of Looking at Movie Stars by Marg, Susan
Investigating Google's Search Engine: Ethics, Algorithms, and the Machines Built to Read Us by Graham, Rosie
The Restaurant Compendium for the Curious by Self, John T.
Das Automatenmotiv in "Der Sandmann" von E.T.A. Hoffmann. Kritik an der Gesellschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts by Anonymous
Business Meeting & Event Planning for Dummies by Friedmann, Susan
Deutsch B2 Beschwerdebriefe Schreiben: Schritt für Schritt Prüfungsvorbereitung mit prüfungsähnlichen Modelltests, Redemitteln und Lösungsvorschlägen by Von Trautheim, Rosa, Pilzner, Lara
Interesting Stories for Curious Minds 2: A Book of Fascinating Trivia, Short Stories & Fun Facts for Adults by Lashley, Margaret
Creating Characters That Jump Off The Page - How To Create Memorable And Compelling Characters For Your Novel by Hackney, Claire, Jones, Vicky
The Scotland Tourist And Travel Guide: The Essential Scotland Travel Guide for Every Visitor! by Manna, Curzio
How To Be Happy: It's Your Divine Destiny by Marinelli, John
Bending Genre: Essays on Creative Nonfiction by
Controversial Topics Amongst Believers of The Bible by Cooper, Tonida Jacqueline
Tamizhaga Thirunangaigal Oru Samuga Parvai / தமிழக திருநங்கை&#2965 by S.
Laboratory manual on biotechnology and biochemistry by Krishanu
Renting in London: A Guide for Expat Tenants by Hamilton, Lonnee
Text and Image in Women's Life Writing: Picturing the Female Self by
The Funky Donkey Tells His Story About His First Ski Lesson On Safety by Naito, Herbert K.
Coaching Wacky Raccoon, Children, and Adults the Fundamentals of Good Sportsmanship by Naito, Herbert K.
Spanish GCSE REVISION - Technology, Media and Social Issues: Spanish Sentence Builder by Conti, Gianfranco
Home Inspection and Mold Testing Business by Lloyd, D. Rod
A Single Girl's Guide to...Hilarious Facts You Never Knew About Sex by Melland, Sarah
Consider Your Possibilities: You Are the Only Person Who Can Limit What You Can Do and the Journeys You Take by Reopelle, Alyce
Collins a Word a Day: 365 Words for Curious Minds by Kids, Collins
Der syntaktische Wandel des lateinischen Verbalsystems zum Altspanischen: Aufgezeigt an Beispielen des "Cantar de Mio Cid" by Benthien, Fred
Über Die Singulären Punkte Reeller Parameterkurven by Baldus, Richard
Über Transzendente Funktionen Auf Riemannschen Flächen by Perron, Oskar
Neue Summationsmethoden Und Entwicklungen Nach Polynomen by Perron, Oskar
You Don't Stand a Chance!: 135+ Unique Puzzles and Mind Games for Adults by Books, Betcha
Examining the Genetic Relationship of Binukid Language Varieties by Pagente, Dickson P., Tarusan, Mary Ann E.
Wie kommunizieren Menschen im Alltag? Die Gricesche Konversationstheorie und das Relevanzprinzip nach Sperber/Wilson by Hotaki, Rabea
Mystery Big Cats by Harpur, Merrily
Portuguese as an Additional Language (PAL): Research-Informed Pedagogical Approaches by
Die Figur des Raben im "Münchner Oswald" im Vergleich mit den Darstellungen des Raben im christlichen und heidnischen Glauben by Vogelgesang, Janina
Meta-Functional Equivalent Translation of Chinese Folk Song: Intercultural Communication of Zhuang Ethnic Minority as an Example by Yang, Yang
Übersetzungen von Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Methoden, Besonderheiten und Schwierigkeiten by Mitrovic, Janik Ilija
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