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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 2022

Trends in Ornamental Plant Production by
Thinking and Calculating: Essays in Logic, Its History and Its Philosophical Applications in Honour of Massimo Mugnai by
REPOWER High School STEM: 21st-Century STEM Education Problems Cannot Be Solved With a 19th-Century Academic Structure by Chapman, Kenneth M.
The Science of Aliens: The Real Science Behind the Gods and Monsters from Space and Time by Brake, Mark
Consul: Up and Running: Service Mesh for Any Runtime or Cloud by Kysow, Luke
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by
Extreme Habitable Environments: A Bridge between Astrophysics and Astrobiology by Jagadeesh, Madhu Kashyap, Shekhar, Usha
Cyber-Physical Systems in the Construction Sector by
Liquid and Crystal Nanomaterials for Water Pollutants Remediation by
Renewable Energy: A First Course by Ehrlich, Robert, Geller, Harold A., Cressman, John R.
High-Performance Medical Image Processing by
Bioethanol: Biochemistry and Biotechnological Advances by
Energy Storage Architecture by Hoff, C. Michael
Occupational Health and Safety in the Healthcare Sector by
Beyond Li-ion Batteries for Grid-Scale Energy Storage by Wang, Lei, Marschilok, Amy C., Wheeler, Garrett P.
Blood by
The Simple Science of Singing: The (not so) Simple Science of Singing by Goldsack, Christopher
Die Astronomie nach Newtons Grundsätzen erklärt by Ferguson, James, Kirchhof, Nikolaus Anton Johann
Environmental And Social Policy by Kabeet, Bilalish
Collective Behavior in Complex Networked Systems Under Imperfect Communication by Ho, Daniel W. C., Lu, Jianquan, Li, Lulu
A Dictionary of the Roots and Combining Forms of Scientific Words by Williams, Tim
Advancements in Biomonitoring and Remediation Treatments of Pollutants in Aquatic Environments by
Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde - für praktische Ärtze und Studierende: I. Band by Politzer, Adam
The Flying Saucers Are Real by Keyhoe, Donald
Anatomie menschlicher Embryonen: Teil 1 - 3 by His, Wilhelm
Science Experiments for Kids: Fun STEM/STEAM Projects and the Reasons They Work! by Owens, Delia
Harper's Electricity Book for Boys by H. Adams, Joseph
Empowering Communities, Beyond Energy Scarcity BIWAES 2021 Biennial International Workshop Advances in Energy Studies by
The Story of Yellowstone: An Illustrated Natural History from the Big Bang to the Big Burn and Beyond by O'Connell, Mike
Knowledge Is Power in Four Dimensions: Models to Forecast Future Paradigm: With Artificial Intelligence Integration in Energy and Other Use Cases by Rahmani, Farhang Mossavar, Zohuri, Bahman, Behgounia, Farahnaz
Advances in Bioenergy: Volume 7 by
Forensic Microscopy: Truth Under the Lenses by
Forensic Microscopy: Truth Under the Lenses by
Monographie der Foraminiferen-Fauna der schweizerischen Transversarius-Zone by Haeusler, Rudolf
Working Across Lines: Resisting Extreme Energy Extraction by Grosse, Corrie
Working Across Lines: Resisting Extreme Energy Extraction by Grosse, Corrie
Full Spectrum: How the Science of Color Made Us Modern by Rogers, Adam
Lehrbuch der Gehirnkrankheiten für Ärzte und Studierende: Band 1 und 2 by Wernicke, Carl
The Human Body Coloring Book: From Cells to Systems and Beyond by Coloring Concepts Inc
Isopoden, Cumaceen u. Stomatopoden der Plankton-Expedition by Hansen, Hans Jacob
Cultural Heritage Microbiology: Recent Developments by
Bird Gods by de Kay, Charles
Plant Comparative Genomics by
Sweet Einstein by Bento, Valdir
Environmental and Economic Evaluations of Building Energy Retrofits by
The Treasury of Botany: A popular dictionary of the vegetable kingdom - Part II by Lindley, John
Biology Workbook for Dummies by Kratz, Rene Fester
Sir - Model Supported by a New Density: Action Document for an Adapted Covid - Management by Hellwig, Marcus
Science Meets Art by Helyer, Nigel, Potts, John
Energy Storage Applications in Transmission and Distribution Grids by Othman, Hisham
Das große Klimarätsel: Woher kommt das viele CO2? by Roth, Eike
How Trade with China Threatens Western Institutions: The Economic Roots of a Political Crisis by Gmeiner, Robert
The Scientific Method by Green, Kesten C., Armstrong, J. Scott
Covid-19 and Sars-Cov-2: The Science and Clinical Application of Conventional and Complementary Treatments by
Geomathematics: Modelling and Solving Mathematical Problems in Geodesy and Geophysics by Michel, Volker
Being Matt Murdock: One Fan's Journey Into the Science of Daredevil by Hanefalk, Christine
The Effects of Climate and Geology on Hominins in the Pleistocene by West, Christine
Perspectives on Public Policy in Societal-Environmental Crises: What the Future Needs from History by
Integrating Data Science and Earth Science: Challenges and Solutions by
Electrospun Nanofibers: Principles, Technology and Novel Applications by
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability: Volume 6 by
Theory of Science: Attempt at a Detailed and in the Main Novel Exposition of Logic with Constant Attention to Earlier Authors by Bolzano, Bernard
Perspectives on Public Policy in Societal-Environmental Crises: What the Future Needs from History by
Dynamical Properties in Nanostructured and Low-Dimensional Materials (Second Edition) by Cottam, Michael G.
Earthly Order: How Natural Laws Define Human Life by Ali, Saleem H.
Theory of Science: Attempt at a Detailed and in the Main Novel Exposition of Logic with Constant Attention to Earlier Authors by Bolzano, Bernard
Structure Determination By Spectroscopic Methods: A Practical Approach by Herrero, Maria Teresa, Sanmartin, Raul
Modern Science: The Trojan Horse of Occultism by Garrett, Gregory Lessing
Earth is in change by Wahdat, Stoyna
Optical Properties and Applications of Semiconductors by
Nanogenerators: Basic Concepts, Design Strategies, and Applications by
First steps in Arithmetic by Pierce, Ella M.
Det simple liv er den grønne vej frem by Rasmussen, Charlotte
Handbook of the British Novel in the Long Eighteenth Century by
Graded lessons in arithmetic: Grade II by Nichols, Wilbur F.
The Science of Numbers and their Practical Application: For teachers and private learners by Dawkins, Merritt L.
The 2nd International Conference of International Researchers of the Education for Environmental Citizenship 2022 by
The Form of Truth: Hegel's Philosophical Logic by Ficara, Elena
The Natural History of the Sign: Peirce, Vygotsky and the Hegelian Model of Concept Formation by Barnham, Chris
Aerosols: Science and Engineering by
Multimodal Treatment Approach - Fibromyalgia by Mohit Rana
Being Jewish in 21st Century Central Europe by
2D Materials: And Their Exotic Properties by Bondavalli, Paolo
Was Macht Die Digitalisierung Mit Den Hochschulen?: Einwürfe Und Provokationen by
An Elementary Arithmetic by Quackenbos, G. P.
Organic Chemistry: Fundamentals and Concepts by McIntosh, John M.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation in Metal Industries: With Selected Cases of Investment Grade Audit by Saxena, Jitendra, Choudhury, Binoy Krishna, Dutta, Swapan Kumar
Electric Power Systems Resiliency: Modelling, Opportunity and Challenges by
Reference Materials in Measurement and Technology: Proceedings of the Fourth International Scientific Conference by
The North-West Passage by Land by Milton, Viscount
Energy Production and Management in the 21st Century V by
Mapping Scientific Method: Disciplinary Narrations by
The Brain: Everything You Need to Know by New Scientist
Echoes Magazine Vol.3 Series 2: Voice by Landey, Jane
Nanotechnology Revolution by Srinivasa, Chakrapani
The NASA Mars 2020 Mission: Seeking Signs of Ancient Life and Preparing for Sample Return by
Nanomaterials for Ion Battery Applications by
Covid 19 "szczepionka, niebezpieczeństwo dla duszy?: Chrześcijańska perspektywa (Large Print Edition) by Eden, Orsolya
How to Time Travel: A Collection of Timely Short Stories (Fun Facts & Theories on How to Travel Through Time) by Kerr, Brandy
Bayerische Flora: Zweiter Band by Schrank, Franz Von Paula
Science Education Research and Practice from Japan by
Mardukite Systemology: Mardukite Master Course Academy Lectures (Volume Four) by Free, Joshua
Icones Ornithopterorum by Bayer, Frederick M., Rippon, Robert Henry Fernando
Physics of Nonlinear Optics by Murti, Y. V. G. S., Vijayan, C.
Grounds of Natural Philosophy: Divided into Thirteen Parts; The Second Edition, much altered from the First, which went under the Name of Philosophic by Cavendish, Margaret
It's Time for a Cure: Your Guide to the Best Health and the Longest Life Possible by Knight, Roy
The Consciousness of the Universe by Suhail Ahmad Paray
Progress in Nanophotonics 6 by
Spatial Genome Organization: Methods and Protocols by
Astronomy: The Complete Beginners Guide to Discover Stars and Astronomy (A Very Short Introduction to Astronomy) by Carlisle, Nicole
Aviso para navegantes I: La ciencia, el mundo y España by Rodríguez Illamola, Arnau
Quantitative Psychology: The 85th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Virtual by
The Laws of Heredity: Showing the laws of descent of appetites, passions, traits, characteristics, physical deficiencies, deformities, etc by Williamson, George
Essential Statistics for Bioscientists by Meah, Mohammed
Science For Enjoyment: A Whistle-Stop Q-and-A Tour for Everyone by Selvaraj, Bellarmin N.
The Genetic Changes Induced by Engineered Manufactured Nanomaterials (EMNs) by
Elements of Quaternions: Volume II. Second Edition by Hamilton, William
Sustainable Energy Systems on Ships: Novel Technologies for Low Carbon Shipping by
Functionalized Two-Dimensional Black Phosphorus and Polymer Nanocomposites as Flame Retardant: Preparation and Properties by Qiu, Shuilai
Advances in Fuzzy Integral and Differential Equations by
Integration of Engineering Education and the Humanities: Global Intercultural Perspectives: Proceedings of the Conference Integration of Engineering E by
Science Education: Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge by Shaikh, Rafikh, Padalkar, Shamin, Ramchand, Mythili
Science Education: Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge by Shaikh, Rafikh, Padalkar, Shamin, Ramchand, Mythili
The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences by
The Arsenal of Eighteenth-Century Chemistry: The Laboratories of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) by Beretta, Marco, Brenni, Paolo
Advanced Nanomaterials and Their Applications in Renewable Energy by
Schriften des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schleswig-Holstein by Preschers, Heinrich
Hybrid Systems for Marine Energy Harvesting by
System einer vollständigen medizinischen Polizei by Frank, Johann Peter
Modelling and Optimization of Wave Energy Converters by
Proliferation of Weapons- And Dual-Use Technologies: Diplomatic, Information, Military, and Economic Approaches by
Science and Hypothesis: The Complete Text by Poincaré, Henri
The Global Energy Transition: Law, Policy and Economics for Energy in the 21st Century by
A Text Book of Chemistry by Cooley, Leroy C.
Making Sense of Human Life: Murray Bowen's Determined Effort Toward Family Systems Theory by Rakow, Catherine M.
Modeling and Simulation in Thermal and Fluids Engineering by Murugesan, Krishnan
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy by
Making Sense of Human Life: Murray Bowen's Determined Effort Toward Family Systems Theory by Rakow, Catherine M.
Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research by Mazzei, Lisa A., Jackson, Alecia Y.
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency by Tesla, Nikola
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency by Tesla, Nikola
Algae and Aquatic Macrophytes in Cities: Bioremediation, Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts by
Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research by Mazzei, Lisa A., Jackson, Alecia Y.
The History and Future of Technology: Can Technology Save Humanity from Extinction? by Ayres, Robert U.
Advances in Steam Turbines for Modern Power Plants by
Fundamentals of Low Emission Flameless Combustion and Its Applications by
Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicle Technologies for Improved Environmental Performance: Towards Zero Carbon Transportation by
Instruction pour le jardin potager. 2e edition by Aristote
Minéraux, animaux, végétaux by Bouant, Émile
Cours complet de mathématiques spéciales. Tome 4 by Haag, Jules
Cours complet de mathématiques spéciales. Tome 4 by Haag, Jules
Parafoudres et limiteurs de tension by Lecoultre, Élie
Sciences naturelles by Faideau, Ferdinand
Les sciences et la méthode reconstructives by Dellepiane, Antonio
La Montagne tremblante, par Jacques Porchat by Porchat, Jacques
Mémoires sur quelques sujets d'agriculture by Cornaz, A.
Plantes et bêtes, causeries familières sur l'histoire naturelle. À travers champs by Pizzetta, Jules
Le vol sauté ou Théorie du vol sauté by Alix, Edmond
Bibliothèque rurale, instituée par le Gouvernement by LeJeune, P.
Méthode de plain-chant parisien by Lucan, Math
Contribution à l'étude géologique de la Dobrogea, Roumanie. Terrains secondaires by Anastasiu, Victor
Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB by Solka, Jeffrey, Martinez, Wendy L., Martinez, Angel R.
Health Informatics: Practical Guide, 8th Edition by
Mixed Mode Oscillations (Mmos): Fundamentals and Applications by Trzaska, Zdzislaw
New Perspectives on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity by
Die Stimme Des Bodens: Alles Über Unseren Sonst So Stillen Nachbarn by Medwedski, Sonja
Smart and Power Grid Systems - Design Challenges and Paradigms by
What's In Your Plane by Krajewski, Paul E., Topper, Matthew N.
Soy el que soy: Una guia hacia el sol para el viajero pensante by Rodriguez, Francisco
The Floods Of Kentucky: Discerning The Precedents by Davis, Harry
High-Quality Outdoor Learning: Evidence-Based Education Outside the Classroom for Children, Teachers and Society by
High-Quality Outdoor Learning: Evidence-Based Education Outside the Classroom for Children, Teachers and Society by
Transition in Energy Sector: Scope, Challenges and Future Opportunities by
Practical Applications of Physical Chemistry in Food Science and Technology by
Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries: Trends and Progress in Electric Vehicles by
Textbook of Allergy for the Clinician by
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods, Volume 5 by
Teacher Education to Enhance Diversity in STEM: Applying a Critical Postmodern Science Pedagogy by Wiggan, Greg A., Watson-VanDiver, Marcia J., Ash, A. Anthony, II
Encyclopedia of Oxidizers by Schmidt, Eckart W.
Electroinduced Drift of Neutral Charge Clusters in Salt Solutions by Shamanin, I. V., Hunda, Li, Kazaryan, M. A.
Energy Independence: The Individual Pursuit of Energy Freedom by Hathaway, Tripp, Hathaway II, Alden M.
Energy Independence: The Individual Pursuit of Energy Freedom by Hathaway, Tripp, Hathaway II, Alden M.
Irc-Set 2021: Proceedings of the 7th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, August 2021, Singapore by
Science Fiction and Climate Change: A Sociological Approach by Milner, Andrew, Burgmann, J. R.
Sodium-Ion Batteries: Advanced Technology and Applications by Wu, Feng, Huang, Yongxin, Xie, Man
Word Order Variation: Semitic, Turkic and Indo-European Languages in Contact by
Mathematical Explorations: An Album of Research Reports by Warren, James R.
Life After 50 by Güner, Osman Fatİh
Organic and Hybrid Solar Cells by Schmidt-Mende, Lukas, Kraner, Stefan, Fakharuddin, Azhar
Mechanochemical Synthesis of Composite Materials by Ketegenov, Tlek A., Mansurov, Zulkhair A., Mofa, Nina N.
The Science of Strong Women: The True Stories Behind Your Favorite Fictional Feminists by Lee, Rhiannon
Pressure and Temperature Sensitive Paints by Sullivan, John P., Asai, Keisuke, Liu, Tianshu
Data Science for Nano Image Analysis by Park, Chiwoo, Ding, Yu
Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2020: Application of Nonlinear Dynamics from Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Innovative Approaches to Socioscientific Issues and Sustainability Education: Linking Research to Practice by
High-Order Harmonics Generation in Plasmas: Resonance Processes, Quasi-Phase-Matching, and Nanostructures by Ganeev, Rashid a.
Applications of Microscopy in Materials and Life Sciences: Proceedings of 12th Asia-Pacific Microscopy Conference by
Planet A: A Practitioner's Approach to Sustainable Development by Nasr, George J.
Planet A: A Practitioner's Approach to Sustainable Development by Nasr, George J.
Natural Scientists by Choudhary, Abdur Rahim
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