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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1970

Social Fragmentation and Political Hostility: An Austrian Case Study by Powell, G. Bingham, Jr.
Filtering The News by Klaehn, Jeffery
Hey, White Girl! by Gregory, Susan
The Philosophy of the Social Sciences by Ryan, Alan
Bureaucracy by Albrow, Martin
Empirische Sozialforschung by Phillips, Bernard S., Bodzenta, Erich
Sexuality and Class Struggle by Reiche, Reimut
Die Funktionen Des Staatsoberhauptes in Der Parlamentarischen Demokratie by Kaltefleiter, Werner
Politik ALS Prozeß Der Gemeinschaftsbildung: Eine Empirische Theorie by Friedrich, Carl J.
Zu Einer Theorie Der Politischen Identität by Bußhoff, Heinrich
Die Effektivität Und Die Stellung Nichtanerkannter Staaten Im Völkerrecht by Balekjian, W. H.
Instinkt Psyche Geltung: Zur Legitimation Menschlichen Verhaltens. Eine Soziologische Anthropologie by Claessens, Dieter
Theorie Der Funktionen Mehrerer Komplexer Veränderlichen by Behnke, Heinrich
Entscheidungshilfen Für Die Regierung: Modelle, Instrumente, Probleme by Böhret, Carl
Betriebliche Mitbestimmung: Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Projektionsmodelle by Fäßler, Klaus
Soziologie Der Amerikanischen Gemeinde: Zur Theoretischen Begründung Praktischer Gemeindearbeit by Warren, Roland Leslie
Freiheit Und Geplante Demokratie by Mannheim, Karl
Politikbegriffe Der Modernen Soziologie: Eine Kritik Der Systemtheorie Und Konflikttheorie -- Begründet Aus Ihren Implikationen Für Die Gesellschaftli by Messelken, Karlheinz
Die Stellung Der Parlamentsminderheiten in England, Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Und Italien by Woolmann, Hellmut
La psychologie sociale by Besnard, Philippe, Jodelet, Denise, Viet, Jean
Families in East and West: Socialization Process and Kinship Ties by Hill, Reuben, König, René
Médecine, maladie et société by Herzlich, Claudine
Four Generations: Population, Land, and Family in Colonial Andover, Massachusetts by Greven, Philip
Time and Social Structure and Other Essays by Fortes, Meyere
Report on the Iban: Volume 41 by Freedman, Derek
Lumpenbourgeoisie: Lumpendevelopment by Frank, Andre Gunder
Mensch, Menschen, Typen: Entwicklung Und Stand Der Typenforschung; Ergebnisse Einer Gemeinschaftsarbeit Aus Dem Humanbiologischen Seminar Der H by Albonico, Rolf, Loparo, Kenneth A.
Der Selbständige Und Unselbständige Mittelstand in Einer Westdeutschen Kleinstadt by Grümer, Karl-Wilhelm
Neudeutschland, German Catholic Students 1919-1939 by Warloski, Ronald
Bibliographie Eugen Fink by Herrmann, Friedrich Wilhelm
Von Monarchischen Konstitutionalismus Zur Parlamentarischen Demokratie: Die Verfassungspolitik der Deutschen Parteien Im Letzten Jahrzehnt des Kaiserr by Grosser, Dieter
Soziologie Der Familie by Lüschen, Günther, Lupri, Eugen
Parteielite Im Wandel: Funktionsaufbau, Sozialstruktur Und Ideologie Der Sed-Führung Eine Empirisch-Systematische Untersuchung by Ludz, Peter Christian
Das Berufsgeheimnis in Den Freien Berufen: Untersuchungen Z. Soziologie U. Geschichte D. Berufe D. Arztes, Rechtsanwalts U. Strafverteidigers by Wiebel, Bernhard
Partizipation: Aspekte Politischer Kultur by Boss-Stenner, Helga, Pufendorf, Ulrich Von, Schade, K. Friedrich
Systems Management by Hollomon, J. H.
Western Window in the Arab World by Blair, Leon Borden
Prejudice, War, and the Constitution: Causes and Consequences of the Evacuation of the Japanese Americans in World War II by Tenbroek, Jacobus, Barnhart, Edward N., Matson, Floyd W.
On the Current Situation in the Ukraine by Mazlakh, Serhii, Shakhrai, Vasyl, Potichnyj, Peter
The Patterns of Mass Movements in Arab Revolutionary-Progressive States by Koury, Enver M.
Blacks in Antiquity: Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman Experience by Snowden, Frank M.
The Arapahoes, Our People, Volume 105 by Trenholm, Virginia Cole
The Crazy Ape by Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert
W.E.B. Du Bois Speaks, 1920-1963: Speeches and Addresses by Du Bois, W. E. B.
The Crazy Ape by Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert
A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural by Berger, Peter L.
1969 by
Pullman: An Experiment in Industrial Order and Community Planning, 1880-1930 by Buder, Stanley
Essays in Comparative Social Stratification by
Guide to Kulchur by Pound, Ezra
American Bureaucracy by Bennis, Warren G.
Bibliography 1935-69: General Organic Crystal Structures by
Complexes and Organometallic Structures by
The Return Movement of Jews to Austria After the Second World War: With Special Consideration of the Return from Israël by Wilder-Okladek, F.
Energy and Society: The Relation between Energy, Social Change, and Economic Development by Cottrell, Annice
Culture and Human Fertility: A Study of the Relation of Cultural Conditions to Fertility in Non-Industrial and Transitional Societies by Lorimer, Frank
Guam and Its People by Thompson, Laura
A Description of British Guiana: Geographical and Statistical, Exhibiting Its Resources and Capabilities, Together with the Present and Future Condi by Schomburgk, Robert H.
Hausa Superstitions and Customs: An Introduction to the Folk-Lore and the Folk by Tremearne, Major A. J. N.
On Actors and the Art of Acting by Unknown, Lewes, George H., Lewes, George Henry
On Violence by Arendt, Hannah
Men in Dark Times by Arendt, Hannah
Men in Dark Times by Arendt, Hannah
The Recovery of Confidence by Gardner, John W.
Cultures of the Pacific: Selected Readings by Harding, Thomas G.
Certain Language Skills in Children: Their Development and Interrelationships by Templin, Mildred C., Unknown
Evolution and Society by Burrow, J. W.
Grundfragen Der Soziologie: (Individuum Und Gesellschaft) by Simmel, Georg
Size of Industrial Organisation and Worker Behaviour by Ingham, Geoffrey K., Ingham
Men in Mid-Career: A Study of British Managers and Technical Specialists by Sofer, Cyril, Sofer
New Perspectives on Organization Theory: An Empirical Reconsideration of the Marxian and Classical Analyses by Martindale, Edith, Zwerman, William
A Strategy of Decision: Policy Evaluation as a Social Process by Braybrooke, David
Family and Kinship in Chinese Society by
Phenomenology and Social Reality: Essays in Memory of Alfred Schutz by
Nigeria: Dilemma of Nationhood; An African Analysis of the Biafran Conflict by Okpaku, Joseph
Petronius the Artist: Essays on the Satyricon and Its Author by Rankin, H. D.
Studies in Soviet Thought by
The Kuomintang-Communist Struggle in China 1922-1949 by Chung-Gi Kwai
Die Effektivität Und Die Stellung Nichtanerkannter Staaten Im Völkerrecht by Balekjian, W. H.
Bibliographies of the Iuc: Part VI: Diffusion Des Rayons X Aux Petits Angles by Renouprez, A. J.
"Vpered!" 1873-1877: From the Archives of Valerian Nikolaevich Smirnov by
The Structure of Social Inconsistencies: A Contribution to a Unified Theory of Play, Game, and Social Action by Grathoff, R.
Germans from the East: A Study of Their Migration, Resettlement and Subsequent Group History, Since 1945 by Schoenberg, H. W.
Simon Stevin: Science in the Netherlands Around 1600 by Dijksterhuis, E. J.
Guyana: Race and Politics Among Africans and East Indians by Glasgow, R. a.
The Passionate Liberal: The Political and Legal Ideas of Jerome Frank: The Political and Legal Ideas of Jerome N. Frank by Volkomer, W. E.
Entstehung und Wandel der modernen Gesellschaft by
The Social Order of the Slum: Ethnicity and Territory in the Inner City by Suttles, Gerald D.
Dance: a Short History of Classic Theatrical Dancing by Kirstein, Lincoln
American Piety: The Nature of Religious Commitment by Glock, Charles Y., Stark, Rodney
Archives de Jules Humbert-Droz, Volume I: Vol I: Origines Et Débuts Des Partis Communistes Des Pays Latins 1919-1923 by
The Theater Dictionary: British and American Terms in the Drama, Opera, and Ballet by Granville, Wilfred
The Political Economy of the Black Ghetto by Tabb, William K.
Social Determinants of Moral Ideas by Ossowska, Maria
The Image Empire: A History of Broadcasting in the United States, Volume III--From 1953 by Barnouw, Erik
Regional Economics: A Reader by Richardson, Harry W.
Singapore Population in Transition by Swee-Hock, Saw
Community: A Sociological Study, Being an Attempt to Set Out Native & Fundamental Laws by Maciver, Robert M.
Permafrost in Canada: Its Influence on Northern Development by Brown, Roger
Social Science and Modern Man: Alan B. Plaunt Memorial Lectures 1969 by Gordon, Scott
A Jamaican Plantation: The History of Worthy Park 1670-1970 by Walvin, James, Craton, Michael
Indien. Bilanz und Perspektive by
Literatursoziologie Und Epische Struktur Der Deutschen "Spielmanns"- Und Heldendichtung by Bräuer, Rolf