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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 1987

Briefwechsel Deutschsprachiger Philosophen 1750-1850: Band 1: Register, Verfasser/Adressaten, Adressaten/Verfasser - Band 2: Nachweise, Briefe, Briefs by
Die Deutschen Literatur-Zeitschriften 1850-1880: Bibliographien - Programme by Estermann, Alfred
Bifurcation: Analysis, Algorithms, Applications: Proceedings of the Conference at the University of Dortmund, August 18-22, 1986 by Troger, Küpper, Seydel
General Inequalities 5: 5th International Conference on General Inequalities, Oberwolfach, May 4-10, 1986 by Walter
Numerical Treatment of Eigenvalue Problems Vol.4 / Numerische Behandlung Von Eigenwertaufgaben Band 4: Workshop in Oberwolfach, Nov. 30 - Dec. 6,1986 by Collatz, Albrecht
Finite Difference Methods on Irregular Networks by Heinrich
Trends in Mathematical Optimization: 4th French-German Conference on Optimization by Hoffmann, K. H.
Laurent Series and Their Padé Approximations by Bultheel, A.
Bioterrorism: Mathematical Modeling Applications in Homeland Security by
Axiomatic Concensus Theory in Group Choice and Biomathematics by McMorris, F. R., Day, William H. E.
Data Structures and Network Algorithms by Tarjan, Robert Endre
Stochastic Processes in the Neurosciences by Tuckwell, Henry C.
Digitale Ästhetik: Zu Einer Bildungstheorie Des Computers by Boom, Holger Van Den
The Science of Computer Benchmarking by Hockney, Roger W.
Applications on Advanced Architecture Computers by
Lectures on the Logic of Computer Programming by Manna, Zohar
Symbolic Computation Applications to Scientific Computing by
Rechtsgrundlagen Für Rechtsanwalts- Und Notargehilfen: Zum Schnellen Nachschlagen in Schule Und PRAXIS by
Gehirn Und Geistige Leistung: Plastizität, Übung, Motivation. Soziale Systeme ALS Kognitive Systeme -- Zur Anpassungsleistung Sozialer Organisation Be by Kornhuber, Hans Helmut
Electromagnetic Material Interrogation Using Conductive Interfaces and Acoustic Wavefronts by Banks, H. T., Buksas, M. W., Lin, T.
Ethical, Ethological and Legal Aspects of Intensive Farm Animal Management by Fölsch
Kreuz Und Quer: Eine Expedition Durch Mathematik Und Geometrie by Deubler, Raoul U.
Seminar on Empirical Processes by Gaenssler, P., Stute
Molecular Biology of Homo Sapiens by
Developmental Toxicology: Mechanisms and Risk by
Mammalian Cell Mutagenesis by
Papillomaviruses by
The Commodore Puzzle Book: Basic Brainteasers by Lee
Die Mechernicher Triasbucht: Eine Geologisch-Hydrogeologisch-Wasserwirtschaftliche Studie by Heitfeld, Karl-Heinrich
Selected Papers on Algebra and Topology by Garrett Birkhoff by
Buchführung Für Den Bankkaufmann: Mit Kosten- Und Leistungsrechnung by Werner, Sauter
Nahost: Geschichte Und Struktur Des Konflikts by Schreiber, Friedrich
All about Lightning by Uman, Martin A.
Die Familie: Risiken Und Chancen: Eine Therapeutische Orientierung by Ritschl, D., Luban-Plozza
Das Rechnungswesen in Der Abschlußprüfung Des Bankkaufmanns: Buchführung, Rechnen, Datenverarbeitung, Betriebsorganisation by Fischer, Harald
Stable Solution of Inverse Problems by Baumeister, Johann
Erwin-Riesch Workshop: System Analysis of Biological Processes by Möller, Dietmar P. F.
Bürokaufmann: Betriebswirtschaft in Frage Und Antwort by Ullmer-Schulz, Edith
Alstat PC: Algorithmen Der Statistik Für IBM PC Und Kompatible by Metz, Kläy, Maibach
Die Gefühle: Ein Ausgesprochen Emotionales Lehr- & Lesebuch by Rost, W.
Computer-Graphik: Bilder Und Programme Zu Fraktalen, Chaos Und Selbstähnlichkeit by Beck
Krampfadern Und Andere Venenerkrankungen: Ein Ratgeber by Vanscheidt, W.
Das Rauchen: Genuß Und Risiko by Troschke, J. Von
Mass Spectrometry: Volume 9 by
Electron Spin Resonance: Volume 10b by
Raumakustik, Schallquellen, Schallwahrnehmung, Schallwandler, Beschallungstechnik, Aufnahmetechnik, Klanggestaltung by
Natürliche generative Morphologie und Phonologie des Dialekts von Ludwigsstadt by Harnisch, Rüdiger
Wortsyntax: Eine Diskussion Ausgewählter Probleme Deutscher Wortbildung by Toman, Jindrich
Toxic and Hazardous Materials: A Sourcebook and Guide to Information Sources by Webster, James K., Webster, Carol
Die Soziale Funktion Der Wissenschaft by Bernal, J. D.
Die Erscheinung Des Lebendigen in Unserer Welt by Penzlin, Heinz
Handbuch Der Systemtheorie by
Organic Geo- And Cosmochemistry by
Energy Policy in America Since 1945: A Study of Business-Government Relations by Victor, Richard H., Vietor Richard H K
Advances in Solar Energy Technology: Volume 2: Industrial Applications of Solar Energy by Garg, H. P.
Crystalline Semiconducting Materials and Devices by
Advances in Solar Energy Technology: Volume 3 Heating, Agricultural and Photovoltaic Applications of Solar Energy by Garg, H. P.
Science and Technology Centers: Principles and Guidelines by National Research Council, Panel on Science and Technology Centers
Anschauliche Physik: Für Studierende Der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Naturwissenschaften Und Medizin Sowie Zum Selbststudium by Dibble, William E., Ballif, Jae R.
Energy Resources Development: Politics and Policies by Unknown
Ethik in Der Medizin: Tagung Der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum Vom 13. Bis 15. Dezember 1985 by
Patterns, Defects and Microstructures in Nonequilibrium Systems: Applications in Materials Science by
Progress in Hydrogen Energy: Proceedings of the National Workshop on Hydrogen Energy, New Delhi, July 4-6, 1985 by
Die Chinapolitik des Deutschen Reiches 1871 bis 1945 by Ratenhof, Udo
Make It New: Essays Zur Literarischen Tradition by Sühnel, Rudolf
Statistik by Marinell, Gerhard
Ein Neues Software-System (Ramses) Zur Verarbeitung Nmr-Spektroskopischer Daten in Der Bildgebenden Medizinischen Diagnostik by Tolxdorff, Thomas
Static and Dynamic Photoelasticity and Caustics: Recent Developments by
The Statistical Consultant in Action by
Ultrasonic Methods in Evaluation of Inhomogeneous Materials by
Seventh E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference: Proceedings of the International Conference, Held at Sevilla, Spain, 27-31 October 1986 by
Photovoltaic Power Generation by
Topics in the General Theory of Structures by
Parallel Processing Techniques for Simulation by Daniels, B. K., Singh, Madan, Allidina, A. y.
Stochastic Modelling and Filtering: Proceedings of the Ifip-Wg 7/1 Working Conference, Rome, Italy, December 10-14, 1984 by
Reference Time, Tense and Adverbs by
Will - Wok by
Wol - Wz by
Zek - ZZ by
Schach Lebenslänglich: Erinnerungen Eines Erfolgstrainers by Koblenz, Aleksander
Machines and Intelligence: A Critique of Arguments Against the Possibility of Artificial Intelligence by Goldkind, Stuart, Goldkind, Staurt
Applied Mineralogy: A Quantitative Approach by Jones, Meurig P.
Solid Mechanics Research for Quantitative Non-Destructive Evaluation: Proceedings of the Onr Symposium on Solid Mechanics Research for Qnde, Northwest by
The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book about a Vast Memory, with a New Foreword by Jerome S. Bruner by Luria, A. R.
Great Experiments in Physics: Firsthand Accounts from Galileo to Einstein by
Materials Processing in the Reduced Gravity Environment of Space: Volume 87 by
Umpoled Synthons: A Survey of Sources and Uses in Synthesis by
Saint-Simon by Emge, Martinus
Zentrale Und Dezentrale Energieversorgung: Vde/VDI/Gfpe-Tagung in Schliersee Am 7./8. Mai 1987 by Schaefer, Helmut
Sex and Scientific Inquiry by
New Guinea Tapeworms and Jewish Grandmothers: Tales of Parasites and People by Desowitz, Robert S.
Systems Analysis by Graphs and Matroids: Structural Solvability and Controllability by Murota, Kazuo
Applications of the Monte Carlo Method in Statistical Physics by
Soil Plant Relationships: An Ecological Approach by
Applied Mineralogy: A Quantitative Approach by Jones, Meurig P.
Advances in Psychology V46 by Rauh H., Rauh H., H.
Physics of Non-Conventional Energy Sources and Material Science for Energy - Proceedings of the International Workshop by
Physics of Non-Conventional Energy Sources and Material Science for Energy - Proceedings of the International Workshop by
Anti-Gravity and the World Grid by Childress, David Hatcher
A Computational Model of Reasoning from the Clinical Literature by Rennels, Glenn D.
Historical Dictionary of Data Processing: Organizations by Cortada, James W.
Advances in Chromatography, Volume 26 by
Optimal Control: Proceedings of the Conference on Optimal Control and Variational Calculus Oberwolfach, West-Germany, June 15-21, 1986 by
Beam-Solid Interactions and Transient Processes: Volume 74 by
Ambulante Versorgung: Nachfrage Und Steuerung by
Optimization Models Using Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory by
Neutron Radiography: Proceedings of the Second World Conference Paris, France, June 16-20, 1986 by
Solar Energy Utilization: Fundamentals and Applications by
Justifying Investment in Advanced Manufacturing Technology by The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants the Instit
Decision and Intelligence by Aleksander, Igor
Robot Components and Systems by André, Pierre, Lhôte, François, Taillard, Jean-Pierre
Advanced Strength of Materials by Hartog, J. P. Den
Hazardous Waste: Confronting the Challenge by Want, William L., Ward, Morris A., Harris, Christopher
Ethics of Withdrawal of Life-Support Systems: Case Studies in Decision Making in Intensive Care by Walton, Douglas N.
Solar Energy Applications to Buildings and Solar Radiation Data by
Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Inorganic Chemistry Volume 2 by
Energy Research and Development Programme: Second Status Report 1975-1978 2 Volumes by
Autowave Processes in Kinetic Systems: Spatial and Temporal Self-Organisation in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine by Romanovskii, Yu M., Chernavskii, D. S., Vasiliev, V. a.
A Concise History of Mathematics: Fourth Revised Edition by Struik, Dirk J.
Bernard Shaw: A Critical View by Grene, Nicholas
Historical Dictionary of Data Processing: Biographies by Cortada, James W.
Dictionary of the Physical Sciences: Terms, Formulas, Data by Emiliani, Ceasare, Emiliani, Ceasure, Emiliani, Cesare
Aime 87: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Marseilles, August 31st - September 3rd 1987 Proceedings by
The Unfulfilled Promise of Synthetic Fuels: Technological Failure, Policy Immobilism, or Commercial Illusion by Green, William, Yanarella, Ernest J.
Engineers in Britain: A Sociological Study of the Engineering Dimension by Glover, Ian
Photon, Beam, and Plasma Stimulated Chemical Processes at Surfaces: Volume 75 by
Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology by Drexler, Eric
Diagnostisches Problemlösen Mit Expertensystemen by Puppe, Frank
Advanced Materials for Severe Service Applications by
Chemistry and Physics of Fracture by
Non-Destructive Testing of Fibre-Reinforced Plastics Composites by
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 17 by
Piktogramme für Computer by Staufer, Michael J.
Discovering Nature with Young People: An Annotated Bibliography and Selection Guide by Johnson, Carolyn M.
Droll Science: Being a Treasury of Whimsical Characters, Laboratory Levity, and Scholarly Follies by Weber, Robert L.
Steuerpolitik der Familienunternehmen by Pühringer, Johann
How Experiments End by Galison, Peter
A Budget of Trisections by Dudley, Underwood, Dudley, U.
Hebräisches Und Aramäisches Handwörterbuch Über Das Alte Testament: 1. Lieferung: ALEF - Gimel by Gesenius, Wilhelm
Digital Signal Transmission: Line Circuit Technology by Hart, Bryan
Groundwater Contamination in the United States by Ford, Emily, Quarles, John, Patrick, Ruth
Photon Activation Analysis by Lutz, George John, Segebade, Christian, Weise, Hans-Peter
Geometries and Groups by Shafarevich, Igor R., Nikulin, Viacheslav V.
Human Factors Psychology: Volume 47 by
Lohnsteuer by Hessler, Horst
The Political Economy of Venezuelan Oil by Randall, Laura
Amorphous Silicon Semiconductors -- Pure and Hydrogenated: Volume 95 by
The Beginnings of the Nobel Institution: The Science Prizes, 1901-1915 by Crawford, Elisabeth
Nuclei D ... CL by Nakamura, N., Chihara, H.
Supercomputers: A Key to U.S. Scientific, Technological, and Industrial Preeminence by Unknown
Nuclei CL ... RB by Nakamura, N., Chihara, H.
An Introduction to Communication Theory and Systems by Thomas, John B.
Measure and Integral: Volume 1 by Srinivasan, T. P., Kelley, John L.
Verlaufskurven Und Crossover: Statistische Analyse Von Verlaufskurven Im Zwei-Stichproben-Vergleich Und Von Crossover-Versuchen by Lehmacher, Walter
Einführung in Die Strömungsmaschinen by Petermann, Hartwig
Fine Coal Processing by Klimpel, Richard R., Mishra, Surendra K.
Advances in Solar Energy Technology: Volume 1: Collection and Storage Systems Volume 2: Industrial Applications of Solar Energy Volume 3: Heating, Agr by Garg, H. P.
Physics and Technology of Solar Energy: Volume 2: Photovoltaic and Solar Energy Materials Proceedings of the International Workshop on Physics of Sola by
Physics and Technology of Solar Energy: Volume 1: Solar Thermal Applications by
Neutral Models in Biology by
Wirtschaftstheorie Und Wirtschaftspolitik Der Monopolbourgeoisie by
Absorptionsspektroskopische Messungen Auf Raketen Und Satelliten Zur Bestimmung Atmosphärischer Gaskonstituenten by Martini, Lothar, Stark, Bernd
Elektronenmikroskopische Querschnittsabbildung: Von Interfaces Und Heterostrukturen in Halbleitern by Woltersdorf, Jörg, Gerstengarbe, Hans-Christian, Bartsch, Heinz