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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 1980

The International Energy Relations of China by Woodard, Kim
Die Ammoniten Der Mediterranen Provinz Im Pliensbachian Und Unteren Toarcian Aufgrund Neuer Untersuchungen Im Generoso-Becken: Lombardische Alpen by Wiedenmayer
Elektronik Epoche by Antebi
Roboter Kommen by Aleksander
Tramway-Lokomotiven by Hefti
Die Rote Grenze by Ferris
Einführung in Die Dramenanalyse by Asmuth, Bernhard
Das Deutsche Bürgerliche Trauerspiel by Guthke, Karl S.
Fragen Der Forschungspolitik: 239. Sitzung Am 18. April 1979 in Düsseldorf by Pöggeler, Otto
Mathematical Modelling in Biology and Ecology: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the Csir, Pretoria, July 1979 by
Der Bank- Und Sparkassenkaufmann: Betriebswirtschaftliches Und Rechtliches Repetitorium in Fragen Und Antworten by Grill, Wolfgang
Bürowirtschaft: Ein Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch Mit Praktischen Fällen Für Die Ausbildung in Büroberufen by Appel, Jo
Großhandelskaufmann: Repetitorium in Frage Und Antwort by Hüttner, Erich
Logik Unterm Galgen: Ein Mathematical in 20 Problemen by Gardner, Martin
Mathematische Methoden in Den Sozialwissenschaften by Rapoport, A.
Zeit Und Kultur: Geschichte Des Zeitbewußtseins in Europa by Wendorff, Rudolf
Große Mathematische Formelsammlung: Mathematische Und Naturwissenschaftliche Tafeln by Kemnitz, Friedrich
Versuche Über Die Rotationsfähigkeit Von Kalksandsteinmauerwerk by Thürlimann, Furler
Rechnungswesen Für Industriekaufleute by
Erdbebenbeanspruchung Von Beton- Und Leichtbetonbauwerken Nach Verschiedenen Normen Und Berechnungsverfahren by Ziegler, A.
Complex Approximation: Proceedings, Quebec, Canada July 3-8, 1978 by
General Inequalities 2: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on General Inequalities Held in the Mathematical Research Institut by Beckenbach
Programmierungsmodelle Für Die Produktionsprogrammplanung: Ein Beitrag Zur Methodologie Der Modellkonstruktion by Knolmayer
Numerical Treatment of Integral Equations / Numerische Behandlung Von Integralgleichungen: Workshop on Numerical Treatment of Integral Equations Oberw by Collatz, Albrecht
Schiffahrtskaufmann: Repetitorium in Frage Und Antwort by Malchow, Günther
Punktkartenflora Von Duisburg Und Umgebung: Nebst Angabe Der Standortansprüche, Herkunft, Einbürgerungsweise Und Gefährdung Für Alle Im Weiteren Raum by Düll, Ruprecht
Rechtslehre by Dittmer, Wilhelm G.
Florengeschichte Im Spiegel Blütenökologischer Erkenntnisse by Vogel, Stefan
Erweiterung Der Bandbreite Von Fluidischen Operationsverstärkern Für Die Meß- Und Regelungstechnik Durch Den Einsatz Spezieller Phasenkompensationsnet by Schaedel, Herbert M.
Tramway Lokomotiven by Hefti
Rutherford-Rückstreu-Analysen Mit Protonen by
Politik by Harting, Norbert
Die Organisation Der Wissenschaftlichen Arbeit by Spandl, Oskar Peter
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 20. Jahrhunderts: Band 3: Bundesrepublik Und DDR by Schütz, Erhard, Vogt, Jochen U. a.
Die Bankgehilfenprüfung in Programmierter Form: Wiederholungs- Und Übungsbuch by Klink, Hans
Spurenelementanalyse Von Umweltchemikalien Durch Ioneninduzierte Röntgenstrahlung by
Anwendungen der Elektronen Spin Resonanz (ESR) in der Photosyntheseforschung by Haehnel, Wolfgang
Dynamical Systems: Lectures Given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.), Held in Bressanone (Bolza by Guckenheimer, Moser, Newhouse
Numerische Methoden Der Approximationstheorie / Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory: Vortragsauszüge Der Tagung Über Numerische Methoden Der App by Meinardus, Werner, Collatz
Schliessende Statistik: Schätzen Und Testen Mit Vollständig Gelösten Aufgaben by Nuske, Heller, Lindenberg
Audiovisuelle Medien Im Sport / Moyens Audiovisuels Dans Le Sport / Audiovisual Means in Sports: Association Internationale Des Ecoles Supérieures d'E by Schilling, Baur
Bifurcation Problems and Their Numerical Solution: Workshop on Bifurcation Problems and Their Numerical Solution Dortmund, January 15-17, 1980 by Weber, H., Mittelmann, H. D.
Zur Plastischen Berechnung Von Stahlbeton by Marti, P.
Ölkrisenprogramm Für Hausbesitzer by Hake, Bruno
Messen Steuern Regeln by Kaspers, Walter
Einführung in Die Meßtechnik by Hans, Hart
Periodische Enzymaktivierung ALS Kontrollfaktor Multizellulärer Entwicklung. Neuere Ergebnisse Zum Räumlichen Hören: 259. Sitzung Am 1. März 1978 in D by Gerisch, Günther
Topics in Identification and Distributed Parameter Systems by Bühler, Erhard
Untersuchung Zum Sozialverhalten Des Rindes: Eine Zweijährige Beobachtung an Einer Halb-Wilden Rinderherde (Bos Indicus) by Reinhardt
Vo Liebi, Laid Und Larve: Drei Fasnachtsgeschichten Aus Basel by Pee, Räber, Graber
Das Handbuch by Muschter, Preisig, Kaspar
Grundlagen der Statistik by Fischer, Klaus
Vorlesungen Über Approximation Im Komplexen by Gaier
Schnellnachweis Von Mikroorganismen in Flüssigen Lebensmitteln Durch Bestimmung Von Adenosintriphosphat Mit Einem Biolumineszenz-Verfahren by Baumgart, Jürgen
Kontrastive Untersuchungen Zum Italienischen Gerundio: Instrumental- Und Modalsätze Und Das Problem Der Individuierung Von Ereignissen by Pusch, Luise F.
Perspektive: textintern by
Perspektive: textextern by
Zentrale Hochschulbibliotheken by
Ergonomics: Man in His Working Environment by Murrell, K.
Menarini Ser Immunopath 02, Second Symposium June'78 by Miescher
M - R, Lieferung 3 by
M - R, Lieferung 4 by
New Ways to Save Energy: Proceedings of the International Seminar Held in Brussels, 23-25 October 1979 by
Informationsverarbeitung in Der Medizin: Wege Und Irrwege 22. Jahrestagung Der Gmds, Göttingen, 3.-5.10.1977 by
What is Science?: An Introduction to the Structure and Methodology of Science by Mannoia, James V.
A Conscience in Conflict: The Life of St. George Jackson Mivart by Unknown, Gruber, Jacob W., Gruber
Weeding and Sowing: Preface to a Science of Mathematical Education by Freudenthal, Hans
Semiclassical Methods in Molecular Scattering and Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the NATO Asi Held in Cambridge, England, in September 1979 by
Instrumental Reasoning and Systems Methodology: An Epistemology of the Applied and Social Sciences by Mattessich, Richard
Business and Government in the Oil Industry: A Case Study of Sun Oil, 1876-1945 Volume 5 by Giebelhaus, August W.
Deutsche Führungsschichten in der Neuzeit by
Probability Statistics and Time: A Collection of Essays by Bartlett, M. S.
Conjugate Direction Methods in Optimization by Hestenes, M. R.
Basic Electronic Circuits by Hoskyns, A. H.
Fluid Flow Through Porous Macromolecular Systems by Wiegel, F. W.
Beiträge Zum Dritten Symposion Tübingen 17. - 19. Februar 1977 by
Literarische Publizistik Adolf Glaßbrenners (1810-1876) by Heinrich-Jost, Ingrid
Blat - Boc by
Boro - Brau by
Cf - Cn by
Ben - Berh by
Beri - Bern by
Bero - Bibi by
Bibl - Bieli by
Brav - Bruc by
Brud - Buk by
Bul - Bz by
Bielk - Blas by
Bei - Bem by
Aus Dem Akademischen Leben Der Technischen Universität Wien (2) by
Plasticity in Structural Engineering, Fundamentals and Applications by Phillips, A., Olszak, W., Massonnet, Ch
Energy Policy Modeling: United States and Canadian Experiences: Volume I Specialized Energy Policy Models by
Energy Systems Analysis by
Fehlerlehre und Ausgleichsrechnung by Höpcke, Walter
The Ruelle-Araki Transfer Operator in Classical Statistical Mechanics by Mayer, D. H.
The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis, Volume 2 by Lednicer, Daniel, Mitscher, Lester A.
Electricity for Rural America: The Fight for the Rea by Brown, D. Clayton, Brown, Deward Clayton
Hydrogen as an Energy Vector: Proceedings of the International Seminar, Held in Brussels, 12-14 February 1980 by
Energy Policy Modeling: United States and Canadian Experiences: Volume II Integrative Energy Policy Models by
Advances in Chromatography: Volume 18 by
Intermediate Mathematical Statistics by Beaumont, G. P.
The Microbiology of Cooling Water by McCoy, James W.
Particulate Science & Technology by Beddow, John K.
Electrochemical Power Sources: Primary and Secondary Batteries by
Tectonic Stresses in the Alpine-Mediterranean Region: Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Vienna, Austria, September 13-14, 1979 by
C*-Algebra Extensions and K-Homology. (Am-95), Volume 95 by Douglas, Ronald G.
Fundamentals of Soil Physics by Hillel, Daniel
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 12 by
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 13 by
Programmierübungen in FORTRAN by
Sunlight to Electricity: Prospects for Solar Energy Conversion by Photovoltaics by Merrigan, Joseph A.
A Selection of Papers from Info II, the Second International Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, University of Patras, Greece, July 9-14, by
Advances in European Geothermal Research: Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on the Results of EC Geothermal Energy Research, Held in Str by
A Selection of Papers from Info II, the Second International Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, University of Patras, Greece, July 9-14, by
Analytical Applications of Ft-IR to Molecular and Biological Systems: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Florence, Italy, August by
Mechanics of Nondestructive Testing by Stinchcomb
Shakespeare: Seven Tragedies by Honigmann, E.
Scientific Discovery: Case Studies by
Energy for the Year 2000 by
Optical and Infrared Detectors by
Independence Theory in Combinatorics by Bryant, V.
Elementary Logic: Revised Edition by Quine, Willard Van Orman
Isoenzymes by Rider, C. C.
Metals in Biochemistry by Harrison, P.
Statistics for Biologists by Finny, D. J.
Sociology of Urban Womens Image by Little, K.
Magnetic Resonance in Colloid and Interface Science: Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute and the Second International Symposium Held at Men by
Geometrical Methods for the Theory of Linear Systems: Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute and Ams Summer Seminar in Applied Mathematics Hel by
Heidelberger Jahrbücher by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Animal Suffering: The Science of Animal Welfare by Dawkins, Marian
A Theory of Universals: Volume 2: Universals and Scientific Realism by Armstrong, D. M., Armstrong, David Malet
The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes by Lakatos, Imre
Nominalism and Realism: Volume 1: Universals and Scientific Realism by Armstrong, D. M.
Vibrational Spectroscopy of Adsorbates by
Entwicklungstendenzen Wissenschaftlicher Rechenzentren: Kolloquium, Göttingen, 19.-20. Juni 1980 by
A Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics by Ballentyne, D. W.
PR Konkret by Fenkart, Peter H.
The Necessity for Nuclear Power by
Stability of Elastic Structures by
The Social Process of Scientific Investigation by
Micropolar Elasticity: Symposium Organized by the Department of Mechanics of Solids, June 1972 by
The General and Restricted Problems of Three Bodies: Course Held at the Department of General Mechanics September 1973 by Szebehely, Victor
The Social Process of Scientific Investigation by
Grundfragen Der Physik: Geschichte, Gegenwart Und Zukunft Der Physikalischen Grundlagenforschung by Treder, Hans-Jürgen, Rompe, Robert
Wissenschaft: Grundlagen Ihrer Organisation Und Leitung by Dobrov, G. M.
Empirische Modellbildung Und Versuchsplanung by Pegel, Bert
Das Deutsche Offizierkorps 1860-1960 by
Teaching and Learning about Science and Society by Ziman, John M., Ziman, J. M., Ziman, John