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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 2022

Inclusive Cartography. Making Accessible Maps for Persons with Visual Impairment in Nigeria by Ulor, Chukwuemeka
Avances en antropología forense by Gómez-Valdés, Jorge Alfredo, Quinto Sánchez, Mirsha
Atomic Force Microscopy for Energy Research by
The Role of Surface Modification on Bacterial Adhesion of Bio-implant Materials: Machining, Characterization, and Applications by Hiremath, Somashekhar S., Kumar S., Santhosh
Advanced Chromatic Monitoring by
Multilingual Education Yearbook 2021: Policy and Practice in Stem Multilingual Contexts by
A Framework for Sustainability Thinking: A Student's Introduction to Global Sustainability Challenges by Van Antwerp, Jeremy, Heun, Matthew Kuperus
Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education by
Food Processing and Preservation Technology: Advances, Methods, and Applications by
Akademie-Verlag Gmbh, Berlin. Schlagwortregister, 1947-1966 by
Cavitation and Associated Phenomena by Biryukov, Dmitry, Yurin, Eugeny, Gerasimov, Denis
Gravity's Time by Unnikrishnan, C. S.
The Cannons of Bull: McGill/HARP Reach for the Sky by March, Raymond E., Mordell, Donald L.
Gestão pública, inovação e tecnologia aplicada by São Pedro Filho, Flávio de
Mass Spectrometry-Based Lipidomics: Methods and Protocols by
Mathematical Analysis and Computing: Icmac 2019, Kalavakkam, India, December 23-24 by
Octopuses, Squid & Cuttlefish: Seafood for Today and for the Future by Styrbæk, Klavs, Mouritsen, Ole G.
Characterization and Modelling of Composites by
Physics of Biological Oscillators: New Insights Into Non-Equilibrium and Non-Autonomous Systems by
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas: Stessa 2022 by
Complexity and Emergence: Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Italy, July 22-27, 2018 by
Combating Aeolian Desertification in Northeast Asia by
Uniaxial Pressure Study of Charge Density Waves in a High-T꜀ Cuprate Superconductor by Kim, Hun-Ho
Design for Tomorrow--Volume 3: Proceedings of Icord 2021 by
Big3mmd: History's Ambidextrous and the Benefits of Mirror Movement Development by Houliston, Jim
International Handbook of Research on Multicultural Science Education by
Science, Physiology, and Nutrition for the Nonscientist by Morrill, Judi Sakimoto
'Clean Sampling' for Trace Metals: The 360° Approach by Cantu, Ricardo D.
Grease by
Anticorrosive Nanomaterials: Future Perspectives by
Final Destiny by Rasheed, Hassan
Nutritional and Antioxidant Value of Horticulturae Products by
Breeding, Genetics and Genomics of Ornamental Plants by
Risk Mitigation, Vulnerability Management and Resilience under Disasters by
Omics Science for Rhizosphere Biology by
A Kabbalistic view on Science part2 by Bais, Mike
The Miracle of Man: The Fine Tuning of Nature for Human Existence by Denton, Michael
How Birds Live Together: Colonies and Communities in the Avian World by Taylor, Marianne
The Future of Science, Technology, and the Cosmos by Lombardo, Thomas
Handbuch Elektrofilter: Physik, Hochspannungsversorgung, Erdung Und Auslegung by Steiner, Dominik, Schmoch, Manfred
Expedition Ins Sternenmeer: Perspektiven, Chancen Und Risiken Einer Interstellaren Raumfahrt by
Systems Research II: Essays in Honor of Yasuhiko Takahara on Systems Management Theory and Practice by
China Seismic Experimental Site: Theoretical Framework and Ongoing Practice by
Cartilage Repair and Regeneration: Focus on Multi-Disciplinary Strategies by
On the concept of time and other accidents: simple scientific digressions for curious people by Gammaitoni, Luca
Stomata Regulation and Water Use Efficiency in Plants Under Saline Soil Conditions: Volume 103 by
Handbook of Scientific Tables by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Data-Driven Identification of Networks of Dynamic Systems by Verhaegen, Michel, Yu, Chengpu, Sinquin, Baptiste
Trends in Teaching Experimentation in the Life Sciences: Putting Research Into Practice to Drive Institutional Change by
Advanced Oxidation Processes in Dye-Containing Wastewater: Volume 1 by
Physical and Mathematical Modeling of Earth and Environment Processes: Proceedings of 7th International Conference, Moscow, 2021 by
Asset Integrity Management for Offshore and Onshore Structures by El-Reedy, Mohamed A.
Handbook of Scientific Tables by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Naturgeschichte des Menschen by Stratz, Carl Heinrich
Butter Tests of Registered Jersey Cows: Volume I: New Series by Anonymous
Cambios de Paradigma: Un manual para estudiantes, profesores, científicos y curiosos. by Herndon, J. Marvin
Building Blocks of Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications by Xiang, Tao
Irc-Set 2020: Proceedings of the 6th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, July 2020, Singapore by
Mitochondria-Targeted Drug Delivery by
You Take My Breath Away by Bob, Biker
The Structure of Scientific Inference by Hesse, Mary
Science in the Provinces: Scientific Communities and Provincial Leadership in France, 1860 - 1930 by Nye, Mary Jo
The Structure of Scientific Inference by Hesse, Mary
Science in the Provinces: Scientific Communities and Provincial Leadership in France, 1860 - 1930 by Nye, Mary Jo
Building Blocks of Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications by Xiang, Tao
Responsible Conduct of Research by Shamoo, Adil E., Resnik, David B.
Know How Science by Barua, Prasun
más allá de la inocencia by Carballo, Daniel
Decorrelative Mollifier Gravimetry: Basics, Ideas, Concepts, and Examples by Freeden, Willi
Emerging Materials: Design, Characterization and Applications by
Hazardous Waste Management: Volume 1 The Law of Toxics and Toxic Substances by
Civil and Environmental Engineering for the Sustainable Development Goals: Emerging Issues by
Science as Active Inquiry: A Teacher's Guide to the Development of Effective Science Teaching by Wassermann, Selma, Ivany, J. W. George
To Have and Have Not: Energy in World History by Black, Brian C.
Those Giants ... and Me by Al-Tamimi, Mohammad Tayseer
Distributed Coordination Theory for Robot Teams by Scardovi, Luca, Roza, Ashton, Maggiore, Manfredi
Advances in Food, Bioproducts and Natural Byproducts for a Sustainable Future: From Conventional to Innovative Processes by
Advances in Evaporation and Evaporative Demand by
Flow Analysis for Hydrocarbon Pipeline Engineering by Terenzi, Alessandro
ET, Are You Out There?: The question of intelligent life on other worlds by Verma, Surendra
Nelson Science 2nd Edition Student Book 4 by Russell
Nelson Science 2nd Edition Student Book 5 by Russell
Mid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers for Chaos Secure Communications by Spitz, Olivier
Core-Shell and Yolk-Shell Nanocatalysts by
Machine Learning in Tribology by
Watershed Water Environment and Hydrology under the Influence of Anthropogenic and Natural Processes by
Behavioral Impairment in Aquatic Organisms Exposed to Neurotoxic Pollutants by
The Qualitative Estimation of BCR-ABL Transcript: (An In-Lab Procedural Study on Leukemia Patients) by Goyal, Hitesh
God Science Ideology: examining the role of ideology in the religious-scientific dialogue by Hinman, Joseph
Autonomic Nervous System & Homeopathy: Personalized Nutrition Concept Depicted in Homeopathy & Ayurveda by Girase, Govindsing
Nelson Science 2nd Edition Student Book 2 by Russell
Nelson Science 2nd Edition Student Book 3 by Russell
Nelson Science 2nd Edition Student Book 6 by Russell
Handbook of Energy and Environmental Security by
Methods and Applications of Algorithmic Complexity: Beyond Statistical Lossless Compression by Gauvrit, Nicolas, Zenil, Hector, Toscano, Fernando Soler
Uv-Visible Spectrophotometry of Waters and Soils by
Our World-God's Visible Language: Visible Creation as Testimony to an Invisible Creator by Salloum, Jerry
Our World-God's Visible Language: Visible Creation as Testimony to an Invisible Creator by Salloum, Jerry
Histoire de la Pêche Fluviale by Chanoine-Davranches, Louis
Applied Philosophy for Health Professions Education: A Journey Towards Mutual Understanding by
Radiation: An Energy Carrier by Tanabe, Tetsuo
Meat Products: From Animal (Farm) to Meal (Fork) by
Altre Cause Di Infertilitá Nelle Donne.: trattamento di riproduzione umana assistita.(italiano) by Moraes, Simone
La géologie, la minéralogie et la paléontologie au musée d'histoire naturelle de la ville d'Angers by Desmazières, O.
Essai Philosophique Sur l'Établissement Des Écoles Gratuites de Dessein Pour Les Arts Méchaniques by Durosoy, Barnabé Farmian
Notice sur le radeau-sac et considérations générales sur les passages de cours d'eau by Habert, Jules-Victor-Raphaël
L'ornementation des reliures modernes by Michel, Jean
Résumé d'ornithologie ou d'histoire naturelle des oiseaux by Drapiez, Auguste
Les Curiosités de la Nature, Petites Études Sur La Terre, La Mer Et Les Astres: Extraits by Berquin, Arnaud
Notions générales de géologie by Hébert, Edmond
De la cartographie minière by Malherbe, Renier
Leçons populaires d'économie rurale by Garelli, Felice
Catalogue Raisonné Des Hieracium Des Alpes Maritimes: Etudes Sur Les Hieracium Observés Dans La Chaîne Des Alpes Maritimes Et CE Département by Gremli, August
Second mémoire sur l'amélioration des races de bestiaux by Rodieux, Jean-Louis
Géologie. Histoire Naturelle, 1ère Année by Fabre, Jean-Henri
Fragments de biologie cellulaire by Kunstler, Joseph
Matériaux pour l'étude des glaciers. Atlas by Dollfus-Ausset, Daniel
Faisans, tragopans, crossoptilons, lophophores. Manuel d'élevage by Dherse, A.
Études anatomiques et embryogéniques sur le pyrosoma giganteum by Joliet, Lucien
Rapports naturels et phylogénie des principales familles de coléoptères by Houlbert, Constant
Le Laverack setter by Dequin, Henri
Analecta historico-naturalia, notes sur diverses questions historiques et naturelles by Hamy, Ernest-Théodore
Enseignement classique agricole by Gossin, Louis
Essai de l'Entomologie Du Département Du Puy-De-Dôme. Monographie Des Carabiques by Baudet-LaFarge, Mathieu-Jean
Appel à la prévoyance du gouvernement, des capitalistes et des rentiers by de Marivault
De la fécondation artificielle des oeufs de poissons et de leur éclosion by Haxo, J.
Mémoire Sur Les Salines de la République: Nature Des Eaux Salées, État Actuel Des Salines, Améliorations Dont Ces Usines Sont Susceptibles by Nicolas, Pierre François
Contribution à l'étude des gîtes métallifères by Launay, Louis
Dissertation sur la météorologie et sur l'optique by Oriol, Urbain
Aide-Mémoire de géologie by Castelnau, Marcelin F.
Étude sur le projet de desséchement et d'irrigation de la vallée du Né inférieur by Garlandat, Justin
Le pigeon voyageur et les colombiers militaires by Gigot, F.
Premières notions sur les animaux, les plantes et l'industrie. 2e édition by Peltier-Bey
Les Fléaux de l'Agriculture, Causes de la Disette Des Viandes, Toujours Augmentant: Et de la Disette Des Blés, Après Une Seule Mauvaise Récolte, Et Mo by Ducellier, François-Jacques
Exposition du système des vents by Lartigue, Joseph
La mer et ses admirateurs by Orient, Joseph
Histoire Naturelle Des Papillons: Suivie de la Manière de s'En Emparer Et de Les Conserver En Collections by Constant, Otaire-F
Les engrais chimiques dans le Sud-Ouest by Petit, Théophile
Les richesses minérales: charbons, pierres et métaux. 2e édition by Demoulin, Mme Gustave
Sustainable Water Resource Development and Management by Hedayetullah, MD, Zaman, A.
Advances in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods: Concepts and Applications by
Luminescent Nanomaterials by
Tissue Engineering: Applications and Advancements by
Research Methods: A Practical Guide for Students and Researchers (Second Edition) by Tan, Willie
Foundations of Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Efremenko, Dmitry, Kokhanovsky, Alexander
Research in Chemistry Education by
Affinity Chromatography: Methods and Protocols by
Vygotsky and Science Education by Murphy, Colette
Financing Solutions to Reduce Natural Gas Flaring and Methane Emissions by Tordo, Silvana, Lorenzato, Gianni, Van Den Berg, Berend
Research Methods: A Practical Guide for Students and Researchers (Second Edition) by Tan, Willie
Le Grand Dictionnaire du goût: Histoires culinaires by Lavergne, François
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Ignition: We Have a Lift Off by Brewster, Robert
Exciton Dynamics in Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals: Recombination, Dephasing and Diffusion by Bohn, Bernhard Johann
Nanostructured Materials for Supercapacitors by
The Energy Predicament: Exploring The Realities Behind Modern and Future Energy Solutions for Climate Change by Cutright, Jeremiah
Confined Fluid Phase Behavior and CO2 Sequestration in Shale Reservoirs by Liu, Yueliang, Rui, Zhenhua
Cryogenic Valves for Liquefied Natural Gas Plants by Sotoodeh, Karan
Installation und Konfiguration eines "Smart Home" by Stern, Michael
Advances in Subsurface Data Analytics by
Problems in Physics: Taken chiefly from Dr. Fliedner's Aufgaben aus der Physik by Horsford, Eben N.
The Missing Core: Den Videnskabelige Bro fra det Fysiske til det Åndelige by Paia, I. Casio
Krisenvorsorge und Survival für Einsteiger: Das Buch für Prepper: Wie Sie sich gezielt auf den Ernstfall vorbereiten und jede Krise überleben - inkl. by Sandersfeld, Jonas
[Set Magnetic Nanocatalysis, Volume 1]2] by
The Experienced Midwife: Absolutely Necessary for Surgeons, Midwives, Nurses and Child-Bearing Women by Aristotle, Salmon, William
Foundations and Applications of Complexity Economics by Rosser Jr, J. Barkley
Phylogenomic, Biogeographic, and Evolutionary Research Trends in Arachnology by
Photonic Biosensors: Detection, Analysis and Medical Diagnostics by
Advances in Microbial Fermentation Processes by
In Silico Chemistry and Biology: Current and Future Prospects by
Synthetic Applications by
Dual-Phase Depolarization Analysis: Interactive Coupling in the Amorphous State of Polymers by Ibar, Jean Pierre
Principia Mathematica by Newton, Isaac
Atmospheric Chemistry: A Critical Voyage Through the History by Möller, Detlev
Power of Position: Classification and the Biodiversity Sciences by Montoya, Robert D.
Rebuilding the Natural Environment, Grade 10: Stem Road Map for High School by
Formation of the Earth, Grade 9: STEM Road Map for High School by
Carbon Nanomaterial Electronics: Devices and Applications by
Critical Ethology and Post-Anthropocentric Ethics: Beyond the Separation Between Humanities and Life Sciences by Marchesini, Roberto, Celentano, Marco
Research Methodology: Techniques and Trends by Kothari, D. P., Dubey, Umesh Kumar B.
Life in Space: NASA Life Sciences Research During the Late Twentieth Century by Mackowski, Maura Phillips
Nelson Science 2nd Edition Workbook Starter Level a by Russell
Nelson Science 2nd Edition Workbook Starter Level B by Russell
Nelson Science 2nd Edition Workbook Starter Level C by Russell
Bioenergy and Environmental Biotechnology for Sustainable Development by
Advances of Artificial Intelligence in a Green Energy Environment by
Fundamentals of Crystallography, Powder X-Ray Diffraction, and Transmission Electron Microscopy for Materials Scientists by Zhili, Dong
Rebuilding the Natural Environment, Grade 10: Stem Road Map for High School by
Formation of the Earth, Grade 9: Stem Road Map for High School by
Star Mentor: Hands-On Projects and Lessons in Observational Astronomy for Beginners by Barth, Daniel E.
Disaster by Choice: How Our Actions Turn Natural Hazards Into Catastrophes by Kelman, Ilan
Die Hohle Erde: Leben wir im Innern einer Kugel? by Ives, F. T.
El pollito que un día perdió la Luna by Domínguez-López, Jorge Axel, Domínguez-Durán, Octavio A., Domínguez-Durán, Marielena E.
Elektromobilität - Ein Ratgeber Für Entscheider, Errichter, Betreiber Und Nutzer: Facetten Zu Ladeinfrastruktur, Subventionsregeln, Kosten Und Handlin by Schulze, Olaf
Nanomaterials for Innovative Energy Systems and Devices by
Nanomaterials for Advanced Technologies by
Women in Stem in Higher Education: Good Practices of Attraction, Access and Retainment in Higher Education by
Women in Stem in Higher Education: Good Practices of Attraction, Access and Retainment in Higher Education by
Circadian Regulation: Methods and Protocols by
Chemometric Methods in Analytical Spectroscopy Technology by Yun, Yong-Huan, Chu, Xiaoli, Huang, Yue
Citizen Science and Geospatial Capacity Building by
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