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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 1988

The Energy Crisis and the American Political Economy: Politics and Markets in the Management of Natural Resources by Tugwell, Franklin
Advances in Psychology V48 by Eskola, Antti, Eskola a., A., Eskola a.
Sharing It All by Gilbert, Lucia Albino
Variabilität, Polysemie Und Unschärfe Der Wortbedeutung: Band 1: Theoretische Und Methodische Grundlagen. Band 2: Studien Zur Lexikalischen Semantik D by Schneider, Edgar W.
Deutsche Literarische Zeitschriften 1880-1945: Ein Repertorium by Dietzel, Thomas, Hügel, Hans-Otto
Mach. Code Commodore 64 by Shiva
Denkschriften Der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Band 30 by
Speditionskaufmann: Speditionsbetriebslehre in Frage Und Antwort by Oelfke, Wolfgang
Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Vakuumtechnik by Wutz, Max, Adam, Hermann
Neural Information Processing Systems: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Denver, Colorado, November 1987 by
Photons and Quantum Fluctuations by
Theoretical Immunology, Part One by Perelson, Alan S.
Beauty and the Brain: Biological Aspects of Aesthetics by Epstein, Rentschler, Pöppel
Das Einlagengeschäft in Der Abschlußprüfung Des Bankkaufmanns by Fischer, Harald, Lippe, Gerhard, Rehder, Gert-Jürgen
Mathematics and the Real World: Proceedings of an International Workshop Roskilde University Centre (Denmark), 1978 by Booss
Antennentechnik: Basic-Programme Für Den PC by Brandt, Ludwig
Topics in Operator Theory and Interpolation: Essays Dedicated to M. S. Livsic on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday by Gohberg, I.
Dynamische Systeme Und Fraktale: Computergrafische Experimente Mit Pascal by Becker, Karl-Heinz, Dörfler, Michael
Introduction to the Theory of Banach Representations of Groups by Lyubich, Yurii I.
Selbststeuerung in Der Forschungsförderung: Das Gutachterwesen Der Dfg by Neidhardt, Friedhelm
Elektrische Meßtechnik: Elektrische Und Elektronische Verfahren, Anlagen Und Systeme by Bergmann, Kurt
Mathematik Für Fachschulen Technik by Rapp, Heinz
Die Konstruktion Der Sozialen Realität Wissenschaft: Alltag Und System by Klüver, Jürgen
The Concepts of Science: From Newton to Einstein by Weaver, Jefferson Hane, Motz, Lloyd
Fertigungsmeßtechnik by Lemke, Erwin
Minerals Handbook 1988-89: Statistics and Analyses of the World's Minerals Industry by
The Grants Register 1989-1991 by
Desktop Publishing Was Bringt's Wirklich?: Analysen, Erfahrungen, Umfeld Hardware, Software, Brainware by Peters, Joachim
Versuche Zur Festlegung Der Rechenwerte Von Mauerwerksfestigkeiten by Guggisberg, Thürlimann
Intensivhaltung Von Nutztieren Aus Ethischer, Rechtlicher Und Ethologischer Sicht by Teutsch
Complex Analysis: Articles Dedicated to Albert Pfluger on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday by Huber, A., Hersch, J.
On Functions and Functional Equations by Smital, J.
Electron Spin Resonance: Volume 11a by
Lebensläufe by
Register Der Geburtsorte Und Der Letzten Wohnorte by
Ein Reporter, Der Keiner War: Rede Über Egon Erwin Kisch by Walter, Hans-Albert
Seed Dormancy and Germination by Bradbeer, J. W.
Dynamical Systems and Environmental Models: Proceedings of an International Workshop Cosponsored by Iiasa and the Academy of Sciences of the Gdr, Held by
Die Akademie Der Wissenschaften Der Ddr: Geschichte Und Auftrag by
Chaotic Dynamics Applied to Biological Information Processing by Nicolis, John S.
Sn - VL, Lieferung 3 by
X-Ray Absorption: Principles, Applications, Techniques of Exafs, Sexafs and Xanes by
Harpsichord and Lute Music in 17th-Century France by Ledbetter, D.
Who Got Einstein's Office?: Eccentricity and Genius at the Institute for Advanced Study by Regis, Edward
Intrusion Detection Systems by Barnard, Robert
Historical Seismograms and Earthquakes of the World by
Micro -- Qualiflex: An Interactive Software Package for the Determination and Analysis of the Optimal Solution to Decision Problems by Ancot, J. P.
Theory and Experiment: Recent Insights and New Perspectives on Their Relation by
Synthetic Fuels from Coal: Status of the Technology by
Frieden Oder Sicherheit: Die Krise Der Westdeutschen Sicherheitspolitik by Wortmann, Rolf
Directional Drilling by Inglis, Tom
The Historical Roots of Elementary Mathematics by Bedient, Jack D., Bunt, Lucas N. H., Jones, Phillip S.
Improving Indicators of the Quality of Science and Mathematics Education in Grades K-12 by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Toxicology-A Primer on Toxicology Principles and Applications by Kamrin, Michael A.
Die Idee Der Universität: Versuch Einer Standortbestimmung by Habermas, Jürgen, Gadamer, Hans-Georg, Eigen, Manfred
Fossils in the Making: Vertebrate Taphonomy and Paleoecology by Behrensmeyer, Anna K.
The Biology of Mutualism: Ecology and Evolution by
Topics in Complex Function Theory, Volume 2: Automorphic Functions and Abelian Integrals by Siegel, Carl Ludwig
Geometric Algebra by Artin, E.
The Disposal of Long Lived and Highly Radioactive Wastes by Wilkinson, Denys, Loughton, R. A., Roberts, L. E. S.
Metric Spaces by Copson, E. T.
New Directions in Dynamical Systems by Bedford, T., Swift, H.
The Development of Scientific Thinking Skills by
Empirical Foundations of Information and Software Science IV by Zunde, Pranas, Agrawal, Jagdish C.
Instruction Design for Microcomputing Software by
Allergie Und Asthma: Vorbeugende PRAXIS by Dvorak, J.
Herzinfarkt -- Was Nun?: Ein Ratgeber Zu Den Medizinischen, Psychischen, Sozialen Und Arbeitsrechtlichen Folgen by Liebrecht
Deutsche Hochschullehrer als Elite by
Special Classes of Linear Operators and Other Topics: 11th International Conference on Operator Theory Bucharest (Romania) June 2-12, 1986 by Helson, Arsene, G.
The Mathematics of Nonlinear Programming by Sullivan, Francis E., Uhl, J. J. Jr., Peressini, Anthony L.
Kausalmodelle in Geographie, Ökonomie Und Soziologie: Eine Einführung Mit Übungen Und Einem Computerprogramm by Güssefeldt, Jörg
Controlling Von Informations- Und Kommunikationssystemen by Roithmayr, Friedrich
Hard Judicial Choices: Federal District Court Judges and State and Local Officials by Cooper, Phillip J.
Kollisionsfreie Bahnen Für Industrieroboter: Ein Planungsverfahren by Hörmann, Klaus
Cybernetics and Systems '88: Proceedings of the Ninth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Organized by the Austrian Society for C by
Plasticity and High Temperature Strength of Materials: Combined Micro- And Macro-Mechanical Approaches by Ohnami, M.
Fundamentals of Beam-Solid Interactions and Transient Thermal Processing: Volume 100 by
Therapeutische Probleme, Epidemiologie, Toxikologie, Nutzen-Risiko-Abwägung by Kaindl, F., Kraupp, O., Grosdanoff, P.
Complex Movement Behaviour: 'The' Motor-Action Controversy Volume 50 by
Optimization, Parallel Processing and Applications: Proceedings of the Oberwolfach Conference on Operations Research, February 16-21, 1987 and the Wor by
Innovationsdynamik Im Systemvergleich: Theorie Und PRAXIS Unternehmerischer, Gesamtwirtschaftlicher Und Politischer Neuerung by
Language and Information by Harris, Zelig
Hans Herken Gewidmet: Drei Vorträge Zum Fünfundsiebzigsten Geburtstag by Kewitz, H., Coper, Helmut, Kalow, W.
Dynamical Chaos by
Computational Methods for Integral Equations by Mohamed, J. L., Delves, L. M.
Mathematik Und Plausibles Schliessen: Band 1 Induktion Und Analogie in Der Mathematik by Polya, G.
Trennflächenformulierungen Für Die Statische Und Dynamische Berechnung Von Bogenstaumauern by Hohberg, J. -M
Student Solutions Manual for Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, 2nd Edition by Dichter, Mitchal
A Guide to Hazardous Materials Management: Physical Characteristics, Federal Regulations, and Response Alternatives by Schumacher, Aileen
Productivity and Quality Through Science and Technology by
Defects in Electronic Materials: Volume 104 by
Optimal Periodic Control by Colonius, Fritz
Plr 1988 by Denyer-Green, Barry
Solar Energy Applications to Buildings and Solar Radiation Data: Proceedings of the EC Contractors' Meeting Held in Brussels, Belgium, 1 and 2 October by
Crystal Growth: Principles and Progress by Vere, A. W.
A History of Psychology in Metascientific Perspective: Volume 53 by Madsen, K. B.
I.J. Schoenberg Selected Papers by Boor, C. De
I.J. Schoenberg Selected Papers by De Boor
Surgery Theory and Geometry of Representations by Hambleton, I., Tom Dieck, T.
Musik Und Psyche: Hören Mit Der Seele by Dickhaut, Hans H., Luban-Plozza, Boris, Delli Ponti, Mario
Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Materials by Robert, Philippe
Uncertainty and Intelligent Systems: 2nd International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems I by
APL by Curth, Michael A., Edelmann, Helmut
Statistik-Programme in BASIC by Leiner, Bernd
Goethean Science: (Cw 1) by Steiner, Rudolf
How to Use an Astronomical Telescope: A Beginner's Guide to Observing the Cosmos by Muirden, James
Spectrophysics by Thorne, Anne P.
Always Under Pressure: A History of North Thames Gas Since 1949 by Falkus, Malcolm E.
System Modelling and Optimization: Proceedings of the 13th Ifip Conference Tokyo, Japan, August 31 -- September 4, 1987 by
The Methane Age by
Variable Frequency AC Motor Drive System by Finney, David
Principles of CAD: A Coursebook by Medland, A. J.
Manufacturing Systems: An Introduction to the Technologies by Williams, D. J.
Diskurse Der Empfindsamkeit: Zur Geschichte Eines Gefühls in Der Literatur Des 18. Jahrhunderts by Wegmann, Nickolaus
Surveying by Kahmen, Heribert, Faig, Wolfgang
Contributions to Operator Theory and Its Applications: Proceedings of the Conference on Operator Theory and Functional Analysis, Mesa, Arizona, June 1 by
Thesauri Used in Online Databases: An Analytical Guide by Pollard, Richard, Chan, Lois Mai
Silicon-On-Insulator and Buried Metals in Semiconductors: Volume 107 by
Betriebswirtschaftslehre by Schultz, Reinhard
From Clocks to Chaos: The Rhythms of Life by Mackey, Michael C., Glass, Leon
Farming for Fuel: The Political Economy of Energy Sources in the United States by Dovring, Folke
Die Evaluation Von Edv-Systemen Im Krankenhaus: Aufbau, Ziele, Auswirkungen Und Beurteilung Von Edv-Gestützten Krankenhausinformationssystemen by Steckel, Rudolf
Cognition in Practice: Mind, Mathematics and Culture in Everyday Life by Lave, Jean
Plr 1988 by Denyer-Green, Barry
Demand-Side Management and Electricity End-Use Efficiency by
Nature, Cognition and System I: Current Systems-Scientific Research on Natural and Cognitive Systems by
Isotopes in the Earth Sciences by Attendorn, H. -G, Bowen, R.
Order and Chaos in Nonlinear Physical Systems by
Energy for Islands by
Fehlerlehre, Vermessungen und Berechnungen für grossmassstäbige Karten und Pläne, Nivellieren by
Net Energy Analysis and the Energy Requirements of Energy Systems by Spreng, Daniel
The New Oil Crisis and Fuel Economy Technologies: Preparing the Light Transportation Industry for the 1990s by Bleviss, Deborah
Oil and Labor in the Middle East: Saudi Arabia and the Oil Boom by Woodward, Peter
Reasons of State by Ikenberry, G. John
Museum Collections and Today's Computers by Vance, David, Chenhall, Robert G.
Catalysis at Surfaces by
Pascal for Electronic Engineers by
Quantum Probability by Gudder, Stanley P.
Mittelständische Unternehmen: Herausforderungen Und Chancen Für Die 90er Jahre by
Maximum-Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Science and Engineering: Foundations by
Maximum-Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Science and Engineering: Volume 2: Applications by
Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications by Morosanu, Gheorghe
A Psychology of Food: More Than a Matter of Taste by Lyman, B.
Advances in Psychology V55 by Colley a. M., Colley, Ann Ed, Colley a. M., A. M.
Der Weltraum Seit 1945 by Spillmann
Numerical Integration III: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, Nov. 8 - 14, 1987 by Hämmerlin, Brass
Introduction to Coding Theory and Algebraic Geometry by Van Lint, J., Van Der Geer, G.
Der Geist Im Atom: Eine Diskussion Der Geheimnisse Der Quantenphysik by Davies
Farbige Parkette: Mathematische Theorie Und Ausführung Mit Dem Computer. Vier Aufsätze Zur Ebenen Kristallographie by Bongartz, Mertens, Borho, W.
Matrix Norms and Their Applications by Belitskii, G., Libuich
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 21 by
Steuerplanung des Mitunternehmers by Karsten, Jürgen
Expert Systems and Decision Support in Medicine: 33rd Annual Meeting of the Gmds Efmi Special Topic Meeting Peter L. Reichertz Memorial Conference Han by
Federal Lab Technology Transfer: Issues and Policies by
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy by Bovey, Frank A., Mirau, Peter A., Gutowsky, H. S.
Microbore Column Chromatography: A Unified Approach to Chromatography by Yang, F. J.
Structure of Liquid Crystal Phases (V23) by Pershan, Peter S.
Structure of Liquid Crystal Phases (V23) by Pershan, Peter S.
Numerical Mathematics Singapore 1988: Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Mathematics Held at the National University of Singapor by Chwo, Wilson, Agarwal
Andreotti-Grauert Theory by Integral Formulas by Henkin, Leiterer, Chenkin
Regulatory Peptides by Polak, J. M.
Dictionary of Energy by
Satellitengeodäsie: Grundlagen, Methoden Und Anwendungen by Seeber, Günter
Conflict Over the World's Resources: Background, Trends, Case Studies, and Considerations for the Future by Mandel, Robert
Electric Power: An Industry at a Crossroads by Chase, Milton A.
Excursions in Number Theory by Ogilvy, C. Stanley, Anderson, John T.
Continual Means and Boundary Value Problems in Function Spaces by Polishchuk, E.
Reibermüdung Einbetonierter Spannkabel by Oertle, J.
Scattering and Attenuations of Seismic Waves, Part I by Aki, Wu
Alloys and Compounds of D-Elements with Main Group Elements. / Legierungen Und Verbindungen Von D-Elementen Mit Elementen Der Hauptgruppen.: Part 2 / by Fruchart, R., L'Heritier, P., Fruchart, D.
Einführung in Pl/1 Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler by Wirtz, Klaus Werner
Heidelberger Jahrbücher by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Estimation, Control, and the Discrete Kalman Filter by Catlin, Donald E.
Developments and Dilemmas in Science Education by Peter Fensham Monash University, Australia
Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier: Technologies, Systems, Economy by
States and Companies: Political Risks in the International Oil Industry by Lax, Howard
Synthetic Fuel Technology Development in the United States: A Retrospective Assessment by Bozeman, Barry, Crow, Michael
Science as Power: Discourse and Ideology in Modern Society by Aronowitz, Stanley
Rechnergestützte Methoden in den Sozialwissenschaften by Voß, Werner
Eighth E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference by
Equilibrium Distributions of Branching Processes by Wakolbinger, A., Liemant, A., Matthes, K.
Safety Assurance for Environmental Introductions of Genetically-Engineered Organisms by
Numerical Analysis by Greenspan, Donald
Numerical Methods for Grid Equations: Volume I Direct Methods by Samarskij, A. a., Nikolaev, E. S.
Introduction to the Human Sciences: An Attempt to Lay a Foundation for the Study of Society and History by Dilthey, Wilhelm
Die Wechseljahre Der Frau: Hormone -- Präparate -- Therapien by Saure, A.
Algebraische Topologie by Mayer, K. H.
Subduction Zones Part II by Ruff, Larry J., Kanamori, H.
The Civilized Engineer by Florman, Samuel C.
Materials Stability and Environmental Degradation: Volume 125 by
Thiaminzufuhr Und Thiaminstatus Der Bevölkerung in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Sichert-Oevermann, Wolfgang, Schettler, Gotthard, Arab-Kohlmeier, Lenore
Nuclei Zr ... Bi. Diagrams, Structure Formulas, Indexes by Nakamura, N., Chihara, H.
Materials Modification by High-Fluence Ion Beams by
Microbial Corrosion - 1 by
Nonlinear Stochastic Systems Theory and Applications to Physics by Adomian, G.
Zustandsraummodell Des Elektroenergieverbundsystems Zur Untersuchung Des Spannungsblindleistungsverhaltens Bei Spannungsregelvorgängen by Hoy, Christian
Humain, Trop Humain. Un Livre Pour Esprits Libres I by Nietzsche, Friedrich