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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 2018

Chhandatun Vidnyan by Itokar, D. S.
The 12 Most Influential Inventions of All Time by Oachs, Emily Rose
Climate Zero Hour: Crossing the Energy Debate Divide by Beckers, Mathijs
Energy Models in Emerging Economies by
XXI əsr üçün 21 dərs by Yuval Noah Harari
Climate Generation: Awakening to Our Children's Future by Gold, Lorna
Die Briefe Und Predigten Des Mystikers Heinrich Seuse Genannt Suso, Nach Ihren Weltlichen Motiven Und Dichterischen Formeln Betrachtet: Ein Beitrag Zu by Gebhard, Adam
Development of Solar Power Generation and Energy Harvesting by Gaji, Muhammed Musa
Nos Yeux Trompeurs by White, Trevor a.
Die Flämische Malerei Des 17. Jahrhunderts by Oldenbourg, Rudolf
Self-Governance in Science: Community-Based Strategies for Managing Dangerous Knowledge by Maurer, Stephen M.
Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering - Sers: Faraday Discussion 205 by
Coal and Biomass Gasification: Recent Advances and Future Challenges by
Science and Hebrew Tradition: Essays by Huxley, Thomas Henry
The Purification of Sewage: Being a Brief Account of the Scientific Principles of Sewage Purification and their Practical Application by Barwise, Sidney
Conscience: With preludes on current events by Cook, Joseph
QCD & the DY process by López de Recalde, Andrea
Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy: Volume 93 by
Air Pollution and Control by
Some Observations upon the Conductivity of a Copper Wire in Various Dielectrics by Sanford, Fernando
In the Evening of his Days: A Study of Mister Gladstone in Retirement by Anonymous
The Commonhealth: A Series of Essays on Health and Felicity for Every-Day Readers by Richardson, Benjamin Ward
Scientific Sewing and Garment Cutting: For use in schools and in the home by Wakeman, Antionette V. H.
Klondike and the Yukon Country: A description of our Alaskan land of gold from the latest official and scientific sources and personal observation by Coolidge, Louis Arthur, Pratt, John F.
Investigation of the Scientific and Economic Relations of the Sorghum Sugar Industry: Being a report made in response to a request from the Hon. Georg by Loring, George B.
Scientific culture by Cooke, Josiah Parsons
Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects by Herschel, John Frederick William
Lectures and Essays on Fevers and Diptheria, 1849 to 1879 by Jenner, William
Indiscipline in Young Efl Learner Classes by Kuloheri, Foteini-Vassiliki
Pulsed Laser Ablation: Advances and Applications in Nanoparticles and Nanostructuring Thin Films by
Design of Nanostructures for Theranostics Applications by
A Treatise on the Continued Fevers by Wilson, James Cornelius
On Technological Education and the Construction of Ships and Screw Propellers: For naval and marine engineers by Nystrom, John W.
Bedingungen und Faktoren einer nachhaltigen Mobilität. Carsharing und Elektromobilität by Peters, Nicholas
Erstellung von Kostenfunktionen für Querschnittstechnologien auf Basis einer quantitativen Erhebung by Jung, Markus
The Source and Mode of Solar Energy Throughout the Universe by Heysinger, J. W.
Remediación de aguas residuales domésticas por medio de filtros ecológicos en condiciones de laboratorio: Filtros Ecologicos by Valderrama Ferrer, Emely
The Scientific Works: A collection of papers and discussions. Vol. 2 by Siemens, Charles W.
Miscellaneous Scientific Papers by Rankine, William John Macquorn, Millar, William J., Tait, Peter Guthrie
A Manual of Naval Architecture for the Use of Officers of the Royal Navy: Officers of the Mercantile Marine, yachtsmen, shipowners, and shipbuilders by White, William H.
The Scientific Works: A collection of papers and discussions. Vol. 3 by Siemens, Charles W.
Scientific Papers of Asa Gray: Vol. 2 by Sargent, Charles Sprague, Gray, Asa
Scientific Papers and Addresses: Vol. 1 by Rolleston, George, Turner, William
Transcendental Physics: An Account of Experimental Investigations from the Scientific Treatises of Johann Carl Friedrich Zöllner by Massey, Charles Carleton, Zöllner, Johann Karl Friedrich
A Course in Scientific German by Hodges, Harry Blake
The Marine Invertebrates and Fishes of Saint Andrews by McIntosh, William Carmichael
Joshua's Long Day and the Dial of Ahaz: A scientific vindication by Totten, Charles Adiel Lewis
Scientific Culture, and Other Essays by Cooke, Josiah Parsons
American Railroad Bridges by Cooper, Theodore
Guide to Washington and its Scientific Institutions by International Geological Congress
Scientific Lectures by Lubbock, John
Scientific Papers and Addresses: Vol. 2 by Turner, William, Rolleston, George
American Railroads and British Investors by Van Oss, Salomon Frederik
Matter, Force and Spirit: Scientific Evidence of a Supreme Intelligence by Anonymous
Lectures on the Study of Fever by Erichsen, John Eric, Hudson, Alfred
Papers, Literary, Scientific: Vol. 1 by Jenkin, Fleeming
Scientific Meliorism and the Evolution of Happiness by Clapperton, Jane Hume
Pioniere des Naturschutzes in Deutschland by Von Bismarck, Robert
A Manual of Linear Shorthand: An original scientific alternating system by Clay, Arthur Joseph
Rhein Main Storytelling - Bruchstückhafte Standortbeobachtungen: Region, Ballungsraum, Metropole, Kommune, Umland, Industriegeschichte by Becker, Jörg
College Algebra: For the Use of Academies, Colleges and Scientific Schools. Fourth Edition by Bowser, Edward Albert
Modern Scientific Whist: The Principles of the Modern Game Analyzed and Extended by Hamilton, C. D. P.
The Scientific Works: A collection of papers and discussions. Vol. 1 by Siemens, Charles W.
The Rose: A Treatise on the Cultivation, History, Family Characteristics, etc. by Ellwanger, Henry Brooks
Thorns and Roses by Bellville, John Oliver
The Rose: A treatise on the cultivation, history, family characteristics, etc., of the various groups of roses, with accurate de by Ellwanger, Henry Brooks
The Origin and Antiquity of Physical Man Scientifically Considered by Tuttle, Hudson
The American Draught Player: The Theory and Practice of the Scientific Game of Checkers by Spayth, Henry
Primroses by Wolverton, Sarah S.
Stephenson's Illustrated Practical Test,: examination and ready reference book for stationary, locomotive and marine engineers, firemen, electricians by Stephenson, Otto
Proceedings of Central Ohio Scientific Association of Urbana, Ohio by Anonymous
The Railroad System of California: Oakland and Vicinity by Anonymous
The Rose: Historical and Descriptive by Shaw, Henry
A Handbook of Medical Climatology: Embodying its principles and therapeutic application with scientific data of the chief health resorts of the world by Solly, Samuel Edwin
A Scientific Demonstration of the Future Life by Thomson Jay, Hudson
Beautiful Houses: A study in house-building by Gibson, Louis H.
British Birds' Nests: How, where and when to Find and Identify them by Kearton, Richard
The Speaking Parrots: A Scientific Manual by Russ, Karl
A Short History of Aryan Medical Science by Bhagavat Sinh Jee
The Scientific Angler: Being a General and Instructive Work on Artistic Angling by Harris, William Charles, Foster, David
Roses and Thorns by Woodward, Mary C. Sloan
The Practical Application of the Slide Valve and Link Motion to Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Marine Engines: With New and Simple Methods for P by Auchincloss, William Stuart
Increase: Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI Century - Increase 2017 by
The Scientific Adaptation of Artificial Dentures by Land, Charles Henry
Inventors' and Mechanics' Scientific Manual and Patent Law Complete by Anonymous
Zinoc Rays, the Secret to Alien Invasion on Earth. by Onwuka Lady, Tobechi Becky
My Little Scientist: Mass Spectrometry by Greenwood, Meghan Marie
Grundriss der menschlichen Erblichkeitslehre und Rassenhygiene: Menschliche Auslese und Rassenhygiene by Lenz, Fritz
The Underground Rail Road by Still, William
Amazonia Terra de Florestas e Cerrados: Um guia do clima, vegetacao, terrenos e solos do centro tropical da America do Sul by Cochrane, Thomas T., Cochrane, Thomas a.
A Concise Guide to Communication in Science and Engineering by Foster, David H.
Plant Lists: Mount Katahdin by Briggs, Fred Percy, Fernald, Merritt Lyndon
Specimens of Type in Use by S. W. Green's Son
Dance Psychology by Lovatt, Peter
A Concise Guide to Communication in Science and Engineering by Foster, David H.
Higher-Order Fixed Point Theory in Metric and Multiplicative Metric Space Under r-Compatibility of Mappings and Related Concepts by Ampadu, Clement
Synopsis Filicum: A synopsis of all known ferns, including the Osmundaceæ, Schizæsveæ, Marattiaceæ, and Ophioglossaceæ by Hooker, William J., Baker, John G.
Contributions Relating to the Causation and Prevention of Disease: and to camp diseases - together with a report of the diseases, etc. by Flint, Austin
Diabetes 101: A Patient Primer by Talwar, Sonia
Answer of A. W. Craven, Chief Engineer Croton Aqueduct,: to charges made by Fernando Wood, Mayor. New York, July 31, 1860 by Craven, Alfred Wingate
Modeling Innovation Sustainability and Technologies: Economic and Policy Perspectives by
Die Kakomonade: Ein Nachlaß vom Doktor Panglos, als ein Supplement des Kandide by Linguet, Simon Nicolas Henri
A Practical Treatise on the Hive and Honey-Bee: Third Edition by Langstroth, Lorenzo Lorraine
Joseph Henry and the Magnetic Telegraph by Dickerson, Edward Nicoll
Space Travel - The Reality by Niles, E. R., Johnson, D.
The Life Everlasting by Corelli, Marie
The Secret Power by Corelli, Marie
A Romance of Two Worlds by Corelli, Marie
The 'Black Horror on the Rhine': Intersections of Race, Nation, Gender and Class in 1920s Germany by Wigger, Iris
Cancer Therapeutics and Imaging: Molecular and Cellular Engineering and Nanobiomedicine by
Synopsis of the Pathological Series in the Oxford Museum: Provisionally arranged for the use of students after the plan of the Hunterian Collection, a by Acland, Henry W.
Mathematical Tables: Chiefly to four figures. First Series by Peirce, James Mills
The Dryden Anthology, 1675-1700 A. D. by Arber, Edward
Modular Multilevel Converters: Analysis, Control, and Applications by Wu, Bin, Du, Sixing, Dekka, Apparao
A Manual of Naval Architecture: For the Use of Officers of the Royal Navy, Officers of the Mercantile Marine, Shipbuilders, Shipowners and Yachtsmen by White, William Henry
The Secret of Energy: A Spiritual And Scientific Tool For Finding Ultimate Happiness by Martinez, Marcie
Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Bifunctional Catalysts by
Selections from the Works of Abraham Colles: Consisting chiefly of his practical observations on the venereal disease, and on the use of mercury. Ed., by Colles, Abraham, McDonnell, Robert
Supernovae Searches for Small Observatories by Sherrod, Clay
What To Do When Leaded Fuel Becomes Extinct by Banse, Timothy P.
Exploring the World with the Laser: Dedicated to Theodor Hänsch on His 75th Birthday by
Berries of the Brier: Vol. 1 by Bates, Arlo
Klimawirksame Kennzahlen Für Afrika: Statusreport Und Empfehlungen Für Die Energiewirtschaft by Crastan, Valentin
Production, Properties, and Applications of High Temperature Coatings by
The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell: Vol. 1 by Nivin, William Davidson, Maxwell, James Clerk
Stephenson's Illustrated Practical Test,: examination and ready reference book for stationary, locomotive and marine engineers, firemen, electricians by Stephenson, Otto
Regenerative Energie aus Solarthermiekraftwerken. Nachhaltige Entwicklung by Schneider, Lasse
The Secret History of the Twentieth Century by Dorsey, Herbert G., III
Select Extra-Tropical Plants Readily Eligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation: With indications of their native countries and some of their u by Mueller, Ferdinand Von
Smart Sugars: Sugars that Speak, Why We Should Listen! by Spencer, Jc
Cfd Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing 2018 by
Sacramentalism the True Remedy for Sacerdotalism by Forsyth, Peter T.
Wintersemester 1917/18 by
Wintersemester 1916/17 by
Mobile Solar Power Systems for Vans and RVs: Power Up to Go Off Grid by Kandell, Joe
Deutsch Für Ingenieure: Ein Daf-Lehrwerk Für Studierende Ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Fächer by Steinmetz, Maria, Dintera, Heiner
The Iodine Molecule: Insights Into Intra- And Intermolecular Perturbation in Diatomic Molecules by Petrov, Alexander, Pravilov, Anatoly, Lukashov, Sergey
Energy, Information, Feedback, Adaptation, and Self-Organization: The Fundamental Elements of Life and Society by Tzafestas, Spyros G.
Sustainable Abundance for All by Nunez, Ted
Sustainable Abundance for All by Nunez, Ted
¡Ciencia Boricua!: Ensayos y anécdotas del científico puertorro by Gonzalez Espada, Wilson J.
Klimawirksame Kennzahlen Für Amerika: Statusreport Und Empfehlungen Für Die Energiewirtschaft by Crastan, Valentin
Die naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Poesie: Prolegomena einer realistischen Ästhetik by Bölsche, Wilhelm
Von Wundern und Tieren: Neue naturwissenschaftliche Plaudereien by Bölsche, Wilhelm
Anweisung zum Weinbau an Gebäuden, Mauern, Lauben und Bäumen: Herausgegeben zu Ermunterung der Kinder zu edler Tätigkeit by Bornemann, Johann Gottfried
Gerichtliche Leichen-Öffnungen: Erstes Hundert by Casper, Johann Ludwig
Power System Economic and Market Operations by Zhong, Jin
Jahr der Wandlung: Goethes Schicksalswende 1775 by Servaes, Franz
Jahr der Wandlung: Goethes Schicksalswende 1775 by Servaes, Franz
Das höllische Automobil: Novellen by Bierbaum, Otto Julius
Die Reise zum Mars by Dominik, Hans
Die Weltensegler: Drei Jahre auf dem Mars by Bergen, Fritz, Daiber, Albert
What The HELL Is Science?: How To Understand Science, for Adults Who Can Remember Nothing From School, Are Job-seekers, Media Creators, Parents, by Dr M.
Class Choreographies: Elite Schools and Globalization by Epstein, Debbie, Kenway, Jane, Fahey, Johannah
Selected Papers of John H. Holland: A Pioneer in Complexity Science by
Biocomputing 2018 - Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium by
Turbomachinery: Concepts, Applications, and Design by Dakshina Murty, V.
A Practical Guide to Cancer Systems Biology by
Micro-Nano Technology XVII-XVIII - Proceedings of the 17th-18th Annual Conference and 6th-7th International Conference of the Chinese Society of Micro by
Лечебное голодание. Теор by Вильшанс&#10
Intercultural Communicative Competence for Global Citizenship: Identifying Cyberpragmatic Rules of Engagement in Telecollaboration by Orsini-Jones, Marina, Lee, Fiona
The Multilingual Edge of Education by
Econodynamics: The Theory of Social Production by Pokrovskii, Vladimir N.
Latest Developments in Reality-Based 3D Surveying and Modelling by
Study of Route Building Algorithms Using Multiple Moving Devices by Noche, Bernd, Belsky, Dennis, Goudz, Alexander
Science and Philosophy - A Fresh Perspective by Pitman, Michael
Handbuch Elektrofilter: Physik, Hochspannungsversorgung, Erdung Und Auslegung by Von Stackelberg, Josef, Schmoch, Manfred
Infrastructure and Technology Management: Contributions from the Energy, Healthcare and Transportation Sectors by
Challenges in Modelling and Simulation of Shale Gas Reservoirs by Gholinezhad, Jebraeel, Fianu, John Senam, Galal Hassan, Mohamed
They Shimmer Within: Cognitive-Evolutionary Perspectives on Visionary Beings by Rimell, Bruce
On the Loss of the Teeth and Loose Teeth: And on the Best Means of Restoring them by Howard, Thomas
How to Teach Science Through Investigations: Getting students to learn science by doing science by Garside, Christopher P.
Essentials of Surgery: Together with a full description of the handkerchief and roller bandage; arranged in the form of questions and answers by Martin, Edward
The Rise, Fall and Revival of Dental Prosthesis by Cigrand, Bernard J.
Modernste Kriegswaffen - alte Erfindungen by Feldhaus, Franz Maria
Höherzüchtung des Menschen auf biologischer Grundlage: Vortrag by Franze, Paul Christian
Der Rangierbahnhof by Böhlau, Helene
Psychologie und Logik by Elsenhans, Theodor
Grundriss der menschlichen Erblichkeitslehre und Rassenhygiene: Menschliche Erblichkeitslehre by Baur, Erwin, Fischer, Eugen
Die Welt in hundert Jahren by Lübbert, Eduard, Brehmer, Artur
Jugend, Liebe und Leben: Körperliche, seelische und sittliche Forderungen der Gegenwart by Peters, Emil
James Watt und die Erfindung der Dampfmaschine by Biedenkapp, Georg
Schutz- und Trutzbündnisse in der Natur by Bölsche, Wilhelm
Emerging Trends of Nanotechnology in Environment and Sustainability: A Review-Based Approach by
Regional Analysis of Time-Fractional Diffusion Processes by Kou, Chunhai, Ge, Fudong, Chen, Yangquan
The Edge of the Knife by Piper, Henry Beam
Time Crime by Piper, Henry Beam
Omnilingual by Piper, Henry Beam
Oomphel in the Sky by Piper, Henry Beam
Temple Trouble by Piper, Henry Beam
Day of the Moron by Piper, Henry Beam
Naudsonce by Piper, Henry Beam
The Marine Fishes and Invertebrates of Loch Fyne by Scott, Thomas
Next-Generation Sequencing and Sequence Data Analysis by Chiu, Kuo Ping
Die krankheiterregenden Bakterien: Entstehung, Heilung und Bekämpfung der bakteriellen Infektionskrankheiten des Menschen by Loehlein, Max
Bibliotheca Gynaecologica et Obstetricia by Büchting, Adolf
Schöpfungen der Ingenieurtechnik der Neuzeit by Geitel, Max
Die Akkumulatorenihre Theorie: Herstellung, Behandlung und Verwendung by Bermbach, Willibald
Kompendium der Psychiatrie für Studierende und Ärzte by Dornblüth, Otto
Deutsch-Ostafrika: Geographie und Geschichte der Colonie by Förster, Brix
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