• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Scandinavian Languages in 2021

Health and Fitness: More about Health and Fitness by Norris, K.
Viking Language 2: The Old Norse Reader by Byock, Jesse L.
Old Norse - Old Icelandic: Concise Introduction to the Language of the Sagas by Byock, Jesse, Gordon, Randall
Supplementary Exercises for Old Norse - Old Icelandic by Gordon, Randall, Byock, Jesse
The Sagas of Ragnar Lothbrok: Text, Literal Translation, and Word List by Embleton, Matthew Leigh, Anonymous
Tysk(a) - saksa - vācu - vokiečių - Þýska 2020. Teil 1: Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachdidaktik: Ausgewaehlte Beitraege zum XI. by
Altnordisch 1: Die Sprache der Wikinger, Runen und isländischen Sagas by Byock, Jesse L.
Old Norse Word List: A Brief Glossary of 10,000 Old Norse and Old Icelandic Words by Embleton, Matthew Leigh
Living with Norwegians: The guide for moving to and surviving Norway by Percival, Sean
West Greenlandic: An Essential Grammar by Kahn, Lily, Valijärvi, Riitta-Liisa
West Greenlandic: An Essential Grammar by Kahn, Lily, Valijärvi, Riitta-Liisa
An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland: A colour facsimile edition by
Icelandic: An Essential Grammar by Neijmann, Daisy L.
Kontingenz und Zufall in den altisländischen Königssagas by Van Nahl, Jan Alexander
Icelandic: An Essential Grammar by Neijmann, Daisy L.