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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 1986

Inverse Problems: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Mathematical Research Institute at Oberwolfach, Black Forest, May 18-24,1986 by Cannon, Hornung
Kurt Otto Friedrichs: Selecta Volume 1 by
Kurt Otto Friedrichs: Selecta Volume 1 by
Das Kreditgeschäft in Der Abschlußprüfung Des Bankkaufmanns by Henke, Ernst-Joachim
Informationstechnik in Öffentlichen Verwaltungen: Handlungsstrategien Ohne Politik by Grimmer
Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Mathematical Education by Carass
A Fuller Explanation: The Synergetic Geometry of R. Buckminster Fuller by Edmondson, Amy C.
Polarized Electrons in Surface... (V1) by
Physikalische Experimente Mit Dem Mikrocomputer: "On-Line"-Messungen Mit Dem Apple II Im Apple-Pascal-System by Tillmann, Klaus-Dieter
Wunder Universum: Die Entwicklung Des Kosmos Und Die Zukunft Der Menschen by Reeves, H.
Rationing in a Theory of the Banking Firm by DeVinney, Timothy M.
Kurt Otto Friedrichs: Selecta Volume 2 by
Die Gebäude Der Universität Heidelberg by
Genetically Altered Viruses and the Environment by
Mechanisms in Tobacco Carcinogenesis by
Real-Time Control of Walking by Donner, M. D.
Prüfungsaufsatz Für Bürokaufleute: Ein Lehr- Und Übungsbuch Zur Vorbereitung Auf Die Kaufmännische Abschlußprüfung by Appel, Jo
Kammerphysikalische Kostbarkeiten by
Der Bank- Und Sparkassenkaufmann: Betriebswirtschaft Und Recht in Frage Und Antwort by Perczynski, Hans, Grill, Wolfgang
Archaebakterien Und Phylogenie. Die Topologie Der Integralen Proteinkomplexe Des Photosynthetischen Elektronentransportsystems in Der Membran by Kandler, Otto
Sterben Und Tod Eine Kulturvergleichende Analyse: Verhandlungen Der VII. Internationalen Fachkonferenz Ethnomedizin in Heidelberg, 5.-8.4.1984 by
Parteien-Handbuch: Die Parteien Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945-1980 by Stöss, Richard
Shizuo Kakutani: Selected Papers by Kakutani, S.
Computer-Streifzüge: Eine Einführung in Zahlentheorie Und Kombinatorik Aus Algorithmischer Sicht by Jeger, Prof Dr Max
Auf Dem Weg Zum Künstlichen Leben: Retortenkinder -- Leihmütter -- Programmierte Gene... by Eberbach, Hirsch, G.
Trio Training: Ein Gesundheits-Training Nach Maß by Eberlein, G.
Schweinemast Im Offenfront-Tiefstreustall: Eine Beurteilung Aus Ethologischer, Veterinärmedizinischer, Ökonomischer Und Verfahrenstechnischer Sicht by Etter-Kjelsaas
Herz Und Kreislauf ABC: Motor Des Lebens by Sesto, F.
Bürokaufmann: Betriebswirtschaft in Frage Und Antwort by Ullmer-Schulz, Edith
Die Rote Grenze: Auf Der Suche Nach Dem Rand Des Universums by Ferris
Volkswirtschaftslehre für Bankkaufleute by Engel, Bernd, Herber, Hans
Computermathematik: Lösungen Der Aufgaben Mit Turbo Pascal-Programmen by Gander, W.
Polarized Electrons in Surface... (V1) by
Electron Spin Resonance: Volume 10a by
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 19 by
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 20 by
Das volkssprachliche Naturbuch im späten Mittelalter by Nischik, Traude-Marie
A - Airports by
Fiction in French - Fiction in Soviet by
Auseinandersetzungen Um Jiddische Sprache Und Literatur. Jüdische Komponenten in Der Deutschen Literatur - Die Assimilationskontroverse by
March 1985 by
Geowissenschaften Und Geochemie by Rösler, Hans Jürgen
Spektroskopische Methoden Zur Charakterisierung Geschmolzener Salze by Emons, Hans-Heinz, Horlbeck, Wolfgang
Applications: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Berlin (Gdr), August 26-31, 1985 by
Ecological and Demographic Consequences of a Nuclear War by Svirezhev, Yuri M.
Philosophie Und Geologie: Beiträge Zum III. Ddr-Udssr-Symposium Zur Geschichte Der Geologischen Wissenschaften "Entwicklungsgeschichte Von Philo by
Esr-Spektroskopie: Anwendungen in Der Chemie by Kirmse, Reinhard, Stach, Joachim
Sn - VL, Lieferung 1 by
Experimentelle Technik Der Festkörperspektroskopie by Donecker, Jörg
Wildflowers of the Llano Estacado by Rose, Francis L., Strandtmann, Russell
University-Industry Research Partnerships: The Major Legal Issues in Research and Development Agreements by Reams, Bernard
Marketing with Seminars and Newsletters by Unknown, Holtz, Herman
Agricultural and Animal Sciences Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Jensen, Richard, Smith, Nathan, Lamb, Connie
Kansas Geology (PB) by
Engineering Infrastructure Diagramming and Modeling by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Engineering Undergraduate Education by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
Electricity in Economic Growth: A Report by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
The Iea/Ssps Solar Thermal Power Plants -- Facts and Figures -- Final Report of the International Test and Evaluation Team (Itet): Volume 1: Central R by
The Iea/Ssps Solar Thermal Power Plants: -- Facts and Figures -- Final Report of the International Test and Evaluation Team (Itet): Volume 2: Distribu by
The Iea/Ssps Solar Thermal Power Plants: Facts and Figures by
The Iea/Ssps Solar Thermal Power Plants -- Facts and Figures-- Final Report of the International Test and Evaluation Team (Itet): Volume 4: Book of Su by
Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science by Sagan, Carl
Wind Energy: Potential of Wind Energy in the European Community an Assessment Study by Selzer, H.
Solar Radiation Data from Satellite Images: Determination of Solar Radiation at Ground Level from Images of the Earth Transmitted by Meteorological Sa by Grüter, W., Guillard, H., Möser, W.
The Chemical Formulary, Volume 27 by
Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics by
Cytochrome P-450: Structure, Mechanism, and Biochemistry by Ortiz De Monetllano, Paul
Fibrin formation and Fibrinolysis by
Industrial Pneumatic Control by Lansky, Z., Schrader, L. F., Lansky
Advanced Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis by Echlin, Patrick, Goldstein, Joseph, Fiori, C. E.
Advanced Gasification: Methanol Production from Wood - Results of the EEC Pilot Programme by
Gesamtwirtschaftliche Effekte Der Informations- Und Kommunikationstechnologien by
Verp - Voir by
Wapf - Weim by
Wes - Wilk by
Un - Uz by
Vois - VOR by
Wein - Wer by
Vos - Wape by
Kommunikative Funktionen Des Dialekts Im Unterricht: Theorie Und PRAXIS in Der Deutschen Schweiz by Kropf, Thomas
Grundriß der praktischen Theologie by Rössler, Dietrich
Kampf der Schachideen by Saidy, Anthony
Science Skills: A Problem Solving Activities Book by Peacock, Alan
God and Nature: Historical Essays on the Encounter Between Christianity and Science by
The Politics and Rhetoric of Scientific Method: Historical Studies by
Prediction of Solar Radiation on Inclined Surfaces by
Technological Change, Employment and Spatial Dynamics: Proceedings of an International Symposium on Technological Change and Employment: Urban and Reg by
New Perspectives in Thermodynamics by
Optimization and Related Fields: Proceedings of the G. Stampacchia International School of Mathematics, Held at Erice, Sicily, September 17-30, 1984 by
The Compleat Strategyst: Being a Primer on the Theory of Games of Strategy by Williams, J. D.
Statistische Auswertung by Marinell, Gerhard
Essential Student Algebra: Volume Two: Matrices and Vector Spaces by Blyth, T.
Sets and Mappings by Blyth, T. S.
Farmers' Organizations by Dyson, Lowell K.
Experimental Stress Analysis: Proceedings of the Viiith International Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 12 by
Frontiers of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics by
Contrbutions Mantle Oce by Royal Society
Basic Electromagnetism and Its Applications by
Environmental Virology by Rao, V. Chalapati
Risikoverhalten Und Gesundheitsbewußtsein Bei Jugendlichen: Der Stellenwert Von Rauchen Und Alkoholkonsum Im Alltag Von 15- Bis 20jährigen by Franzkowiak, Peter
Introduction to Space Dynamics by Thomson, William Tyrrell
Marine Science Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Barnett, Judith B.
Pages Et Al: System Reliability, by Pages
A Dictionary of Scientific Units: Including Dimensionless Numbers and Scales by Jerrard, H. G.
Petroleum Exploration: A Quantitative Introduction by Sengbush, Ray L.
Nonmetallic Materials and Composites at Low Temperatures by Hartwig, Günther, Evans, David
Mining Latin America / Minería Latinoamericana by Smale
CAD and Robotics in Architecture and Construction: Proceedings of the Joint International Conference at Marseilles, 25-27 June 1986 by Akin, O., Chen, C. -C, Bijl, A.
Architectural Design and CAD by Gardan, Yvon
Solar Energy in Agriculture and Industry: Potential of Solar Heat in European Agriculture, an Assessment by
Principles of Analytical Electron Microscopy by
Disequilibrium and Self-Organisation by
Finite Element Analysis of Hyperbolic Cooling Towers by
Zuordnungsprobleme in Der Medizin: Anwendung Des Lokationsmodells by Trampisch, Hans J.
Apple IIc and IIe Assembly Language by Gilder, Jules H.
Work Out Operational Research by O'Sullivan, G., Burley, T. A.
The Lysenko Affair by Joravsky, David
How to Deep-Freeze a Mammoth by Kurtén, Björn
New Perspectives for Energy Savings in Agriculture: Current Progress in Solar Technologies by
Integrating Scientific Disciplines: Case Studies from the Life Sciences by
Statistical Physics and Irreversible Processes: Volume 2 by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Röntgen-Strahler by Maßwig, Ingrid
Managing Water Resources by Unknown
Oil, Turmoil, and Islam in the Middle East by Ali, Nazma
The Biology Coloring Book: A Coloring Book by Griffin, Robert D.
Technology and Human Productivity: Challenges for the Future by Mone, Edward
Geochemistry of Buried Sediments by Royal Society
Examining the Submicron World by McGowan, J. Wm, Shinozaki, Douglas M., Feder, Ralph
Future Stresses for Energy Resources: Energy Abundance: Myth or Reality? by
Computer Systems for Process Control by Güth, Reinhold
Hygrothermoelasticity by
Strain Measurement at High Temperatures by
Practical Stereology by Russ, John C.
Everyone is Right: A New Look at Comparative Religion and Its Relation to Science by Peterson, Roland
Technische Zuverlässigkeit: Problematik - Mathematische Grundlagen Untersuchungsmethoden - Anwendungen by
Vegetable Diseases and Their Control by Macnab, Alan A., Sherf, Arden F.
The Future of Electrical Energy: A Regional Perspective of an Industry in Transition by
Men of Mathematics by Bell, E. T.
European Wind Energy Technology: State of the Art of Wind Energy Converters in the European Community by Palz, Willeke, Schmid, J.
The Fisherman's Problem: Ecology and Law in the California Fisheries, 1850 1980 by McEvoy, Arthur F.
Solar Thermal Central Receiver Systems: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop June 23-27, 1986, Konstanz, Federal Republic of Germany by
Theorie Der Institution: Eine Dogmengeschichtliche Und Konzeptionelle Analyse by
Bifurcation of Extremals in Optimal Control by Kogan, Jacob
Diagnosenstruktur in Der Ambulanten Versorgung: Explorative Auswertungen by Schwefel, Detlef, John, Jürgen, Potthoff, Peter
Arzt-Rechner: Einführung, Marktübersicht, Perspektiven by
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 15 by
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 16 by
Die Bedeutung Der Beta-1-Selektivität Für Klinik Und PRAXIS by
Stabilization of Control Systems by Hijab, O.
Consumer Behavior and Energy Policy: An International Perspective by Gaskell, George
Petroleum and Structural Change in a Developing Country: The Case of Nigeria by Olayiwola, P., Olayiwola, Peter O.
Electric Utility Conservation Programs by Gellings, C.
Wirtschaftswissenschaft heute by Stieger, Hartmut
Hypatia's Heritage by Alic, Margaret
Numerical Methods in Engineering & Science by
Corrosion Mechanisms by Mansfeld, Florian B.
Beschleuniger in Der Großforschung by
Methodische Aspekte in Der Umweltepidemiologie: Gemeinsamer Workshop Der AG 'Epidemiologie' Der Gmds Und Des Medizinischen Instituts Für Umwelthygiene by
Intraokulare Linsen und ihre Implantation by Conrad, R., Bleckmann, H.
Grundlagen Der Wirtschaftspolitik by Ramb, Bernd-Thomas
Applied Statistics: A Handbook of Bmdp(tm) Analyses by Cox, David
Variational Methods for Free Surface Interfaces: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Vallombrosa Center, Menlo Park, California, September 7-12, 1985 by
Analytische Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie by Bauer, Hans-Dietrich
Chemiker Über Chemiker: Wahlvorschläge Zur Aufnahme Von Chemikern in Die Berliner Akademie 1822-1925, Von Eilhard Mitscherlich Bis Max Bodenst by
Electron Micrographs (Tem, Sem) of Clays and Clay Minerals by Henning, K. -H, Störr, M.