• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 2022

On Time, Causality, and the Block Universe by Proctor, Anthony C.
Zero Waste Kids: Hands-On Projects and Activities to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle by Greenfield, Robin
Consciousness Probed: Thought Experiments and Speculations on Consciousness, and Implications of Consciousness in Machines by Navalkar, Sumeet S.
School Atlas of Physical Geography by Johnston, Alex Keith
Teaching Philosophy in Early Modern Europe: Text and Image by
Material Characterization Techniques and Applications by Hosseinian, Hamed, Aguilar Meza, Ingrid Berenice, Ortiz Ortega, Euth
The Legibility of Serif and Sans Serif Typefaces: Reading from Paper and Reading from Screens by Richardson, John T. E.
Enhancing the Quality of Care in Long-Term Care Settings by
Symmetry and Mesoscopic Physics by
Synthesis of Flavonoids or Other Nature-Inspired Small Molecules by
Social Imaging: Social Capital and Spatial Use Patterns with Potential Correlations by Friesen, Milton J.
Lehre von den Knochen und Muskeln: von den Verhältnissen des menschlichen Körpers und von den Verkürzungen by Schadow, Johann Gottfried
Concepts and Design of Materials Nanoarchitectonics by
Architectural sketches from the continent by Shaw, Richard Norman
Cyber-Physical Systems and Industry 4.0: Practical Applications and Security Management by
The Role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Biomedical Engineering: Present Scenario and Challenges by
An essay on the history of English church architecture: Prior to the separation of England from the Roman obedience by Scott, G. Gilbert
Lehrbuch der Pflanzenpaläontologie mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Bedürfnisse des Geologen by Potonié, H. (henry)
Nanoparticles: An Emerging Technology for Oil Production and Processing Applications by
The Integrated Stress Response: Methods and Protocols by
Time-Resolved Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Molecules in the Gas and Liquid Phases by Schmidt, Cédric
The Integrated Stress Response: Methods and Protocols by
Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry from the Works of A. M. Legendre by Legendre, A. M.
Recent Progress in Urbanisation Dynamics Research by
Battery Systems and Energy Storage beyond 2020 by
Feature Papers in Electronic Materials Section by
Efficiency and Anomalies in Stock Markets by
Grab Electronics: (A Fantastic Electronics Project Manual) by Sinha, Siddhartha
Bridge Safety, Maintenance and Management in a Life-Cycle Context by Kim, Sunyong, Frangopol, Dan M.
Green Nanomaterials: Sustainable Technologies and Applications by
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Inverse Problems by Kirsch, Andreas
Large-Scale System Analysis Under Uncertainty by Domínguez-García, Alejandro D.
Small-scale Cogeneration Handbook by Kolanowski, Bernard F.
Pathologie und Therapie der Neurasthenie und Hysterie by Löwenfeld, Leopold
Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology by Robertson, W. G. Aitchison
Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology by Robertson, W. G. Aitchison
Balancing the Tension Between Digital Technologies and Learning Sciences by
Handbook of Research on Energy and Environmental Finance 4.0 by
Magnetic Nanomaterials by
Recent Advances in Cereals, Legumes and Oilseeds Grain Products Rheology and Quality by
Wave Interactions with Coastal Structures by
Taxonomy and Ecology of Marine Algae by
Rural churches: Their histories, architecture and antiquities by Corner, Sidney
Smart Materials and Devices for Energy Harvesting by
Materials Processing Fundamentals 2021 by
Non-Smooth and Complementarity-Based Distributed Parameter Systems: Simulation and Hierarchical Optimization by
Kompetenzen Von Mitarbeiterinnen Und Mitarbeitern in Der Digitalisierten Arbeitswelt: Analysen Und Handlungsempfehlungen Am Beispiel Der Steuerberatun by
Finding Your Seat at the Table: Roles for Librarians on Institutional Regulatory Boards and Committees by
Scientific Presentation Skills: How to Design Effective Research Posters and Deliver Powerful Academic Presentations by Zaumanis, Martins
Energy Science: Principles, Technologies, and Impacts by Andrews, John, Jelley, Nick
Networks in the Global World V: Proceedings of Netglow 2020 by
Complex Product Development Model by Sandahl, Christer
Introduction to Nanotechnology by Bertino, Massimo F.
Le Livre de la Ferme Et Des Maisons de Campagne (4e Édition Entièrement Refondue) by Sans Auteur
La Vérité Sur Haïti, Ses Deux Emprunts, Ses Agens, Ses Finances, Son Crédit Et Ses Ressources: . Réponse À La Lettre d'Un Colon, À l'Usage de S. Exc. by Sans Auteur
Study of the Influence of Abiotic and Biotic Stress Factors on Horticultural Plants by
Occurrence and Functions of Endophytic Fungi in Crop Species by
Wastewater Treatment: Current and Future Techniques by
Das Ältere Eutiner Stadtbuch (1469-1564): Quelle Der Administrativen Schriftlichkeit, Der Sozial- Und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Einer Spätmittelalterliche by Schwerdtfeger-Klaus, Alexander
Whiteface: Improv Comedy and Anti-Blackness by Büch, Michel
État Actuel de l'Artillerie de Campagne En Europe (Éd.1838-1854) by Von Jacobi G a
Cours Élémentaire de Culture Des Bois: Créé À l'École Royale Forestière de Nancy (3e Éd) (Éd.1855) by Lorentz B
Encyclopédie Méthodique. Agriculture. T. 3 [Chable-Cytise] (Éd.1787-1821) by Tessier a H
Chemins de Fer P. L. M. (Éd.19e) by Collectif
Leçons Sur La Théorie Mathématique de l'Élasticité Des Corps Solides (Éd.1852) by Lame G
La Cuisine Des Petits Ménages (Éd.1882) by Delahaye F
Einstein's Violin: The Love Affair Between Science, Music, and History's Most Creative Thinkers by Wadle, Douglas
Essai Théorique Et Pratique Sur La Ferrure (Éd.1771) by Chabert P
Introduction to Nanotechnology by Bertino, Massimo F.
Le codex d'Archimède by Netz-R+noel-W
Über die Ohrenrobben - Seelöwen und Seebaren: Otariae, insbesondere über die in den Sammlungen zu Berlin benfindlichen Arten by Peters, Wilh C. H.
EDF, le marché et l'Europe by Fitoussi-J P.
L'École et la ferme, ou Une lecture par semaine sur les travaux de l'année agricole by Greff-M
Économie Rurale Considérée Dans Ses Rapports Avec La Chimie, La Physique Et La Météorologie. Tome 1 by Boussingault-J-B
Du Progrès agricole, essai suivi d'un projet de société ayant pour but de favoriser by Garreau-G
Nouveau Cours Complet d'Agriculture Théorique Et Pratique. Tome 9: Ou Dictionnaire Raisonné Et Universel d'Agriculture by Sans Auteur
Le Grand Orgue de la Nouvelle Salle de Concert de Sheffield En Angleterre, Construit: Par Aristide Cavaillé-Coll À Paris by Sans Auteur
Université de Caen. Faculté de droit. Étude sur l'organisation du crédit agricole en France by Choquet-P
Société d'agriculture, sciences et arts de la Haute-Saône. (Séance du 13 mars 1879.) by Reboul de Neyrol
Eaux Minérales Ferrugineuses de Casteljaloux, Département de Lot-Et-Garonne, Source Bordes, Levadou by Sans Auteur
Elémens de Cavalerie, Avec Un Traité Des Haras by Sans Auteur
Étude Critique Sur Les Abordages: Nécessité d'Éclairer Les Navires Par l'Arrière: , Nouveau Système de Fanal by Caffarena-L
Manuel d'Enseignement Ménager Agricole by Sans Auteur
Public Responses to Fossil Fuel Export: Exporting Energy and Emissions in a Time of Transition by
Sustainable Energy Technologies for Seawater Desalination by Farsi, Aida, A. Rosen, Marc
Rothamsted, Trente Années d'Expériences Agricoles de MM. Lawes Et Gilbert by Ronna-A
Nouveau Mode de Culture Et d'Échalassement de la Vigne, Applicable À Tous Les Vignobles: Où l'On Cultive Les Vignes Basses. Appendice by Collignon d'Ancy-T
Mémoire Présenté Au Jury Chargé de la Visite Des Propriétés, Sur Le Domaine de Planques: : Concours Régional de la Dordogne, 1880 by Gouzot-C
Notice Sur Une Nouvelle Méthode de Tailler Les Pêchers by Cottinet-J-B
Traité de la Taille Des Vignes À La Latte, Selon l'Usage Du Médoc Par Un Propriétaire: de Cette Contrée by Sans Auteur
Les chemins de fer aux colonies et dans les pays neufs. T. 3. Tunisie. - Algérie. - Sénégal by Sans Auteur
Étude Sur La Valeur Agricole Des Terres de Madagascar by Rousseaux-E
Décret du 23 Août 1878 modifiant l'organisation de la Société by Sans Auteur
Topics in Nanoscience - Part II: Quantized Structures, Nanoelectronics, Thin Films by
Modern Physics: The Scenic Route by Bellantoni, Leo
Répertoire Général Des Inventions Avec Brevets, Et Notice, Tant Alphabétique Que Par Ordre: de Dates, Des Objets de Ces Inventions Ou Découvertes... by Sans Auteur
Termes Desquels on Use Sur Mer Dans Le Parler, Avec Les Pieces & Parties d'Un Vaisseau: Et Des Manoeuvres. Le Tout Par Ordre Alphabétique, Tiré Des Pl by Sans Auteur
Traité Élémentaire Des Machines À Vapeur Marines. Atlas: : Rédigé d'Après Le Programme Du Concours Pour Le Brevet de Capitaine Au Long-Cours... by Ortolan-J-A
Mémoire sur le projet du chemin de fer de l'Allier de Nevers au bassin houiller de Brassac by Reytier-V
Parcs Et Jardins: Traité Complet de la Création Des Parcs Et Des Jardins: , de la Culture Et de l'Entretien Des Arbres d'Agrément, de la Culture Des F by Gressent-A
La Vérité Au Muséum, Ou l'Oeil Trompé, Critique En Vaudeville Sur Les Tableaux Exposés Au Salon by Sans Auteur
Modern Physics: The Scenic Route by Bellantoni, Leo
Topics in Nanoscience - Part I: Basic Views, Complex Nanosystems: Typical Results and Future by
Einstein's Violin: The Love Affair Between Science, Music, and History's Most Creative Thinkers by Wadle, Douglas
Dr. G. Zander's medizo-mechanische Gymnastik: Ihre Methode, Bedeutung und Anwendung by Levertin, Alfred, Zander, Gustaf
Notes on nursing: what it is, and what it is not by Nightingale, Florence
Metaverse for Beginners: An Ideal Guide for Beginners to Understanding and Invest in the Metaverse: NFT Non-Fungible Token, Virtual Land, Real by Freeman, Darell
Merkwürdigkeiten von den Durchgängen der Venus durch die Sonne by Röhl, Lambert H.
Multiscale, Multiphysics Modelling of Coastal Ocean Processes: Paradigms and Approaches by
Advanced Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Devices by
The Green Planet by Barnes, Simon
Brasilische Pilzblumen by Möller, Alfred
Eiszeit und Klimawechsel by Bölsche, Wilhelm
Volcanoes and Earthquakes: A popular account of their nature, causes, effects and geographical distribution, from personal observation by Kneeland, Samuel
Meteorology in Russia by Voeikov, Aleksandr I.
Quantitative Epidemiology by Chen, Xinguang
Corrosion in Concrete: Inhibitors and Coatings by
Photocatalysis Using 2D Nanomaterials by
A Graduate Course in NMR Spectroscopy by Kakita, Veera Mohana Rao, Hosur, Ramakrishna V.
Daily Energy Use and Carbon Emissions: Fundamentals and Applications for Students and Professionals by Logan, Bruce E.
There Are Plenty of Secrets by McPherson, Andrew
Flora Zambesiaca Volume 7 Part 2: Apocynaceae: Volume 7 by
StGB Strafgesetzbuch 2022: Aktuelle Gesetze: Strafgesetzbuch mit Nebengesetzen by Graf, Roman
There Are Plenty of Secrets by McPherson, Andrew
Thermic Fever or Sunstroke by Wood, Horatio C.
Translanguaging in Science Education by
Shallow Water Equations in Hydraulics: Modeling, Numerics and Applications by
Celebrating 120 Years of Butantan Institute Contributions for Toxinology by
Advances in Polymeric Materials for Biomedical Applications by
Sustainable Agricultural Practices-Impact on Soil Quality and Plant Health by
Environmental Hydraulics, Turbulence and Sediment Transport by
Carnot Cycle and Heat Engine Fundamentals and Applications II by
Das Maschinenzeitalter: Zukunftsvorlesungen über unsere Zeit by Von Suttner, Bertha
Über die Theologie des Xenophanes by Freudenthal, Jacob
Supercharge Me: Net Zero Faster by Lonergan, Eric, Sawers, Corinne
Practical Guide to Scientific and Technical Translation, A: Publishing, Style and Terminology by Florescu-Mitchell, Anca Irina, Mitchell, James Brian Alexander
Unconventional Shale Gas Development: Lessons Learned by
Practical Guide to Scientific and Technical Translation, A: Publishing, Style and Terminology by Mitchell, James Brian Alexander, Florescu-Mitchell, Anca Irina
Dornfeld's Weinbauschule by Fraas, Oscar, Dornfeld, J.
What Is Cultural Factor: Biology Beyond Darwin by Gupta, Vipin
Simple Middle School Physical Science Investigations: With Concept Maps and Virtual Investigations Guide by Garside Msed, Christopher Peter
Soil Spectral Inference with R: Analysing Digital Soil Spectra Using the R Programming Environment by Minasny, Budiman, Wadoux, Alexandre M. J. -C, Malone, Brendan
Marburg Febre Hemorrágica: sonhos premonitórios by Da Luz, Jucelino Nobrega
Structured Ionic Liquid and Zeolite Adsorbents for Advanced CO2 Separations by Zhou, Ming
Simple Earth and Space Science Investigations: With Concept Maps and Virtual Investigations Guide by Garside Msed, Christopher Peter
Fluorescent Microscopy by
The Design Equation: The Unified Theory and the Mathematics of Hidden Dimensions by Dove, Lauren
Drug Development for Cancer and Diabetes: A Path to 2030 by
Marburg- Hämorrhagisches Fieber: Mahnträume by Da Luz, Jucelino Nobrega
Kältebilder: Ästhetik Und Erkenntnis Am Gefrierpunkt by
Nanoparticle-Based Drug Delivery in Cancer Treatment by Madkour, Loutfy H.
Philosophical Mentoring in Qualitative Research: Collaborating and Inquiring Together by
Long Noncoding RNA: Mechanistic Insights and Roles in Inflammation by
Makerspaces, Innovation and Science Education: How, Why, and What For? by Tan, Michael
Makerspaces, Innovation and Science Education: How, Why, and What For? by Tan, Michael
Soil Water Erosion by
Microbial Communities in Cultural Heritage and Their Control by
Developing a Brain: A Life in Psychology by Posner, Michael I.
Philosophical Mentoring in Qualitative Research: Collaborating and Inquiring Together by
Research and Technical Writing for Science and Engineering by Qiu, Han, Zeng, Yi, Qiu, Meikang
Research and Technical Writing for Science and Engineering by Qiu, Han, Zeng, Yi, Qiu, Meikang
Energy Transition in the Baltic Sea Region: Understanding Stakeholder Engagement and Community Acceptance by
Cross-Cultural Exposure and Connections: Intercultural Learning for Global Citizenship by
Electric Cooperative Managers' Strategies to Enhance Organizational Commitment to Increase Employee Productivity by White, Michael Edward
Carbon Queen: The Remarkable Life of Nanoscience Pioneer Mildred Dresselhaus by Weinstock, Maia
Electromechanical Energy Conversion by Kocabiyikoğlu, Zeki Uğurata
Crowd Dynamics, Volume 3: Modeling and Social Applications in the Time of Covid-19 by
Ultra-Weak Chemiluminescence by
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology: Biomedical, Environmental, and Industrial Applications by
Sustainable Pipe Jacking Technology in the Urban Environment: Recent Advances and Innovations by Cheng, Jason Wen-Chieh, Barla, Marco, Ong, Dominic Ek Leong
Critical Thinking in Biology and Environmental Education: Facing Challenges in a Post-Truth World by
Biology CLEP Test Study Guide by Passyourclass
UFOs and the Pioneers of Oneness by Aartsen, Gerard
Foundations of Earth Science by
Breakthroughs: Realizing Our Potentials Through Dynamic Tricky Mixes by Nelson, Keith E.
The Great Climate Change Debate: Karoly v Happer by May, Andy
Spatial Analysis: Modeling and Trends by
Risk Assessment: Tools, Techniques and Applications by
Atmospheric Science: A Modern Approach by
A Modern Approach to Computational Biology by
Fièvre hémorragique de Marbourg: Rêves Prémonitoires by Da Luz, Jucelino Nobrega
The Great Climate Change Debate: Karoly v Happer by May, Andy
Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy: Volume 105 by
Fintech-Lexikon: Begriffe Für Die Digitalisierte Finanzwelt by Alt, Rainer, Huch, Stefan
Microbial Secondary Metabolites and Biotechnology by
Die Intelligenz hinter der Natur: Bewusstsein manifestiert sich by Perret, Daniel
Important Things We Don't Know: About Nearly Everything by Beerbower, John E.
Conceptual Quantum Mechanics: Feynman propagation and semiclassical quantization by Adeva Andany, Bernardo
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency by Nikola, Tesla
Regression Analysis in Medical Research: For Starters and 2nd Levelers by Zwinderman, Aeilko H., Cleophas, Ton J.
The Digitalization Conundrum in India: Applications, Access and Aberrations by
Electricity Capacity Markets by Kleit, Andrew N., Aagaard, Todd S.
Measuring and Understanding Complex Phenomena: Indicators and Their Analysis in Different Scientific Fields by
Coastal Waters Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Technology by
Drugs from Marine Sources by
Forest Management, Conflict and Social-Ecological Systems in a Changing World by
Cyber-Physical Systems: Solutions to Pandemic Challenges by
Tribune des artistes, revue des beaux-arts by Lavedan, Louis, Pigeory, Félix, Société Libre Des Beaux-Arts
Magnesium Isotopes by Tipper, Edward T.
Mémoires by Societe de la Meuse
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