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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 1991

Lexikon Der Fernsehspiele / Encyclopedia of Television Plays in German Speaking Europe. 1978/87. Band III by
Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis IV: Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting on Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis, Capri, June 14-16, 198 by Maceri, Franco, Delpiero, Piero
Teaching Science: A Guide for College and Professional School Instructors by Gastel, Barbara
Cortico-Hippocampal Interplay: And the Representation of Contexts in the Brain by Miller, Robert
Bilder Vom Menschen: Philosophische Anthropologie by Horster, Leonhard, Tholen, Norbert
Die Anfänge Der Literarischen Avantgarde in Deutschland Über Anverwandlung Und Abwehr Des Italienischen Futurismus: Ein Literarhistorischer Beitrag Zu by Schmidt-Bergmann, Hansgeorg
Rechtslehre Des Versicherungswesens by Asmus, W., Farny, Prof Dr D., Höft, Dr E.
Scenes from the History of Real Functions by Medvedev, F. a.
Nonlinear Synthesis: Proceedings of a Iiasa Workshop Held in Sopron, Hungary June 1989 by Byrnes, C. I., Kurzhanski, A. B.
Estimation and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems: Proceedings of an International Conference on Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter by Desch, Kappel, Kunisch
App of Mam Embryo Research #4 (91) by Roger Pedersen
Fiber Carcinogonosis #2 (91) by Curtis C Harris
Elektrische Energieversorgung by Heuck, Klaus, Dettmann, Klaus-Dieter
Urgeschichte Der Selbstorganisation: Zur Archäologie Eines Wissenschaftlichen Paradigmas by Paslack, Rainer
Kaufmännische Aufsätze: Ein Lehr- Und Übungsbuch Zur Vorbereitung Auf Den Kaufmännischen Aufsatz by Appel, Jo
Kulturfinanzierung: Ein Vergleich USA -- Deutschland by Toepler, Stefan
Deutsch-russische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen 1906-1914 by
Developmental Regulation of Plant Gene Expression by
Volkswirtschaftslehre für Bankkaufleute by Engel, Bernd, Herber, Hans
CAD Mit AutoCAD: Eine Umfassende Einführung Für Die Arbeit Mit Version 11 by Hering, Ekbert
Praktikumskonzepte Deutscher Hochschulen: Wissenschaft Und Wirtschaft Im Ausbildungsverbund by
Mappings of Operator Algebras by Araki, H., Araki, Kadison
Comecon Data 1990 by Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies
Prospects for British Coal by Pearson, Peter
Knowledge Engineering Für Betriebliche Expertensysteme: Erhebung, Analyse Und Modellierung Von Wissen by Lenz, Andreas
Business Research Projects for Students by Jankowicz, A. D.
Wissensbasierte Textverarbeitung: Schriftsatz Und Typographie: Möglichkeiten Einer Intelligenteren Textverarbeitung by Heyer, Gerhard, Oemig, Frank, Cremers, Armin B.
Wissensbasierte Systeme in Der Wirtschaft 1991 by
Übungen für Bankkaufleute by Lippe, Gerhard
Electrical and Magnetic Methods of Nondestructive Testing by Blitz, J.
Electron Spin Resonance: Volume 12b by
An Introduction to Scientific Research by Wilson, E. Bright
Betriebslinguistik und Linguistikbetrieb by
Betriebslinguistik und Linguistikbetrieb by
Neue Fragen der Linguistik by
Neue Fragen der Linguistik by
Lexikon Der Fernsehspiele / Encyclopedia of Television Plays in German Speaking Europe. 1978/87. Band I by
Lexikon Der Fernsehspiele / Encyclopedia of Television Plays in German Speaking Europe. 1978/87. Band II by
Hops by Neve, R. A.
Handbook of Measurement Science, Volume 1: Theoretical Fundamentals by
Best Science Writing: Readings and Insights by
Elisa and Other Solid Phase Immunoassays: Theoretical and Practical Aspects by
Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, and Applications by Wilson, Brian
Science and the Ufo's by Randles, Jenny, Warrington, Peter
Chemical Reactor Design and Operation by Beenackers, A. A. C. M., Westerterp, K. Roel, Van Swaaij, W. P. M.
Alkaloids: Chemical and Biological Perspectives by Pelletier, S. William
Degeneration of Abelian Varieties by Faltings, Gerd, Chai, Ching-Li
Principles Paint for Mulation by
Advances in Psychology V77 by Simpson G. B., G. B., Simpson, Greg Ed, Simpson, Greg
Der Kreislauf Des Methans: Mikrobiologie, Ökologie, Nutzung by Heyer, Jürgen
Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantum Dynamical Systems: Contributions to the International Seminar Isam-90, Held in Gaussig (Gdr), March 19-23,1990 by
Selbstorganisation in Der Zeit by Ebeling, Werner, Engel, Harald, Herzel, Hanspeter
Fundamentals of Soil Science by Foth, Henry D.
The Elements of Stochastic Processes with Applications to the Natural Sciences by Bailey, Norman T. J.
Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices by Grove, A. S.
Multielement Detection Systems for Spectrochemical Analysis by Busch, Marianna A., Busch, Kenneth W.
Statistical Methods in Engineering and Quality Assurance by John, Peter W. M.
Discrete Location Theory by
The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis, Volume 4 by Mitscher, Lester A., Lednicer, Daniel
An Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering by Courtney, Thomas H., Ralls, Kenneth M., Wulff, John
Random Signals: Detection, Estimation and Data Analysis by Breipohl, Arthur M., Shanmugan, K. Sam
Chemical Engineering Review for PE Exam by Crockett, William E.
Handbook of Ground Water Development by Roscoe Moss Company
Introduction to Dynamic Systems: Theory, Models, and Applications by Luenberger, David G.
Epidemiologic Research: Principles and Quantitative Methods by Kleinbaum, David G., Kupper, Lawrence L., Morgenstern, Hal
The Family Genetic Sourcebook by Pierce, Benjamin A.
Industrial Automation: Circuit Design and Components by Pessen, David W.
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, Solutions Manual by Boas, Mary L.
Advanced Mathematical Methods by Ostaszewski, Adam
Ways of Communicating by
Degradation Mechanisms in III-V Compound Semiconductor Devices and Structures: Volume 184 by
Theophrastus: His Psychological, Doxographical, and Scientific Writings by
Pythagoras Revived: Mathematics and Philosophy in Late Antiquity by O'Meara, Dominic J.
Fundamental Aspects of Corrosion Films in Corrosion Science by Craig, B. D.
Oriented Crystallization on Amorphous Substrates by Givargizov, E. I.
International Network of Global Fiducial Stations: Science and Implementation Issues by Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Potential Applications of Concentrated Solar Photons: A Report Prepared by the Committee on Potential Applications of Concentrated Solar Photons, Ener by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Potential Applications of Concentrated Solar Energy: Proceedings of a Workshop by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
The United States Antarctic Research Report to the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (Scar): Number 32 - 1990 by Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Einführung in Die Algebra by Lamprecht
Statistik Eins by Linhart, Zucchini
Schwanzlose Flugzeuge: Ihre Auslegung Und Ihre Eigenschaften by Nickel, Karl, Wohlfahrt, Michael
Basic Digital Electronics by
Acanthaster and the Coral Reef: A Theoretical Perspective: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, A by
Science for All Americans by Rutherford, F. James, Ahlgren, Andrew
Issues in Science Education: Science Competence in a Social and Ecological Context by Husen, Torsten, Keeves, John P.
Best of Soviet Semiconductor Physics and Technology: (1987 - 1988) by
Night Thoughts of a Classical Physicist by McCormmach, Russell
Modern Marketing Communications by Jefkins, Frank
An Introduction to Industrial Chemistry by
Density Functional Methods in Chemistry by
Forschung Und Entwicklung Für Die Telekommunikation -- Internationaler Vergleich Mit Zehn Ländern --: Band II: Italien, Spanien, Süd-Korea, Niederland by
Quality Costing by Dale, Barrie G., Plunkett, James J.
Maintenance Planning: Methods and Mathematics by Lyonnet, P.
Computer-Aided Drawing and Design by Davies
Birds in the Bush by Torrey, Bradford
Energy, the Environment, and Public Policy: Issues for the 1990s by
Vector Lyapunov Functions and Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems by Matrosov, V. M., Sivasundaram, S., Lakshmikantham, V.
Biodeterioration Research: Mycotoxins, Biotoxins, Wood Decay, Air Quality, Cultural Properties, General Biodeterioration, and Degradation by
Thermal Conductivity by
The Energy Sourcebook by
Chernobyl:: A Policy Response Study by
Kinetics and Catalysis in Microheterogeneous Systems by
Research Interviewing: Context and Narrative by Mishler, Elliot G.
Semiarid Lands and Deserts: Soil Resource and Reclamation by Skujins, J.
Was Macht Den Menschen Krank?: 18 Kritische Analysen by Sontag, Illich, Watzlawik
Beiträge Zum Vierten Internationalen Symposion Trier 28. Februar Bis 2. März 1988 by
The Management of Science: Proceedings of Section F (Economics) of the British Association for by
Quantitative Methoden in Der Epidemiologie: 35. Jahrestagung Der Gmds Berlin, September 1990 by
A Course in Econometrics by Goldberger, Arthur S.
Weak Chaos and Quasi-Regular Patterns by Usikov, D. A., Zaslavsky, G. M., Sagdeev, R. Z.
Electrical Spectrum and Network Analyzers: A Practical Approach by Helfrick, Albert D.
Materials and Structures by Whitlow, R.
Self-Modifying Systems in Biology and Cognitive Science: A New Framework for Dynamics, Information and Complexity Volume 6 by Kampis, G.
Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of So by
Handbook of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings by
Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry by Mora, T., Mora, Traverso
The Psychology of Learning Science by
Macht Und Ohnmacht Der Zensur: Literatur, Theater Und Film in Spanien (1933-1976) by Neuschäfer, Hans-Jörg
Continuous System Modeling by Greifeneder, Jurgen, Cellier, François E.
Identification of Linear Systems: A Practical Guideline to Accurate Modeling by Schoukens, J., Pintelon, R.
Penetrant Testing: A Practical Guide by Lovejoy, M. J.
Quantum Coherence in Mesoscopic Systems by
The Changing University: How Increased Demand for Scientists and Technology Is Transforming Academic Institutions Internationally by
Magnetic Properties of Metals: D-Elements, Alloys and Compounds by
The Development and Integration of Behaviour by
The Development and Integration of Behaviour by
Computer Integrated Experimentation by Magrab, Edward B.
Random Walks, Brownian Motion, and Interacting Particle Systems: A Festschrift in Honor of Frank Spitzer by
Laboratory Accreditation and Data Certification: A System for Success by Dempsey, Carla H., Petty, Jimmie D.
100 Errori di Fisica Pronti per l'Uso: Ci si può fidare dei libri di testo? 37 citazioni da testi universitari 144 citazioni da testi preuniversitari by Tonzig, Giovanni
Kritik und Engagement by
Drugs Handbook 1991-92 by
Truth, Possibility and Probability: New Logical Foundations of Probability and Statistical Inference Volume 166 by Chuaqui, R.
Instrumente Des Umweltrechts Der Früheren DDR by
Applied Biocatalysis: Volume 1 by
Elastic Contact Analysis by Boundary Elements by Takahashi, Susumu
The Challenged Scientists: Disabilities and the Triumph of Excellence by Weisgerber, Robert A.
Perspectives of Information Processing in Medical Applications: Strategic Issues, Requirements and Options for the European Community by
Einführung in Expertensysteme by Puppe, Frank
Electrodynamic Theory of Superconductors by Zhou, Shu-Ang
Writing Successfully in Science by O'Connor, Maeve
Information Dynamics by
Elastic Contact Analysis by Boundary Elements by Takahashi, Susumu
Der Angeborene Herzfehler: Praktische Hilfe Für Betroffene by Mayer, Graf, Baumann
Iscami 1: Integrated System for the Management and Manipulation of Medical Images by
Maire Laboratory Guide to Bioc, by Le Maire, Marc, Le, Maire, Marc
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 24 by
Molecular Evolution on Rugged Landscapes: Protein, RNA, and the Immune System (Volume IX) by Kauffman, Stuart a., Perelson, Alan S.
Informatik: Elementare Einführung in Entwurf, Analyse Und Maschinelle Verarbeitung Von Algorithmen by Warnke, Martin
Nichtlineare Regelungssysteme by Schwarz, Helmut
Mental Images in Human Cognition: Volume 80 by
The Vale of the White Horse Survey: The study of a changing landscape in the clay lowlands of southern England from prehistory to the present by Tingle, Martin
Insects That Feed on Trees and Shrubs: Exotic European Travel Writing, 400-1600 by Lyon, Howard H., Johnson, Warren T.
Affine Lie Algebras, Weight Multiplicities, and Branching Rules, Volume 1 and Volume 2 by Patera, J., Kass, S., Moody, R. V.
Organic Spectroscopy by Kemp, William
Die Zukunft Der Postdienste in Europa: Proceedings Der Internationalen Konferenz "Die Zukunft Der Postdienste in Europa" Bonn, 25.-26.10.1990 by
1990 Lectures in Complex Systems by Stein, Daniel L., Nadel, Lynn
Geographic Information Systems: A Guide to the Technology by Archer, JR. Jame, Antenucci, John C., Brown, Kay
Granular Nanoelectronics by
System Design Modeling and Metamodeling by Gigch, John P. Van
Anisotropy and Localization of Plastic Deformation: Proceedings of Plasticity '91: The Third International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current App by
Governing Banking's Future: Markets vs. Regulation by
Lower-Dimensional Systems and Molecular Electronics by
Spc Simplified for Services: Practical Tools for Continuous Quality Improvement by Amsden, Robert, Amsden, Davida, Butler, Howard
Bioethics Yearbook: Theological Developments in Bioethics: 1988-1990 by
Sonnenenergie: Herausforderung Für Forschung, Entwicklung Und Internationale Zusammenarbeit by Gierer, Alfred, Krupp, Hans-Jürgen, Diekmann, Jochen
Manufacturing Technology in the Electronics Industry: An Introduction by Edwards, P.
Stationary Phases in Gas Chromatography: Volume 48 by Rotzsche, H.
Generating Electricity from the Sun: Volume 2 by
Linear Multivariable Control: Algebraic Analysis and Synthesis Methods by Vardulakis, A. I. G.
Integration Von Forschung Und Entwicklung in Die Unternehmerische Planung Und Steuerung by Engelke, Peter
The Theory and Operation of Spectral Analysis: Using Robfit by Bamford, G. J., Coldwell, R. L.
Advanced Tomographic Imaging Methods for the Analysis of Materials: Volume 217 by
Risky Business: Genetic Testing and Exclusionary Practices in the Hazardous Workplace by Draper, Elaine
Operator Algebras in Dynamical Systems by Shtichirt, Sakai, Sakai, Shoichiro, Sakai, Shtichirt
Optimization of CAM Mechanisms by Angeles, J., López-Cajún, C. S.
Mechanics of Creep Brittle Materials 2 by
Analysis of Controlled Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Lyon, France, July 1990 by
Modeling, Estimation and Control of Systems with Uncertainty: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Sopron, Hungary, September 1990 by Gombani, A., Kurzhanski, A. B., Dimasi, G. B.
Physical Methods of Chemistry, Determination of Elastic and Mechanical Properties by
Foundations of Coding: Theory and Applications of Error-Correcting Codes with an Introduction to Cryptography and Information Theory by Adamek, Jiri
Design and Inference in Finite Population Sampling by Hedayat, A. S., Sinha, Bikas K.
Radioisotopic Methods for Biological and Medical Research by Knoche, Herman W.
Magnetic Materials: : Volume 232: Microstructure and Properties by
Personallexikon by Beyer, Horst-Tilo
The Theory and Operation of Spectral Analysis: Using Robfit by Coldwell, R. L., Bamford, G. J.
A Space for Science: The Development of the Scientific Community in Brazil by Schwartzman, Simon
Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition: A Season at a Hard Luck Horse Track by Regis, Edward
Iea Study of Science: Science Education and Curricula in Twenty-Three Countries by
Zahlungsbilanz und Wechselkurstheorie by Größl, Ingrid
Computer Simulation in Materials Science: Interatomic Potentials, Simulation Techniques and Applications by
Computer Controlled Systems: Theory and Applications by Perdikaris, G.
Turbulent Motion and the Structure of Chaos: A New Approach to the Statistical Theory of Open Systems by Klimontovich, Yu L.
Plastic Materials: Properties and Applications by
Endlich Freier Atmen: Über Den Umgang Mit Chronischen Atemwegserkrankungen by Hausen, Thomas
Plastics Materials: Properties and Applications by Birley, Arthur W.
Computation and Control II: Proceedings of the Second Bozeman Conference, Bozeman, Montana, August 1-7, 1990 by Lund, John, Bowers, Kenneth L.
Introduction to Metaphysics by
The Commonwealth Novel Since 1960 by
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