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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 1989

Estimation Techniques for Distributed Parameter Systems by Banks, H. T., Kunisch, K.
Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology: Volume 1: Thermal Treatment of Hazardous Wastes by Cheremisinoff, Paul
New York by
The Gohberg Anniversary Collection: Volume I: The Calgary Conference and Matrix Theory Papers and Volume II: Topics in Analysis and Operator Theory by Goldberg, Dym, Lancaster
Deutsche Dichtung in Epochen by
Kriegsalltag: Die Rekonstruktion Des Kriegsalltags ALS Aufgabe Der Historischen Forschung Und Der Friedenserziehung by Knoch, Peter
Intrapartum Biochemical Monitoring of the Fetus: Proceedings of the First International Symposium, Atlantic City, Usa, June 1987 by
Die Bedeutung Der Produktinnovation in Der Chemie Am Beispiel Der Azol-Antimykotika Und -Fungizide by Büchel, Karl Heinz
Molecular Diagnostics of Human Cancer by
Speech and Language by Adelman
Chaos in Dissipativen Systemen by Pompe, Bernd, Koch, Bernd-Peter
Nahost: Geschichte Und Struktur Des Konflikts by Schreiber, Friedrich, Wolffsohn, Michael
Komplexitätstheorie: ALS Instrument Zur Klassifizierung Und Beurteilung Von Problemen Des Operations Research by Zelewski, Stephan
MacMillan Directory of Business Information Sources by
Volkswirtschaftslehre für Bankkaufleute by Engel, Bernd, Herber, Hans
Ancient Egyptian Science: Source Book. Volume I: Knowledge and Order. Tome Two. Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 184) by Clagett, Marshall
Basic Concepts of Geometry by Prenowitz, Walter, Jordan, Meyer
Mass Spectrometry: Volume 10 by
Electron Spin Resonance: Volume 11b by
Time, Text and Modality by
Dialoganalyse II by
Dialoganalyse II by
Universality in Chaos, 2nd Edition by
The Estuarine Ecosystem by McLusky, Donald S.
The Weather Wizard's Cloud Book: A Unique Way to Predict the Weather Accurately and Easily by Reading the Clouds by Rubin Sr, Louis D., Duncan, Jim
Wildlife and the Public Interest: Nonprofit Organizations and Federal Wildlife Policy by Tober, James a.
The Emerging Religion of Science by Rothchild, Bessie, Rothschild, Richard C.
Approximation and Optimization: Proceedings of the International Seminar, Held in Havana, Cuba, January 12-16, 1987 by
Die Mathematik Und Ihre Dozenten an Der Berliner Universität 1810-1933: Stationen Auf Dem Wege Eines Mathematischen Zentrums Von Weltgeltung by Biermann, Kurt-R
Moderne Biowissenschaften Und Gesellschaft by Rapoport, Samuel Mitja
High Energy Lon Beam Analysis of Solids by
Sn - VL, Lieferung 4 by
Marine Invertebrate Fisheries: Their Assessment and Management by
Chaos and Integrability in Nonlinear Dynamics: An Introduction by Tabor, Michael
A Course in Modern Algebra by Wu, Yel-Chiang, Hilton, Peter
Innovative Unternehmensgründungen: Eine Ökonomisch-Empirische Analyse by Schneider, Dietram, Laub, Ulf-Dieter
Marktstruktur Und Technologischer Wandel: Eine Modelltheoretische Analyse Im Rahmen Der Industrieökonomik by Stadler, Manfred
Makroökonomik by Gordon, Robert J.
Pc-Gestützte Managementtechniken by Curth, Michael A.
Mathematik für Ökonomen by Horst, Reiner
Elements of Functional Analysis by Maddox, I. J.
The Fourier Integral and Certain of Its Applications by Wiener, Norbert
Laser Science and Technology by Martellucci, S., Letokhov, V. S., Chester, A. N.
Biosafety in the Laboratory: Prudent Practices for Handling and Disposal of Infectious Materials by Committee on Hazardous Biological Substances in the Laborato, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications
Technology and Environment by National Academy of Engineering
Information Technology and the Conduct of Research: The User's View by National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Engineering
The Responsible Conduct of Research in the Health Sciences by Committee on the Responsible Conduct of Research, National Research Council, Institute of Medicine
Investing in Research: A Proposal to Strengthen the Agricultural, Food, and Environmental System by National Research Council, Board on Agriculture
Research Opportunities for Materials with Ultrafine Microstructures by National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Progress in Neuropeptide Research: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Lódź, Poland, September 8-10, 1988 by Döhler
Tragfähigkeit Von Stahlbetonscheiben by Maier, J.
Ideas and Information: Managing in a High-Tech World by Penzias, Arno
High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy: And Associated Techniques by
Electricity in Economic Development: The Experience of Northeast Asia by Breazeale, Kennon
Social Economics by
Energy and the Missing Resource: A View from the Laboratory by Dostrovsky, I.
The Evolution of Technology by Basalla, George
Energy and the Missing Resource by Dostrovsky, I.
The Evolution of Technology by Basalla, George
Noise and Nonlinear Phenomena in Nuclear Systems by
The Chemical Formulary, Volume 28 by
Handbook of Boolean Algebras: Volume 2 by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Dynamics Reported by Kirchgraber, Urs, Walther, Hans Otto
47 Easy-To-Do Classic Science Experiments by Provenzo, Asterie Baker, Provenzo, Eugene F.
Experiments in Topology by Barr, Stephen
Metal Forming and the Finite-Element Method by Kobayashi, Shiro, Altan, Taylan, Kobayashi, S.
Owen the Poet by Hibberd, D.
Advances in Soil Science: Volume 10 by
Energy and Entropy: Science and Culture in Victorian Britain by
Die Zukunft Der Telekommunikation in Europa: Proceedings Der Internationalen Konferenz "Die Zukunft Der Telekommunikation in Europa" Bonn, 14.-15. 11. by
Heterostructures on Silicon: One Step Further with Silicon by
The Use of Plant Genetic Resou by
Thermal Conductivity 20 by Hasselman, D. P. H., Thomas
The Condensed Encyclopedia of Surfactants by
The Elusive Quarry by Hyman, Ray
Einstein, Gödel & Co.: Genialität Und Exzentrik -- Die Princeton-Geschichte by Regis
Wort Und Bild: Die Illustrationen in Wörterbüchern Und Enzyklopädien; With an English Summary; Avec Un Résumé Français by Hupka, Werner
Introduction to Practical Ore Microscopy by Ineson, P. R.
On Biomineralization by Lowenstam, Heinz A.
Die Erfahrungskurve Im Telekommunikationsbereich by Heuermann, Arnulf
Ionizing Radiation Effects in Mos Devices and Circuits by
Processing and Characterization of Materials Using Ion Beams: Volume 128 by
European Geothermal Update by
Beyond the Breast-Bottle Controversy by Van Esterik, Penny
Adaptive Markov Control Processes by Hernandez-Lerma, Onesimo
Anatomy of a Scientific Discovery by Goldberg, Jeff
Time and Human Cognition: A Life-Span Perspective Volume 59 by
Einführung in Die Warenanalyse by Hölzl, Josef
Artgemässe Nutztierhaltung Und Ökologisch Orientierte Landwirtschaft by Boehncke, Fölsch, Martin
Humic Substances by Mikita, Michael A., Wershaw, Robert L.
Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus by Gardner, Martin
Creep and Relaxation of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Materials by Onaran, Kasif, Davis, Frances a., Findley, William N.
Race to the Stratosphere: Manned Scientific Ballooning in America by DeVorkin, David H.
The Supply of Concepts by Silverman, Irving
Finanzanalyse: Grundlagen Der Markttechnischen Analyse by Stöttner, Rainer
The Gec Research Laboratories 1919-1984 by Clayton, Robert, Algar, Joan
Hydrocarbon Reservoir and Well Performance by Nind, J. H.
The Theory and Applications of Harmonic Integrals by Hodge, W. V. D.
The Uses of Experiment: Studies in the Natural Sciences by
An Introduction to Operator Polynomials by Gohberg, I.
Guillaume Apollinaire Die Brueste Des Tiresias by Loeffler
Visuomotor Coordination: Amphibians, Comparisons, Models, and Robots by Ewert, Jorg Peter, Arbib, Michael A.
The Gohberg Anniversary Collection: Volume I: The Calgary Conference and Matrix Theory Papers by
The Gohberg Anniversary Collection: Volume II: Topics in Analysis and Operator Theory by
Einkommensteuer - Lohnsteuer - BASIC by Porsche, Ernst
The Energy Illusion and Economic Stability: Quantum Causality by Tsai, Hui-Liang, Liang Tsai, Hui
Characterization of the Structure and Chemistry of Defects in Materials: Volume 138 by
The Market for Energy by
Adoptive Cellular Immunotherapy of Cancer by Stevenson, H. C.
Recent Vertebrate Carcasses and Their Paleobiological Implications by Weigelt, Johannes
Linear Programming and Its Applications by Strayer, James K.
Navier-Stokes Equations by Constantin, Peter
Männliche Sexualität: Fruchtbarkeit Und Potenz by Vanscheidt, E. -W, Graf, Baumann
Medizinische Ethik Aus Heutiger Sicht by Knessl, Jürg
Die Rechte Des Kranken: Selbstbestimmung in Therapie Und Behandlung by Seusing, J.
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 22 by
Generalized Linear Models by McCullagh, P., Nelder, John A.
Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology: Volume 3: Wastewater Treatment Technology by Cheremisinoff, Paul
The Mathematical Funfair by Bolt, Brian
Combinatorial Group Theory: A Topological Approach by Cohen, Daniel E.
Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Inorganic Chemistry by
Algebraische Geometrie: Eine Einführung by Brodmann, Markus
Elementary Symbolic Dynamics and Chaos in Dissipative Systems by Hao, Bailin
Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung: Eine Anleitung Für Den Laien ALS Ersthelfer by Meier, Graf-Baumann
Game Theory by
Erdbebenverhalten Von Balkenbrücken Mit Fester Lagerung in Längsrichtung by Somaini, Bachmann
Musik -- Gehirn -- Spiel: Beiträge Zum Vierten Herbert Von Karajan-Symposium by Petsche
Elementary Symbolic Dynamics & Chaos In. by Hao, Bailin
Gravimetry by Torge, Wolfgang
The Energy-Economy Link: New Strategies for the Asia-Pacific Region by
Explanation from Physics to Theology: An Essay in Rationality and Religion by Clayton, Philip
Strukturiertes Basic: Die Volle Programmiersprache Unter MS-DOS Und UNIX Version 3.0 by Sonder, Evelyn
Self-Organization and Associative Memory by Kohonen, Teuvo
Materials for Magneto-Optic Data Storage: Volume 150 by
New Developments in Psychological Choice Modeling: Volume 60 by
Mustererkennung 1989: 11. Dagm-Symposium Hamburg, 2.-4. Oktober 1989 Proceedings by
Energy Conservation Indicators II by Gerritse, Geert, Jaeckel, Gerhard, Morovic, Tihomir
Isodyne Stress Analysis by Pindera, M. J.
Observability and Observation in Physical Science by Kosso, Peter
Multivariate Approximation Theory IV: Proceedings of the Conference at the Mathematical Research Institute at Oberwolfach, Black Forest, February 12-1 by Zeller, Chui, Schemp
Scattering and Attenuation of Seismic Waves, Part II by Wu, Aki
Computation and Control: Proceedings of the Bozeman Conference, Bozeman, Montana, August 1-11, 1988 by Bowers, Kenneth L., Lund, John
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 18 by
A Gift of Wings by Bach, Richard, Eckland, K. O.
Allocation, Information and Markets by
The Statistical Analysis of Discrete Data by Santner, Thomas J., Duffy, Diane E.
Space Enterprise: Beyond NASA by Gump, David P.
Alternative Transportation Fuels: An Environmental and Energy Solution by
Research and Development of High Temperature Materials for Industry by
Evolution of Complex Systems: Selforganisation, Entropy and Development by Ebeling, Werner, Feistel, Rainer
Practical Geometry and Engineering Graphics: A Textbook for Engineering and Other Students by Abbot, W.
Das Projekt Der Deutschen Literaturgeschichte: Entstehung Und Scheitern Einer Nationalen Poesiegeschichtsschreibung Zwischen Humanismus Und Deutschem by Fohrmann, Jürgen
Systems Analysis and Simulation I: Theory and Foundations by
Systems Analysis and Simulation II: Applications Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Berlin, September 12-16, 1988 by
Analysis Und Mathematische Physik by Triebel, Hans
Heidelberger Jahrbücher by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Electronic Structure of Solids a by Frank, K. H., Chiang, T. C.
Fachentwurf für DV-Anwendungssysteme by Kargl, Herbert
Chemistry and Defects in Semiconductor Heterostructures: Volume 148 by
The Hyperbolic Map and Applications to the Linear Quadratic Regulator by Chicatelli, Stephen P., Daiuto, Brian J., Hartley, Tom T.
Advances in Materials, Processing and Devices in III-V Compound Semiconductors: Volume 144 by
Technology and Transformation in the American Electric Utility Industry by Hirsh, Richard F.
Fossils as Information by Hughes, Norman F.
Ecological Experiments: Purpose, Design and Execution by Hairston, Nelson G.
Dependability of Critical Computer Systems by
Linear Operators in Function Spaces: 12th International Conference on Operator Theory Timi?oara (Romania) June 6-16, 1988 by Arsene, G.
Atlas of Neurosurgical Anatomy: The Pterional Perspective by Fox, John L.
Structural Stability And Morphogenesis by Thom, Rene
Liebe Und Sexualität in Der Zweiten Lebenshälfte: Problemlösungen Und Behandlungen by Graf-Baumann, Schuhmann
Elementary Polarization Spectroscopy by Michl, Josef, Thulstrup, Erik W.
The Political Economy of Mexican Oil by Randall, Laura
Chromatography/Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and its Applications by White, Robert
Volitional Action: Volume 62 by
Technischer Fortschritt Und Wirtschaftlicher Wandel: Eine Gegenüberstellung Neoklassischer Und Evolutorischer Innovationsforschung by Bollmann, Petra
Managementorientierte Informations- Und Kennzahlensysteme Für Krankenhäuser: Analyse Und Konzepte by Güntert, Bernhard J.
Eisenzufuhr Und Eisenstatus Der Bevölkerung in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Arab-Kohlmeier, Lenore, Sichert-Oevermann, Wolfgang, Schettler, Gotthard
Gesammelte Schriften Zur Psychopathologie by Jaspers, Karl
Completing the Internal Market of the European Communities: 1992 Legislation: Financial Services and Capital Movements Supplement 3 by
Advanced Simulation in Biomedicine by
1989 by
Wissenschaftsforschung in Der Ddr: Stand, Positionen, Aufgaben: 1. Tagung Des Rates Für Marxistisch-Leninistische Wissenschaftsforschung an Der Akadem by
Entwicklung der Geo- und Kosmoswissenschaften im Berliner Raum by Nocontributor