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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 2022

The Libell of Englishe Policye, 1436: Text und metrische Übersetzung von Wilhelm Hertzberg by Pauli, Reinhold, Hertzberg, Wilhelm Adolf Boguslaw
A Handbook of Uterine Therapeutics: And of diseases of women. Fourth Edition by Tilt, Edward John
Little Bustard: Ecology and Conservation by
C. Elegans: Methods and Applications by
Facet Theory and the Mapping Sentence: Evolving Philosophy, Use and Declarative Applications by Hackett, Paul M. W.
High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy in Biology: Directly Watching Dynamics of Biomolecules in Action by Ando, Toshio
Wild Oxen, Sheep and Goats of all Lands: Living and Extinct by Lydekker, Richard
Materials and Processes for Photocatalytic and (Photo)Electrocatalytic Removal of Bio-Refractory Pollutants and Emerging Contaminants from Waters by
Biosensors: 10th Anniversary Feature Papers: 10th Anniversary Feature Papers by
The Theologians of Orion by Theroux, Ronnie
Event Tourism in Asian Countries: Challenges and Prospects by
Petroleum Nanobiotechnology: Modern Applications for a Sustainable Future by Speight, James G., El-Gendy, Nour Shafik, Nassar, Hussein Nabil
Agro-Climatology: Advances and Challenges by Jagannathan, R., Geethalakshmi, V., Balasubramanian, T. N.
Tannic Acid-Protein Complexes: A Thermodynamic Approach by Hudson, Eliara Acipreste, Silva, Luis Henrique Mendes Da, Freitas, Talma Duarte
Foundations of Wisdom Science by Ludington, Paul W.
Recent Trends and Advances in Model Based Systems Engineering by
Water Scarcity: Impacts on Western Agriculture by
Water Scarcity: Impacts on Western Agriculture by
Mammal Skin: Volume 37 by Sokolov, V. E.
Analogies Between Analogies: The Mathematical Reports of S.M. Ulam and His Los Alamos Collaborators Volume 10 by Ulam, S. M.
Advances in the Modelling of Thermodynamic Systems by
Advances in the Modelling of Thermodynamic Systems by
Hydrogen Safety for Energy Applications: Engineering Design, Risk Assessment, and Codes and Standards by
Applying Quantitative Bias Analysis to Epidemiologic Data by Lash, Timothy L., Fox, Matthew P., Maclehose, Richard F.
Mammal Skin: Volume 37 by Sokolov, V. E.
Analogies Between Analogies: The Mathematical Reports of S.M. Ulam and His Los Alamos Collaborators Volume 10 by Ulam, S. M.
Integrated Wastewater Management and Valorization Using Algal Cultures by
Science Spice -Food, Movies and Smartphones by Alford, Douglas
Honeybee Anatomy Brought to Life by Kingham, Graham
Zur Pathologie und Therapie der kindlichen Skoliose by Dolega, Max
Geologische Reise in Nord-Griechenland und Türkisch-Epirus 1895 by Hilber, Vinzenz
Advances in Energy Storage: Latest Developments from R&d to the Market by
Technologies for Solar Thermal Energy: Theory, Design And, Optimization by
Bioeconomy and Sustainability: Perspectives from Natural and Social Sciences, Economics and Ethics by
Elliptic Carleman Estimates and Applications to Stabilization and Controllability, Volume I: Dirichlet Boundary Conditions on Euclidean Space by LeBeau, Gilles, Robbiano, Luc, Le Rousseau, Jérôme
Managing Collaborative R&d Projects: Leveraging Open Innovation Knowledge-Flows for Co-Creation by
Construction Principles and Controllable Fabrication of 3D Graphene Materials by Tang, Cheng
Chirality, Magnetism and Magnetoelectricity: Separate Phenomena and Joint Effects in Metamaterial Structures by
Enhanced Polarisation Control and Extreme Electric Fields: Advances in Terahertz Spectroscopy Applied to Anisotropic Materials and Magnetic Phase Tran by Mosley, Connor Devyn William
Bifurcation Theory of Impulsive Dynamical Systems by Church, Kevin E. M., Liu, Xinzhi
Polymer Based Bio-Nanocomposites: Properties, Durability and Applications by
Advances in Polymeric Eco-Composites and Eco-Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications by Low, It-Meng, Alamri, Hatem R., Alhuthali, Abdullah M. S.
Controllability of Singularly Perturbed Linear Time Delay Systems by Glizer, Valery Y.
Mechanical Engineering and Materials: Proceedings of Icmem 2020 by
Learning and Sustaining Agricultural Practices: The Dialectics of Cultivating Cultivation in Rural India by Singh, Gurinder, Haydock, Karen, Bansode, Abhijit Sambhaji
Targeting Wnt Signaling in Cancer: Opportunities Abound If We Can Avoid the Sword of Damocles by
Advances in the Ecohydrology of Arid Lands by
Catalytic Processes for CO2 Utilization by
Carborane: Dedicated to the Work of Professor Alan Welch by
Functional Polymers as Innovative Tools in the Delivery of Antimicrobial Agents by
Method Development and Applications for Reduced-Risk Products in Separation Science by
Effects of Species Introduction on Aquatic Communities by
Nighttime Lights as a Proxy for Economic Performance of Regions by
Nanostructural Materials with Rare Earth Ions: Synthesis, Physicochemical Characterization, Modification and Applications by
Recent Advances in Single-Particle Tracking: Experiment and Analysis: Experiment and Analysis by
Books Do Furnish a Life: An Electrifying Celebration of Science Writing by Dawkins, Richard
Ontario's Old-Growth Forests by Henry, Michael, Quinby, Peter
The Value of the Moon: How to Explore, Live, and Prosper in Space Using the Moons Resources by Spudis, Paul D.
The Dead Paradise: A Remote-controlled experimental Project by Ramzan, Saman
Advances in Green Infrastructure Planning by
Modelling of Floods in Urban Areas by
In Honor of Prof. Liritzis Ioannis: Essays in Archaeology & Archaeometry and the Hellenic Contribution to Egyptology by
Sustainability in Geotechnics: The Use of Environmentally Friendly Materials by
Naturrecht oder Rechts-Philosophie als die praktische Philosophie: enthaltend Rechts-Sitten und Gesellschaftslehre - 1. Band by Michelet, C. L.
Qualitative Interviews. Aufbau, Ablauf und Design am Beispiel des Telefoninterviews by Anonymous
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Human Pathology by
I Georgofili: Atti Della Accademia Dei Georgofili by
Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die Nachhaltigkeit der Wirtschaft by Anonym
Local and Global Controls on Carbon Isotope Chemostratigraphy by Husson, Jon, Ahm, Anne-Sofie
Advances in Nanostructured Materials by
Application of Intelligent Control Algorithms to Study the Dynamics of Hybrid Power System by Guha, Dipayan, Roy, Provas Kumar, Banerjee, Subrata
Elemental Concentration and Pollution in Soil, Water, and Sediment by
Recent Innovations in Post-harvest Preservation and Protection of Agricultural Products by
Sustainable Networks in Smart Grid by
How to Effectively Assess the Impact of Non-Lethal Weapons as Intermediate Force Capabilities by Wong, Jonathan P., Savitz, Scott, Grocholski, Krista Romita
Sr Isotopes in Seawater by Ingram, B. Lynn, DePaolo, Donald J.
Diradicaloids by
What's it all about? Sketches from Life by Von Essen, Carl François
Measurement Across the Sciences: Developing a Shared Concept System for Measurement by Maul, Andrew, Mari, Luca, Wilson, Mark
Cantilever-Based Sensors by
Rise of the Avatar: Tip of the Spear by Berkopes, Jason S.
Nanobiotechnology for Sustainable Bioenergy and Biofuel Production by
Utilization of Thermal Potential of Abandoned Wells: Fundamentals, Applications and Research by
Reading Iraqi Women's Novels in English Translation: Iraqi Women's Stories by Abou Rached, Ruth
The Magic Ring: Systems Thinking Approach to Control Systems by Mella, Piero
Advances in Statistics - Theory and Applications: Honoring the Contributions of Barry C. Arnold in Statistical Science by
Geometrical Formulation of Renormalization-Group Method as an Asymptotic Analysis: With Applications to Derivation of Causal Fluid Dynamics by Kikuchi, Yuta, Kunihiro, Teiji, Tsumura, Kyosuke
Recycling of Waste Oils: Technology and Application: Technology and Application: Technology and Application by
Indoor Environment Quality and Health in Energy-Efficient Buildings by
The 1st International Conference on Computational Engineering and Intelligent Systems by
The Ecological Role of Salamanders as Predators and Prey by
Echoes Magazine Volume 3 Series 1: Voice by Landey, Jane
Modern Techniques of Spectroscopy: Basics, Instrumentation, and Applications by
The Price of Leaving Eden by Rasheed, Hassan
Die Insekten, Tausendfüssler und Spinnen: Brehms Tierleben - neunter Band by Taschenberg, Ernst Ludwig
Chemical Analysis: Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques by Rouessac, Francis, Rouessac, Annick
Carbon-Based Nanotubes by Mirzaei, Saber, Castro Portillo, Edison Arley, Hernández Sánchez, Raúl
The Political Turn in Analytic Philosophy: Reflections on Social Injustice and Oppression by
Was da kriecht und fliegt: Bilder aus dem Insektenleben by Taschenberg, Ernst Ludwig
Die Syphilis der Nase und des Halses by Greber, Paul Henry
Allgemeine Zoologie, oder Grundgesetze des thierischen Baus und Lebens by Pagenstecher, Heinrich Alexander
3D Digital Geological Models: From Terrestrial Outcrops to Planetary Surfaces by
Telos: The Scientific Basis for a Life of Purpose by Iacoboni, Stephen
Telos: The Scientific Basis for a Life of Purpose by Iacoboni, Stephen
Smart Zero-Energy Buildings and Communities for Smart Grids by
The Short Story of Science: A Pocket Guide to Key Histories, Experiments, Theories, Instruments and Methods by Jackson, Tom
The Science of Star Trek: The Scientific Facts Behind the Voyages in Space and Time by Brake, Mark
Concentration of Microplastics in Road Dust as a Function of the Drying Periods by Kim, Ilho, Park, Saerom, Lee, Bokjin
Sustainable Energy Policies and Technology by
Children's Creative Inquiry in Stem by
Biosensors for Diagnosis and Monitoring by
The Power of Imperfections: A Key to Technology, Love, Life and Survival by Townsend, Peter
Methodik der physiologischen Experimente und Vivisektionen: Mit Atlas by Cyon, Elie De
Guide to the Garden of the Zoological Society of Philadelphia by Brawn, Arthur Erwin
Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms: 7th International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms (Hmm) by
Team Reality: Fighting the Pandemic of the Uninformed by @Covidtweets
Wear in Advanced Engineering Applications and Materials by
Die Pathologie und Therapie der Nierenkrankheiten by Rosenstein, Siegmund Samuel
Lehrbuch der deutschen Stenographie by Rätzsch, Heinrich
Image Simulation in Remote Sensing by
Diversity, Biogeography and Community Ecology of Ants by
Integration and Control of Distributed Renewable Energy Resources by
Landslide Hazard and Environment Risk Assessment by
The Life and Times of Edward the Bacterium by Haywood, Rachel
Magazine Echoes Vol. 3 Series 1: Voix Bilingual by Landey, Jane
Quantum Acoustical Imaging by Gan, Woon Siong
Hudson Valley UFOs: The Best Evidence by Zimmermann, Linda
Die Gerechtigkeit Des Chemielehrers Der Höheren Lehranstalt: Chemiedidaktik Nach Prof. Schnauz Crey by Scheffler, Florian
Discours Du Temps, de l'An Et de Ses Parties by de Tyard, Pontus
De l'agriculture et de son importance, à l'usage des écoles primaires by Maigné, Urbain-L
Instruction nouvelle des poincts plus excellents et nécessaires, touchant l'art de naviguer by Coignet, Michel
Considérations sur la taille des arbres à fruit by Sageret, Augustin
Manuel pratique d'apiculture. 17e édition by Weber, Jean-B
Étude géologique et paléontologique, le callovien de Baume-les-Dames, Doubs. La faune by Petitclerc, Paul
Contribution à la faune ornithologique de l'Europe occidentale, recueil. Fascicule 4 by Olphe-Galliard, Léon
Histoire Naturelle, Premières Notions. Géographie: Edition Spéciale Pour Les Filles by Pape-Carpantier, Marie
Restauration et conservation des terrains en montagne, loi du 4 avril 1882 by Tassy, Louis
École d'Application de l'Artillerie Et Du Génie. Cours de Fortification Permanente. 2e Édition: Partie 2. Section 2. Détails Des Fortifications Constr by Simoutre, Charles-Jean-Baptiste
Essai Sur La Géologie Et Les Ressources Minérales de la Nouvelle-Calédonie by Garnier, Jules
Les braconniers by Voitellier, Henri
La géologie dans les écoles normales, à l'usage des maîtres et des élèves des écoles normales by Dauzat, Marien
Histoire Naturelle Des Êtres Vivants. Reproduction Chez Les Animaux by Aubert, Ephrem
Applications géologiques de la spéléologie by Martel, Édouard-Alfred
Eloge de l'âne, par un docteur de Montmartre by Collectif
Bibliothèque rurale, instituée par le Gouvernement by LeJeune, P.
Les papillons. Nature, moeurs et habitudes by Collectif
Catalogue des oiseaux de la collection de M. le Bon de Faugères, selon le système de M. Brisson by de Faugères, Baron
Avis aux spéculateurs patriotes by Le Riche
L'année préparatoire d'agriculture et d'horticulture, d'après les programmes officiels by Raquet, Henri
Matériaux pour l'étude des glaciers. Résumés météorologiques et glaciaires by Dollfus-Ausset, Daniel
Des phénomènes glaciaires dans le plateau central de la France by Julien, Alphonse
Les trois petits mousses. 2e édition by Linden, Adrien
Germanophilie by Saint-Saëns, Camille
Contribution à la faune ornithologique de l'Europe occidentale, recueil. Fascicule 34 by Olphe-Galliard, Léon
Histoire Naturelle, Premières Notions. Géographie: Edition Spéciale Pour Les Garçons by Pape-Carpantier, Marie
Inventions Et Découvertes, Depuis La Création Du Monde Jusqu'à Nos Jours by Fabien
Le retour aux champs et l'enseignement agricole dans les collèges catholiques by Burnichon, Joseph
Voyage dans un tiroir. 2e édition by Linden, Adrien
Du déboisement des montagne, rapport by Blanqui, Adolphe
Contribution à la faune ornithologique de l'Europe occidentale, recueil. Fascicule 3 by Olphe-Galliard, Léon
Premiers éléments d'histoire naturelle by C. C.
Contributions À l'Histoire Naturelle Du Département de la Haute-Saône Et Du Territoire de Belfort: Notes d'Ornithologie. Supplément 4 by Petitclerc, Paul
Manipulations de Botanique, Guide Pour Les Travaux d'Histologie Végétale by Girod, Paul
Essai Sur La Situation de l'Industrie Chevaline, Ses Besoins, Et Les Moyens de Régénération by de a., C.
Système planétaire ou Gravitation des corps by Thierriat, Didier
Violence by Flannery, Raymond B.
Crucial Choices--Crucial Changes: The Resurrection of Psychotherapy: The Resurrection of Psychotherapy by De Schill, Stefan
Becoming Stress-resistant through the Project SMART Program by Raymond, Flannery B.
Prospekte der Simulation von "Fluid within Fluid Strukturen" in gewöhnlichen Strömungsfeldern: Prospects of "FwF" Computing in Ordinary Fluidfields by Felgenhauer, Michel
The Auburndale Watch Company; First American Attempt Toward the Dollar Watch by A. Battison, Edwin
Conditional Function Control of Aircraft by Istomin, Andrey Sergeevich, Zatuchny, Dmitry Alexandrovich, Yakovlev, Andrey Vyacheslavovich
Critiques and Addresses by Henry Huxley, Thomas
Food Poisoning by Oakes Jordan, Edwin
Foundations of Personality by Myerson, Abraham
Does God Exist?: A Rational Investigation by Guzzo, Domenico
Does God Exist?: A Rational Investigation by Guzzo, Domenico
The Book of Evolutions by Coppedge, Nathan
Interorganisationale Kollaborative Gemeinschaftsforschung: Forschungscampus Für Den Automobilbau Der Zukunft: Arena2036 by
How to Measure Anything: The Science of Measurement by Joseph, Christopher
Gemstones: A Concise Reference Guide by Hansen, Robin
Laboratory Scientific Glassblowing: Advanced Techniques and Glassblowing's Place in History by
Phenomenon of Lecithin: Science Technology Applications by
A Quick Look at Corrosion Inhibitors by Chatterjee, Abhik
A Dissertation on the Structure of the Obstetric Forceps: pointing out its defects, and especially of those with double curved blades - at the same ti by Rawlins, R.
The Transition to Chaos: Conservative Classical and Quantum Systems by Reichl, Linda
Ginseng and Other Medicinal Plants by Harding, A. R.
Astronautische Raumfahrt: Beginn Eines Neuen Zeitalters by Gerzer, Rupert
The Second Coming of Jesus by Regalado, Pura
Life Science Doodle Notebook by Science, Captivate
Ginseng and Other Medicinal Plants by Harding, A. R.
Disaster Risk Reduction in Mexico: Methodologies, Case Studies, and Prospective Views by Martínez-Flores, José-Luis, Caballero-Morales, Santiago-Omar, Sánchez-Partida, Diana
Fast Solar Wind Driven by Parametric Decay Instability and Alfvén Wave Turbulence by Shoda, Munehito
Towards the Use of Natural Compounds for Crop Protection and Food Safety by
Discovery and Research on Aquatic Microorganisms by
Carotenoids in Fresh and Processed Food: Between Biosynthesis and Degradation by
Reconnecting People with Nature through Agriculture by
Latest Advances in Nanoplasmonics and Use of New Tools for Plasmonic Characterization by
Dictionary of Environmental Health by Spellman, Frank R.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (Nanoman2021) by
Introduction to Cybersemiotics: A Transdisciplinary Perspective by
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