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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 1990

Breaking the Iron Bonds: Indian Control of Energy Development by Ambler, Marjane
Menschen in Bewegung: Reise -- Migration -- Flucht by Baer
Notes on Introductory Combinatorics by Polya, George, Tarjan, Robert E., Woods, Donald R.
Aufbruch Ins Europäische Zeitalter by Wilhelm, Theodor
Mathematische Formelsammlung: Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler Mit Zahlreichen Abbildungen Und Rechenbeispielen Und Einer Ausführlichen Integ by Papula, Lothar
Robust Control of Linear Systems and Nonlinear Control: Proceedings of the International Symposium Mtns-89, Volume II by Kaashoek, M. a., Ran, A. C. M., Schuppen, J. H. Van
Diese Farbe Ist Mir Wie Deine Grünen Augen: Museumswerkstatt Mit Ausländern. Ein Museumsprojekt Mit Ausländischen Arbeitnehmern an Der Münchener Volks by Gemmingen, Ulla Von
Cognitive Modelling: Ein Beitrag Zur Cognitive Science Aus Der Perspektive Des Konstruktivismus Und Des Konnektionismus by Peschl, Markus F.
Vom Nmr-Spektrum Zur Strukturformel Organischer Verbindungen: Ein Kurzes Praktikum Der Nmr-Spektroskopie by Breitmaier, Eberhard
Feasible Mathematics: A Mathematical Sciences Institute Workshop, Ithaca, New York, June 1989 by Buss, S. R., Scott, P. J.
Unser Kind: Die Ersten Lebensjahre by Baumann, Illingworth, Graf
Bittere Reformen: Patient Und Arzt Im Spannungsfeld Der Politik by Graf, Baumann, Kossow
The Orbit Method in Representation Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Copenhagen, August to September 1988 by Dulfo, Pederson, Vergne
Ethnizität: Wissenschaft Und Minderheiten by Dittrich, Eckhard J.
Die Kulturellen Grundlagen Der Gesellschaft: Der Fall Der Moderne by Tenbruck, Friedrich H.
Zwischen Kritik Und Dogma: Der Wissenschaftliche Diskurs by Aretz, Hans-Jürgen
Geophysical Data Inversion Methods and Applications: Proceedings of the 7th International Mathematical Geophysics Seminar Held at the Free University by
Abschlußprüfung Für Den Kaufmann/Die Kauffrau Im Einzelhandel: Rechtslehre Wirtschaftslehre Einzelhandelsbetriebslehre by Hau, Werner
Graduate Research: A Guide for Students in the Sciences by Smith, Robert V.
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 376 by Stoffel, Wilhelm
Treibhauseffekt Der Atmosphäre: Neue Fakten Und Perspektiven. Die Chemie Des Antarktischen Ozonlochs: Gemeinsame Sitzung Der Klasse Für Geisteswissens by Flohn, Hermann
Flußeinträge Und Konzentrationen Von Phosphor Und Stickstoff Und Das Phytoplankton Der Deutschen Bucht. Historische Veränderungen in Der Ökologie Des by Gerlach, Sebastian a.
Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Vorträge - N 385 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Wandel Durch Technik? by
Das Wissen Für Bankkaufleute: Bankbetriebslehre Betriebswirtschaftslehre Bankrecht Wirtschaftsrecht Rechnungswesen, Organisation, Datenverarbeitung by Lippe, Gerhard
Semantische Mechanismen der Negation by Küstner, Herbert, Jung, Uwe
Bills of Lading: Law and Practice by Mitchelhill, Alan
Speditionsbetriebslehre in Frage und Antwort by Oelfke, Wolfgang
Connectionistic Problem Solving: Computational Aspects of Biological Learning by Hampson
Soziologische Wissenschaftsgemeinschaften: Ein Struktureller Vergleich Am Beispiel Der Fachpublikationen in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Und Den USA by Krekel-Eiben, Elisabeth M.
Mathematische Institute in Deutschland 1800-1945 by Scharlau, Winfried
Continuation Techniques and Bifurcation Problems by Mittelmann, Fischer
Informationsmanagement in Wissenschaft Und Forschung by
Physik: Probleme -- Themen -- Fragen by Legett, A. J.
Electron Spin Resonance: Volume 12a by
Analoge Schallspeicherung, Analoge Tonregieanlagen, Hörfunk-Betriebstechnik, Digitale Tontechnik, Tonmesstechnik by
Latin Vulgaire - Latin Tardif II: Actes Du Iième Colloque International Sur Le Latin Vulgaire Et Tardif (Bologne, 29 Août-2 Septembre 1988) by
L'Antéchrist Suivi de Ecce Homo by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Mathematical Theory of Finite and Boundary Element Methods by Wendland, Schatz, Thomee
Structural Engineering and Applied Mechanics Data Handbook, Volume 3: Plates by Hsu, Teng H.
Environmental Consequences of and Control Processes for Energy Technologies by Hoffmann, Axel
An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables: Volume 7 by Hormander, L.
Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence by Moravec, Hans
Life, Brain and Consciousness: New Perceptions Through Targeted Systems Analysis Volume 63 by Sommerhoff, G.
Chaos in Dissipativen Systemen by Pompe, Bernd, Leven, Ronald W., Koch, Bernd-Peter
Markov Processes and Control Theory by
Analytische Elektronenmikroskopie in Der Werkstofforschung by
Epm '89: 3rd International Conference on Energy Pulse and Particle Beam Modification of Materials, September 4.-8. 1989, Dresden, Gdr by
Electron Microscopy in Plasticity and Fracture Research of Materials: International Symposium Holzhau, October 1989 by Heydenreich, J., Messerschmidt, U., Appel, F.
Einheiten Maßsysteme Si by Bender, D., Pippig, E. -E
Spektroskopische Methoden (Ir, Uv/ Vis) in Der Organischen Chemie by Scholz, Manfred, Borsdorf, Rolf
Sn - VL, Lieferung 5 by
Sn - VL, Lieferung 5 by
Advances in Psychology V64 by Hauert Ia, Ia, Hauert, Claude-Alain, Hauert C-A, C-A
Braids and Coverings: Selected Topics by Hansen, Vagn Lundsgaard
Braids and Coverings: Selected Topics by Hansen, V. L., Hansen, Vagn Lundsgaard
The Place of Science in Modern Civilization by Veblen, Thorstein
The U.S. Global Change Research Program: An Assessment of the Fy 1991 Plans by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources
Snow Avalanche Hazards and Mitigation in the United States by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
Research Strategies for the U.S. Global Change Research Program by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications
Fulfilling the Promise: Biology Education in the Nation's Schools by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences
Liquid Crystalline Polymers by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Materials Advisory Board
The Academic Research Enterprise Within the Industrialized Nations: Comparative Perspectives by Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Sciences
Current Perspectives on Aging and the Life Cycle, Volume 3: Personal History Through the Life Course by Unruh, Gail
Ernst Specker Selecta by Läuchli, Hans, Scarpellini, Bruno, Jäger, Gerhard
Artgerechte Schweinehaltung -- Eine Modell by Vallbracht, Horstmeyer
Deciphering Science by
Contributions to the Mesolithic in Europe: Papers Presented at the Fourth International Symposium the Mesolithic in Europe, Leuven 1990 by
Philip Larkin and English Poetry by Whalen, T.
Science as Social Knowledge: Values and Objectivity in Scientific Inquiry by Longino, Helen E.
Soils of the Past: An Introduction to Paleopedology by Retallack, Gregory J.
Constitutive Laws of Plastic Deformation and Fracture: 19th Canadian Fracture Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, 29-31 May 1989 by
Cathodoluminescence Microscopy of Inorganic Solids by Yacobi, B. G., Holt, D. B.
The Chemical Formulary, Volume 29 by
High Temperature Superconductivity by
An Illustrated Guide to Linear Programming by Gass, Saul I.
Lokale Handlungsebene und Jugendarbeitslosigkeit by Richter, Roland, Krueger, Juergen, Pojana, Manfred
Chaos Bound by Hayles, N. Katherine
A Concordance to "Charles Darwin's Notebooks, 1836-1844" by Darwin, Charles
Soil Biochemistry: Volume 6: Volume 6 by Bollag, J. -M
Towards a World Theology: Faith and the Comparative History of Religion by Smith, W.
Vor- Und Nachteile Einer Trennung Von Post- Und Fernmeldewesen by Heuermann, Arnulf, Schnöring, Thomas
Kulturbegründer Und Weltzerstörer: Der Mensch Im Zwiespalt Seiner Möglichkeiten by Thurn, Hans Peter
Pedagogical lexicography by
Asymptotic Statistics by Denker, Manfred, Bhattacharya, Rabi
Tandem by Hanappi, Gerhard, Frühstück, Werner, Wagner, Michael
Hölderlins Weg Zu Deutschland: Fragmente Und Thesen. Mit Einer Replik Auf Pierre Bertaux Friedrich Hölderlin by Beck, Adolf
Die Sophistische Rhetorik - Eine Theorie Sprachlicher Kommunikation by Baumhauer, Otto A.
Naturalismus: Manifeste Und Dokumente Zur Deutschen Literatur 1880-1900 by
Naturalismus: Manifeste Und Dokumente Zur Deutschen Literatur 1880-1900 by
Schrift Und Schriftlichkeit: Eine Sprach- Und Kulturwissenschaftliche Studie by Glück, Helmut
Das Märchen in Der Deutschen Aufklärung: Vom Feenmärchen Zum Volksmärchen. Germanistische Abhandlungen, Band 63 by Grätz, Manfred
Feedback Circuits and Op. Amps by Horrocks, D. H.
Nonlinear Dynamical Control Systems by Nijmeijer, Henk, van der Schaft, Arjan
Advanced Organic Solid State Materials: Volume 173 by
Lasers and Mass Spectrometry by
A History of Great Ideas in Abnormal Psychology: Volume 66 by Liebel-Weckowicz, H., Weckowicz, T. E.
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Science Students by Radmore, P. M., Stephenson, G.
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Science Students by Stephenson, G., Radmore, Paul M., Radmore, P. M.
Application of Multivariable System Techniques (Amst 90) by
Readings in Speech Recognition by
Telecommunications in Germany: An Economic Perspective by Pfeiffer, Gunter
Weak Convergence Methods and Singularly Perturbed Stochastic Control and Filtering Problems by Kushner, Harold
Handbook of Poylmer-Liquid Interaction Parameters and Solubility Parameters by Barton, Barton, Barton F. M., Barton, Allan F. M.
Dendrophysica: Wissen Über Die Baum-Natur Versuch Einer Dialektischen Darstellung by Bosshard
Troubleshooting in the HPLC: Fehlersuche in Der HPLC by Baars, Schaller, Vonk
Scientific Issues in Quantitative Cancer Risk Assessment by Moolgavkar, S. H.
Statistics: A Spectator Sport by Jaeger, Richard M.
Marktstruktur Und Gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung: Proceedings Des Workshops "Marktstruktur Und Gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung", Augsburg, 5.-7. by
Explaining Science: A Cognitive Approach by Giere, Ronald N.
Biometrie Und Informatik -- Neue Wege Zur Erkenntnisgewinnung in Der Medizin: 34. Jahrestagung Der Gmds, Aachen, September 1989 Proceedings by
The Cambridge Illustrated Dictionary of Natural History by Lincoln, R. J., Boxshall, G. A.
Futurismus: Funf Und Zwanzig Stucke by Löffler
Science in a Nanosecond by Haugt, James A.
Free Boundary Value Problems: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, July 9-15, 1989 by Sprekels, Hoffmann
Information Technology: Impacts, Policies and Future Perspectives: Promotion of Mutual Understanding Between Europe and Japan by
The Camel and the Wheel by Bulliet, Richard
Franz Boas, Social Activist: The Dynamics of Ethnicity by Hyatt, Marshall
Nitrogen Fixing Organisms: Pure and Applied Aspects by
Matrices ' Methods and Applications' by Barnett, Stephen
Advances in Psychology V67 by Coren S., S., Coren Stanley Ed
Biographical Index to American Science: The Seventeenth Century to 1920 by Elliott, Clark A.
Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken für Führungskräfte by Ramme, Iris, Müller-Böling, Detlef
Estimationstheorie II by Loffeld, Otmar
Estimationstheorie I: Grundlagen Und Stochastische Konzepte by Loffeld, Otmar
Polarized Light in Optics and Spectroscopy by Kliger, David S., Lewis, James W.
Hamiltonian Systems: Chaos and Quantization by Ozorio de Almeida, Alfredo M.
Experimental Inquiries: Historical, Philosophical and Social Studies of Experimentation in Science by
Plasticity and Failure Behavior of Solids: Memorial Volume Dedicated to the Late Professor Yuriy Nickolaevich Rabotnov by
Interpolation of Rational Matrix Functions by Ball, Joseph, Gohberg, I., Rodman
Methods of Algebraic Geometry in Control Theory: Part I: Scalar Linear Systems and Affine Algebraic Geometry by Falb, Peter
Versuche an Mauerwerkswänden Aus Zementstein by Lurati, Thürlimann
Heuristic Research: Design, Methodology, and Applications by Moustakas, Clark E.
Technischer Fortschritt, Neue Güter Und Internationaler Handel by Cantner, Uwe
Die Europäische Herausforderung: Strategien Für Den Binnenmarkt by
Beam-Solid Interactions: : Volume 157: Physical Phenomena by
Managing Planet Earth: Perspectives on Population, Ecology, and the Law by Santos, Miguel A.
Forschung Und Entwicklung Für Die Telekommunikation -- Internationaler Vergleich Mit Zehn Ländern --: Band I: Usa, Japan, Frankreich Und Großbritannie by
An Introduction to Dynamical Systems by Arrowsmith, D. K., Arrowsmith/Place
The Design of Experiments: Statistical Principles for Practical Applications by Mead, Roger
Neutron Radiography (3) by
Decision Processes in Dynamic Probabilistic Systems by Gheorghe, A. V.
Cardinal Functions on Boolean Algebras by Monk
Existence and Optimality of Competitive Equilibria by Brown, Donald J., Burkinshaw, Owen, Aliprantis, Charalambos D.
Mobile Communication Systems by Parsons, John David
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 23 by
Gesellschaftsrecht by Maiberg, Hermann
Die überörtliche Anwaltssozietät by Schumann, Ekkehard
High Resolution Electron Microscopy of Defects in Materials: Volume 183 by
Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology: Volume 4: Containment and Treatment by Cheremisinoff, Paul
Brennstoffzellen by
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Related Methods by
Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence: The Integration of Problem-Solving Strategies by
Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-Ray Microanalysis, and Analytical Electron Microscopy: A Laboratory Workbook by Newbury, Dale E., Lyman, Charles E., Goldstein, Joseph
Solid State Microbatteries by
Liberating Systems Theory by Flood, Robert L.
Selforganization: Portrait of a Scientific Revolution by
Energy and Mineral Resource Systems: An Introduction by Watkins, J. R., Tapp, B. A.
Chaos/Xaoc by
Psychoanalyse Ohne Geheimnis: Grundregeln Und Heilungsschritte Am Beispiel Von Agmap by Derbolowsky, Graf, Baumann
Splinefunktionen by Boor, Carl de
Die Anwendbarkeit Der Plastizitätstheorie in Der Bemessung Von Stahlbeton by Muttoni, A.
The Encyclopedia of Physics by Besancon, Robert
Cognitive Biases: Volume 68 by
Communications Policy in Europe: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Communications Policy Research Conference, Held at Kronberg, Frg, October 25-27, 1989 by
Die Kapitalsituation Im Handwerk: Empirische Untersuchung Für Die Handwerksbetriebe in Ostbayern by Nessmayr, Ursula
Diamond, Silicon Carbide and Related Wide Bandgap Semiconductors: Volume 162 by
Developmental Systems: At the Crossroads of System Theory, Computer Science, and Genetic Engineering by Gille, Jean-Charles, Vidal, Pierre, Wegrzyn, Stefan
Perfumery: The Psychology and Biology of Fragrance by Toller, Steve Van, Dodd, George H.
Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition by Fukunaga, Keinosuke
Principles of Modern Technology by Melissinos, Adrian C.
Atomic Scale Calculations of Structure in Materials: Volume 193 by
European Communities Oil and Gas Technological Development Projects: Fourth Status Report by
High Temperature Materials for Power Engineering 1990 by
Non-Destructive Testing of Fibre-Reinforced Plastics Composites by
Fundamentals of Superconductivity by Kresin, Vladimir Z., Wolf, Stuart a.
Chemie: Probleme -- Themen -- Fragen by Richards
Extension and Interpolation of Linear Operators and Matrix Functions by Gohberg, I.
Stochastische Geometrie by Mecke, J., Schneider, Rolf, Stoyan
Londoner Tagebuch by Waser
Fractal Physiology & Chaos in Med...(V1) by West, Bruce J.
Die Mineralien Der Schweiz: Ein Mineralogische Führer by Weibel, Max
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 19 by
Fractal Physiology and Chaos in Medicine by West, Bruce J.
Representation in Scientific Practice by
Aging and Cognition: Knowledge Organization and Utilization Volume 71 by
Instrumentation: Transducers and Interfacing by
Festakt Der Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg Am 2. Mai 1990 by Koja, Friedrich, Götze, Heinz, Köhler, Theodor W.
Fusion: The Search for Endless Energy by Robin, Herman, Herman, Robin
Principles of Modern Technology by Adrian C., Melissinos, Melissinos, Adrian C.
Statistische Datenanalyse mit dem Programmsystem SPSSx und SPSS/PC+ by Steinhausen, Detlef
Limit Theorems on Large Deviations for Markov Stochastic Processes by Wentzell, A. D.
Recent Modelling Approaches in Applied Energy Economics by Bjerkholt, O., Ølsen, O., Vislie, J.
Information Theory by Ash, Robert B.
Matrix Eigensystem Routines - Eispack Guide Extension by Garbow, B. S.
The Letters of Rudyard Kipling: Volume 2: 1890-99 by
The Letters of Rudyard Kipling: Volume 1: 1872-89 by Kipling, R.
Interpretationen: Und Fehlinterpretationen Der Speziellen Und Der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie Durch Zeitgenossen Albert Einsteins by Hentschel, Klaus
Akupunktur, Akupressur Und Moxibustion by Stux, G.
Wissenschaft in Sorge Um Die Umwelt by Gotsch
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